Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CHINA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . —Royal York Lodge ( No . 394 ) . —Tbe installation of Bro . William Chalten as W . M . of this flourishing lodge took place at the Old Ship Hotel , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Marchant ; after which , a short but beautiful nuthein was sung by Bros . Marriott , Dyson ( Chapel Eoyal , Windsor ) , ancl Whitehouse ( Chapel Eoyal ,
London ) . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge Avas opened in the second degree , when Bro , Challen Avas presented by Bro . Freeman , P . M ., ancl Prov . G . W . for Sussex . Bro . Curtis , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . Sussex , was the installing Master , who , in a most effective manner , performed tbe duties of his office . A novel but A'ery effective chant was sung by the professional brethren during the progress of the salutations of the brethren , which was greatly admired . At the
close of the lodge , Avhich ceremony was done in first-rate style , a beautiful parting hymn , " Brothers ere to night we part , " was Avell given , forming a climax to a most pleasant meeting , rendered more so by the introduction of appropriate vocal music , accompanied on the harmonium by Bro . Tolley , to which the Brighton brethren are very partial , this being the third time they bave bad tbe ceremonies worked with the aid of music by the Windsor professional brethren . We must not omit to
mention a most agreeable part of the proceedings , viz ., the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Curtis , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . for bis able and zealous performance of the duties of P . M . to the lodge , & c . Bro . Curtis was addressed in a most feeling manner by the W . M ., thanking him ( Bro . Curtis ) , in the name of himself ancl the brethren of the lodge , for Ids kindness in having performed the duties of the lodge during the absence ( through illness ) of the W . M . —Bro . Curtis replied in appropriate terms .
, A jewel Avas also presented to the Treasurer from the lodge by tbe AV . M ., which was most graciously received by the Taeasurer . The brethren partook of a most sumptuous banquet provided by the worthy host . Thus ended one of the most pleasant evenings in tbe memory of this , one of tlie most ancient lodges of our Order . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Dyson .
SHANGHAI . NORTHERN LODGE . —On Saturday , December 27 th , the annual festival of St . John was held by the Freemasons iu Shanghai , who have established the above-mentioned lodge Not being a brother of the Mystic Craft , we bave not tbe privilege of describing the ceremony which attended the installation of the officers for the ensuing year . At the same time we record with the greatest satisfaction , the hospitality of the lodge , and their
reunion with the outer world on the occasion . Shanghai , at the best of times , is a dull place to celebrate festivities , unless they be of a domestic character , so the announcement of a public ball by tbe Freemasons was looked upon by the beauty ancl fashion of tbe settlement as an occasion of importance . This took place at the Yew-lee-hong , on Monday night , the 29 th , ancl was the most successful affair of the kind that we have witnessed in China . The rooms were decorated in the most appropriate
manner—the ball-room by our military friends , and the supperroom by our naval visitors ; while the supper was of the choicest description . It Avould not be proper to specify the names of the worthy brother Masons who gave their time ancl means , to make their visitors welcome on the occasion ; but we cannot omit alluding to the host of the hong , ancl the newly elected W . M ., who spread the " Feast of reason and the flow of soul" to make * their guests welcome . The small hours on
, Tuesday morning not only witnessed the fact of the general happiness which prevailed , but a late breakfast on the same day , attended by select friends , sbowed that tbe hospitality and good fellowship of the Northern Lodge of China , ( No . 832 ) , was appreciated . The following is the list of officers for 1863 : —• Bros . Underwood , W . M . ; Jackson , S . W . ; Nutt , J . W . ; Parker , S . D . ; Hardy , J . D . ; Markham , I . G . ; Birdseye , Treas . ; Gordon , Sec . ; Loler , Tyler . —Shanghai Daily Neios .
Royal Arch.
AYR . —The companions of the Ayr Eoyal Arch Chapter , No . 18 , met in tbe Tam o'Shantev Hall , on the 19 th instant , according to instructions of the Supreme Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter of Scotland , and proceeded to the election of office-bearers in room
Royal Arch.
of those of tbe chapter who have Avitbdrawn their allegiance from Supreme Chapter , and joined an irregular and unrecognised body recently formed in Glasgow for the avowed purpose of practising Eoyal Arch Masonry . Comp . D . Murray Lyon , of the Ayr Kilwinning Chapter , No . 80 , presided , and , in the terms of the dispensation granted to him by Comp . Sir John Douglas , K . C . B ., Depute Grand Principal for Scotland , installed the newly elected Principals into their respective chairs—in which
duty he was kindly assisted by Comp . George Good , H . of Chapter No . SO . The following is the result of the election : —Andrew Glass , Z . ; James Jones , H . ; David Brown , J , ; Donald M'Donald , Scribe E . ; Andrew Tait , N . ; John Boyd , Treas . ; William Livingston , 1 st Soj . ; Thomas Jones , 2 nd Soj . ; William Dick , 3 rd Soj . Comp . Patrick Cowan , Edinburgh , was reappointed Proxy First Principal .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NO RTHUMBEELAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Chapter of Rose Croix . — Friday , February 27 th , being the regular meeting , the chapter was opened , at Freemasons' Hall , by the M . W . Sov ., C . J . Banister , 30 ° , assisted by A . Gillespie , 1 st General ; H . G . Ludwig , 2 nd General ; H . Hotham , P . M . W . Sov ., as Prelate , and the rest of the Sovereign Princes . The minutes of last meetinwere read and confirmed . Bro . Gillespie 1 st General
g , , and M . W . S . elect , was then presented by the Grand Marshal to the M . W . S ., Bro . C . J . Banister , 30 ° , who installed him into the office of M . AV . S . of this ancient chapter in bis usual earnest and impressive manner . The M . W . S . then appointed the following as his officers : —Bros . Punchon , Prelate ; H . G . Lndwig } 1 st General ; J . Shotfcen , 2 ud General ; X Hoyle , Raphael ,-H . A . Hammerbom , G . Marshal ; Eoclenburgh , Eeg . ; Hotham ,
Capt . of Guard ; Trotton , Guard Avithout . The chapter was closed in solemn form . The banquet was served up iu the hall , and was all that could be wished , the M . AV . S ., Bro , C . Gillespie , presiding , H . Hotham , P . M . W . S ., ' on his right , ancl C . J . Banister , 30 " , P . M . W . S ., on his left . After grace the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , also the healths of the M . W . S . the P . M . W . Sov's , the present and past officers of the chapter ; and after spending a happy evening the
princes retired . Notes of apology were received from several princes who were unable to be present . HAMPSHIRE . PORTSMOUTH . —Royal Naval Chapter . —The annual meeting for the election of officers , was held on Monday , February 18 th . The M . AV . S . 111 . Bro . Eaukin Stebbing in tbe chair , which he
has filled during the last two years . Three candidates were admitted to tbe illustrious degree , and the M . W . S . proposed , ancl P . M . W ; Bradley seconded 111 . Bro . Alfred Heather , as his , Bro . Stebbirig's , successor , and Bro . Bradley was proposed for re-election as Treasurer . The ceremonies were performed with great accuracy by the 111 . Bros . Stebbing , Bradley , P ., and Hollingsworth , R , 111 . Bro . Bell presided with great ability over the musical services .
RENOVATING FLOWER-REDS . —If tbe exhausted beds have a good bottom , we advise removing the top spit , ancl replacing it with a mixture of virgin earth from ami upland mixture , well chopped up with chippy cow-dung , and a good proportion of lenfniould ; say , if you can obtain the quantities , equal parts of each of the three ingredients . If you can get the beds empty this winterthe best will he to take off the top itand fork
, way sp , over the subsoil , so as to let the frost ancl snow penetrate it ; then get a good supply of burnt clay , and hotbed dung , and chop them down together in a ridge ancl let them be well frozen , and fill np tho beds with the mixture early iu March , and they will be in admirable condition for planting as soon as they have settled . Chippings of hedges , refuse wood , straw , & c , built up over a hole , and packed round with cakes of old turf , and then burnt , cannot
make a capital dressing to dig into the old soil if you well get new material to replace the worn-out stuff . If used chiefly for bedding plants , a compost of leaf-mould , and sandy soil from a common , equal parts , and one-fifth of the whole very old dung , would prove a good mixture . Bedding plants do not require a rich soil so much as a new soil . — Gardener's "WeelAy Magazine , and Floriculttiral Cabinet .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON . —Royal York Lodge ( No . 394 ) . —Tbe installation of Bro . William Chalten as W . M . of this flourishing lodge took place at the Old Ship Hotel , on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . Marchant ; after which , a short but beautiful nuthein was sung by Bros . Marriott , Dyson ( Chapel Eoyal , Windsor ) , ancl Whitehouse ( Chapel Eoyal ,
London ) . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge Avas opened in the second degree , when Bro , Challen Avas presented by Bro . Freeman , P . M ., ancl Prov . G . W . for Sussex . Bro . Curtis , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . Sussex , was the installing Master , who , in a most effective manner , performed tbe duties of his office . A novel but A'ery effective chant was sung by the professional brethren during the progress of the salutations of the brethren , which was greatly admired . At the
close of the lodge , Avhich ceremony was done in first-rate style , a beautiful parting hymn , " Brothers ere to night we part , " was Avell given , forming a climax to a most pleasant meeting , rendered more so by the introduction of appropriate vocal music , accompanied on the harmonium by Bro . Tolley , to which the Brighton brethren are very partial , this being the third time they bave bad tbe ceremonies worked with the aid of music by the Windsor professional brethren . We must not omit to
mention a most agreeable part of the proceedings , viz ., the presentation of a P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Curtis , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B . for bis able and zealous performance of the duties of P . M . to the lodge , & c . Bro . Curtis was addressed in a most feeling manner by the W . M ., thanking him ( Bro . Curtis ) , in the name of himself ancl the brethren of the lodge , for Ids kindness in having performed the duties of the lodge during the absence ( through illness ) of the W . M . —Bro . Curtis replied in appropriate terms .
, A jewel Avas also presented to the Treasurer from the lodge by tbe AV . M ., which was most graciously received by the Taeasurer . The brethren partook of a most sumptuous banquet provided by the worthy host . Thus ended one of the most pleasant evenings in tbe memory of this , one of tlie most ancient lodges of our Order . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Dyson .
SHANGHAI . NORTHERN LODGE . —On Saturday , December 27 th , the annual festival of St . John was held by the Freemasons iu Shanghai , who have established the above-mentioned lodge Not being a brother of the Mystic Craft , we bave not tbe privilege of describing the ceremony which attended the installation of the officers for the ensuing year . At the same time we record with the greatest satisfaction , the hospitality of the lodge , and their
reunion with the outer world on the occasion . Shanghai , at the best of times , is a dull place to celebrate festivities , unless they be of a domestic character , so the announcement of a public ball by tbe Freemasons was looked upon by the beauty ancl fashion of tbe settlement as an occasion of importance . This took place at the Yew-lee-hong , on Monday night , the 29 th , ancl was the most successful affair of the kind that we have witnessed in China . The rooms were decorated in the most appropriate
manner—the ball-room by our military friends , and the supperroom by our naval visitors ; while the supper was of the choicest description . It Avould not be proper to specify the names of the worthy brother Masons who gave their time ancl means , to make their visitors welcome on the occasion ; but we cannot omit alluding to the host of the hong , ancl the newly elected W . M ., who spread the " Feast of reason and the flow of soul" to make * their guests welcome . The small hours on
, Tuesday morning not only witnessed the fact of the general happiness which prevailed , but a late breakfast on the same day , attended by select friends , sbowed that tbe hospitality and good fellowship of the Northern Lodge of China , ( No . 832 ) , was appreciated . The following is the list of officers for 1863 : —• Bros . Underwood , W . M . ; Jackson , S . W . ; Nutt , J . W . ; Parker , S . D . ; Hardy , J . D . ; Markham , I . G . ; Birdseye , Treas . ; Gordon , Sec . ; Loler , Tyler . —Shanghai Daily Neios .
Royal Arch.
AYR . —The companions of the Ayr Eoyal Arch Chapter , No . 18 , met in tbe Tam o'Shantev Hall , on the 19 th instant , according to instructions of the Supreme Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter of Scotland , and proceeded to the election of office-bearers in room
Royal Arch.
of those of tbe chapter who have Avitbdrawn their allegiance from Supreme Chapter , and joined an irregular and unrecognised body recently formed in Glasgow for the avowed purpose of practising Eoyal Arch Masonry . Comp . D . Murray Lyon , of the Ayr Kilwinning Chapter , No . 80 , presided , and , in the terms of the dispensation granted to him by Comp . Sir John Douglas , K . C . B ., Depute Grand Principal for Scotland , installed the newly elected Principals into their respective chairs—in which
duty he was kindly assisted by Comp . George Good , H . of Chapter No . SO . The following is the result of the election : —Andrew Glass , Z . ; James Jones , H . ; David Brown , J , ; Donald M'Donald , Scribe E . ; Andrew Tait , N . ; John Boyd , Treas . ; William Livingston , 1 st Soj . ; Thomas Jones , 2 nd Soj . ; William Dick , 3 rd Soj . Comp . Patrick Cowan , Edinburgh , was reappointed Proxy First Principal .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
NO RTHUMBEELAND . NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Royal Kent Chapter of Rose Croix . — Friday , February 27 th , being the regular meeting , the chapter was opened , at Freemasons' Hall , by the M . W . Sov ., C . J . Banister , 30 ° , assisted by A . Gillespie , 1 st General ; H . G . Ludwig , 2 nd General ; H . Hotham , P . M . W . Sov ., as Prelate , and the rest of the Sovereign Princes . The minutes of last meetinwere read and confirmed . Bro . Gillespie 1 st General
g , , and M . W . S . elect , was then presented by the Grand Marshal to the M . W . S ., Bro . C . J . Banister , 30 ° , who installed him into the office of M . AV . S . of this ancient chapter in bis usual earnest and impressive manner . The M . W . S . then appointed the following as his officers : —Bros . Punchon , Prelate ; H . G . Lndwig } 1 st General ; J . Shotfcen , 2 ud General ; X Hoyle , Raphael ,-H . A . Hammerbom , G . Marshal ; Eoclenburgh , Eeg . ; Hotham ,
Capt . of Guard ; Trotton , Guard Avithout . The chapter was closed in solemn form . The banquet was served up iu the hall , and was all that could be wished , the M . AV . S ., Bro , C . Gillespie , presiding , H . Hotham , P . M . W . S ., ' on his right , ancl C . J . Banister , 30 " , P . M . W . S ., on his left . After grace the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , also the healths of the M . W . S . the P . M . W . Sov's , the present and past officers of the chapter ; and after spending a happy evening the
princes retired . Notes of apology were received from several princes who were unable to be present . HAMPSHIRE . PORTSMOUTH . —Royal Naval Chapter . —The annual meeting for the election of officers , was held on Monday , February 18 th . The M . AV . S . 111 . Bro . Eaukin Stebbing in tbe chair , which he
has filled during the last two years . Three candidates were admitted to tbe illustrious degree , and the M . W . S . proposed , ancl P . M . W ; Bradley seconded 111 . Bro . Alfred Heather , as his , Bro . Stebbirig's , successor , and Bro . Bradley was proposed for re-election as Treasurer . The ceremonies were performed with great accuracy by the 111 . Bros . Stebbing , Bradley , P ., and Hollingsworth , R , 111 . Bro . Bell presided with great ability over the musical services .
RENOVATING FLOWER-REDS . —If tbe exhausted beds have a good bottom , we advise removing the top spit , ancl replacing it with a mixture of virgin earth from ami upland mixture , well chopped up with chippy cow-dung , and a good proportion of lenfniould ; say , if you can obtain the quantities , equal parts of each of the three ingredients . If you can get the beds empty this winterthe best will he to take off the top itand fork
, way sp , over the subsoil , so as to let the frost ancl snow penetrate it ; then get a good supply of burnt clay , and hotbed dung , and chop them down together in a ridge ancl let them be well frozen , and fill np tho beds with the mixture early iu March , and they will be in admirable condition for planting as soon as they have settled . Chippings of hedges , refuse wood , straw , & c , built up over a hole , and packed round with cakes of old turf , and then burnt , cannot
make a capital dressing to dig into the old soil if you well get new material to replace the worn-out stuff . If used chiefly for bedding plants , a compost of leaf-mould , and sandy soil from a common , equal parts , and one-fifth of the whole very old dung , would prove a good mixture . Bedding plants do not require a rich soil so much as a new soil . — Gardener's "WeelAy Magazine , and Floriculttiral Cabinet .