Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chapters under its rule ; and they cannot hut feel assured that the members of the Order will respond heartily to any call having for its object the maintenance ofthe dignity and efficiency of its governing body in the province , and the placing it at least upon a par with the Grand Bodies of the other Alasonic degrees in Bengal . The Committee have one further recommendation to submit with reference to the date upon which the official year for this
degree should close , and returns and dues be submitted by Chapters . At present this is the 31 st December , ancl inasmuch as the District Grand Chapter meets in November , the accounts are in reality nearly a year behind the date upon whicli they come before District Grand Chapter ; or in other words there are assets of nearly a year's dues . The Committee thinks it would ¦ greatly assist District Grand Chapter iu understanding its financial position , if the year were to close on the 30 th September ;
and they would suggest the adoption of this after the close ofthe year ending 31 st December next . No confusion need ensue from the year 1871 , consisting simply of 9 months ; the usual fees payable on exaltations anil joinings would of course not be affectecl by the change , and if the capitation assessment should be adopteel . Chapters could easily be instructed to debit themselves with three fourths ( or 12 annas per member ) for the abridged period .
M . E . Comp . Ford , on behalf of Chapter Hope , No . 109 , said that he was deputed by the Principals of that Chapter generally to support the proceedings of the Committee , which he would have great pleasure in doing . It was proposed by E . Comp . AA . G . Amos , and _ seconded b y M . E . Comp . Col . B . Forel , " That the report of the special committee held or . the 25 th November , 1 S 70 , be adopted . —Carried unanimously .
It was proposed by the Grand Superintendent anil seconded by M . E . Comp . AV . G . Murray , "That the following additions be made to the bye-laws of this District Grand Chapter , to wit : After bye-law No . 3 read—The Grand Officers shall pay tho undermentioned fees on appointment to any of the following offices : —Grand Principal 11 ., 32 rupees ; Grand Principal J ., 25 rupees ; Grand Scribe , E ., 20 rupees ; Grand Scribe , N .,
20 rupees ; Grand Principal Sojourner , 16 rupees ; Grand Assitant Sojourner , 12 rupees ; Grand Treasurer , 10 rupees ; Grand Registrar , S rupees ; Grand Sword Bearer , 8 rupees ; Grand Standard Bearer , 8 rupees . ; Grand Director of Ceremonies , 5 rupees ; Grand Organist , 5 rupees . " For and after present bye-law No . 10 , read : 10 . Every Royal Arch Chapter in the District shall contribute to the support of the District Grand Chapter hy the payment of one rupee per
annum for every subscribing member whose name appears in its annual returns . This fee is not payable on account of any member for the year iu which he was exalted , or in which he joins the chapter . 11 . Every chapter shall also pay to the funds of District Grand Chapter the following fees : —For every exaltation , 8 rupees ; for every joining-, ' 1 rupees . 12 . Dispell sations , when granted by the Grand Superintendent , shall he subject to the following charges -. —From an ad interim Warrant
for opening and working a new Chapter , 50 rupees ; For Installation as Z . without previous service as II . or J ., 25 rupees ; for Installation as Z . without previous service as H ., 16 rupees ; for Installation as H . without previous service as J ., 10 rupees ; for Exaltation at an interval of one month from taking the M . M . degree , instead of twelve months , 4 rupees ; for Exaltation of a serving companion , 2 rupees 8 annas . These alterations were carried unanimously .
It was proposed by M . E . Comp . H . IT . Locke , and seconded by M . E . Comp . J . Mackintosh , that the following clause ho inserted in the bye laws of District Grand Chapter after present clause 12 : — " Tiie official year for this degree shall he held to close on the 30 th day of September in each year . " Also , in order to avoid confusion in the present year , which will consist of 9 months only , that chapters be instructed to debit themselves in their next animal returns with three-fourths onlof the ita
y caption assessment , or 12 annas per member . Carried unanimously . It was proposed by the Grand Superintendent , and seconded hy M . E . Comp . 11 . H . Locke , "That a copy of the amended Byelaws of this District Grand Chapter be forwarded for the approval and confirmation of the Grand First Principal of the Grand Chapter of England and AVales , through the usual channel . " Carried unanimously ,
It was proposed by the Grand Superintendent , and seconded ' hy M . E . Comp . AV . G . Murray , " That the Forms of Patent to he adopteel by the District Grand Chapter assimilate as closely as possible to those now in use in the District Grand Lodge , and . that they be signed by the two Grand Scribes , and countersigned by the Grand Superintendent . " Also that the following Seal designed hy M . E . Comp . H . H . Locke , be used on all such
Patents of Appointment , and generally wherever necessary or advisable : — "AVithin a circle bearing the words "District Grand Chapter , Bengal , " a Grand Superintendent ' s jewel , the small inner circle bearing the inscription , " Primus in Indis , " the spandrels between the two circles being filled with palm leaves . The whole borne upon a square of the tricolor of the District Grand Chapter Jewel ribbon ( two inches wide ) , the stripes being vertical , the purple being to the left and the blue to the ri
ght . The circular disk being gold . "—Carried unanimously . It was proposed by the Grand Superintendent , and seconded by Al . E . Comp . J . Mackintosh , ' "That the thanks of District Grand Chapter bo given to ALE . Comp . H . H . Locke for the trouble he had taken in designing the very beautiful Seal which has beeu adopted hythe District Grand Chapter . —Carried unanimously . There being no other business before the District Grand Chapter , it was closed in clue form at ten minutes past five .
Public Amusements.
The Italian Opera Buffii Company at the Lyceum announce the last week but one ofthe season . " II Alatrimonio Segreto , " and "II Barbiere Di Siviglia , " have been produced during the week . Petrella's Opera , " Le Preettuxioai , " Rossini's " Ceuerentola , " and Mozart ' s " Cosi Fan Tutti " are in rehearsal . At Drury Lane Aliss Victoria Yokes ably sustains the part of Amy Rohsart , originally taken by her in an emergency . At the Theatre Royal Haymarket" The Palace of Truth ' " stillattracts good audiences . A- Morning Performance takes place this day and two following Saturdays . At the Adelphi the last six nights of " Headman ' s Point , " are announced .
At the Olymic Air . and Mrs . W . II . Liston announce the continuance of Nell and a New Fairy Play of "Perfect Love . " At the Queen ' s Theatre the Production of Joan of Arc is unavoidably posponed in consequence of the indisposition of Airs . Rousby . Due notice will he given of its first representation . At the Prince of AValos ' s " Ours " hy the late T . AV . Robertson has Jbeon played during the weekIt is announced that Airs
. . Bancroft has recovered from her severe indisposition , and will resume her professional duties this eveninsr . At the Holborn , Air . Sefton Parry has revived Avith some success "The Streets of London , " the part of Badger being taken bv Air . G . Viiiine-.
There is no change in the programme at the Royal Court Theatre , Sloane Square , which continues to he well patronized . At the St . James ' s Theatre , Air . John Wood , encouraged bv the success of "Two Roses" at the Vaudeville , has produced " ' Two Thorns" by the same author . Tho Observer says : — " Played to a brilliant house , packed from floor to ceiling , received with rapturous applause , cheered from end to end . The house could not have been more excited if 'Two Thorns' was a second School for Scandal
' , ' and Mr . Albery another 'Sheridan . ' Atthe Princess's , Air . Phelpshas appeared in his great char icter of Sir Pertinax Alac Syehophaufc , in the " Alan of the world . ' At the Royalty a new comedy , in three acts , by Bernard , II . Dixon , " Behind a Mask , " which was successfully produced ou AA ednc _ day . At the Gaiety , Air . J . L . Toole appears every night in two pieces . In the Alomiug Performance this day ( Saturday ) Mr .
Santley appears . At the Vaudeville the bill presents the following extraordinary run : — " E-lizabeth , " 98 th night ; " Chiselling , " lCSth night ; and " Two Roses , " 2 I 0 th night . The applause of the audience each evening gives every promise of a still longer run . At the Standard Air . John Douglas has produced what is called a Domestic Drama , entitled '' Germans and French ; or . Incidents in the AVar . " In it are representations of the retreat of the French from Chalons , through Rheiins , Epermiy , Beaumont , the Attack on the Bread VV ? ggons , the Sortie from Paris .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chapters under its rule ; and they cannot hut feel assured that the members of the Order will respond heartily to any call having for its object the maintenance ofthe dignity and efficiency of its governing body in the province , and the placing it at least upon a par with the Grand Bodies of the other Alasonic degrees in Bengal . The Committee have one further recommendation to submit with reference to the date upon which the official year for this
degree should close , and returns and dues be submitted by Chapters . At present this is the 31 st December , ancl inasmuch as the District Grand Chapter meets in November , the accounts are in reality nearly a year behind the date upon whicli they come before District Grand Chapter ; or in other words there are assets of nearly a year's dues . The Committee thinks it would ¦ greatly assist District Grand Chapter iu understanding its financial position , if the year were to close on the 30 th September ;
and they would suggest the adoption of this after the close ofthe year ending 31 st December next . No confusion need ensue from the year 1871 , consisting simply of 9 months ; the usual fees payable on exaltations anil joinings would of course not be affectecl by the change , and if the capitation assessment should be adopteel . Chapters could easily be instructed to debit themselves with three fourths ( or 12 annas per member ) for the abridged period .
M . E . Comp . Ford , on behalf of Chapter Hope , No . 109 , said that he was deputed by the Principals of that Chapter generally to support the proceedings of the Committee , which he would have great pleasure in doing . It was proposed by E . Comp . AA . G . Amos , and _ seconded b y M . E . Comp . Col . B . Forel , " That the report of the special committee held or . the 25 th November , 1 S 70 , be adopted . —Carried unanimously .
It was proposed by the Grand Superintendent anil seconded by M . E . Comp . AV . G . Murray , "That the following additions be made to the bye-laws of this District Grand Chapter , to wit : After bye-law No . 3 read—The Grand Officers shall pay tho undermentioned fees on appointment to any of the following offices : —Grand Principal 11 ., 32 rupees ; Grand Principal J ., 25 rupees ; Grand Scribe , E ., 20 rupees ; Grand Scribe , N .,
20 rupees ; Grand Principal Sojourner , 16 rupees ; Grand Assitant Sojourner , 12 rupees ; Grand Treasurer , 10 rupees ; Grand Registrar , S rupees ; Grand Sword Bearer , 8 rupees ; Grand Standard Bearer , 8 rupees . ; Grand Director of Ceremonies , 5 rupees ; Grand Organist , 5 rupees . " For and after present bye-law No . 10 , read : 10 . Every Royal Arch Chapter in the District shall contribute to the support of the District Grand Chapter hy the payment of one rupee per
annum for every subscribing member whose name appears in its annual returns . This fee is not payable on account of any member for the year iu which he was exalted , or in which he joins the chapter . 11 . Every chapter shall also pay to the funds of District Grand Chapter the following fees : —For every exaltation , 8 rupees ; for every joining-, ' 1 rupees . 12 . Dispell sations , when granted by the Grand Superintendent , shall he subject to the following charges -. —From an ad interim Warrant
for opening and working a new Chapter , 50 rupees ; For Installation as Z . without previous service as II . or J ., 25 rupees ; for Installation as Z . without previous service as H ., 16 rupees ; for Installation as H . without previous service as J ., 10 rupees ; for Exaltation at an interval of one month from taking the M . M . degree , instead of twelve months , 4 rupees ; for Exaltation of a serving companion , 2 rupees 8 annas . These alterations were carried unanimously .
It was proposed by M . E . Comp . H . IT . Locke , and seconded by M . E . Comp . J . Mackintosh , that the following clause ho inserted in the bye laws of District Grand Chapter after present clause 12 : — " Tiie official year for this degree shall he held to close on the 30 th day of September in each year . " Also , in order to avoid confusion in the present year , which will consist of 9 months only , that chapters be instructed to debit themselves in their next animal returns with three-fourths onlof the ita
y caption assessment , or 12 annas per member . Carried unanimously . It was proposed by the Grand Superintendent , and seconded hy M . E . Comp . 11 . H . Locke , "That a copy of the amended Byelaws of this District Grand Chapter be forwarded for the approval and confirmation of the Grand First Principal of the Grand Chapter of England and AVales , through the usual channel . " Carried unanimously ,
It was proposed by the Grand Superintendent , and seconded ' hy M . E . Comp . AV . G . Murray , " That the Forms of Patent to he adopteel by the District Grand Chapter assimilate as closely as possible to those now in use in the District Grand Lodge , and . that they be signed by the two Grand Scribes , and countersigned by the Grand Superintendent . " Also that the following Seal designed hy M . E . Comp . H . H . Locke , be used on all such
Patents of Appointment , and generally wherever necessary or advisable : — "AVithin a circle bearing the words "District Grand Chapter , Bengal , " a Grand Superintendent ' s jewel , the small inner circle bearing the inscription , " Primus in Indis , " the spandrels between the two circles being filled with palm leaves . The whole borne upon a square of the tricolor of the District Grand Chapter Jewel ribbon ( two inches wide ) , the stripes being vertical , the purple being to the left and the blue to the ri
ght . The circular disk being gold . "—Carried unanimously . It was proposed by the Grand Superintendent , and seconded by Al . E . Comp . J . Mackintosh , ' "That the thanks of District Grand Chapter bo given to ALE . Comp . H . H . Locke for the trouble he had taken in designing the very beautiful Seal which has beeu adopted hythe District Grand Chapter . —Carried unanimously . There being no other business before the District Grand Chapter , it was closed in clue form at ten minutes past five .
Public Amusements.
The Italian Opera Buffii Company at the Lyceum announce the last week but one ofthe season . " II Alatrimonio Segreto , " and "II Barbiere Di Siviglia , " have been produced during the week . Petrella's Opera , " Le Preettuxioai , " Rossini's " Ceuerentola , " and Mozart ' s " Cosi Fan Tutti " are in rehearsal . At Drury Lane Aliss Victoria Yokes ably sustains the part of Amy Rohsart , originally taken by her in an emergency . At the Theatre Royal Haymarket" The Palace of Truth ' " stillattracts good audiences . A- Morning Performance takes place this day and two following Saturdays . At the Adelphi the last six nights of " Headman ' s Point , " are announced .
At the Olymic Air . and Mrs . W . II . Liston announce the continuance of Nell and a New Fairy Play of "Perfect Love . " At the Queen ' s Theatre the Production of Joan of Arc is unavoidably posponed in consequence of the indisposition of Airs . Rousby . Due notice will he given of its first representation . At the Prince of AValos ' s " Ours " hy the late T . AV . Robertson has Jbeon played during the weekIt is announced that Airs
. . Bancroft has recovered from her severe indisposition , and will resume her professional duties this eveninsr . At the Holborn , Air . Sefton Parry has revived Avith some success "The Streets of London , " the part of Badger being taken bv Air . G . Viiiine-.
There is no change in the programme at the Royal Court Theatre , Sloane Square , which continues to he well patronized . At the St . James ' s Theatre , Air . John Wood , encouraged bv the success of "Two Roses" at the Vaudeville , has produced " ' Two Thorns" by the same author . Tho Observer says : — " Played to a brilliant house , packed from floor to ceiling , received with rapturous applause , cheered from end to end . The house could not have been more excited if 'Two Thorns' was a second School for Scandal
' , ' and Mr . Albery another 'Sheridan . ' Atthe Princess's , Air . Phelpshas appeared in his great char icter of Sir Pertinax Alac Syehophaufc , in the " Alan of the world . ' At the Royalty a new comedy , in three acts , by Bernard , II . Dixon , " Behind a Mask , " which was successfully produced ou AA ednc _ day . At the Gaiety , Air . J . L . Toole appears every night in two pieces . In the Alomiug Performance this day ( Saturday ) Mr .
Santley appears . At the Vaudeville the bill presents the following extraordinary run : — " E-lizabeth , " 98 th night ; " Chiselling , " lCSth night ; and " Two Roses , " 2 I 0 th night . The applause of the audience each evening gives every promise of a still longer run . At the Standard Air . John Douglas has produced what is called a Domestic Drama , entitled '' Germans and French ; or . Incidents in the AVar . " In it are representations of the retreat of the French from Chalons , through Rheiins , Epermiy , Beaumont , the Attack on the Bread VV ? ggons , the Sortie from Paris .