Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
together m such fraternal love one for the other , that could the outer world but get a glimpse of them as they there sat , high and low , rich and poor , one with the other , the greatest sceptic could not have but acknowledged that there must bo something more in Masonry than meets the eye , for , to induce the man of rank to set aside his ideas of self-importance even for the time being , and to meet the poor but honest brother on terms of equality . They would , we say , acknowledge that the prospect
of a good supper , or the passing of the toasts , could not be the inducement these men would he captivated by . Amongst the many brethren who enlivened the meeting with their songs was Bro . King ( who boasts being a native of the Emerald Isle ) , and to decide an argument as to how the 17 th March came to be considered as a national festival in honour of the birthday of St . Patrick , sung— " On the 8 th day of March it was some people say . " At the conclusion he was greeted with rounds of
applause . Other appropriate songs followed this by several of the brethren , and tbe evening was closed with the " Entered Apprentice , " sung by the same brother . Before closing our report wo have only to add that Lodge Hope is now presided over by Bro . John James -Martin , Paymaster of the Queen ' s Depot at Kurrachee , one of the most hard-working and zealous members of the Craft in Scinde , assisted by officers and brethren who have tho interest of their lodgo at heart ; and we have not the slightest doubt but that in a short time Lodgo Hope will , owing to their efforts , take its stand as one of the leading amongst its sister lodges in AA estern India .
( From our own Correspondent . ) SHAS - GHAI . —Assiduity Lodge of Instruction ( No . 832 ) . —The regular meeting of this recently constituted Lodgo of Instruction , working under the sanction of the Northern Lodge of China ( No . 832 ) , was held at the Masonic Hall , on Saturday evening , the 28 th February . Present—Bros . Nutt , J . AA . 832 , as AV . M . ; Hardy , S . AV . ; Wheelock , J . AV . ; Ewing , S . D . ; Sidforth , J . D . ; Gordon , I . G . ; Gould , P . M , Nos . 177 and 1045 , P .
Prov . S . G . W . ; Thorn , P . M . 832 ; Dunlop , P . M . 823 ; Mitchell , WM . 1045 ; Cassidy , P . M . 101-5 ; Hamilton , Bernard , Campbell , Purkis , ancl Thorne . A series of resolutions agreed to at a preliminary meeting , were confirmed , one being that meetings should take place fortnightly . The ceremony of passing was performed in a very creditable manner , the zeal ancl emulation actuating the office-bearers , being evidenced by the correctness with which their several parts were sustainedthe explanation
; of the second tracing-hoard which followed , was listened to with great attention . The first three sections of the first lecture were subsequently worked as follows : 1 st , by Bro . Gould , P . M . ; 2 nd , by Bro . Dunlop , P . M . ; 3 rd , by Bro . Thorne , P . M . ; the delivery of this interesting elucidation of tho ceremonial observances of the Craft , afforded great satisfaction , the lectures
having hitherto been to the generality of the brethren present , a traditional myth , demanding more than an average credulity for a belief in their existence . Bro . Thorne , P . M ., was unanimously elected preceptor of the lodge , his ability to instruct being only equalled by the willingness with which he at all times responds to the very numerous calls that are made upon him . Bro . Thome's bygone experience of the system of working prevailing at the Emulation and Stability Metropolitan Lodges
of Instruction , qualifies him admirably for the very responsible post , which he only consented to fill at the urgent solication of all present . The completion of the Masonic Hall seems to have lit into a blaze the heretofore latent enthusiasm of the Shanghai brethren , the following Masonic bodies having met at the new building during the current year . Craft : —Northern Lodge of China ( No . 832 ); Meridian Lodge ( No . 1045 ); Instruction : —Lodge of Assiduity ( No . 832 ); Royal ArchZion
, Chapter ( No . 832 ); Knights Templar :- —tlieCelestialEncampment , whilst the Royal Sussex Loclge ( No . 735 ) , late of Canton , whose warrant has been transferred to Shanghai , through the praiseworthy energy of Bro . S . Rawson , P . Prov . G . M ., and thereby saved from erasure , which a longer period of abeyance would have entailed , will hold its inauguration meeting at an early date .
ROYAL ARCH . SnAXG- _ iAi . —Zion Chapter ( No . 833 ) . —A meeting of this chapter took place on the 28 th February , at the Masonic hall . Present : Comps . Thorne , M . E . Z . ; Rawson , Prov . G . Sunt ., as H . ; Dunlop , J . ; Murray , P . J . ; Nutt , as Scribe E . ; Warden
Scribe N . ; and other officers and companions . The preliminary business of the evening being the election of officers , which was proceeded with according to the customary method ; the unanimous choice of the chapter falling upon Comps , Murray , P . E . Z . ; Birdseye , H . ; Gould , J . ; AVarden , P . S . ; Nutt , Scribe , E . The following candidates , previously accepted in open chapter , being in attendance , were exalted to this supreme degree , the M . E . Z . and his coadjutors performing the duties of their station in a
manner worthy of all praise , Bros . Danyel ) , ( Lieut . 31 st Regt . ) 1045 ; Gordon , 832 ; Medhurst ( H . M . Consul ) 768 ; and AVheelock , 832 . Several candidates were proposed for exaltation , and all business concluded , the convocation was closed with solemn prayer . KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . SHANGAI . —Celestial Encampment . —A meeting of this
encampment was held on the 2 nd March , the following Sir Knights responding to the prescribed incitation : —Murray , E . C . ; Rawson , P . E . C , Prelate ; Warden , 1 st Capt . ; Gould , P . E . C , as 2 nd Capt . ; Lomeiro , Reg . ; Parker , Expert ; Bernard , Capt . of Lines ; Gammell Ewing , ancl Taylor . Comps . Dunlop , Nutt , and Bennett were severally introduced and installed . Five R . A . companions were proposed for installation ( making a total of nine on the candidates' list ) , and all business being despatched the Sir Knights were permitted to disperse .
Roman Catholic Intolerance.
Dr . Cullen the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin , has just issued the following circular . " My Dear and Rev . Sir—In consequence of the attendance of some Catholics at the late Masonic balls held in the city , it becomes my duty to direct your attention to the Pontificial Constitutions ancl Decrees—in particular those of Clement XII ., Benedict XIV ., Pius VII ., Leo XII ., ancl of the reigning Pontiff , Pius IX ., by which not only the institution of
freemasonry , and all such secret societies , are most severaly condemned , but all participation , favour and countenance , and attendance at their assemblages , as well as any aid or encouragement afforded them , are most strictly forbidden . The violation of these constitutions or precepts of the church is a grevious sin and purnishod by nhe church with the severest censure—that of excommunication , tho absoulution from which is reserved , except in danger of death , to the
Sovereign Pontiff , or one delegated by his authority . It is also in this diocese one of the diocesan reserved cases . Yon will be careful not use the power which has been committed to the confessors of this diocese during the month of May , of absolving from this sin , without having prevously admonished penitents of the great guilt they have incurred by disobeying the commandment of the church , aud giving bad example to their brethren , especially the poor , who are easily induced to enrol themselves in secret societies , when they see such societies patronised ancl encouraged by their superiors in station and
wealth . You must also exact a distinct promise from the penients that they will not repeat a similar trasgression in future . The members of Ribbon lodges , ancl dangerous and condemned brotherhoods , and those who encourage and promote them , incur a reservation in this diocese , ancl are to be treated in the same way as freemasons . Let us , reverend brethren , do everything in our power to prevent the evils that arise from secret and dangerous societiesand especiallthat indifference
, y to all religion which is pointed out by Benedict XIV , as a necessary consequence of their meetings . The constitution of this country allows full publicity to be given to the procedings of any man or any body of men , if there , be nothing bad or illegal in them . Why , then , any society should bind its members by oath to conceal its doctrines and pratices , it is dificult to conceive , unless its deeds be those of darkness . The Scripture
says— - "Every one that doeth evil hateth light , cometh not the light that his works may not be required ; but he that doth truth , cometh to the light that his works may be made manifest , because they are done in God . " - —John , iii . 20 . The special power of absolving from the above , and some other diocesan reserved cases , expires with the month of May . You will have the goodness to communicate these instructions to the confessors in your church or parish , or otherwise acting
under your directions . —I remain , my dear and Rev . Sir , your devoted servant , " ? £ ; PAUL CULLEN , Archbishop , & c . " 55 , Eccles-street , 1 st . May , 1863 . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
together m such fraternal love one for the other , that could the outer world but get a glimpse of them as they there sat , high and low , rich and poor , one with the other , the greatest sceptic could not have but acknowledged that there must bo something more in Masonry than meets the eye , for , to induce the man of rank to set aside his ideas of self-importance even for the time being , and to meet the poor but honest brother on terms of equality . They would , we say , acknowledge that the prospect
of a good supper , or the passing of the toasts , could not be the inducement these men would he captivated by . Amongst the many brethren who enlivened the meeting with their songs was Bro . King ( who boasts being a native of the Emerald Isle ) , and to decide an argument as to how the 17 th March came to be considered as a national festival in honour of the birthday of St . Patrick , sung— " On the 8 th day of March it was some people say . " At the conclusion he was greeted with rounds of
applause . Other appropriate songs followed this by several of the brethren , and tbe evening was closed with the " Entered Apprentice , " sung by the same brother . Before closing our report wo have only to add that Lodge Hope is now presided over by Bro . John James -Martin , Paymaster of the Queen ' s Depot at Kurrachee , one of the most hard-working and zealous members of the Craft in Scinde , assisted by officers and brethren who have tho interest of their lodgo at heart ; and we have not the slightest doubt but that in a short time Lodgo Hope will , owing to their efforts , take its stand as one of the leading amongst its sister lodges in AA estern India .
( From our own Correspondent . ) SHAS - GHAI . —Assiduity Lodge of Instruction ( No . 832 ) . —The regular meeting of this recently constituted Lodgo of Instruction , working under the sanction of the Northern Lodge of China ( No . 832 ) , was held at the Masonic Hall , on Saturday evening , the 28 th February . Present—Bros . Nutt , J . AA . 832 , as AV . M . ; Hardy , S . AV . ; Wheelock , J . AV . ; Ewing , S . D . ; Sidforth , J . D . ; Gordon , I . G . ; Gould , P . M , Nos . 177 and 1045 , P .
Prov . S . G . W . ; Thorn , P . M . 832 ; Dunlop , P . M . 823 ; Mitchell , WM . 1045 ; Cassidy , P . M . 101-5 ; Hamilton , Bernard , Campbell , Purkis , ancl Thorne . A series of resolutions agreed to at a preliminary meeting , were confirmed , one being that meetings should take place fortnightly . The ceremony of passing was performed in a very creditable manner , the zeal ancl emulation actuating the office-bearers , being evidenced by the correctness with which their several parts were sustainedthe explanation
; of the second tracing-hoard which followed , was listened to with great attention . The first three sections of the first lecture were subsequently worked as follows : 1 st , by Bro . Gould , P . M . ; 2 nd , by Bro . Dunlop , P . M . ; 3 rd , by Bro . Thorne , P . M . ; the delivery of this interesting elucidation of tho ceremonial observances of the Craft , afforded great satisfaction , the lectures
having hitherto been to the generality of the brethren present , a traditional myth , demanding more than an average credulity for a belief in their existence . Bro . Thorne , P . M ., was unanimously elected preceptor of the lodge , his ability to instruct being only equalled by the willingness with which he at all times responds to the very numerous calls that are made upon him . Bro . Thome's bygone experience of the system of working prevailing at the Emulation and Stability Metropolitan Lodges
of Instruction , qualifies him admirably for the very responsible post , which he only consented to fill at the urgent solication of all present . The completion of the Masonic Hall seems to have lit into a blaze the heretofore latent enthusiasm of the Shanghai brethren , the following Masonic bodies having met at the new building during the current year . Craft : —Northern Lodge of China ( No . 832 ); Meridian Lodge ( No . 1045 ); Instruction : —Lodge of Assiduity ( No . 832 ); Royal ArchZion
, Chapter ( No . 832 ); Knights Templar :- —tlieCelestialEncampment , whilst the Royal Sussex Loclge ( No . 735 ) , late of Canton , whose warrant has been transferred to Shanghai , through the praiseworthy energy of Bro . S . Rawson , P . Prov . G . M ., and thereby saved from erasure , which a longer period of abeyance would have entailed , will hold its inauguration meeting at an early date .
ROYAL ARCH . SnAXG- _ iAi . —Zion Chapter ( No . 833 ) . —A meeting of this chapter took place on the 28 th February , at the Masonic hall . Present : Comps . Thorne , M . E . Z . ; Rawson , Prov . G . Sunt ., as H . ; Dunlop , J . ; Murray , P . J . ; Nutt , as Scribe E . ; Warden
Scribe N . ; and other officers and companions . The preliminary business of the evening being the election of officers , which was proceeded with according to the customary method ; the unanimous choice of the chapter falling upon Comps , Murray , P . E . Z . ; Birdseye , H . ; Gould , J . ; AVarden , P . S . ; Nutt , Scribe , E . The following candidates , previously accepted in open chapter , being in attendance , were exalted to this supreme degree , the M . E . Z . and his coadjutors performing the duties of their station in a
manner worthy of all praise , Bros . Danyel ) , ( Lieut . 31 st Regt . ) 1045 ; Gordon , 832 ; Medhurst ( H . M . Consul ) 768 ; and AVheelock , 832 . Several candidates were proposed for exaltation , and all business concluded , the convocation was closed with solemn prayer . KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . SHANGAI . —Celestial Encampment . —A meeting of this
encampment was held on the 2 nd March , the following Sir Knights responding to the prescribed incitation : —Murray , E . C . ; Rawson , P . E . C , Prelate ; Warden , 1 st Capt . ; Gould , P . E . C , as 2 nd Capt . ; Lomeiro , Reg . ; Parker , Expert ; Bernard , Capt . of Lines ; Gammell Ewing , ancl Taylor . Comps . Dunlop , Nutt , and Bennett were severally introduced and installed . Five R . A . companions were proposed for installation ( making a total of nine on the candidates' list ) , and all business being despatched the Sir Knights were permitted to disperse .
Roman Catholic Intolerance.
Dr . Cullen the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin , has just issued the following circular . " My Dear and Rev . Sir—In consequence of the attendance of some Catholics at the late Masonic balls held in the city , it becomes my duty to direct your attention to the Pontificial Constitutions ancl Decrees—in particular those of Clement XII ., Benedict XIV ., Pius VII ., Leo XII ., ancl of the reigning Pontiff , Pius IX ., by which not only the institution of
freemasonry , and all such secret societies , are most severaly condemned , but all participation , favour and countenance , and attendance at their assemblages , as well as any aid or encouragement afforded them , are most strictly forbidden . The violation of these constitutions or precepts of the church is a grevious sin and purnishod by nhe church with the severest censure—that of excommunication , tho absoulution from which is reserved , except in danger of death , to the
Sovereign Pontiff , or one delegated by his authority . It is also in this diocese one of the diocesan reserved cases . Yon will be careful not use the power which has been committed to the confessors of this diocese during the month of May , of absolving from this sin , without having prevously admonished penitents of the great guilt they have incurred by disobeying the commandment of the church , aud giving bad example to their brethren , especially the poor , who are easily induced to enrol themselves in secret societies , when they see such societies patronised ancl encouraged by their superiors in station and
wealth . You must also exact a distinct promise from the penients that they will not repeat a similar trasgression in future . The members of Ribbon lodges , ancl dangerous and condemned brotherhoods , and those who encourage and promote them , incur a reservation in this diocese , ancl are to be treated in the same way as freemasons . Let us , reverend brethren , do everything in our power to prevent the evils that arise from secret and dangerous societiesand especiallthat indifference
, y to all religion which is pointed out by Benedict XIV , as a necessary consequence of their meetings . The constitution of this country allows full publicity to be given to the procedings of any man or any body of men , if there , be nothing bad or illegal in them . Why , then , any society should bind its members by oath to conceal its doctrines and pratices , it is dificult to conceive , unless its deeds be those of darkness . The Scripture
says— - "Every one that doeth evil hateth light , cometh not the light that his works may not be required ; but he that doth truth , cometh to the light that his works may be made manifest , because they are done in God . " - —John , iii . 20 . The special power of absolving from the above , and some other diocesan reserved cases , expires with the month of May . You will have the goodness to communicate these instructions to the confessors in your church or parish , or otherwise acting
under your directions . —I remain , my dear and Rev . Sir , your devoted servant , " ? £ ; PAUL CULLEN , Archbishop , & c . " 55 , Eccles-street , 1 st . May , 1863 . "