Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the ten years' average is 1981 . Mr . Rawlinson , who was engaged by the Poor-law Board to organise a scheme of outdoor labour , at fair wages , for the unemployed workpeople in Lancashire , is already on the scene of his labours . He visited Blackburn on Monday , and is engaged in inspecting the wants , and judging of the capacities for improvement of the towns in thnt neighbourhood . From his explanations to the authorities there it appears that Government is willing to advance money
for a term of years , and at a low rate of interest , to municipal bodies , boards of health , & c , to carry out sanitary improvements and other works for the convenience and amenity of the towns . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Moniteur , after publishing the text of the three replies of Russia to France , England , and Austriasays that these documents " open a path to projects of
, conciliation , and contain the bases of negoeiations likely to lead to a common understanding between the Courts now seeking the means of upholding the legitimate interests of Poland . The Journal of St . Petersburg ^ has published despatches from the Swedish , the Spanish , and the Italian Governments , relating to the Polish question , with the Russian reply to each . The Spanish note is somewhat peculiar , inasmuch as it merely appeals for
grace and indulgence , and strongly condemns the impatience of the Poles . The Swedish despatch relies upon the broad principles of justice and humanity . The Italian note , is described as being drawn up in a conciliatory spirit . The replies appear to be just the usual vague sort of official response , professing all manner of good intentions , aud promising nothing . Despite all the secrecy which is maintained by the Russian authorities , it
transpires that considerable alarm ancl agitation prevail in St . Petersburg ]) . It is even stated that revolutionary placards , headed " Down with the Romanoffs ! " are found posted in the streets of that city . The Russian Government , too , seems anxious to appeal to the public opinion of Europe , ancl to relieve itself of some of the charges made against it . For instance , the Northern Bee and other Russian papers are at present eagerly
maintaing that the proposal for a convention was spontaneously made by Prussia , and that that Power also strove to bring about a triple alliance between Austria , Russia , and herself . The news of the proposed increase to the Russian infantry reserve is
confirmed Advices from Cracow assert that the Prussian authorities have ordered some of the authorities in Posen to give quarters to Russian soldiers , and to regard them as Prussians , in virtue of the convention between Russia and Prussia . The same advices state that Archbishop Feliuski is still a prisoner in his palace . Tlie insurgent chief Taczanowski gained a great victory oil the 30 th ult . over the Russian troops , and in an engagement which took place on Monday last opposite Beuden
, on the Odor , the Russians were defeated with the loss of all their artillery . A body of Russian soldiers , which had been defeated by tlie Polish insurgents , has been compelled to take refuge in the Prussian territories , ancl has been billeted on the inhabitants , It appears that the men have not been disarmed , and they will , of course , be permitted to re-enter Poland at any point most convenient to the Russian authorities .
The Italian Government has issued an order to the prefects enjoining them to dissolve the meetings which are being held ostensibly in favour of the Polish insurgents , but in fact for political purposes , endangering the safety of the state . Prince Rugcero Settimo , the President of the Senate , has just died at Malta , and the Government has sent a frigate to convey his remains to Palermo . Matamoros the Spanish Protestant has
been condemned by the Court of Greneda , to nine years' imprisonment . The New York journals publish accounts from Mexico to the , 1 st inst ., via San Francisco , which state that the French had bombarded Puobia for ten days , and been twice repulsed , ancl in an oflicial despatch from General Ortega to Comonfort , the French are said to have been routed . A MERICA . —The American advices brought by the Africa
, and Baltimore are interesting , though they do not announce any great engagement between the belligerent armies . The report that the Federals had occupied Gordonsvile was admitted to be untrue ; and the Southern journals asserted that Gen . Stoneman had been foiled in an attempt to pass Rappahannock , 25 miles above Fvedericksbug . Gen . Foster had left his forces in AVashingtonNorth Carolinawhere they were
, , surrounded by the Confederates , and had succeded in passing the Confederate batteries ill a steamer , which conveyed him to Newborn ; but latter dispatches state that the Confederates had retreated from AA ashington , and had abandoned the batteries which they had erected on the Pamlico river below their town .
The Week.
They were likewise reported to have retired from the bank of the Nansemond river , after their attempts to establish batteries had been frusterated by the Federal gunboats , which captured six guns and 200 prisoners . The troops conducted by Gen . Foster to Port Royal were about to return to North Carolina— a movement which affords a sufficient proof that the Federals have abandoned for the present any intention to operate against Charleston or SauannahThere were reports
. that Gen . A an Dorn was aclvanceing upon Nashville ; and there had been severe fighting in the neighbourhood of Corinth , the Confederates having been " beaten from Bear Creek to Crane Creek . " The federal Commandant at Memphis had "telegraphed that he had evacuated . " Admiral Porter , with five gunboats and three transports , having on board some of Gen . Grant ' s troopshad run past the Confederate batteries at Yicksburg
, during the night of the 16 th ult . without any loss , save that of one transport , which was burned ; and he had subsequentl y bombarded Warrenton . The seige of Atcksburg is to be resumed . The Southern journals think that the Federal gunboats will this time attack the city from below and from the opposite shore ; but the probably is that the gunboats will operate up the Red Riverandin conjunction with Gen . Banks
, , , endeavoured to force the evacuation , of both Yicksburg and Port Hudson by cutting off the supplies . The contending forces in Tennessee were very active , and a battle was still imminent . The abandonment of Washington , ancl the retreat of the Confederates , is confirmed ; but we have no particulars
of the circumstances that led to it . The Confederates , 20 , 000 strong , under Gen . Marmaduke , were invading Missouri . The Federal Gen . Blunt had issued an order that guerillas in Missouri found with arms are to be treated , not as belligerents , but as insurgents , ancl immediately shot . In the state of Indiana several " union meetings" have been dispersed byparties of " Knights of the Golden Circle ; " and in the consequent affrays several persons had been wounded ancl one
killed . The Federal General commanding in Indiana had deemed it necessary to declare that the " Knights of the Golden Circle ' " are public enemies , and shall be " dealt with as such , " ancl to caution the people against wearing " Copperhead badges . " Tho case of the Peterhoff came before the New York Prize Court on the 21 st of ult ., ancl the United States attorney proposed that the mail bags should be delivered
unopened to tbe British Consul ; but tho captors opposed the proposal , and the judges adjourned the trial in order to consider their judgment on the point . ISDIA . —The Bombay mail brings intelligence from India to the 13 th ult . In his " progress , " the Aleeroy made his entry into UmhaYlah on the 27 th March , and war , received in great state by the Cis Sutlej chiefs . He loft on tlie 1 st and reached
his residence in Simla on the 4 tb . The Cossyah war is at an end , and quietness is restored in tho hill districts . The Shah of Persia is said to have informed the British resident at Teheran that ho should proceed to the relief of Herat unless the army of the Dost was recalled by British interference .
To Correspondents.
AV . Af . ( Lancashire ) . —AVe are aware that Bro . S . 13 . AVilson and ourselves avc at issue on the point as to whether a AA ardcu can perform the ceremonies in the absence of the Master . AVe have no doubt upon the subject that he can legall }* perform the ceremonies ; though , as a rule , it is better for a P . M . to undertake the duty , should one ho present , no matter what lodge he may belongto . A Master of a loclge being also a E . A . Mason , is eligible to he elected 3 rd Principal of a Chapter , if he has previously served the
office of Sojourner or Kehemiah . He cannot be elected to tho 2 nd or 1 st Principal Chair until he has passed through the 3 rd chair . He may , however , be appointed to cither chair in a new chapter , but he must then be installed in all the chairs . P . D . ( Norfolk ) . —Tha S . AA . having resigned , yon can appoint another . It is best to advance the J . AV . ancl other officers u step , as the appointing a S . AV . over tho heads of the other officers is likely to give rise to heart-burnings and discontent , which should always lie
avoided . BKO . JOKX OLVER , P . M . No . 100 G . —AA ' e cannot insert beggingletters , excepting in our advertising columns . Perhaps some brother of 1008 will inform us privately why they refuse to recommend Bro . Olver to the Lodge of Benevolence . THE GRAXD LODGE PROPERTY . —The letter from Bro . Dankcs , the G . Supt . of AVorks , which we published last week , was also addressed to the Editor of the Builder , the Building News , and the Em .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the ten years' average is 1981 . Mr . Rawlinson , who was engaged by the Poor-law Board to organise a scheme of outdoor labour , at fair wages , for the unemployed workpeople in Lancashire , is already on the scene of his labours . He visited Blackburn on Monday , and is engaged in inspecting the wants , and judging of the capacities for improvement of the towns in thnt neighbourhood . From his explanations to the authorities there it appears that Government is willing to advance money
for a term of years , and at a low rate of interest , to municipal bodies , boards of health , & c , to carry out sanitary improvements and other works for the convenience and amenity of the towns . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Moniteur , after publishing the text of the three replies of Russia to France , England , and Austriasays that these documents " open a path to projects of
, conciliation , and contain the bases of negoeiations likely to lead to a common understanding between the Courts now seeking the means of upholding the legitimate interests of Poland . The Journal of St . Petersburg ^ has published despatches from the Swedish , the Spanish , and the Italian Governments , relating to the Polish question , with the Russian reply to each . The Spanish note is somewhat peculiar , inasmuch as it merely appeals for
grace and indulgence , and strongly condemns the impatience of the Poles . The Swedish despatch relies upon the broad principles of justice and humanity . The Italian note , is described as being drawn up in a conciliatory spirit . The replies appear to be just the usual vague sort of official response , professing all manner of good intentions , aud promising nothing . Despite all the secrecy which is maintained by the Russian authorities , it
transpires that considerable alarm ancl agitation prevail in St . Petersburg ]) . It is even stated that revolutionary placards , headed " Down with the Romanoffs ! " are found posted in the streets of that city . The Russian Government , too , seems anxious to appeal to the public opinion of Europe , ancl to relieve itself of some of the charges made against it . For instance , the Northern Bee and other Russian papers are at present eagerly
maintaing that the proposal for a convention was spontaneously made by Prussia , and that that Power also strove to bring about a triple alliance between Austria , Russia , and herself . The news of the proposed increase to the Russian infantry reserve is
confirmed Advices from Cracow assert that the Prussian authorities have ordered some of the authorities in Posen to give quarters to Russian soldiers , and to regard them as Prussians , in virtue of the convention between Russia and Prussia . The same advices state that Archbishop Feliuski is still a prisoner in his palace . Tlie insurgent chief Taczanowski gained a great victory oil the 30 th ult . over the Russian troops , and in an engagement which took place on Monday last opposite Beuden
, on the Odor , the Russians were defeated with the loss of all their artillery . A body of Russian soldiers , which had been defeated by tlie Polish insurgents , has been compelled to take refuge in the Prussian territories , ancl has been billeted on the inhabitants , It appears that the men have not been disarmed , and they will , of course , be permitted to re-enter Poland at any point most convenient to the Russian authorities .
The Italian Government has issued an order to the prefects enjoining them to dissolve the meetings which are being held ostensibly in favour of the Polish insurgents , but in fact for political purposes , endangering the safety of the state . Prince Rugcero Settimo , the President of the Senate , has just died at Malta , and the Government has sent a frigate to convey his remains to Palermo . Matamoros the Spanish Protestant has
been condemned by the Court of Greneda , to nine years' imprisonment . The New York journals publish accounts from Mexico to the , 1 st inst ., via San Francisco , which state that the French had bombarded Puobia for ten days , and been twice repulsed , ancl in an oflicial despatch from General Ortega to Comonfort , the French are said to have been routed . A MERICA . —The American advices brought by the Africa
, and Baltimore are interesting , though they do not announce any great engagement between the belligerent armies . The report that the Federals had occupied Gordonsvile was admitted to be untrue ; and the Southern journals asserted that Gen . Stoneman had been foiled in an attempt to pass Rappahannock , 25 miles above Fvedericksbug . Gen . Foster had left his forces in AVashingtonNorth Carolinawhere they were
, , surrounded by the Confederates , and had succeded in passing the Confederate batteries ill a steamer , which conveyed him to Newborn ; but latter dispatches state that the Confederates had retreated from AA ashington , and had abandoned the batteries which they had erected on the Pamlico river below their town .
The Week.
They were likewise reported to have retired from the bank of the Nansemond river , after their attempts to establish batteries had been frusterated by the Federal gunboats , which captured six guns and 200 prisoners . The troops conducted by Gen . Foster to Port Royal were about to return to North Carolina— a movement which affords a sufficient proof that the Federals have abandoned for the present any intention to operate against Charleston or SauannahThere were reports
. that Gen . A an Dorn was aclvanceing upon Nashville ; and there had been severe fighting in the neighbourhood of Corinth , the Confederates having been " beaten from Bear Creek to Crane Creek . " The federal Commandant at Memphis had "telegraphed that he had evacuated . " Admiral Porter , with five gunboats and three transports , having on board some of Gen . Grant ' s troopshad run past the Confederate batteries at Yicksburg
, during the night of the 16 th ult . without any loss , save that of one transport , which was burned ; and he had subsequentl y bombarded Warrenton . The seige of Atcksburg is to be resumed . The Southern journals think that the Federal gunboats will this time attack the city from below and from the opposite shore ; but the probably is that the gunboats will operate up the Red Riverandin conjunction with Gen . Banks
, , , endeavoured to force the evacuation , of both Yicksburg and Port Hudson by cutting off the supplies . The contending forces in Tennessee were very active , and a battle was still imminent . The abandonment of Washington , ancl the retreat of the Confederates , is confirmed ; but we have no particulars
of the circumstances that led to it . The Confederates , 20 , 000 strong , under Gen . Marmaduke , were invading Missouri . The Federal Gen . Blunt had issued an order that guerillas in Missouri found with arms are to be treated , not as belligerents , but as insurgents , ancl immediately shot . In the state of Indiana several " union meetings" have been dispersed byparties of " Knights of the Golden Circle ; " and in the consequent affrays several persons had been wounded ancl one
killed . The Federal General commanding in Indiana had deemed it necessary to declare that the " Knights of the Golden Circle ' " are public enemies , and shall be " dealt with as such , " ancl to caution the people against wearing " Copperhead badges . " Tho case of the Peterhoff came before the New York Prize Court on the 21 st of ult ., ancl the United States attorney proposed that the mail bags should be delivered
unopened to tbe British Consul ; but tho captors opposed the proposal , and the judges adjourned the trial in order to consider their judgment on the point . ISDIA . —The Bombay mail brings intelligence from India to the 13 th ult . In his " progress , " the Aleeroy made his entry into UmhaYlah on the 27 th March , and war , received in great state by the Cis Sutlej chiefs . He loft on tlie 1 st and reached
his residence in Simla on the 4 tb . The Cossyah war is at an end , and quietness is restored in tho hill districts . The Shah of Persia is said to have informed the British resident at Teheran that ho should proceed to the relief of Herat unless the army of the Dost was recalled by British interference .
To Correspondents.
AV . Af . ( Lancashire ) . —AVe are aware that Bro . S . 13 . AVilson and ourselves avc at issue on the point as to whether a AA ardcu can perform the ceremonies in the absence of the Master . AVe have no doubt upon the subject that he can legall }* perform the ceremonies ; though , as a rule , it is better for a P . M . to undertake the duty , should one ho present , no matter what lodge he may belongto . A Master of a loclge being also a E . A . Mason , is eligible to he elected 3 rd Principal of a Chapter , if he has previously served the
office of Sojourner or Kehemiah . He cannot be elected to tho 2 nd or 1 st Principal Chair until he has passed through the 3 rd chair . He may , however , be appointed to cither chair in a new chapter , but he must then be installed in all the chairs . P . D . ( Norfolk ) . —Tha S . AA . having resigned , yon can appoint another . It is best to advance the J . AV . ancl other officers u step , as the appointing a S . AV . over tho heads of the other officers is likely to give rise to heart-burnings and discontent , which should always lie
avoided . BKO . JOKX OLVER , P . M . No . 100 G . —AA ' e cannot insert beggingletters , excepting in our advertising columns . Perhaps some brother of 1008 will inform us privately why they refuse to recommend Bro . Olver to the Lodge of Benevolence . THE GRAXD LODGE PROPERTY . —The letter from Bro . Dankcs , the G . Supt . of AVorks , which we published last week , was also addressed to the Editor of the Builder , the Building News , and the Em .