Article GRAND LODGE PROPERTY. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE PROPERTY. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND CHAPTER. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge Property.
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAT 9 , 1863 .
Those who feared that we should fail in the endeavour to obtain anything like a competition for the remodelling of the Grand Lodge Property , will learn with pleasure that their fears were unfounded , whilst those who , like ourselves , frequently urged upoii the Board of General Purposes , whilst the matter was
under their consideration , that all they were called upou to do was to lay down explicitly Avhat was required for the Craft , leaving it to professional men to determine how it was to be doue , have certainly , as far as matters have proceeded , no reason to be dissatisfied .
"We understand that something like eighteen or nineteen distinct plaus , illustrated by about two hundred drawings , have been deposited at the Grand Secretary ' s Office . Of the value of any of these plans , we of course cannot give any opinion , they not having as yet been submitted to . the Craft .
We are informed that the Committee are desirous of submitting them at as early a period , and for as lengthened a time , as possible—but unfortunately there is no room within our premises , excepting the hall , in which they could be possibly exhibited , and luckily for the proprietors of the Tavern , they are so busy ,
this being the height of their seasou , apart from Masonic business—that the hall can only be obtained for four days prior to the next Grand Lodge meeting , a period evidently too short for the plans to be properly examined bv those members of the Craft who take an
interest m the matter , and especially lor those ivho wish to go into the details with a view of seeing hoAV far fitting accommodation is provided by the different plans both for the Craft and the tavern , without interfering one with the other . If we have not space for their exhibition on our own property—though that
is the most appropriate place for it—for a sufficient length of time , Ave would advise the committee to hire some central hall or apartments , where the draAvings can be seen AA'ith advantage , for ten days or a fortnight , and we look upon ten days as the very shortest time they ought to be placed before the Craft .
In awarding the prizes , and in coming to a final decision as to which plan shall be adopted , Grand Lodge must be careful not to be led aAvay by mere appearances—outside shoAV . It is easy enough to draw a pretty picture of a noble building , but it is to the interior conveniences we must look if we want to
render our property useful—and if that is not our ohject ^ any expenditure , however large or small , will he but money wasted .
Grand Lodge Property.
Upon the Committee of course devolves the task of awarding the premiums , and in doing so , we trust they will give their reasons for arriving at their decision , so fully and explicitly , that they cannot be cavilled at hy the thinking portion of the Craftthough to suppose all will be satisfied is what
nobody can expect . There is one decision to which the Committee have , as we understand , arrived , which we think worthy of all praise , and which we believe will meet with the warm approbation of every brotherthe name of the successful competitors for the
premiums are not to be known until publicly declared in Grand Lodge . To this purpose the papers containing the names of the competitors have been all placed in one packet , under the seal of the Chairman of the Committee , and though the Committee will in their
report , of course , designate the plans to which they have awarded the premiums , that packet and its enclosures will be opened only in Grand Lodge . In conclusion , we can only express a hope that the best plans in providing for the convenience of the
Craft , and our tenants , may be selected , and that the name of the successful candidates , Avhen announced , may show that we have within the Craft brethren who , with the fullest competition , can produce designs worthy of the profession and honourable to oiu * Institution .
Grand Chapter.
This miserable farce was re-enacted on Wednesday , Avith all the principal actors absent ,- and many of the neAV recruits who , as Grand Officers , are to do honour to the assembly absent also . The G . Z . and G . H . are never expected to attend , and we admire their good taste in keeping aAvay from such an assembly of
inanity ; but the Grand J ., who generally presides upon these occasions , and ahvays with discretion , was also absent . So also , was the G . N ., the G . P . Soj . ( has he attended at all during his year of office ?) and one of the Assist . Sojs ., the other , the Rev . J .
Huyshe , filling the chair of Z . We likewise missed the Grand Sword Bearer , the Grand Standard Bearer , and the G . Treas ., but his presence is not required . Lord Sherborne , the Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , was appointed as Z ., and , being
anlnstalled Principal , inducted into the chair , and we hope in future to ha \ e his lordship presiding in the absence of the two first Principals . The three new Sojs ., Lord Skelmersdale , Comp . Legh , M . P ., and Comp . the ReA . A . E . A . Woodford , were all absent , and such of
them as live in the country may rest assured that it will never repay them to visit London to attend Grand Chapter .
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Grand Lodge Property.
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAT 9 , 1863 .
Those who feared that we should fail in the endeavour to obtain anything like a competition for the remodelling of the Grand Lodge Property , will learn with pleasure that their fears were unfounded , whilst those who , like ourselves , frequently urged upoii the Board of General Purposes , whilst the matter was
under their consideration , that all they were called upou to do was to lay down explicitly Avhat was required for the Craft , leaving it to professional men to determine how it was to be doue , have certainly , as far as matters have proceeded , no reason to be dissatisfied .
"We understand that something like eighteen or nineteen distinct plaus , illustrated by about two hundred drawings , have been deposited at the Grand Secretary ' s Office . Of the value of any of these plans , we of course cannot give any opinion , they not having as yet been submitted to . the Craft .
We are informed that the Committee are desirous of submitting them at as early a period , and for as lengthened a time , as possible—but unfortunately there is no room within our premises , excepting the hall , in which they could be possibly exhibited , and luckily for the proprietors of the Tavern , they are so busy ,
this being the height of their seasou , apart from Masonic business—that the hall can only be obtained for four days prior to the next Grand Lodge meeting , a period evidently too short for the plans to be properly examined bv those members of the Craft who take an
interest m the matter , and especially lor those ivho wish to go into the details with a view of seeing hoAV far fitting accommodation is provided by the different plans both for the Craft and the tavern , without interfering one with the other . If we have not space for their exhibition on our own property—though that
is the most appropriate place for it—for a sufficient length of time , Ave would advise the committee to hire some central hall or apartments , where the draAvings can be seen AA'ith advantage , for ten days or a fortnight , and we look upon ten days as the very shortest time they ought to be placed before the Craft .
In awarding the prizes , and in coming to a final decision as to which plan shall be adopted , Grand Lodge must be careful not to be led aAvay by mere appearances—outside shoAV . It is easy enough to draw a pretty picture of a noble building , but it is to the interior conveniences we must look if we want to
render our property useful—and if that is not our ohject ^ any expenditure , however large or small , will he but money wasted .
Grand Lodge Property.
Upon the Committee of course devolves the task of awarding the premiums , and in doing so , we trust they will give their reasons for arriving at their decision , so fully and explicitly , that they cannot be cavilled at hy the thinking portion of the Craftthough to suppose all will be satisfied is what
nobody can expect . There is one decision to which the Committee have , as we understand , arrived , which we think worthy of all praise , and which we believe will meet with the warm approbation of every brotherthe name of the successful competitors for the
premiums are not to be known until publicly declared in Grand Lodge . To this purpose the papers containing the names of the competitors have been all placed in one packet , under the seal of the Chairman of the Committee , and though the Committee will in their
report , of course , designate the plans to which they have awarded the premiums , that packet and its enclosures will be opened only in Grand Lodge . In conclusion , we can only express a hope that the best plans in providing for the convenience of the
Craft , and our tenants , may be selected , and that the name of the successful candidates , Avhen announced , may show that we have within the Craft brethren who , with the fullest competition , can produce designs worthy of the profession and honourable to oiu * Institution .
Grand Chapter.
This miserable farce was re-enacted on Wednesday , Avith all the principal actors absent ,- and many of the neAV recruits who , as Grand Officers , are to do honour to the assembly absent also . The G . Z . and G . H . are never expected to attend , and we admire their good taste in keeping aAvay from such an assembly of
inanity ; but the Grand J ., who generally presides upon these occasions , and ahvays with discretion , was also absent . So also , was the G . N ., the G . P . Soj . ( has he attended at all during his year of office ?) and one of the Assist . Sojs ., the other , the Rev . J .
Huyshe , filling the chair of Z . We likewise missed the Grand Sword Bearer , the Grand Standard Bearer , and the G . Treas ., but his presence is not required . Lord Sherborne , the Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , was appointed as Z ., and , being
anlnstalled Principal , inducted into the chair , and we hope in future to ha \ e his lordship presiding in the absence of the two first Principals . The three new Sojs ., Lord Skelmersdale , Comp . Legh , M . P ., and Comp . the ReA . A . E . A . Woodford , were all absent , and such of
them as live in the country may rest assured that it will never repay them to visit London to attend Grand Chapter .