Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . Dr . Leeson , M . P . Sov . G . Com ., 33 ° , proposes to hold a meeting of the Supreme Grand Council and a Eose Croix Chapter at his residence , Bonchurch , Isle of AVight , on AYednesday , the 13 th instant . There will be a grand military
display in the morning , after which tho meetings , above alluded to , and in the evening the undercliff , in the doctors gardens , will be illuminated and a superb discharge of fireworks take place at night . Tbis demonstration was to have taken place at the time of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales's wedding , but the difficulty in obtaining fireworks in so large a quantity ,
as contemplated , lias been the cause of its being so long deferred . The preparations are most extensive and will well repay a visit from any brethren of the higher grades . The Abbey Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 59 ) , under the presidency of Bro . E . S . Cossens , Ki ., Grand Reg . of Berks and Bucks , and P . G . S ., & c , will be consecrated ( D . V ) , and the W . M . installed by the W . Bro . Frederick Binckes , G . Sec , & c , on Friday , the 22 nd inst ., at Tewkasbury , Gloucestershire .
BOTAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —Tliis select lodge held an emergency meeting on Friday , May 1 st , at Bro . Stevens's , Eoyal Oak Tavern . High-street , Deptford . The AA . M ., Bro . George AA'ilton , assisted by his officers Stahr , AValters , Stevens , Pembroke , Mills , Hodgson , Rosenstock , and Blomeley , opened the lodge . Mr . Meyer Brach having been unanimously elected , was introduced , and , in an able and impressive manner , initiated into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry .
This being the only business for which the lodge was summoned , it was then duly closed . Visitors—A . H . Tattershall , 13 , 164 ; J . 0 . Donnithorne , 87 ; L . Stern , 218 ; H . AVillson , 805 .
LEIGH LOBGE ( NO . 1259 ) . —This new lodge , holden at the Pimlico Literary and Scientific Institution , was consecrated on Tuesday , May 5 th , the consecrating Master being that excellent and first class Mason , Bro . Stephen Barton AVilson , P . G . D . A large number of eminent Masons were in attendance , amongst whom we might mention Bros . Adams , P . G . P . ; Spencer , P . G . S . ; Piatt , Secretary to the Twickenham Lodge , P . M . ; and Dr . NolanD . C . L . kc . The beautiful ceremony of consecration
, , was gone through by Bro . Stepheen Barton Wilson with that faultless beauty and impressiveness for which he is so noted , and which was greatly enhanced by tlie performance of sacred music , which is made , and very properly so , an important part of tbe ceremony by this celebrated Mason , ancl we only repeat what he himself expressed when we say that never was the musical portion so well performed as on this occasionand for
, which we must here pay a well merited compliment to Bro . Dyson , and his musical brethren , Bros . Marriott , AVhitehouse , and Lambert ,, the latter of whom presided admirably as Organist , for the thoroughly efficient manner in which this interesting part of the ceremony was performed . The Oration , an excellent one in its way , was on the practical working part of Masonry , and was well worthy of the serious attention of all
Masons . Bro . Stephen Barton AVilson then proceeded to instill Bro . C . A . Cotterbrune , P . M ., to the office of AV . M . of the newly constituted Leigh Loclge ( No . 1259 ) , which ceremony was faultlessly performed by him , and , in fact , to all that he did , the fullest satisfaction of the brethren present was awarded . After the AA . M . had been saluted , ' during which the musical brethrenunder the direction of Bro . D of the
, yson , Castle Lodge , AA'indsor , sang a chant which gave great pleasure ; the other officers were duly appointed and presented with their respective badges of office by the AV . M . ' After the Masonic business had been concluded the loclge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Grosvenor Hotel , Pimlico ,
whore a magnificent banquet ' was prepared for the brethren , to which , and the wines , which were of premiere quality , ample justice was done . After the banquet the grace , " For these and all Thy Mercies , " was capitally sung by Bros . Marriott , Dyson , AVhitehouse and Lambert . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . The selection of music performed during the evening was of the most delightful character , reflecting great credit ou tlie brethren engaged . After the Tyler ' s toast had been given the brethren separated , liaving spent a most harmonious and pleasant evening .
INSTRUCTION . LODGE OP STABILITY ( NO . 26-1 ) . The anniversary meeting of this loclge was held at Radley ' s Hotel , on Friday , the 2-ith April , Bro . Henry Muggeridge presiding ; the lecture of the first degree was also worked by the following brethren : —1 st section , Bros . C . H . Fielder , 1017 ; 2 ndE . M . HubbnckPGSAV . M . G 6 ; 3 rdClarence Harcourt ,
, , ..., , W . M . 22 ; 4 th , J . Hamilton Cox , PM . 57 ; 5 th , Alfred Pratt , P . M . 22 ; Gtb , Edward Hughes , Sec . 22 ; 7 th , David Law , G . S . 66 . The lodge room was most densely crowded , and too much praise could not be awarded for the manner in which the whole of the work was performed . A otes of thanks having been given to the working brethren
and Bro . Muggeridge for the instruction and enjoyment they had afforded the brethren , the lodge was closed with prayer . The brethren shortly after adjourned to a very elegant supper , which was presided over by Bro . Havers , J . G . W ., supported by Bros . Perkins , P . G . AA . ; Mclntyre , G . Reg . ; AVoods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; S . B . AVilson and Hopwood , P . G . D . ' s ; Empson , G . S . B . ; Patten , P . G . S . B . ; and about 120 other brethren .
At the conclusion of the repast , The CHAIHJTAN said he was sure that it required no preface to induce them to drink with enthusiasm '' The Health of their good Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland . " ( Cheers . ) It was hardly possible to overrate the esteem and love which he enjoyed from all who knew him , or properly to estimate the time and attention which lie ahvays gave to the business of the Craft . He believed that it would have been difficult to find so good a
nobleman so long to preside over the Craft , and no one could have filled the Grand Master ' s chair with greater courtesy or more advantageously to the Craft . He gave them the health of their good Grand Master , long might he live to preside over them . ( Cheers . )
The CHAIRMAN said the next toast he had to propose was tha health of the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon . It was a matter of great satisfaction to see men of station taking office amongst them , the more especially men who were held in such great estimation that they were selected by her Majesty to fill high positions in the Government , ( Cheers . ) They were all aware that their Deputy Grand Master had just been appointed Secretary of AVar . It was not for him
to say how the noble lord had acted as a minister , hut he might observe that he had won the respect not only of Masons , but of that noble body , the A olunteers , to the organisation of which he had rendered most efficient assistance . Amongst his colleagues in the ministry were many other Masons of distinction , including the Duke of Newcastle , Prov . G . M . for Nottinghamshirethe Colonial Minister ; and the Earl of
, Hartington , Prov . G . M . for Derbyshire , Assistant-Secretary of AA ar . AVell might they be prond at seeing so many distinguished noblemen taking position among them . AVith the toast of the D . G . Master ho would couple the names of the Grand Officers . He regretted that there were not more present , but he had received letters of apology from Bros . Evans , Jennings , Le A eau , Scott , Bridges , and Potter , some of whom were in the
country , ancl others previously engaged . They had , however , with them , Bro . Perkins , who had filled high office most eifi - ciently : then there was the Grand Registrar , a brother who stood high in his profession , and who , by his legal knowledge and talents , reflected great credit on the Order ; and next to him was a brother whom they all delighted to honour , Bro . Stephen Barton AVilsonthe representative of the sister lodges of
, instruction . He was one of the most perfect teachers of their ceremonies , to whom they all looked up with respect and admiration . Bro . AVilson was devoted to the Craft , and was now engaged in a work which would he of great importance to it , and to which he ( Bro . Havers ) would be happy to render any
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . Dr . Leeson , M . P . Sov . G . Com ., 33 ° , proposes to hold a meeting of the Supreme Grand Council and a Eose Croix Chapter at his residence , Bonchurch , Isle of AVight , on AYednesday , the 13 th instant . There will be a grand military
display in the morning , after which tho meetings , above alluded to , and in the evening the undercliff , in the doctors gardens , will be illuminated and a superb discharge of fireworks take place at night . Tbis demonstration was to have taken place at the time of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales's wedding , but the difficulty in obtaining fireworks in so large a quantity ,
as contemplated , lias been the cause of its being so long deferred . The preparations are most extensive and will well repay a visit from any brethren of the higher grades . The Abbey Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 59 ) , under the presidency of Bro . E . S . Cossens , Ki ., Grand Reg . of Berks and Bucks , and P . G . S ., & c , will be consecrated ( D . V ) , and the W . M . installed by the W . Bro . Frederick Binckes , G . Sec , & c , on Friday , the 22 nd inst ., at Tewkasbury , Gloucestershire .
BOTAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —Tliis select lodge held an emergency meeting on Friday , May 1 st , at Bro . Stevens's , Eoyal Oak Tavern . High-street , Deptford . The AA . M ., Bro . George AA'ilton , assisted by his officers Stahr , AValters , Stevens , Pembroke , Mills , Hodgson , Rosenstock , and Blomeley , opened the lodge . Mr . Meyer Brach having been unanimously elected , was introduced , and , in an able and impressive manner , initiated into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry .
This being the only business for which the lodge was summoned , it was then duly closed . Visitors—A . H . Tattershall , 13 , 164 ; J . 0 . Donnithorne , 87 ; L . Stern , 218 ; H . AVillson , 805 .
LEIGH LOBGE ( NO . 1259 ) . —This new lodge , holden at the Pimlico Literary and Scientific Institution , was consecrated on Tuesday , May 5 th , the consecrating Master being that excellent and first class Mason , Bro . Stephen Barton AVilson , P . G . D . A large number of eminent Masons were in attendance , amongst whom we might mention Bros . Adams , P . G . P . ; Spencer , P . G . S . ; Piatt , Secretary to the Twickenham Lodge , P . M . ; and Dr . NolanD . C . L . kc . The beautiful ceremony of consecration
, , was gone through by Bro . Stepheen Barton Wilson with that faultless beauty and impressiveness for which he is so noted , and which was greatly enhanced by tlie performance of sacred music , which is made , and very properly so , an important part of tbe ceremony by this celebrated Mason , ancl we only repeat what he himself expressed when we say that never was the musical portion so well performed as on this occasionand for
, which we must here pay a well merited compliment to Bro . Dyson , and his musical brethren , Bros . Marriott , AVhitehouse , and Lambert ,, the latter of whom presided admirably as Organist , for the thoroughly efficient manner in which this interesting part of the ceremony was performed . The Oration , an excellent one in its way , was on the practical working part of Masonry , and was well worthy of the serious attention of all
Masons . Bro . Stephen Barton AVilson then proceeded to instill Bro . C . A . Cotterbrune , P . M ., to the office of AV . M . of the newly constituted Leigh Loclge ( No . 1259 ) , which ceremony was faultlessly performed by him , and , in fact , to all that he did , the fullest satisfaction of the brethren present was awarded . After the AA . M . had been saluted , ' during which the musical brethrenunder the direction of Bro . D of the
, yson , Castle Lodge , AA'indsor , sang a chant which gave great pleasure ; the other officers were duly appointed and presented with their respective badges of office by the AV . M . ' After the Masonic business had been concluded the loclge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Grosvenor Hotel , Pimlico ,
whore a magnificent banquet ' was prepared for the brethren , to which , and the wines , which were of premiere quality , ample justice was done . After the banquet the grace , " For these and all Thy Mercies , " was capitally sung by Bros . Marriott , Dyson , AVhitehouse and Lambert . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed . The selection of music performed during the evening was of the most delightful character , reflecting great credit ou tlie brethren engaged . After the Tyler ' s toast had been given the brethren separated , liaving spent a most harmonious and pleasant evening .
INSTRUCTION . LODGE OP STABILITY ( NO . 26-1 ) . The anniversary meeting of this loclge was held at Radley ' s Hotel , on Friday , the 2-ith April , Bro . Henry Muggeridge presiding ; the lecture of the first degree was also worked by the following brethren : —1 st section , Bros . C . H . Fielder , 1017 ; 2 ndE . M . HubbnckPGSAV . M . G 6 ; 3 rdClarence Harcourt ,
, , ..., , W . M . 22 ; 4 th , J . Hamilton Cox , PM . 57 ; 5 th , Alfred Pratt , P . M . 22 ; Gtb , Edward Hughes , Sec . 22 ; 7 th , David Law , G . S . 66 . The lodge room was most densely crowded , and too much praise could not be awarded for the manner in which the whole of the work was performed . A otes of thanks having been given to the working brethren
and Bro . Muggeridge for the instruction and enjoyment they had afforded the brethren , the lodge was closed with prayer . The brethren shortly after adjourned to a very elegant supper , which was presided over by Bro . Havers , J . G . W ., supported by Bros . Perkins , P . G . AA . ; Mclntyre , G . Reg . ; AVoods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; S . B . AVilson and Hopwood , P . G . D . ' s ; Empson , G . S . B . ; Patten , P . G . S . B . ; and about 120 other brethren .
At the conclusion of the repast , The CHAIHJTAN said he was sure that it required no preface to induce them to drink with enthusiasm '' The Health of their good Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland . " ( Cheers . ) It was hardly possible to overrate the esteem and love which he enjoyed from all who knew him , or properly to estimate the time and attention which lie ahvays gave to the business of the Craft . He believed that it would have been difficult to find so good a
nobleman so long to preside over the Craft , and no one could have filled the Grand Master ' s chair with greater courtesy or more advantageously to the Craft . He gave them the health of their good Grand Master , long might he live to preside over them . ( Cheers . )
The CHAIRMAN said the next toast he had to propose was tha health of the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon . It was a matter of great satisfaction to see men of station taking office amongst them , the more especially men who were held in such great estimation that they were selected by her Majesty to fill high positions in the Government , ( Cheers . ) They were all aware that their Deputy Grand Master had just been appointed Secretary of AVar . It was not for him
to say how the noble lord had acted as a minister , hut he might observe that he had won the respect not only of Masons , but of that noble body , the A olunteers , to the organisation of which he had rendered most efficient assistance . Amongst his colleagues in the ministry were many other Masons of distinction , including the Duke of Newcastle , Prov . G . M . for Nottinghamshirethe Colonial Minister ; and the Earl of
, Hartington , Prov . G . M . for Derbyshire , Assistant-Secretary of AA ar . AVell might they be prond at seeing so many distinguished noblemen taking position among them . AVith the toast of the D . G . Master ho would couple the names of the Grand Officers . He regretted that there were not more present , but he had received letters of apology from Bros . Evans , Jennings , Le A eau , Scott , Bridges , and Potter , some of whom were in the
country , ancl others previously engaged . They had , however , with them , Bro . Perkins , who had filled high office most eifi - ciently : then there was the Grand Registrar , a brother who stood high in his profession , and who , by his legal knowledge and talents , reflected great credit on the Order ; and next to him was a brother whom they all delighted to honour , Bro . Stephen Barton AVilsonthe representative of the sister lodges of
, instruction . He was one of the most perfect teachers of their ceremonies , to whom they all looked up with respect and admiration . Bro . AVilson was devoted to the Craft , and was now engaged in a work which would he of great importance to it , and to which he ( Bro . Havers ) would be happy to render any