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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
In . Georgia it has been declared that a brother attaching himself to a Church ivhich forbids his connection with Masonry removes without the jurisdiction , and , if in good standing , is entitled to a diniit , with the required endorsement .
The Grand Lodge of Vermont , and the R . W . P . G . Lecturer , Bro . Wilson , and others , have got into a dispute about the identity of " the cypher" and " the ¦ mnemonics , " used in Vermont as the true Webb lectures , as taught by him and Barney and Wilson in 1817 . One of . the disputants declares "that the
lectures are corrupted , " and another that the report of the committee ou the Webb Lectures had inflicted " a deadly wound on Vermout Masonry . ''
A complaint having been made by the Grand Lodge ¦ of Canada against Frontier Lodge , No . 74 , that the latter had invaded their Masonic jurisdiction , and it appearing that heretofore the jurisdiction of each was measured by the distance between the respective lodges , it ivas recommended that hereafter the State
line is adopted as the dividing line betiveen the two Jurisdictions , and that it be recommended to the Grand Lodge to adopt the same line .
Prom the "Kapunda Herald , " ( South Australia ) we learn that the foundation stone of the Kapunda Institute , was laid on the 12 th October last , ivith Masonic honors , by the Hon . Capt . John Hart , Companion of the Honorable Order of St . Michael and St . George , Treasurer and Premier of the
province , aud Right Worship ful Provincial Grand Master of Ereemasons under the Scottish Constitution in South Australia . The ceremonies were very ably performed , and the event went off with great eclat .
Prom "The Evergreen" we learn that the Grand Lodge of Kansas granted a dispensation to brethren to form a lodge in Salt Lake City . The Grand Lodges of Nevada and Colorado each refused so to do . The Grand Orient of Erance vacates the seat of
any officer who fails to he present at the meetings of his lodge for live consecutive sessions . Subordinate Lodges in Nebraska failing to comply promptly ivith the requirements of the Grand Lodgo at one session , are deprived of representation at the
next . The Grand Master of Georgia deplores " the existence of discord between the subordinate lodges in his State , the result of political animosities , causing many
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
of the brethren to forget their obligations to one another , and even that they are Masons . " At the communication of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island , it was "ordered , that the Grand Lodge
of Instruction be and the same is hereby directed to cause the work and lectures of the third degree , as approved by this Grand Lodge , to be suitably engrossed in a book for preservation in the office of the W . G . Secretary . '' It was a ^ o " resolved that the W . G . Secretary shall not alioAV the book containing ,
the approved work and lectures of this jurisdiction to be taken from his office , except hy a member of the Grand Lodge of Instruction , and upon his receipt therefor . "
Grand Orient De France.
We have received the following letter from the Grand Orient of France : — O . - . de Paris , le 24 Fevrier , 1871 . A . M . le Directeur du " Freemasons' Magazine , " 5 . Londres . Monsieur et Tres Cher Frere . —
J ' ai reeu aujordhui meme le numero du 21 Janvier , 1871 , du "Landmark , " de New York ; et c'est avec le plus profond etonnement que j ' y trouve a la page 41 un article extrait du " Freemasons' Magazine , " par lequel vous annoncez que la loge de " Bayreutli ( Baviere ) vous a adresse une cireulaire protestant contre les recents decrets du Grand Orient , Loge de Paris , notifiant au F . \ Guillaume , roi de Prusse , qu'il considere sa conduite comme parjure et
sangumaire . Le " Landmark " fait suivre cette note d'un article qui contient de appreciations pen fraternelles pour le Grand Orient de France . Sans vouloir discuter en ce moment ces appreciations , je me bornerai a vous declarer formellement que le Grand Orient de Prance ne s ' est jamais oceupe de
la question dont il est parle dans la cireulaire de la loge du Bayreuth ; et que , par consequent , il n ' a rendu aucun decret s ' y refenuit . J ' ose compter sur votre bonne eonfraternite pour donner place a ce dementi dans les eolonnes cle votre estimable journal . Ifecevez , Monsieur et Trcs Cher Frere , l ' assuranee de mes sentiments fraternels . Le Chef du Secretariat , THEVEKOT .
[ The -Remarks referred to were supplied by au old and valued correspondent . Some doubts ivere expressed at the time whether it emanated from the Grand Orient of France , or from some of the irregular bodies ivhich exist in Franco , ancl also in our own country , under tho name of Freemasonry . We have nothing to do with tho remarks of the " Landmark " and can assume no responsibility ivith respect to them . But we ivillingly give place to the official denial of the Grand Secretary of the Grand Orient of France , Bro . Thevenot— [ Fd . JP . M . and M . M . J
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
In . Georgia it has been declared that a brother attaching himself to a Church ivhich forbids his connection with Masonry removes without the jurisdiction , and , if in good standing , is entitled to a diniit , with the required endorsement .
The Grand Lodge of Vermont , and the R . W . P . G . Lecturer , Bro . Wilson , and others , have got into a dispute about the identity of " the cypher" and " the ¦ mnemonics , " used in Vermont as the true Webb lectures , as taught by him and Barney and Wilson in 1817 . One of . the disputants declares "that the
lectures are corrupted , " and another that the report of the committee ou the Webb Lectures had inflicted " a deadly wound on Vermout Masonry . ''
A complaint having been made by the Grand Lodge ¦ of Canada against Frontier Lodge , No . 74 , that the latter had invaded their Masonic jurisdiction , and it appearing that heretofore the jurisdiction of each was measured by the distance between the respective lodges , it ivas recommended that hereafter the State
line is adopted as the dividing line betiveen the two Jurisdictions , and that it be recommended to the Grand Lodge to adopt the same line .
Prom the "Kapunda Herald , " ( South Australia ) we learn that the foundation stone of the Kapunda Institute , was laid on the 12 th October last , ivith Masonic honors , by the Hon . Capt . John Hart , Companion of the Honorable Order of St . Michael and St . George , Treasurer and Premier of the
province , aud Right Worship ful Provincial Grand Master of Ereemasons under the Scottish Constitution in South Australia . The ceremonies were very ably performed , and the event went off with great eclat .
Prom "The Evergreen" we learn that the Grand Lodge of Kansas granted a dispensation to brethren to form a lodge in Salt Lake City . The Grand Lodges of Nevada and Colorado each refused so to do . The Grand Orient of Erance vacates the seat of
any officer who fails to he present at the meetings of his lodge for live consecutive sessions . Subordinate Lodges in Nebraska failing to comply promptly ivith the requirements of the Grand Lodgo at one session , are deprived of representation at the
next . The Grand Master of Georgia deplores " the existence of discord between the subordinate lodges in his State , the result of political animosities , causing many
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
of the brethren to forget their obligations to one another , and even that they are Masons . " At the communication of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island , it was "ordered , that the Grand Lodge
of Instruction be and the same is hereby directed to cause the work and lectures of the third degree , as approved by this Grand Lodge , to be suitably engrossed in a book for preservation in the office of the W . G . Secretary . '' It was a ^ o " resolved that the W . G . Secretary shall not alioAV the book containing ,
the approved work and lectures of this jurisdiction to be taken from his office , except hy a member of the Grand Lodge of Instruction , and upon his receipt therefor . "
Grand Orient De France.
We have received the following letter from the Grand Orient of France : — O . - . de Paris , le 24 Fevrier , 1871 . A . M . le Directeur du " Freemasons' Magazine , " 5 . Londres . Monsieur et Tres Cher Frere . —
J ' ai reeu aujordhui meme le numero du 21 Janvier , 1871 , du "Landmark , " de New York ; et c'est avec le plus profond etonnement que j ' y trouve a la page 41 un article extrait du " Freemasons' Magazine , " par lequel vous annoncez que la loge de " Bayreutli ( Baviere ) vous a adresse une cireulaire protestant contre les recents decrets du Grand Orient , Loge de Paris , notifiant au F . \ Guillaume , roi de Prusse , qu'il considere sa conduite comme parjure et
sangumaire . Le " Landmark " fait suivre cette note d'un article qui contient de appreciations pen fraternelles pour le Grand Orient de France . Sans vouloir discuter en ce moment ces appreciations , je me bornerai a vous declarer formellement que le Grand Orient de Prance ne s ' est jamais oceupe de
la question dont il est parle dans la cireulaire de la loge du Bayreuth ; et que , par consequent , il n ' a rendu aucun decret s ' y refenuit . J ' ose compter sur votre bonne eonfraternite pour donner place a ce dementi dans les eolonnes cle votre estimable journal . Ifecevez , Monsieur et Trcs Cher Frere , l ' assuranee de mes sentiments fraternels . Le Chef du Secretariat , THEVEKOT .
[ The -Remarks referred to were supplied by au old and valued correspondent . Some doubts ivere expressed at the time whether it emanated from the Grand Orient of France , or from some of the irregular bodies ivhich exist in Franco , ancl also in our own country , under tho name of Freemasonry . We have nothing to do with tho remarks of the " Landmark " and can assume no responsibility ivith respect to them . But we ivillingly give place to the official denial of the Grand Secretary of the Grand Orient of France , Bro . Thevenot— [ Fd . JP . M . and M . M . J