Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Craft Masonry.
were given . Bro . J . L . Mather , I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of tho AV . M ., stated he had visited many Lodges but he had rarely seen the duties of the chair so perfectly performed ; also the able manner lie had presided over them , had given satisfaction to every brother in the Lodge . The W . AI . brietly responded . Bro . J . L . Mather , returned 'thanks for the Past Masters and stated that owing to the efficiency of the W . M .,
his duties were very light . The toasts of the Secretary , Warden , and . Officers followed , and Tyler ' s concluded a very agreeable evening . THE BUBGOTNE LODGE ( NO . 90 ) . —Tho installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening last , the 27 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . The AV . AI . Elect , Bro . Henry Smith , was installed into office according to ancient form by Bro John Thomas , P . M . 507 . The principal event of the evening was
the presentation to the Lodge hy the newly-installed Alaster of a full-length , life-size portrait of the late lamented Bro . Stephen Barton AVilson , who ori g inally consecrated the Lodge , and . whose name now is and ever must be reverenced by all who ever expet rienced the benefit of the counsels anil experience of that mos excellent Alason .
TEMPLE LODGE ( No . 101 . )—The regular meetingof this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall Street , on Tuesday , March 7 . Present : —Bios . Grimbly , W . AI . ; Youle , S . AV . ; Reynolds , JW . ; Tanner , P . AI ., Hon . Sec ; Bond , P . M ., Treas . ; Hastelow , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Farthing , Jun ., S . D . ; W . G . Clarke , P . AI . 554 , J . D . ; Flack , I . G . ; Vesper , P . M . 554 . & c , Tyler ; F . J . Cox , I . P . M . j Reard , P . M . ; J . H . Wynne , P . AI . ; Farthing , Sen ., P . AI . ; AV . W . Wynne , P . M . Bro . \ V . J .
Senior , No . S 61 , was present as a visitor . Bro . J . Nicholas was raised to the degree of M . M . The report ofthe hall committee was read stating a surplus for the benefit of the Alasonic charities . LODGE OP FAITH , No . 141 . —The above Lodge met on Tuesday the 28 th at Anderton ' s Hotel Fleet Street . Bro . Jas . Hill , I . P . M ., occupied the chair ( in the absence of tho AV . AI . ) , and was supported by Bro . C . C . Taylor S . AV . ; J , A . Green , J . W . ; Themans , M . D ., as J . D . ; KentcliI . G . ; . and Past Master ' s Carter
, , Treas . ; Anslow , Sec . ; A . E . Harris , Peevor , E . Gottheil and a numerous attendance of Brethren . The lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bros . David and Hutton was passed to the second degree ; and Bros Bartlett and Keeler were raised to the third degree . Ballots were taken for the admission ef Messrs . Gluck and Parker , who were duly initiated into the order by Bro . Hill in a very able and efficient manner , every officer being perfect in the working . The lodge was then
closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and masouic toasts were given . Bro . J . It . Stebbing , P . G . D ., of England iu responding to the toast , returned thanks to the Grand Officers ; and slated it was a great pleasure that although the M . W the Grand
Alaster was absent he was engaged in a mission that would he beneficial to the interests of two great nations He was pleased to sec the acting W . AI . was so proficient in his duties , and that he had performed the duties of the chair in so able a manner , and when the AV . AI had vacated the chair , how ably those duties had been performed by Bro . Gottheil , even at a moment ' s notice . He then addressed a few appropriate remarks to the newly-initiated brethren on the duties they had engaged
themselves to undertake . Bros . Parker and Gluek responded to the toast ot the newly-initiated brethren . Bro . 11 . IS .. Levy , responded to the toast of the visitors ( who were Bros , J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . ; L . Davis No 73 ; G . Jennings 4 ; Dr . Seymour ( Henri Quarlre , Paris ) 5 , Cohen 8 ; Sirgood , 87 ; AI . guhami , 188 ; and Se . kins 947 . BRITISH OAK LODGE ( No . 831 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Bank of Friendship TavernMilo-eudon Monday
, , , 27 th ult , The chair was occupied hy Bro . Burnett , AV . AI , supported b y Bros . Spoerer , S . AV . ; Hackwell , J . W . ; He . iunin ^ s , S . D . ; Ford , J . D . ; llallet , I . G . ; Fixtere , Potterson , Heckrell , and many other brethren . The ballot was taken for Bros . Brough and John Salter , and was passed unanimous . Bro . 11 . Pettersou was passed and Bro . AV . Renhaui Dixon were raised , aud AV . William Edward Tiptaf was initiated . At the close ofthe businessthe brethren retired to a banquet .
, ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( No . 90 ) . —The regular meeting of this lod ge was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Monday , 6 th inst . Present : Pros . Hatcomb , W . M . ; Eglese , P . M . ; Gntierrey , S . W . ; Taylor . P . AI . ; Rumford , J . AV . ; M . Douglas , P . M . ; Thorne , J . D . ; Griffin , P . M . ; Hunton , I . G . ; P . P . Griffin , P . AI . ; Madley , P . M . ; Scheyar and Farrer . The visitors present were Bros . Spun-,
Craft Masonry.
J . AV . 733 ; and Dickins , 917 . Air . Herbert Bbusfield was Mlotted , the ballot proving in his favour , he was duly , initiated .. AlosTEEiORE LODGE ( 1017 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , the 17 th inst . Present , Bros . S . A . Kisch , AV . AI . ; Funkenzstero , S . AV . ; N . Branham , J . W . ; E . Palbert , P . M . Sec ; J . Blum . S . D .. ; L . Jacob , Treas . ; J . L . Rosehtha , J . D . ; S . Pollitzer ,- P . M . ; S ~ Blum , D . C ; J . Lazarus , P . M . ; Rev . M . B . Levy , P . M . ; Meyer
A . Loewenstark ; Fox ; Knight ; Barnes ; Turner ; Granebanm . j Petit ; R . Blum ; Milner ; " Rautcnbei-g ; Van Voten ; and S . Eappoport , P . AI ., 388 , Alelhounie /' . Jletsi's . Geo . Lev / is , Norman , AlfredRorffe , and E . AVilson were initiated ; Bros . Besse , and Pyke passed ; and Bros . Kingenstein , Wheeler , and Fox , raised ,. After . which the brethren adjourned to the banquet . THE URBAN LODGE ( No . 1190 ) . —A meeting of the members of this Lodge took place at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s
Gate , on Tuesday , under the presidency of Bro . . Charles Braid ,, the W . M ., who was supported by his officers as follows-. —Bros AVilliam Sawyer , I . P . M . ; J . E . AVare , S . W . ; J . C . AVilson , J . AV . ; J . Call ' ingham , S . D . ; G . Wharton Simpson , J . D , ; It . IL . Pearson , I . G . ; and Kuster , Organist . There were also present Bros . Henry Marston , P . AI . ; J . E . Carpenter , P . M . ; AV . . JV Creswick , llersee ; AVickens , Cowland , Foskett , and other members of the Lodge ; and as visitors Bros . H . AV . Williams ,. P . Prov . G . R ., 237 ; H . C . Moutrie , P . AI ., Enoch , 11 ; and H „ L . Bebb , J . W ., United Strength , 228 . The Lodge having been
opened , Bro . Buckingham , a candidate for raising , gave the necessary proofs of proficiency in the first degree , and Mr , Henry Alacaulay Hersee , Air . Sigismuud Lehmeyer , Air . Frank Musgrave , and Air . C F . Pearson , were severally initiated into the mysteries of the'Order . The W . AI . proved himself to be most efficient as the humble representative of K . S ., and his correct working called forth general encomiums . Alter the transaction , of matters or business the lodge was closed , and the brethren
partook of refreshment , and spent a most convivial and harmonious evening , the services of the professional members of tho Lodge being freely volunteered . ASAPH LODGE ( No . 1319 ) . — This lodge held its regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , AV . C , on the 5 th inst . Present : —Bro ? . E . S . Jones , AV . AI . ; C . Coste , S . AV . ; J . M , Chamherliii , J . W . ; James AVeaver , S . D . ; E . Frewin , J . D . ; C . Coote , Jun ., Treas . ; S . Jeyhill , I . G . ; W . A . Tinney , D . C ; P . _
A . Adams , P . G . P . ; H . I . Tinney , \\ estem , Snelling , W . H . Stevens , Egerton , Alabey , Boatwright , Edward Terry , Harper ,. Easton , Edgar , Worton , AA . Baker , J . Baker , S . Snyders . Visitors : —Bros . John Reed , P . AI . 720 ; Edward Swanborongb ,. 188 . The business consisted in initiating Air . John Tiplady , Carrodus , Professor of Music , and Air . John Strachan , Dramatic Author , Passing , Bro . J . Baker , and raising Bros . AA' . X . Tinney , H . J . Snelling and J . Egerton . Messrs . AA ' . J ... Castell , L . Lilleberg , and AV . Graves , Professors of Music , were proposed for initiation . The business being finished , the lock ' , ;?' ivas closed in due form .
INSTEUCTION . STRONG AIAN LODGE OP INSTRUCTION ( NO . 43 ) . —This Lodg . one < T the oldest in London , ha- ; been removed to Bro . Vt'ieki . ___ s , the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkeiiiveli- Bro , James Terry , P . AI ., of the United Strength Lodge , No . 22 ^ , which also meets at the same tavern , has been appointed Secretary and Preceptor . CONFIDENCE LODGE OP INSTRUCTION ( No . 193 ) met t > n ths
22 nd ult ., at Bro . Forster's , Railway Tavern , London Street , E . C ; Bro . Bobbins , W . AI ., AI . Davis , S . AA ' ., Eltham , J . AV . Ashby , S . D ., Taveruer , I . G . The first aud second degrees were worked hy the W . AI ., in a very efficient manner . The first , second , and third sections of the first lectures ware worked by Bros . Gotthiel and Ashby , assisted by the brethren . There vitie present Bros . Sharp , Turk , Salmoner , Atkins , CaterslL Aland , T . Mortloek , P . M ., 186 , and E . Gottheil , Preceptor ..
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Zodye . ( No . 710 . )—There was a good muster of members at the monthly meeting held at the Masonicrooms on Thursday March 2 nd , under the presidency of Urn ... Cuniinings AV . M ., who opened the Lodge at quarter lo ss-jeii
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Craft Masonry.
were given . Bro . J . L . Mather , I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of tho AV . M ., stated he had visited many Lodges but he had rarely seen the duties of the chair so perfectly performed ; also the able manner lie had presided over them , had given satisfaction to every brother in the Lodge . The W . AI . brietly responded . Bro . J . L . Mather , returned 'thanks for the Past Masters and stated that owing to the efficiency of the W . M .,
his duties were very light . The toasts of the Secretary , Warden , and . Officers followed , and Tyler ' s concluded a very agreeable evening . THE BUBGOTNE LODGE ( NO . 90 ) . —Tho installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening last , the 27 th ult ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . The AV . AI . Elect , Bro . Henry Smith , was installed into office according to ancient form by Bro John Thomas , P . M . 507 . The principal event of the evening was
the presentation to the Lodge hy the newly-installed Alaster of a full-length , life-size portrait of the late lamented Bro . Stephen Barton AVilson , who ori g inally consecrated the Lodge , and . whose name now is and ever must be reverenced by all who ever expet rienced the benefit of the counsels anil experience of that mos excellent Alason .
TEMPLE LODGE ( No . 101 . )—The regular meetingof this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall Street , on Tuesday , March 7 . Present : —Bios . Grimbly , W . AI . ; Youle , S . AV . ; Reynolds , JW . ; Tanner , P . AI ., Hon . Sec ; Bond , P . M ., Treas . ; Hastelow , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Farthing , Jun ., S . D . ; W . G . Clarke , P . AI . 554 , J . D . ; Flack , I . G . ; Vesper , P . M . 554 . & c , Tyler ; F . J . Cox , I . P . M . j Reard , P . M . ; J . H . Wynne , P . AI . ; Farthing , Sen ., P . AI . ; AV . W . Wynne , P . M . Bro . \ V . J .
Senior , No . S 61 , was present as a visitor . Bro . J . Nicholas was raised to the degree of M . M . The report ofthe hall committee was read stating a surplus for the benefit of the Alasonic charities . LODGE OP FAITH , No . 141 . —The above Lodge met on Tuesday the 28 th at Anderton ' s Hotel Fleet Street . Bro . Jas . Hill , I . P . M ., occupied the chair ( in the absence of tho AV . AI . ) , and was supported by Bro . C . C . Taylor S . AV . ; J , A . Green , J . W . ; Themans , M . D ., as J . D . ; KentcliI . G . ; . and Past Master ' s Carter
, , Treas . ; Anslow , Sec . ; A . E . Harris , Peevor , E . Gottheil and a numerous attendance of Brethren . The lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bros . David and Hutton was passed to the second degree ; and Bros Bartlett and Keeler were raised to the third degree . Ballots were taken for the admission ef Messrs . Gluck and Parker , who were duly initiated into the order by Bro . Hill in a very able and efficient manner , every officer being perfect in the working . The lodge was then
closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet . On the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and masouic toasts were given . Bro . J . It . Stebbing , P . G . D ., of England iu responding to the toast , returned thanks to the Grand Officers ; and slated it was a great pleasure that although the M . W the Grand
Alaster was absent he was engaged in a mission that would he beneficial to the interests of two great nations He was pleased to sec the acting W . AI . was so proficient in his duties , and that he had performed the duties of the chair in so able a manner , and when the AV . AI had vacated the chair , how ably those duties had been performed by Bro . Gottheil , even at a moment ' s notice . He then addressed a few appropriate remarks to the newly-initiated brethren on the duties they had engaged
themselves to undertake . Bros . Parker and Gluek responded to the toast ot the newly-initiated brethren . Bro . 11 . IS .. Levy , responded to the toast of the visitors ( who were Bros , J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . ; L . Davis No 73 ; G . Jennings 4 ; Dr . Seymour ( Henri Quarlre , Paris ) 5 , Cohen 8 ; Sirgood , 87 ; AI . guhami , 188 ; and Se . kins 947 . BRITISH OAK LODGE ( No . 831 ) . —The brethren of this lodge met at the Bank of Friendship TavernMilo-eudon Monday
, , , 27 th ult , The chair was occupied hy Bro . Burnett , AV . AI , supported b y Bros . Spoerer , S . AV . ; Hackwell , J . W . ; He . iunin ^ s , S . D . ; Ford , J . D . ; llallet , I . G . ; Fixtere , Potterson , Heckrell , and many other brethren . The ballot was taken for Bros . Brough and John Salter , and was passed unanimous . Bro . 11 . Pettersou was passed and Bro . AV . Renhaui Dixon were raised , aud AV . William Edward Tiptaf was initiated . At the close ofthe businessthe brethren retired to a banquet .
, ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( No . 90 ) . —The regular meeting of this lod ge was held at Radley ' s Hotel , Monday , 6 th inst . Present : Pros . Hatcomb , W . M . ; Eglese , P . M . ; Gntierrey , S . W . ; Taylor . P . AI . ; Rumford , J . AV . ; M . Douglas , P . M . ; Thorne , J . D . ; Griffin , P . M . ; Hunton , I . G . ; P . P . Griffin , P . AI . ; Madley , P . M . ; Scheyar and Farrer . The visitors present were Bros . Spun-,
Craft Masonry.
J . AV . 733 ; and Dickins , 917 . Air . Herbert Bbusfield was Mlotted , the ballot proving in his favour , he was duly , initiated .. AlosTEEiORE LODGE ( 1017 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , the 17 th inst . Present , Bros . S . A . Kisch , AV . AI . ; Funkenzstero , S . AV . ; N . Branham , J . W . ; E . Palbert , P . M . Sec ; J . Blum . S . D .. ; L . Jacob , Treas . ; J . L . Rosehtha , J . D . ; S . Pollitzer ,- P . M . ; S ~ Blum , D . C ; J . Lazarus , P . M . ; Rev . M . B . Levy , P . M . ; Meyer
A . Loewenstark ; Fox ; Knight ; Barnes ; Turner ; Granebanm . j Petit ; R . Blum ; Milner ; " Rautcnbei-g ; Van Voten ; and S . Eappoport , P . AI ., 388 , Alelhounie /' . Jletsi's . Geo . Lev / is , Norman , AlfredRorffe , and E . AVilson were initiated ; Bros . Besse , and Pyke passed ; and Bros . Kingenstein , Wheeler , and Fox , raised ,. After . which the brethren adjourned to the banquet . THE URBAN LODGE ( No . 1190 ) . —A meeting of the members of this Lodge took place at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s
Gate , on Tuesday , under the presidency of Bro . . Charles Braid ,, the W . M ., who was supported by his officers as follows-. —Bros AVilliam Sawyer , I . P . M . ; J . E . AVare , S . W . ; J . C . AVilson , J . AV . ; J . Call ' ingham , S . D . ; G . Wharton Simpson , J . D , ; It . IL . Pearson , I . G . ; and Kuster , Organist . There were also present Bros . Henry Marston , P . AI . ; J . E . Carpenter , P . M . ; AV . . JV Creswick , llersee ; AVickens , Cowland , Foskett , and other members of the Lodge ; and as visitors Bros . H . AV . Williams ,. P . Prov . G . R ., 237 ; H . C . Moutrie , P . AI ., Enoch , 11 ; and H „ L . Bebb , J . W ., United Strength , 228 . The Lodge having been
opened , Bro . Buckingham , a candidate for raising , gave the necessary proofs of proficiency in the first degree , and Mr , Henry Alacaulay Hersee , Air . Sigismuud Lehmeyer , Air . Frank Musgrave , and Air . C F . Pearson , were severally initiated into the mysteries of the'Order . The W . AI . proved himself to be most efficient as the humble representative of K . S ., and his correct working called forth general encomiums . Alter the transaction , of matters or business the lodge was closed , and the brethren
partook of refreshment , and spent a most convivial and harmonious evening , the services of the professional members of tho Lodge being freely volunteered . ASAPH LODGE ( No . 1319 ) . — This lodge held its regular monthly meeting at Freemasons' Hall , AV . C , on the 5 th inst . Present : —Bro ? . E . S . Jones , AV . AI . ; C . Coste , S . AV . ; J . M , Chamherliii , J . W . ; James AVeaver , S . D . ; E . Frewin , J . D . ; C . Coote , Jun ., Treas . ; S . Jeyhill , I . G . ; W . A . Tinney , D . C ; P . _
A . Adams , P . G . P . ; H . I . Tinney , \\ estem , Snelling , W . H . Stevens , Egerton , Alabey , Boatwright , Edward Terry , Harper ,. Easton , Edgar , Worton , AA . Baker , J . Baker , S . Snyders . Visitors : —Bros . John Reed , P . AI . 720 ; Edward Swanborongb ,. 188 . The business consisted in initiating Air . John Tiplady , Carrodus , Professor of Music , and Air . John Strachan , Dramatic Author , Passing , Bro . J . Baker , and raising Bros . AA' . X . Tinney , H . J . Snelling and J . Egerton . Messrs . AA ' . J ... Castell , L . Lilleberg , and AV . Graves , Professors of Music , were proposed for initiation . The business being finished , the lock ' , ;?' ivas closed in due form .
INSTEUCTION . STRONG AIAN LODGE OP INSTRUCTION ( NO . 43 ) . —This Lodg . one < T the oldest in London , ha- ; been removed to Bro . Vt'ieki . ___ s , the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkeiiiveli- Bro , James Terry , P . AI ., of the United Strength Lodge , No . 22 ^ , which also meets at the same tavern , has been appointed Secretary and Preceptor . CONFIDENCE LODGE OP INSTRUCTION ( No . 193 ) met t > n ths
22 nd ult ., at Bro . Forster's , Railway Tavern , London Street , E . C ; Bro . Bobbins , W . AI ., AI . Davis , S . AA ' ., Eltham , J . AV . Ashby , S . D ., Taveruer , I . G . The first aud second degrees were worked hy the W . AI ., in a very efficient manner . The first , second , and third sections of the first lectures ware worked by Bros . Gotthiel and Ashby , assisted by the brethren . There vitie present Bros . Sharp , Turk , Salmoner , Atkins , CaterslL Aland , T . Mortloek , P . M ., 186 , and E . Gottheil , Preceptor ..
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Zodye . ( No . 710 . )—There was a good muster of members at the monthly meeting held at the Masonicrooms on Thursday March 2 nd , under the presidency of Urn ... Cuniinings AV . M ., who opened the Lodge at quarter lo ss-jeii