Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge.
Tlie Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge Avas lield on Wednesday , and Ave regret to say that tlie Deputy Grand Master was unable to attend , as , in the necessary absence of tlie Grand Master , we could have wished he should have done . His
place was , however , filled by Bro . Dobie , the Provincial Grand Master for Surrey , one of the best Provincial Grand Masters in the Craft , and a brother who is deservedly respected by all who have tlie honour of his acquaintance . Grand Lodge Avas very thinly attended , and Avho can wonder at it , with weather such as Ave
are now enjoying . The minutes of the last Grand Lodge having * been confirmed , Bro . Dobie moved an address of condolence to the Grand Master on the loss of the Countess , in most appropriate language ,
which AA as seconded by the Rev . Bro . Dr . BoAvles , Provincial Grand Master for Herefordshire . Of course , the address Avas carried by acclamationbut it does not appear in the pages of the FREE - MASONS MAGAZINE—that arch representative of
Bumbledom and red tape denominated the Grand Secretary , and generally knoivn as the Grand Obstructive , having refused our reporter permission to copy it , a courtesy given in every other society but that of Freemasons . We daresay , hoAvever , it Avill see the light in due time , i . e ., when the Craft and the noble Earl have alike
forgotten all about it . After some formal business and the scratching a couple of lodges , a short discussion took place as to whether the wliole of the money received for the Loclge of Benevolence should be expended as
received , or a portion invested . We are altogether opposed to niggardly votes , but must still think that whenever anything can be fairly saA ed for investment it is most desirable . The Building Committee ' s report was adopted without discussion .
The annual report of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows having been received , a memorial was read from the Grand Chapter of Scotland enquiring * —¦ 1 st . If the Grand Lodge of England is prepared
to sanction the Avorking of the Mark Master ' s degree in England . 2 nd . Whether the Grand Lodge is prepared to recognise the body styling itself "The Grand
Lodge of Mark Masters of England , Wales , and the Colonies and Possessions of the British CroAvn " as the lawful head of the Order of Mark Masters , in England . Bro . Mclntyre , the Grand Registrar , replied
that the Grand Lodgo could not recognise the degree , and a priori it cannot recognise the "body styling , " & c . Had the Grand Master acted firmly from the first , and deprived of office all parties taking part in the UOAV Grand Lodge , it must have
died out . We are Mark Masons ourselves , and shall continue to report their proceedings so longas there is not energy enough at head quarters to make authority respected ¦ but Ave hold the opinion
Ave ever did , that the establishment of the English Grand Lods-e of Mark Masters Avas a mistake—and something more .- By-the-bye , hoAV was it Grand Lodge took the trouble to consider a memorial from the Grand Chapter of Scotland , a body it
does not recognise ? In reply to an appeal for support from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria to the proposed formation of a local Masonic Asylum for Aged Decayed Freemasons and their WidoAvs , a Girls '
School and a Boys' School for Orphan Children , and those of Decayed Freemasons , as nearly similar as circumstances will permit to those established under the sanction of the United Grand
Lodge of England , the Grand Registrar expressed his concurrence in the object our Australian brethren have in vieAV , but moved that at present pecuniary assistance could not be given . This Avas agreed to . In truth , Grand Lodge derives
nothing from the Colonies , and though our Colonial brethren may come on the funds of the Lodge of Benevolence , there are no funds to apply as wished . We hope , hoAvever , that some day we may haA e such a plethora of Avealth as to be able
to assist as many such schemes as can be promoted . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria must set to work irrespective of England , remembering that Jove helps those Avho help themselves . A memorial Avas read from the District Grand
Lodge of South Australia , setting forth certain alleged inconveniences , and praying—1 st . That District Grand Lodges be assimilated in them functions to the Grand Loclge . 2 nd . That they shall not cease to exist on' the
death or resignation of the Provincial Grand Master . 3 rd . That they shall have the power of investigating , regulating , and deciding all matters rela-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge.
Tlie Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge Avas lield on Wednesday , and Ave regret to say that tlie Deputy Grand Master was unable to attend , as , in the necessary absence of tlie Grand Master , we could have wished he should have done . His
place was , however , filled by Bro . Dobie , the Provincial Grand Master for Surrey , one of the best Provincial Grand Masters in the Craft , and a brother who is deservedly respected by all who have tlie honour of his acquaintance . Grand Lodge Avas very thinly attended , and Avho can wonder at it , with weather such as Ave
are now enjoying . The minutes of the last Grand Lodge having * been confirmed , Bro . Dobie moved an address of condolence to the Grand Master on the loss of the Countess , in most appropriate language ,
which AA as seconded by the Rev . Bro . Dr . BoAvles , Provincial Grand Master for Herefordshire . Of course , the address Avas carried by acclamationbut it does not appear in the pages of the FREE - MASONS MAGAZINE—that arch representative of
Bumbledom and red tape denominated the Grand Secretary , and generally knoivn as the Grand Obstructive , having refused our reporter permission to copy it , a courtesy given in every other society but that of Freemasons . We daresay , hoAvever , it Avill see the light in due time , i . e ., when the Craft and the noble Earl have alike
forgotten all about it . After some formal business and the scratching a couple of lodges , a short discussion took place as to whether the wliole of the money received for the Loclge of Benevolence should be expended as
received , or a portion invested . We are altogether opposed to niggardly votes , but must still think that whenever anything can be fairly saA ed for investment it is most desirable . The Building Committee ' s report was adopted without discussion .
The annual report of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows having been received , a memorial was read from the Grand Chapter of Scotland enquiring * —¦ 1 st . If the Grand Lodge of England is prepared
to sanction the Avorking of the Mark Master ' s degree in England . 2 nd . Whether the Grand Lodge is prepared to recognise the body styling itself "The Grand
Lodge of Mark Masters of England , Wales , and the Colonies and Possessions of the British CroAvn " as the lawful head of the Order of Mark Masters , in England . Bro . Mclntyre , the Grand Registrar , replied
that the Grand Lodgo could not recognise the degree , and a priori it cannot recognise the "body styling , " & c . Had the Grand Master acted firmly from the first , and deprived of office all parties taking part in the UOAV Grand Lodge , it must have
died out . We are Mark Masons ourselves , and shall continue to report their proceedings so longas there is not energy enough at head quarters to make authority respected ¦ but Ave hold the opinion
Ave ever did , that the establishment of the English Grand Lods-e of Mark Masters Avas a mistake—and something more .- By-the-bye , hoAV was it Grand Lodge took the trouble to consider a memorial from the Grand Chapter of Scotland , a body it
does not recognise ? In reply to an appeal for support from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria to the proposed formation of a local Masonic Asylum for Aged Decayed Freemasons and their WidoAvs , a Girls '
School and a Boys' School for Orphan Children , and those of Decayed Freemasons , as nearly similar as circumstances will permit to those established under the sanction of the United Grand
Lodge of England , the Grand Registrar expressed his concurrence in the object our Australian brethren have in vieAV , but moved that at present pecuniary assistance could not be given . This Avas agreed to . In truth , Grand Lodge derives
nothing from the Colonies , and though our Colonial brethren may come on the funds of the Lodge of Benevolence , there are no funds to apply as wished . We hope , hoAvever , that some day we may haA e such a plethora of Avealth as to be able
to assist as many such schemes as can be promoted . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria must set to work irrespective of England , remembering that Jove helps those Avho help themselves . A memorial Avas read from the District Grand
Lodge of South Australia , setting forth certain alleged inconveniences , and praying—1 st . That District Grand Lodges be assimilated in them functions to the Grand Loclge . 2 nd . That they shall not cease to exist on' the
death or resignation of the Provincial Grand Master . 3 rd . That they shall have the power of investigating , regulating , and deciding all matters rela-