Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
of the communication by the companions so expelled , and the establishment of the new Grand Chapter , which it was evident they had not the power to do . Comp . HENRY G . AVAEREN said before they proceeded to take any notice of tho communications , he would ask whether this Grand Chapter had any official relations with the Grand Chapter of Scotland ? Comp . HUYSHE was understood to say , "No doubt of it . "
Comp . AVAEREN did doubt it . Some years since when Comp . Dobie occupied' the chair then filled by their worthy Comp . Huyshe , a communication was received from the Grand Chapter of Scotland , requesting them to exchange representatives in the same manner as was done hy the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland . That communication was referred to the Grand Z . for consideration , ancl he ( Comp . AVarren ) had reason to believe that it was never replied toAt all events
. , the reply was never communicated to Grand Chapter , ancl representatives were never appointed . Now , what was the position of the Grand Chapter of Scotland itself ? It was not acknowledged by the Grand Lodge . There was no connection between the Grand Chapter and Grand Loclge as in England ; and , in fact , they both claimed the same right with regard to
the granting of the Mark degree . The fact was , tlie Grand Chapter of Scotland stood in no better position with regard to its Grand Loclge than did any unacknowledged degrees which brethren might practise in England would stand in relation to the Grand Lodge of England . Then , as regarded this General Grand Chapter , he thought it was always a misfortune when differences occurred between any body of Masons , but was the Grand Chapter of England in a position to decide between
them upon such information as they were in possession of ; and could they ignore the existence of a body at the head of which so distinguished a Mason and member of the Grand Lodge of Scotland as Sir Archibald Allison had allowed himself to bo placed . Under all the circumstances , he thought it was impossible that they coulcl take any action in the matter , at least with such information as they at present had then before them . Comp . GEORGE LAMBERT as a member of No 1 Edinburgh
, . , , wished to confirm the accuracy of all that had been stated by Comp . AVarren , as to the position of the Grand Chapter of Scotland . The Grand Chapter was not only not acknowledged by the Grand Lodge , but the Grand Master was not at its head . Comp . LADD thought that the matter had better be allowed to stand over for further information .
A question was here again put as to the existence of official relations between the Grand Chapters of England ancl Scotland , to which The GRAND SCRIBE E . replied there were " no official relations . " Comp . LE VEAU asked in what position they were in with regard to Scotch Royal Arch Masons . Supposing a Scotch companion , presenting his certificate , and asking admission into a
Chapter , should they refuse him ? |! iComp . AVARREN would , if be were allowed , answer that . They should admit him as an Arch Mason , and as a matter of courtesy , in the same way as rhey treated French brethren . They knew from report- that there were two bodies in Franco—the Grand Orient and the Grand Council of the Scotch Rite . They had no official relations with either , but they never thought of refusing admission to French brethren when they visited English lod
ges Comp . GOZE said that tlie committee had felt great difficulty as to the course to be pursued when the matter was first brought before them ; and , after the information they had received that evening , and for which he thanked Comp . AVarren , he would move that the question be referred back to the committee to consider the sfate of the relations between the Grand Chap , ters of England and Scotland . Comp . LADD seconded the motion , which was put and carried
unanimously . Comps . Evans , Jennings , and Lo A ' eau were then nominated on the part of the Grand Master as members of the Committee of General Purposes . The following were elected by Grand Chapter to complete the committee : —Comps . Adlard , No . 259 ; Savasc , No . 7 ; Head , No . 5 ; Gole , No . 109 ; Nutt , No . 32 ; and Warren , No . 778 . All business being ended , the chapter was closed in due form .
HERTFORDSHIRE . WATFORD . — Watford Chapter ( No . 580 ) . —A convocation was held on Monday , May 4 th , in the Freemasons' Hall , AVatforcl ,
Royal Arch.
Present : E . Comps . H . C . Finch , Z . ; C . F . Humbert , H . ; H . 11 . Burchall Heme , P . Z ., as J . ; George Francis , P . Z . ; Thomas Rogers , AA ilson lies , Capt . C . AV . Layton , T . A . Brett , Horton Smith , Rev . J . Branton , George Finch , and others . The companions proceeded to the election of officers for the year ensuing , with the following result : —Comps . C . F . Humbert , M . E . Z . ; G . Francis , H . ; C . AV . Layton , J . ; W . lies , E . ; F . H . Brett , N . ; T . Rogers , Treas . ; Horton Smith , P . S . ; Thomas , Janitor . The
companions at the close of the business dined together . HAMPSHIRE . FAREHAM . —Chapter of Harmony ( No . 387 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was hold on Monday , May 4 th , presided over by Comp . Rankin Stebbing , P . Z . 152 , 555 , and 1025 , in the absence of the Z ., Comp . Heather . The Rev . T . A . Mills , J . of the past year , was , by dispensation , installed as H . and
then as Z . for the ensuing year ; after which Comp . Compigne , of Gosport , was installed as J . and finally as H ., Comp . Grace , as J . ; placing three most able Principals in the Chairs to carry on the chapter with success . Comp . S . D . Forbes , P . Z . 59 and 387 , very accurately installed 2 nd and 3 rd Principals . The chapter was honoured with a visit from Comp . Dr . Harcourt , Prov . G . D . C , and D . Prov . G . M . of § urrey , and by Comp . Blinken , P . Z . 486 , both of whom came expressly from Chertsey
( near to which the Rev . 1 st Principal formerly resided ) , to testify their respect for him , and the learned doctor had a most cordial and hearty welcome . Amongst the visiting Principals were Comps . AVolf ' e , P . Z . 428 , AVm . Hackman , Z . 401 and H . 152 , Edward Bannister , P . Z . 428 and 717 , together with other Royal Arch companions , all of whom passed a most gratifying evening . Tliis chapter was one of those very nearly struck off the Grand Chapter books , having been dormant for many years ,
but , by the earnest appeal of Bro . Stebbing to Grand Chapter for time , it has been saved , ancl that zealous brother , who is a member , | lias frequently attended to assist the companions , though he has not accepted any office amongst them .
Knights Templar.
AA'ORCESTSHIRE . AVoRCESTEB . —Encampment of St . Arnaud . —This conclave was opened in the Masonic Hall , at the Bell Hotel , on the day of our patron saint , by the E . G ., Sir Knt . S . Guyon Purchas ; Commander AVoof , Grand Chamberlain , Prov . G . 1 st Capt . ; Haigh , S . B . ; AV . H , AVood , 2 nd Capt . ; C . AV . Griffiths , Capt . of Lines ; A . Powell , Reg . ; AVoods , Dir . of Cers . ; and several other members . On this occasion Comp . the A en . 11 . L . Freer ,
D . Prov . G . M . Herefordshire , Palladian Chapter ( No . 141 ) , E . S . Cossens , Prov . G . S . W . Gloucestershire , Robert Burns' Chapter ( No . 25 , and T . I-I . Peake , St . AVulstau ' s Chapter ( No . 343 ) , were severally approved , and being present , were created Knights of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order , and at a council of Knights Hospitallers of St . John of Jerusalen , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta , wern duly created Knights Hospitallers . Sir Knt . the Rev . J . Hill Griee , M . A ., of Mount Calvary
Encampment , London , ancl Sir Knt . R . Price Hill , of the Ccour de Lion Encampment , Oxford , were duly approved as joining members . The encampment was honoured by a visit from Sir Knt . A . Hudson Royds , D . Com . for AA orcestershire , who had previously presented to the encampment a fine sample of a doublehandled sword , a ponderous weapon , in excellent state of preservation . The conclave being closed the Sir Knights partook of an excellent banquet , accompanied by wines of the finest vintages and character .
Mark Masonry.
The Mark Master lodges working in England under warrants granted by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland have registered sixty-two members during the past year , as follows : —St . John ' s , Bolton , 3 ; Joppa , Birkenhead , 10 ; Keystone , Liverpool , 2 ; Canyngcs , Bristol , 12 ; Liverpool , 7 ; Florence Nightingale , AVoolwich , 1 ; Southwark , London , 10 ; Longley , Cardiff , 3 ; Jerusalem , Burslein , 14 . The last-named loclgewhich stands No . IS on the role of Supreme Chapter was
, chartered in June last , a working order having been granted to it on the 10 th of the previous month , under the designation of the St . Martin's Mark Master Lodge . At the request of the petitioners , tho name of the lodge was subsequently changed to the Jerusalem .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
of the communication by the companions so expelled , and the establishment of the new Grand Chapter , which it was evident they had not the power to do . Comp . HENRY G . AVAEREN said before they proceeded to take any notice of tho communications , he would ask whether this Grand Chapter had any official relations with the Grand Chapter of Scotland ? Comp . HUYSHE was understood to say , "No doubt of it . "
Comp . AVAEREN did doubt it . Some years since when Comp . Dobie occupied' the chair then filled by their worthy Comp . Huyshe , a communication was received from the Grand Chapter of Scotland , requesting them to exchange representatives in the same manner as was done hy the Grand Lodges of England and Scotland . That communication was referred to the Grand Z . for consideration , ancl he ( Comp . AVarren ) had reason to believe that it was never replied toAt all events
. , the reply was never communicated to Grand Chapter , ancl representatives were never appointed . Now , what was the position of the Grand Chapter of Scotland itself ? It was not acknowledged by the Grand Lodge . There was no connection between the Grand Chapter and Grand Loclge as in England ; and , in fact , they both claimed the same right with regard to
the granting of the Mark degree . The fact was , tlie Grand Chapter of Scotland stood in no better position with regard to its Grand Loclge than did any unacknowledged degrees which brethren might practise in England would stand in relation to the Grand Lodge of England . Then , as regarded this General Grand Chapter , he thought it was always a misfortune when differences occurred between any body of Masons , but was the Grand Chapter of England in a position to decide between
them upon such information as they were in possession of ; and could they ignore the existence of a body at the head of which so distinguished a Mason and member of the Grand Lodge of Scotland as Sir Archibald Allison had allowed himself to bo placed . Under all the circumstances , he thought it was impossible that they coulcl take any action in the matter , at least with such information as they at present had then before them . Comp . GEORGE LAMBERT as a member of No 1 Edinburgh
, . , , wished to confirm the accuracy of all that had been stated by Comp . AVarren , as to the position of the Grand Chapter of Scotland . The Grand Chapter was not only not acknowledged by the Grand Lodge , but the Grand Master was not at its head . Comp . LADD thought that the matter had better be allowed to stand over for further information .
A question was here again put as to the existence of official relations between the Grand Chapters of England ancl Scotland , to which The GRAND SCRIBE E . replied there were " no official relations . " Comp . LE VEAU asked in what position they were in with regard to Scotch Royal Arch Masons . Supposing a Scotch companion , presenting his certificate , and asking admission into a
Chapter , should they refuse him ? |! iComp . AVARREN would , if be were allowed , answer that . They should admit him as an Arch Mason , and as a matter of courtesy , in the same way as rhey treated French brethren . They knew from report- that there were two bodies in Franco—the Grand Orient and the Grand Council of the Scotch Rite . They had no official relations with either , but they never thought of refusing admission to French brethren when they visited English lod
ges Comp . GOZE said that tlie committee had felt great difficulty as to the course to be pursued when the matter was first brought before them ; and , after the information they had received that evening , and for which he thanked Comp . AVarren , he would move that the question be referred back to the committee to consider the sfate of the relations between the Grand Chap , ters of England and Scotland . Comp . LADD seconded the motion , which was put and carried
unanimously . Comps . Evans , Jennings , and Lo A ' eau were then nominated on the part of the Grand Master as members of the Committee of General Purposes . The following were elected by Grand Chapter to complete the committee : —Comps . Adlard , No . 259 ; Savasc , No . 7 ; Head , No . 5 ; Gole , No . 109 ; Nutt , No . 32 ; and Warren , No . 778 . All business being ended , the chapter was closed in due form .
HERTFORDSHIRE . WATFORD . — Watford Chapter ( No . 580 ) . —A convocation was held on Monday , May 4 th , in the Freemasons' Hall , AVatforcl ,
Royal Arch.
Present : E . Comps . H . C . Finch , Z . ; C . F . Humbert , H . ; H . 11 . Burchall Heme , P . Z ., as J . ; George Francis , P . Z . ; Thomas Rogers , AA ilson lies , Capt . C . AV . Layton , T . A . Brett , Horton Smith , Rev . J . Branton , George Finch , and others . The companions proceeded to the election of officers for the year ensuing , with the following result : —Comps . C . F . Humbert , M . E . Z . ; G . Francis , H . ; C . AV . Layton , J . ; W . lies , E . ; F . H . Brett , N . ; T . Rogers , Treas . ; Horton Smith , P . S . ; Thomas , Janitor . The
companions at the close of the business dined together . HAMPSHIRE . FAREHAM . —Chapter of Harmony ( No . 387 ) . —The annual meeting of this chapter was hold on Monday , May 4 th , presided over by Comp . Rankin Stebbing , P . Z . 152 , 555 , and 1025 , in the absence of the Z ., Comp . Heather . The Rev . T . A . Mills , J . of the past year , was , by dispensation , installed as H . and
then as Z . for the ensuing year ; after which Comp . Compigne , of Gosport , was installed as J . and finally as H ., Comp . Grace , as J . ; placing three most able Principals in the Chairs to carry on the chapter with success . Comp . S . D . Forbes , P . Z . 59 and 387 , very accurately installed 2 nd and 3 rd Principals . The chapter was honoured with a visit from Comp . Dr . Harcourt , Prov . G . D . C , and D . Prov . G . M . of § urrey , and by Comp . Blinken , P . Z . 486 , both of whom came expressly from Chertsey
( near to which the Rev . 1 st Principal formerly resided ) , to testify their respect for him , and the learned doctor had a most cordial and hearty welcome . Amongst the visiting Principals were Comps . AVolf ' e , P . Z . 428 , AVm . Hackman , Z . 401 and H . 152 , Edward Bannister , P . Z . 428 and 717 , together with other Royal Arch companions , all of whom passed a most gratifying evening . Tliis chapter was one of those very nearly struck off the Grand Chapter books , having been dormant for many years ,
but , by the earnest appeal of Bro . Stebbing to Grand Chapter for time , it has been saved , ancl that zealous brother , who is a member , | lias frequently attended to assist the companions , though he has not accepted any office amongst them .
Knights Templar.
AA'ORCESTSHIRE . AVoRCESTEB . —Encampment of St . Arnaud . —This conclave was opened in the Masonic Hall , at the Bell Hotel , on the day of our patron saint , by the E . G ., Sir Knt . S . Guyon Purchas ; Commander AVoof , Grand Chamberlain , Prov . G . 1 st Capt . ; Haigh , S . B . ; AV . H , AVood , 2 nd Capt . ; C . AV . Griffiths , Capt . of Lines ; A . Powell , Reg . ; AVoods , Dir . of Cers . ; and several other members . On this occasion Comp . the A en . 11 . L . Freer ,
D . Prov . G . M . Herefordshire , Palladian Chapter ( No . 141 ) , E . S . Cossens , Prov . G . S . W . Gloucestershire , Robert Burns' Chapter ( No . 25 , and T . I-I . Peake , St . AVulstau ' s Chapter ( No . 343 ) , were severally approved , and being present , were created Knights of the Royal , Exalted , Religious , and Military Order , and at a council of Knights Hospitallers of St . John of Jerusalen , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta , wern duly created Knights Hospitallers . Sir Knt . the Rev . J . Hill Griee , M . A ., of Mount Calvary
Encampment , London , ancl Sir Knt . R . Price Hill , of the Ccour de Lion Encampment , Oxford , were duly approved as joining members . The encampment was honoured by a visit from Sir Knt . A . Hudson Royds , D . Com . for AA orcestershire , who had previously presented to the encampment a fine sample of a doublehandled sword , a ponderous weapon , in excellent state of preservation . The conclave being closed the Sir Knights partook of an excellent banquet , accompanied by wines of the finest vintages and character .
Mark Masonry.
The Mark Master lodges working in England under warrants granted by the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland have registered sixty-two members during the past year , as follows : —St . John ' s , Bolton , 3 ; Joppa , Birkenhead , 10 ; Keystone , Liverpool , 2 ; Canyngcs , Bristol , 12 ; Liverpool , 7 ; Florence Nightingale , AVoolwich , 1 ; Southwark , London , 10 ; Longley , Cardiff , 3 ; Jerusalem , Burslein , 14 . The last-named loclgewhich stands No . IS on the role of Supreme Chapter was
, chartered in June last , a working order having been granted to it on the 10 th of the previous month , under the designation of the St . Martin's Mark Master Lodge . At the request of the petitioners , tho name of the lodge was subsequently changed to the Jerusalem .