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that their choice in selecting him to preside over them had , in an eminent degree , fulfilled their wishes , and that our Worshipful Master had hitherto been earnest in his duties to carry out the princi ples of the Craft . He then proposed the health of the W . M . —The W . MASTER , in returning thanks , saicl he certainly had an arduous task to perform , but he ivas determined to clo his best to surmount the task before him . He considered that everyone called to the chair was bound by every principle to fulfil the office '
to the best of his ability . lie hoped at the end of his year of office to have reached the summit attained by his predecessor , ancl , in conclusion , begged to return the kindly sentiments expressed towards him . The evening was spent in perfect harmony . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . "WARRINGTOS . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular
meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankeystreet , on Monday , the 29 fch ult . In the unavoidable absence of tbe W . M ., Bro . Gilbert Greenall , It . P ., the chair was occupied by the S . W ., Bro . II . B . White , P . M ., supported by Bros . John Bowes , P . M . and Sec . ; Rev . J . N . Porter , as S . W . ; W . Smith , J . W . ; William Robinson , as I . G . j G . Blackhurst , W . K . Walmsley , W . AVoods , AV . Richardson , and Jos . Robinson , Tyler . The locl ivas opened in the first degreeand the
ge , minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . W . Richardson , being a candidate for promotion , was examined , and , proving proficient , was entrusted , ancl retired for preparation . The lodge was then opened in tlie second degree , and the chair assumed by Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., who passed Bro . Richardson to the degree of a F . C , after which he retired , and the lod was opened in the third degreewhen Bro
ge , . II . B . AVhite , P . M ., in a feeling manner , drew attention to the fact of the demise of the E . AV . Prov . G . M . for the province of AVest Lancashire . Bro . AVhite then proposed , Bro . Bowes seconded , and the lodge unanimously carried the following resolution : —That the members of the loclge are desirous of recording on the minutes a vote of respect to the memory of their late E . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie .
It was further resolved—That the members of this loclge express their regret that , not having received any intimation that the remains of their late R . AV . Prov . G . M . were to be interred ivith Masonic honours , they have not had an opportunity of testifying their respect in so satisfactory a manner as they could wish . The Secretary was requested to forward a copy of these resolutions to the Prov . G . Secretary : It was also resolved , on the motion of Bro . AVhiteseconded btho RevBro
, y . . Porter—That the members of this loclge beg to express their most respectful sympathy ivith the M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , in his recent domestic affliction . The Secretary was requested to forward a copy of this resolution to the Grand Secretary . The lodge was then lowered to the first degree , when several communications ivere read , ancl among them an interesting . address given by the late R . W . Prov . G . M .
to tbe members of Provincial Grand Loclge assembled at Preston , on Wednesday , November 18 th , 1829 . The address Avas listened to with marked attention , and being of an eminently practical character , was duly appreciated . Bro . Bowes , P . M ., proposed a gentleman as a candidate for tlie mysteries ancl privileges of the Order . There being no other business , the loclge ivas closed in solemn form according to ancient custom .
OXFORDSHIRE . PROA ' INCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the University Masonic Hall , Oxford , on Monday , May 22 nd , under the presidency of the B .. W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Henry Atkins Bowyer , M . A , , Prov . G . M . There was a large attendance of the brethren , and every loclge in the province was well represented .
Reports and returns from the various lodges ivere read and approved . The following grants were read and approved : —The Boys ' Building Fund , ten guineas ; restoration of the Abbey Church at Bath , two guineas ; Radclifl ' e Infirmary , three guineas ; Medical Dispensary , five guineas ; Blue Coat School , one guinea ; Anti-Mendicity Society , one guinea ; Alfred Benevolent Fund , Annuity Fund for Aged Freemasons and AVidows , five guineas . The Charity Committee reported that the province was represented at the three Masonic Festivals by Bro . the Rev . AV . P . Short , for the Benevolent Institution , whose list amounted
to £ 53 15 s . Bro . Hurford for the Boys' School , Avhose list amounted to £ 56 14 s . Bro . Edward Ilandley , who replaced Bro . Hawkins for this year for the Girls' School , and whose list amounted to £ 79 16 s ., making a total from the province of £ 190 5 s . The whole amount subscribed by the Craft at the three Festivals amounted to the unprecedented sum of £ 12 , 000 . In accordance with the ISth by-law , Bro . Hurford is entitled to receive the charity medal from this Provincial Grand Lodge ,
ancl Bro . W . E . Gumbleton , the medal and bur . The committee have much pleasure in announcing that Henry AA'illiam Floyd , the candidate for admission into the Boys' School ivas successful in his election , being placed second on the poll with 723 votes recorded in his favour .
The Prov . G . M . invested Bro . Hurford ivith a jewel in acknowledgment of his services as one of the Grand Stewards to the Masonic Charities , and , in the name of the province , thanked him for his zeal ancl interest in the cause of charity . The Prov . G . M . expressed his regret that the pleasure of investing Bro . Gumbleton with a jewel and a bar for his many and valuable services to tho various Masonic Charities , Avas obliged to be deferred in consequence of the absence of that brother .
The Prov G . M . then appointed his officers for the year as follows , and invested them with their insignia of office : — Bro . F . A . Cavo-Brown-Cave Prov . S . G . Warden . „ G . Taunton „ J . G . Warden . „ Rev . J . II . Ranking „ G . Chaplain . „ Eev . Nelson Palmer „ G . Assist . Chaplain . „ P . A . Latham ., „ G . Registrar . Sir
,, D'Arcey AV . Legard , G . Secretary . „ H . Churchill , ' , S . G . Deacon . „ C . C . Webster „ J . G . Deacon . „ G . IT . Iiainey „ G . Supt . of AA-brks . „ E . J . Hartley „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ L . G . Robbins „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ¦ „ J . Bradford ., G . Sword Bearer . AV . Hobbs G . Assist . Secretary .
„ „ „ J . G . Tctley „ G . Organist . „ Juggins „ G . Pursuivant . „ W . A . Thompson „ Assist . G . Pursuivant . „ E . A . Hardy "" ) „ AVootton | „ A . Wheeler ! n ct „ , „„_ , i „ n ¦ _•> T > i r » Gt . Stewards . „ P . B . Bernard j
„ Barratfc \ „ C . Pettit J „ AV . Stephens „ G . Tyler . ,, Moss „ G . Assist . Tyler . In investing the various officers , the Prov . G . M . addressed each in complimentary terms on their zeal in Masonry , and expressed a hope that they would fulfil their duties in a manner to p . ntitle them to further distinction .
Iii addition to the Prov . G . M . ancl tho D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Alderman Spiers , P . G . S . B ., there were present at the lodge Bros , the Rev . J . Sedgwick , G . Chap , of England ; AV . F . Bennett , Prov . G . Warden of Somerset ; E . Turner Payne , Prov . G . Treas . of Somerset ; J . E . Gill , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Somerset ; J . L . Sothert , AA ' . M . of the Royal Sussex Loclge , Bath ; Dr . Fayrer , W . M . of the Apollo Lodge Alcester ; Rev . Oswoll ThompsonP . G . Chaplain ; F . BinckesSecretary of the
, , Royal Masonic Boys' School ; 0 . Talbot , D . Prov . G . M . of South Wales ; Cave-Brown-Cave , Prov . S . G . W . of Oxfordshire and AA . M . of the Apollo Lodge ; G . Taunton , Prov . J . G . W ., and AA ' . M . of the Alfred Loclge ; Dr . Rye , W . M . of the Cherwell Lodge ; Rev . J . H . Ranking , W . M of the Bowyer Lodge ; Past Musters , Rev . R . W . Norman , Rev . J . Fan-borough , Harrison , W . Thompson , F . Symonds , C . T . Hawkins , E . G . Bruton ,
Havers , II . Churchill , il . Houghton , Scroggs , Dr . Griffin . Bros . Rev . AV . H . Maruli , II . Latham , Bruee-Gardyne , Sir D'Arcey W . Legard , C . C . AVebster , G . 11 , Ramsey , E . J . Hartley , Robbins , Bradford , S . G . Tetley , A . E . Hardy , Wootton , A . Wheeler , Barratfc , C . Pettit , P . B . Barrow , Juggins , Hobbs , Burch , Cunningham , J . Plowman , & c . On the conclusion of the business the brethren , about eighty iu numberproceeded to the Assembly-roomwhere a sumptuous
, , entertainment , provided by the Clarendon Hotel Company , awaited them . The banquet ivas of the most liberal character , and was served up with such excellent ancl good taste as reflected great credit on the establishment . Tho PROV . G . MASTER , Avitb his characteristic liberality , con-
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that their choice in selecting him to preside over them had , in an eminent degree , fulfilled their wishes , and that our Worshipful Master had hitherto been earnest in his duties to carry out the princi ples of the Craft . He then proposed the health of the W . M . —The W . MASTER , in returning thanks , saicl he certainly had an arduous task to perform , but he ivas determined to clo his best to surmount the task before him . He considered that everyone called to the chair was bound by every principle to fulfil the office '
to the best of his ability . lie hoped at the end of his year of office to have reached the summit attained by his predecessor , ancl , in conclusion , begged to return the kindly sentiments expressed towards him . The evening was spent in perfect harmony . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . "WARRINGTOS . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 148 ) . —The regular
meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Sankeystreet , on Monday , the 29 fch ult . In the unavoidable absence of tbe W . M ., Bro . Gilbert Greenall , It . P ., the chair was occupied by the S . W ., Bro . II . B . White , P . M ., supported by Bros . John Bowes , P . M . and Sec . ; Rev . J . N . Porter , as S . W . ; W . Smith , J . W . ; William Robinson , as I . G . j G . Blackhurst , W . K . Walmsley , W . AVoods , AV . Richardson , and Jos . Robinson , Tyler . The locl ivas opened in the first degreeand the
ge , minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . Bro . W . Richardson , being a candidate for promotion , was examined , and , proving proficient , was entrusted , ancl retired for preparation . The lodge was then opened in tlie second degree , and the chair assumed by Bro . John Bowes , P . M ., who passed Bro . Richardson to the degree of a F . C , after which he retired , and the lod was opened in the third degreewhen Bro
ge , . II . B . AVhite , P . M ., in a feeling manner , drew attention to the fact of the demise of the E . AV . Prov . G . M . for the province of AVest Lancashire . Bro . AVhite then proposed , Bro . Bowes seconded , and the lodge unanimously carried the following resolution : —That the members of the loclge are desirous of recording on the minutes a vote of respect to the memory of their late E . W . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie .
It was further resolved—That the members of this loclge express their regret that , not having received any intimation that the remains of their late R . AV . Prov . G . M . were to be interred ivith Masonic honours , they have not had an opportunity of testifying their respect in so satisfactory a manner as they could wish . The Secretary was requested to forward a copy of these resolutions to the Prov . G . Secretary : It was also resolved , on the motion of Bro . AVhiteseconded btho RevBro
, y . . Porter—That the members of this loclge beg to express their most respectful sympathy ivith the M . W . Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , in his recent domestic affliction . The Secretary was requested to forward a copy of this resolution to the Grand Secretary . The lodge was then lowered to the first degree , when several communications ivere read , ancl among them an interesting . address given by the late R . W . Prov . G . M .
to tbe members of Provincial Grand Loclge assembled at Preston , on Wednesday , November 18 th , 1829 . The address Avas listened to with marked attention , and being of an eminently practical character , was duly appreciated . Bro . Bowes , P . M ., proposed a gentleman as a candidate for tlie mysteries ancl privileges of the Order . There being no other business , the loclge ivas closed in solemn form according to ancient custom .
OXFORDSHIRE . PROA ' INCIAL GRAND LODGE . The annual Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the University Masonic Hall , Oxford , on Monday , May 22 nd , under the presidency of the B .. W . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Henry Atkins Bowyer , M . A , , Prov . G . M . There was a large attendance of the brethren , and every loclge in the province was well represented .
Reports and returns from the various lodges ivere read and approved . The following grants were read and approved : —The Boys ' Building Fund , ten guineas ; restoration of the Abbey Church at Bath , two guineas ; Radclifl ' e Infirmary , three guineas ; Medical Dispensary , five guineas ; Blue Coat School , one guinea ; Anti-Mendicity Society , one guinea ; Alfred Benevolent Fund , Annuity Fund for Aged Freemasons and AVidows , five guineas . The Charity Committee reported that the province was represented at the three Masonic Festivals by Bro . the Rev . AV . P . Short , for the Benevolent Institution , whose list amounted
to £ 53 15 s . Bro . Hurford for the Boys' School , Avhose list amounted to £ 56 14 s . Bro . Edward Ilandley , who replaced Bro . Hawkins for this year for the Girls' School , and whose list amounted to £ 79 16 s ., making a total from the province of £ 190 5 s . The whole amount subscribed by the Craft at the three Festivals amounted to the unprecedented sum of £ 12 , 000 . In accordance with the ISth by-law , Bro . Hurford is entitled to receive the charity medal from this Provincial Grand Lodge ,
ancl Bro . W . E . Gumbleton , the medal and bur . The committee have much pleasure in announcing that Henry AA'illiam Floyd , the candidate for admission into the Boys' School ivas successful in his election , being placed second on the poll with 723 votes recorded in his favour .
The Prov . G . M . invested Bro . Hurford ivith a jewel in acknowledgment of his services as one of the Grand Stewards to the Masonic Charities , and , in the name of the province , thanked him for his zeal ancl interest in the cause of charity . The Prov . G . M . expressed his regret that the pleasure of investing Bro . Gumbleton with a jewel and a bar for his many and valuable services to tho various Masonic Charities , Avas obliged to be deferred in consequence of the absence of that brother .
The Prov G . M . then appointed his officers for the year as follows , and invested them with their insignia of office : — Bro . F . A . Cavo-Brown-Cave Prov . S . G . Warden . „ G . Taunton „ J . G . Warden . „ Rev . J . II . Ranking „ G . Chaplain . „ Eev . Nelson Palmer „ G . Assist . Chaplain . „ P . A . Latham ., „ G . Registrar . Sir
,, D'Arcey AV . Legard , G . Secretary . „ H . Churchill , ' , S . G . Deacon . „ C . C . Webster „ J . G . Deacon . „ G . IT . Iiainey „ G . Supt . of AA-brks . „ E . J . Hartley „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ L . G . Robbins „ G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ¦ „ J . Bradford ., G . Sword Bearer . AV . Hobbs G . Assist . Secretary .
„ „ „ J . G . Tctley „ G . Organist . „ Juggins „ G . Pursuivant . „ W . A . Thompson „ Assist . G . Pursuivant . „ E . A . Hardy "" ) „ AVootton | „ A . Wheeler ! n ct „ , „„_ , i „ n ¦ _•> T > i r » Gt . Stewards . „ P . B . Bernard j
„ Barratfc \ „ C . Pettit J „ AV . Stephens „ G . Tyler . ,, Moss „ G . Assist . Tyler . In investing the various officers , the Prov . G . M . addressed each in complimentary terms on their zeal in Masonry , and expressed a hope that they would fulfil their duties in a manner to p . ntitle them to further distinction .
Iii addition to the Prov . G . M . ancl tho D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Alderman Spiers , P . G . S . B ., there were present at the lodge Bros , the Rev . J . Sedgwick , G . Chap , of England ; AV . F . Bennett , Prov . G . Warden of Somerset ; E . Turner Payne , Prov . G . Treas . of Somerset ; J . E . Gill , Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Somerset ; J . L . Sothert , AA ' . M . of the Royal Sussex Loclge , Bath ; Dr . Fayrer , W . M . of the Apollo Lodge Alcester ; Rev . Oswoll ThompsonP . G . Chaplain ; F . BinckesSecretary of the
, , Royal Masonic Boys' School ; 0 . Talbot , D . Prov . G . M . of South Wales ; Cave-Brown-Cave , Prov . S . G . W . of Oxfordshire and AA . M . of the Apollo Lodge ; G . Taunton , Prov . J . G . W ., and AA ' . M . of the Alfred Loclge ; Dr . Rye , W . M . of the Cherwell Lodge ; Rev . J . H . Ranking , W . M of the Bowyer Lodge ; Past Musters , Rev . R . W . Norman , Rev . J . Fan-borough , Harrison , W . Thompson , F . Symonds , C . T . Hawkins , E . G . Bruton ,
Havers , II . Churchill , il . Houghton , Scroggs , Dr . Griffin . Bros . Rev . AV . H . Maruli , II . Latham , Bruee-Gardyne , Sir D'Arcey W . Legard , C . C . AVebster , G . 11 , Ramsey , E . J . Hartley , Robbins , Bradford , S . G . Tetley , A . E . Hardy , Wootton , A . Wheeler , Barratfc , C . Pettit , P . B . Barrow , Juggins , Hobbs , Burch , Cunningham , J . Plowman , & c . On the conclusion of the business the brethren , about eighty iu numberproceeded to the Assembly-roomwhere a sumptuous
, , entertainment , provided by the Clarendon Hotel Company , awaited them . The banquet ivas of the most liberal character , and was served up with such excellent ancl good taste as reflected great credit on the establishment . Tho PROV . G . MASTER , Avitb his characteristic liberality , con-