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ROYAL ARCH . SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . GLASGOW . —At a special meeting of the Supreme Grand Chapter , held at Edinburgh on the 6 th ult ., a petition was presented by Comp . J . G . Houstoun and other Royal Arch Masons resident in Glasgow ' , praying for a charter of erection in their favour , Supreme Chapter having granted the prayer thereof ,
appointed the new chapter to stand No . 94 on the registry , under the name and title of the Glasgow Kilwinning Chapter . It was also remitted to Grand Committee to make arrangements for the new chapter being inaugurated by a deputation from Supreme Chapter . Accordingly , on the 27 th ult ., Supreme Chapter made a grand visitation to Glasgow , for the purpose of
opening the new chapter . The First Grand Principal , J . AVhyte Melville , of Bennochy ancl Shathkinness , was accompanied by a large number of Grand Officers and other members of Grand Chapter ; and , having opened the chapter , proceeded to the installation of its Office-bearers . Three candidates were
afterwards exalted m the Glasgow Kilwinning ; and , on the conclusion of the ceremony , the chapter was closed , in order to permit of an adjournment to the banquet , which had been provided by the Office-bearers of the newly-constituted chapter . The chair was occupied by the Most Excellent First Grand Principal , Comp . Barrow , Second Grand Sojourner , discharging the duties of Croupier . In giving the health of the First Principal of the
Glasgow Kilwinning , the Grand Principal expressed tho gratification which he felt in visiting Glasgow , and presiding at the inauguration of the Chapter No . 94 . After acknowledging the toast , which was well received by the companions present , Comp . Houstoun proposed the health of the First Grand Principal , and , in doing so , took occasion to thank the deputation for their attendance that evening . Several other toasts were given"honourable mention" being made of the Chapters No . 73 , 79 , and 87—all of which had remained true to their allegiance to Supreme Chapter , and to the obligations which their members had taken .
G ENERAL G RAND C HAPEER . A special meeting of the office bearers ancl members of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for Scotland and the colonies , at which upwards of fifty companions were present , was held in 213 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , 22 nd ult ., for the purpose of erecting and consecrating a new chapter under the banner of the above body . M . E . Comps . Donald Campbellacting First Grand Principal ; H . Campbellsecond
, , Grand Principal ; and Robert Clayston , third Grand Principal . The chapter having been opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , the Frst Grand Principal delivered the installation ceremony , with a solemnity ancl impressiveness we have never heard equalled on any similar occasion . The Grand Marshall having read the warrant of constitution and presented the office bearers and members of the new chapter to the First Grand Principal , office bearers , and members of the General
Grand Chapter , thereafter proclaimed the new chapter , under the title of the Athole , duly constituted for the practice of tho several degrees of Royal Arch Masonry , which announcement was received with acclamation . The principals and other office bearers having taken the oath , de fideli , were severally presented to the First Grand Principal , and to each of thoin lie gave a beautiful and most appropriate charge ; wo believe specially prepared for the present occasion , and installed them
into their several offices . The principals resigned their chairs to the Officers of the General Grand Chapter , and the Grand Chapter was closed in due form . The officers bearers of the new chapter are Comps . James llarkness , Z . ; John Sharpe , II . ; G . AVcston , J . ; L . P . Moore , Scribe E . ; AA m . Sibbald , Scribe N . ; T . Brownley , Treas , ; R . Penman , 1 st Soj . ; R . Graham , 2 nd Soj . ; AVm . Mcintosh , 3 rd Soj .
After closing the General Grand Chapter , the companions adjourned to refreshment , M . E . Comp . D . Campbell in the chair , who gave in succession " The Queen , " "Sister Grand Chapters , " in giving this toast he remarked , that the only rivalry which
ought to exist between those who professed and acted on the principles taught in Royal Arch Masonry , should be who would most promote the interests and best advance the ends of the Order , by doing their utmost to extend its influence . The next toast was the " General Grand Chapter , " the Grand Z . alluded to the success that had already attended the efforts ot the office bearers ancl companions , and he felt assured that this was only a foretaste ancl prelude to still greater progress , and he
hoped the time would soon come when a Royal Arch Chapter would be connected with every lodge of St . John ' s Masonry . The future prosperity and success of the newly consecrated chapter , the Athole , and her office bearers , was next proposed ; hoping she would be the means of adding many to the roll of Royal Arch Masonry ; the toast was coupled with the health , of Excellent Comp . James llarkness , First Principal , who replied in appropriate terms . The Glasgow Chapter , coupled
with Comp . H . Campbell , was given by M . E . Comp . Dalveen' ¦ 'The Cathedral and Comp . R . Clayston , " by Comp . John Davidson . " The St . Andrew and Comp . J . Cousins , " by M . E .. Comp . James Muir , to each of which toasts these companions , made suitable replies . Unrepresented chapters and absent companions was given by Comp . James Thomson , in a short hut pretty speech . The health of M . E . Comp . Donald Campbell was proposed by Comp . James llarkness , and responded
towith all the honours , to which Comp . Campbell made a most excellent and feeling reply . Between the toasts many excellent songs were sung by companions present . The chairman then , gave the last toast , " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again , " when the companions separated , having spent a pleasant and most harmonious evening . AIRDRIE DISTRICT CHAPTER . —A special meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesdaythe 28 th ult . for the
purpose-, , of receiving a visitation from the office-bearers of the General Grand Chapter , under whose banner they now work . About thirty companions were present , among whom were Dr . Torrance , Z . ; P . M'Kinnon , H . ; John Barr , J . ; A . Bizzet , E ., & c . The Grand visitation consisted of M . E . Comps . Donald Campbell , Depute Grand Z .,- R . AVallace , G . Recorder ; N . B . Dalvern , 1 st G . Soj . ; John Laurie , 2 nd G . Soj . ; D . II . Miller . G . Standard-bearer ; R . Clugston , G . Steward ; David Haire and
J . Cowan . The reception by the Airdrie companions of the Grand Visitation was of the most flattering and gratifying descriptinn . The chapter having been opened , the following six exaltations took place for the purpose of showing the Grand Office-bearers their mode ancl ability of working : —George Ellis , John Lindsay , Alexander M'Dongall , Peter Marshall , Robert Simpson , and Robert Cooper . The whole of the degrees , Mark Master , Past Master , Excellent Master , and Royal Arch , were gone through
in the most creditable manner . Their labours having been brought to a close , the M . E . Depute Grand Principal congratulated the Airdrie District Chapter on her coalition with the General Grand Chapter , ancl by steady perseverance it would ultimately become a powerful auxilliary to the head lodge . The activity displayed by its members was gratifying in the extreme , and tho Office-bearers of the General Grand Chapter were indebted to them all both severally and collectively . The
chapter having been closed , the companions adjourned from the chapter room to the large hall of the Royal Hotel , where they sat down to an excellent and abundant supper . After the cloth was withdrawn , toasts , songs , and sentiments enlivened the evening ' s entertainment , which was brought to a close before high twelve , in consequence of the companions from Glasgow having to return home by carriages . The leading toasts of the evening were— " The Grand
Officebearers , with their Friends , " and " The Airdrie District Chapter , " both of which were heartily given and responded to . To the toast of " The Town Council of Airdrie , " Bro . Fleming , when replying , regretted extremely that he and several other brethren had been unavoidably absent on business of importance , and were not among those exalted , but promised that before eight or ten days passed he would trouble them again to work
with six or eight other candidates . Such enthusiasm bespeaks energy and perseverance , and the General Grand Chapter ought to be proud of the adherence of so valuable-an adjunct waving its bannerette under her banner . At leaving , three hearty cheers were given by both parties , each desirous of an early renewal of so friendly a visit and reception . The next visitation of the General Grand Chapter will be to Paisley , to inspect the condition uf tho young chapter which they inaugurated three months ago , during which period they have exalted fifteen and affiliated an equal number .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL ARCH . SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . GLASGOW . —At a special meeting of the Supreme Grand Chapter , held at Edinburgh on the 6 th ult ., a petition was presented by Comp . J . G . Houstoun and other Royal Arch Masons resident in Glasgow ' , praying for a charter of erection in their favour , Supreme Chapter having granted the prayer thereof ,
appointed the new chapter to stand No . 94 on the registry , under the name and title of the Glasgow Kilwinning Chapter . It was also remitted to Grand Committee to make arrangements for the new chapter being inaugurated by a deputation from Supreme Chapter . Accordingly , on the 27 th ult ., Supreme Chapter made a grand visitation to Glasgow , for the purpose of
opening the new chapter . The First Grand Principal , J . AVhyte Melville , of Bennochy ancl Shathkinness , was accompanied by a large number of Grand Officers and other members of Grand Chapter ; and , having opened the chapter , proceeded to the installation of its Office-bearers . Three candidates were
afterwards exalted m the Glasgow Kilwinning ; and , on the conclusion of the ceremony , the chapter was closed , in order to permit of an adjournment to the banquet , which had been provided by the Office-bearers of the newly-constituted chapter . The chair was occupied by the Most Excellent First Grand Principal , Comp . Barrow , Second Grand Sojourner , discharging the duties of Croupier . In giving the health of the First Principal of the
Glasgow Kilwinning , the Grand Principal expressed tho gratification which he felt in visiting Glasgow , and presiding at the inauguration of the Chapter No . 94 . After acknowledging the toast , which was well received by the companions present , Comp . Houstoun proposed the health of the First Grand Principal , and , in doing so , took occasion to thank the deputation for their attendance that evening . Several other toasts were given"honourable mention" being made of the Chapters No . 73 , 79 , and 87—all of which had remained true to their allegiance to Supreme Chapter , and to the obligations which their members had taken .
G ENERAL G RAND C HAPEER . A special meeting of the office bearers ancl members of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for Scotland and the colonies , at which upwards of fifty companions were present , was held in 213 , Buchanan-street , on Wednesday , 22 nd ult ., for the purpose of erecting and consecrating a new chapter under the banner of the above body . M . E . Comps . Donald Campbellacting First Grand Principal ; H . Campbellsecond
, , Grand Principal ; and Robert Clayston , third Grand Principal . The chapter having been opened in due form , and with solemn prayer , the Frst Grand Principal delivered the installation ceremony , with a solemnity ancl impressiveness we have never heard equalled on any similar occasion . The Grand Marshall having read the warrant of constitution and presented the office bearers and members of the new chapter to the First Grand Principal , office bearers , and members of the General
Grand Chapter , thereafter proclaimed the new chapter , under the title of the Athole , duly constituted for the practice of tho several degrees of Royal Arch Masonry , which announcement was received with acclamation . The principals and other office bearers having taken the oath , de fideli , were severally presented to the First Grand Principal , and to each of thoin lie gave a beautiful and most appropriate charge ; wo believe specially prepared for the present occasion , and installed them
into their several offices . The principals resigned their chairs to the Officers of the General Grand Chapter , and the Grand Chapter was closed in due form . The officers bearers of the new chapter are Comps . James llarkness , Z . ; John Sharpe , II . ; G . AVcston , J . ; L . P . Moore , Scribe E . ; AA m . Sibbald , Scribe N . ; T . Brownley , Treas , ; R . Penman , 1 st Soj . ; R . Graham , 2 nd Soj . ; AVm . Mcintosh , 3 rd Soj .
After closing the General Grand Chapter , the companions adjourned to refreshment , M . E . Comp . D . Campbell in the chair , who gave in succession " The Queen , " "Sister Grand Chapters , " in giving this toast he remarked , that the only rivalry which
ought to exist between those who professed and acted on the principles taught in Royal Arch Masonry , should be who would most promote the interests and best advance the ends of the Order , by doing their utmost to extend its influence . The next toast was the " General Grand Chapter , " the Grand Z . alluded to the success that had already attended the efforts ot the office bearers ancl companions , and he felt assured that this was only a foretaste ancl prelude to still greater progress , and he
hoped the time would soon come when a Royal Arch Chapter would be connected with every lodge of St . John ' s Masonry . The future prosperity and success of the newly consecrated chapter , the Athole , and her office bearers , was next proposed ; hoping she would be the means of adding many to the roll of Royal Arch Masonry ; the toast was coupled with the health , of Excellent Comp . James llarkness , First Principal , who replied in appropriate terms . The Glasgow Chapter , coupled
with Comp . H . Campbell , was given by M . E . Comp . Dalveen' ¦ 'The Cathedral and Comp . R . Clayston , " by Comp . John Davidson . " The St . Andrew and Comp . J . Cousins , " by M . E .. Comp . James Muir , to each of which toasts these companions , made suitable replies . Unrepresented chapters and absent companions was given by Comp . James Thomson , in a short hut pretty speech . The health of M . E . Comp . Donald Campbell was proposed by Comp . James llarkness , and responded
towith all the honours , to which Comp . Campbell made a most excellent and feeling reply . Between the toasts many excellent songs were sung by companions present . The chairman then , gave the last toast , " Happy to meet , sorry to part , and happy to meet again , " when the companions separated , having spent a pleasant and most harmonious evening . AIRDRIE DISTRICT CHAPTER . —A special meeting of this chapter was held on Tuesdaythe 28 th ult . for the
purpose-, , of receiving a visitation from the office-bearers of the General Grand Chapter , under whose banner they now work . About thirty companions were present , among whom were Dr . Torrance , Z . ; P . M'Kinnon , H . ; John Barr , J . ; A . Bizzet , E ., & c . The Grand visitation consisted of M . E . Comps . Donald Campbell , Depute Grand Z .,- R . AVallace , G . Recorder ; N . B . Dalvern , 1 st G . Soj . ; John Laurie , 2 nd G . Soj . ; D . II . Miller . G . Standard-bearer ; R . Clugston , G . Steward ; David Haire and
J . Cowan . The reception by the Airdrie companions of the Grand Visitation was of the most flattering and gratifying descriptinn . The chapter having been opened , the following six exaltations took place for the purpose of showing the Grand Office-bearers their mode ancl ability of working : —George Ellis , John Lindsay , Alexander M'Dongall , Peter Marshall , Robert Simpson , and Robert Cooper . The whole of the degrees , Mark Master , Past Master , Excellent Master , and Royal Arch , were gone through
in the most creditable manner . Their labours having been brought to a close , the M . E . Depute Grand Principal congratulated the Airdrie District Chapter on her coalition with the General Grand Chapter , ancl by steady perseverance it would ultimately become a powerful auxilliary to the head lodge . The activity displayed by its members was gratifying in the extreme , and tho Office-bearers of the General Grand Chapter were indebted to them all both severally and collectively . The
chapter having been closed , the companions adjourned from the chapter room to the large hall of the Royal Hotel , where they sat down to an excellent and abundant supper . After the cloth was withdrawn , toasts , songs , and sentiments enlivened the evening ' s entertainment , which was brought to a close before high twelve , in consequence of the companions from Glasgow having to return home by carriages . The leading toasts of the evening were— " The Grand
Officebearers , with their Friends , " and " The Airdrie District Chapter , " both of which were heartily given and responded to . To the toast of " The Town Council of Airdrie , " Bro . Fleming , when replying , regretted extremely that he and several other brethren had been unavoidably absent on business of importance , and were not among those exalted , but promised that before eight or ten days passed he would trouble them again to work
with six or eight other candidates . Such enthusiasm bespeaks energy and perseverance , and the General Grand Chapter ought to be proud of the adherence of so valuable-an adjunct waving its bannerette under her banner . At leaving , three hearty cheers were given by both parties , each desirous of an early renewal of so friendly a visit and reception . The next visitation of the General Grand Chapter will be to Paisley , to inspect the condition uf tho young chapter which they inaugurated three months ago , during which period they have exalted fifteen and affiliated an equal number .