Article MASONIC DUTIES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Duties.
ignorant of the purpose and design of Freemasonry to speak needlessly ill of it ? Upon this point I speak delicately ; but I AA'ish you to give it your most serious consideration . 7 . I think the practice is irregular in those lodg * es , Ai'ho allow initiated members to pay their
fee , due at their initiation , at many , many payments . This custom appears to me to be at A-ariance with the laAv contained in the "Book of Constitutions , " and I Avish to see it , if so , done aAvay with . Lastly . I am sorry to hear that certain members belonging to a loclge have left it , without assigning
any reason for their withdrawal ; and I am more especially grieved to learn that such brethren have left it Avithout discharging certain debts which the said loclge had against them . I trust such will see their very uumasonic conduct , and ivill do that which is right , if not for their own characters , nevertheless for the welfare ancl respectability of Freemasonry .
In making the foregoing observations to yon , brethren , you must not think that I am finding unnecessary fault . You must all be aware that it is my duty to notice any irregularities I may knoiv of , because if such be not noticed how can they be amended ? There Avould , indeed , be no reason to
blame at all if lodges Avould keep up to the Masonic rules , of " admitting Avovthy men and worthy men alone , " to the privileges of the Order . A "little leaven leaveneth the Avhole lump ; " and it is astonishing what one unworthy member may do to injure the Order . But at the same time that
I make these observations I am happy fco hear of the general prosperity of the fraternity ; so far as I am concerned , I rejoice at hearing that since we last met many respectable and Avorthy individuals have joined the fraternity—a sure sign that it is appreciated as it ought . I trust that what I have
said ( as I have done so with the utmost candour and fraternal feeling ) -will be received with that cordiality , and acted upon with that readiness which recommendations coming from your Provincial Grand Master ( hoAvever unworthily he may fill the station ) should merit . I thank you for
your attendance here to-day . I trust Ave may meet for many years to come , and that every revolving one may find us increasing not only in numbers , but in merit , worth , and respectability ; practising more earnestly the sublime lessons taught in our , Order , "brotherly love , relief , and truth ; " and honouring all men , loving the brotherhood , fearing God , and honouring the king .
REUOSE IK ACTIOS . — The most difficult acquirement in action , and the most important , is that of standing still . An actor is several years acquiring- the power of standing " still . Repose of manner is the last acquirement of the great artist in any sphere of art , and even of the man of business . The more energetic the artist is , ( lie more important to him is this repose . The storm is never so awful as when preceded by perfect stillness . —C . W . Smith's Clerical Elocution .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
A MASOXIC DnSTSEB , AT SASSA . TJ . [ A Avell knoAvn brother who lias recently returned from Nassau has favored us Avith a most amusing specimen of Masonic reporting . Ifc is really too good to be lost and may be amusing to others besides ourselves . The note that accompanies it states it was " written Try a military officer , a brother Mason , present . The speech is a close parody of thafc delivered by the presiding " W . M . " ]
THE MASOJTS . AN EPISODE OF " NASSAU VIAST" LIFS . ( JBy our Arch-Correspondent . ' ) The Procession . On the morning of the 27 th of December , the Masons of Nassau marched iu Masonic Orderwith
, banners above , band in front , whilst aprons , trowels , compass , square , rule , and other insignia of little arch , middle arch , grand arch , and those not in the least arch , floated below . The Masonic train stepped majestically to some mysterious music , ivhich , by distance rendered sweet ,
sounded not unlike a melody of " the Dead March iu Saul" and the " Wedding of Ballyporeeu . " I suppose it rejn-esented some allegorical union between the days of Solomon the Wise , and the hod-men of the 18 th century . The van Avas composed of a number of excited bipeds , of both genders , who danced to their own song , aud waved their hands to a gay and eccentric
measure . The flanks ivere hedged m by creatures of similar conformation , and tbe rear closed by a considerable concourse , in various costumes , and of A'arious ages . I am happy to say that , Avithout an exception , the whole shouted joyously . The scene attained the maximum of excitement , as the modern representatives of the builders of
departed temples and the founders of the ancient Arch , filed with drooping banners into the cathedral ; ancl the applause of the free and enlightened citizens for a moment drowned the resounding melody of the band , and almost startled that curious piece of workmanship supposed to represent the " Great
Columbus . " The service over , and the usual signs given , the banners were again hoisted , and the band again aroused responsive echoes from the throats of the shoeless and hatless , Avho again danced , if not lightly , at least tolerably sprightly , to tunes of impromptu native talent as the now edified brethren departed to the hall of dinimr .
The simple and elegant forms of the Graft , I deeply regret , were lost to sight amid the confused crowd of arms , legs , and hands , Avhich gesticulated frantically around . The banners , however , were perceptible , and I well knew , by their graceful modulatory movements , that each bearer bore himself with cadenced step ; and
hence concluded thafc each wore visage worthy the solemnity of the occasion . The welcome of the crowd was so loud and well sustained , that had I been an inhabitant of " Luna " on a Christmas visit to mother Earth , and consequently uninitiated into the habits and customs of its dusty inhabitants , I should have concluded that each limb in that particularly dark brown rag-tail assembly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Duties.
ignorant of the purpose and design of Freemasonry to speak needlessly ill of it ? Upon this point I speak delicately ; but I AA'ish you to give it your most serious consideration . 7 . I think the practice is irregular in those lodg * es , Ai'ho allow initiated members to pay their
fee , due at their initiation , at many , many payments . This custom appears to me to be at A-ariance with the laAv contained in the "Book of Constitutions , " and I Avish to see it , if so , done aAvay with . Lastly . I am sorry to hear that certain members belonging to a loclge have left it , without assigning
any reason for their withdrawal ; and I am more especially grieved to learn that such brethren have left it Avithout discharging certain debts which the said loclge had against them . I trust such will see their very uumasonic conduct , and ivill do that which is right , if not for their own characters , nevertheless for the welfare ancl respectability of Freemasonry .
In making the foregoing observations to yon , brethren , you must not think that I am finding unnecessary fault . You must all be aware that it is my duty to notice any irregularities I may knoiv of , because if such be not noticed how can they be amended ? There Avould , indeed , be no reason to
blame at all if lodges Avould keep up to the Masonic rules , of " admitting Avovthy men and worthy men alone , " to the privileges of the Order . A "little leaven leaveneth the Avhole lump ; " and it is astonishing what one unworthy member may do to injure the Order . But at the same time that
I make these observations I am happy fco hear of the general prosperity of the fraternity ; so far as I am concerned , I rejoice at hearing that since we last met many respectable and Avorthy individuals have joined the fraternity—a sure sign that it is appreciated as it ought . I trust that what I have
said ( as I have done so with the utmost candour and fraternal feeling ) -will be received with that cordiality , and acted upon with that readiness which recommendations coming from your Provincial Grand Master ( hoAvever unworthily he may fill the station ) should merit . I thank you for
your attendance here to-day . I trust Ave may meet for many years to come , and that every revolving one may find us increasing not only in numbers , but in merit , worth , and respectability ; practising more earnestly the sublime lessons taught in our , Order , "brotherly love , relief , and truth ; " and honouring all men , loving the brotherhood , fearing God , and honouring the king .
REUOSE IK ACTIOS . — The most difficult acquirement in action , and the most important , is that of standing still . An actor is several years acquiring- the power of standing " still . Repose of manner is the last acquirement of the great artist in any sphere of art , and even of the man of business . The more energetic the artist is , ( lie more important to him is this repose . The storm is never so awful as when preceded by perfect stillness . —C . W . Smith's Clerical Elocution .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
A MASOXIC DnSTSEB , AT SASSA . TJ . [ A Avell knoAvn brother who lias recently returned from Nassau has favored us Avith a most amusing specimen of Masonic reporting . Ifc is really too good to be lost and may be amusing to others besides ourselves . The note that accompanies it states it was " written Try a military officer , a brother Mason , present . The speech is a close parody of thafc delivered by the presiding " W . M . " ]
THE MASOJTS . AN EPISODE OF " NASSAU VIAST" LIFS . ( JBy our Arch-Correspondent . ' ) The Procession . On the morning of the 27 th of December , the Masons of Nassau marched iu Masonic Orderwith
, banners above , band in front , whilst aprons , trowels , compass , square , rule , and other insignia of little arch , middle arch , grand arch , and those not in the least arch , floated below . The Masonic train stepped majestically to some mysterious music , ivhich , by distance rendered sweet ,
sounded not unlike a melody of " the Dead March iu Saul" and the " Wedding of Ballyporeeu . " I suppose it rejn-esented some allegorical union between the days of Solomon the Wise , and the hod-men of the 18 th century . The van Avas composed of a number of excited bipeds , of both genders , who danced to their own song , aud waved their hands to a gay and eccentric
measure . The flanks ivere hedged m by creatures of similar conformation , and tbe rear closed by a considerable concourse , in various costumes , and of A'arious ages . I am happy to say that , Avithout an exception , the whole shouted joyously . The scene attained the maximum of excitement , as the modern representatives of the builders of
departed temples and the founders of the ancient Arch , filed with drooping banners into the cathedral ; ancl the applause of the free and enlightened citizens for a moment drowned the resounding melody of the band , and almost startled that curious piece of workmanship supposed to represent the " Great
Columbus . " The service over , and the usual signs given , the banners were again hoisted , and the band again aroused responsive echoes from the throats of the shoeless and hatless , Avho again danced , if not lightly , at least tolerably sprightly , to tunes of impromptu native talent as the now edified brethren departed to the hall of dinimr .
The simple and elegant forms of the Graft , I deeply regret , were lost to sight amid the confused crowd of arms , legs , and hands , Avhich gesticulated frantically around . The banners , however , were perceptible , and I well knew , by their graceful modulatory movements , that each bearer bore himself with cadenced step ; and
hence concluded thafc each wore visage worthy the solemnity of the occasion . The welcome of the crowd was so loud and well sustained , that had I been an inhabitant of " Luna " on a Christmas visit to mother Earth , and consequently uninitiated into the habits and customs of its dusty inhabitants , I should have concluded that each limb in that particularly dark brown rag-tail assembly