Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 3 →
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There was present , Bros . Dr . Hopkins as I . P . M . ; Niner S . W . ' Stafford , J . AV . ; J . Heath , P . AI . ; R . AVatson P . AI . and Treas . ; T . E . Owen P . AI . ; , 'De Schmid S . D . ; Pre . swell Sec ; Taylor Organist ;' , Coldeu I . G . ; II . Bartlett , T . C . Kellock , Goodridge , Perrow , and as visitors Bros . Shapland P . AI . 610 : C . L . Owen , 903 ; and Rev . B . Bowdcn P . AI . 398 . The minutes having heen read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Capt . J . Westheadwhich proved unanimous in his favour . Bro . Dr .
, Hopkins then took the chair , and duly initiated the Candidate , deputing to the S . W . the explanation of the working tools . The lodo-e was opened in the 2 nd degree by the AA' . AL , Avhen Bro . Goodridge passed a satisfactory examination , was entrusted and dismissed for preparation . The Lodge having been opened , iu the third degree , tiie Candidate ivas re-introduced and raised as a M . M . by Bro . John Heath P . AI . ; the S . W . again explaining
the working tools . The chair Avas taken hy Bro . Cummings AV . AI .. who resumed the Lodge iu the second and afterwards in the first degree , and on a favorable ballot for Air . Dreminn initiated him as an E . A . P . The charge to the newly in itiated brethren was given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins P . AI . Owing to the amount of business , the Lectures on the tracing board were deferred . Bro . R . AA ' atson resigned the office of Treas . which he had held for some yearschiefly on account of
inter-, ference with regularity of attendance by business engagements . ¦ Ou the proposition of Bro . J . Heath P . AI . seconded by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., a cordial vote of thanks for his long and faithful services was accorded to him , and tho Secretary was directed to place in his hands a copy of the resolution . Two gentlemen -were proposed for initiation , and the Lodge was finally closed cit a quarter to ten .
ESSEX . GRAYS , —St . John's Lodge ( No . 1343 ) . —A new Lodge bearing this name was consecrated on Tuesday , 5 th inst . and the following officers were appointed to preside over the proceedings : ¦—Bros . Houry Saiidford , AV . AI . ; the Rev . John J . H . Bridge , S . AV . ; Richard Nicholls , J . AA ' . ; John G . Bouch , Treasurer , Bell , Secretary ; 1 ) . Robertson , J . D . Bro . James Terry , P . AI ., 228 , 1273 , acted as Installing Alaster , and Bro . George Bihhy presided at
the organ . There was also present many visiting brethren from Kent , Surrey , Middlesex , Hertfordshire , & c . ; also several of the Grand Officers of ; the Province , including Bros . Andrew Aleggy . Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; John Wright Carr , Provincial Grand Secretary ; Joseph Buxton , P . G . Treasurer , 276 ; Rev . F . B . Shepherd , P . S . G . AV ., 276 ; — White , P . M ., 77 ; James Kindred , P . AI ., 354 ; Felix AVhite , P . M ., 503 ; Thomas NettlehamP . G . AV . KentAVilliam StewartP . AI . 141 ; H .
, , ; , , Crabtree , I . G ., 1275 ; R . Toy , AV . AI ., 1051 ; J . Nicholl , S . D ., 1050 ; S . G . Cripps , P . M . 704 ; AA . Pissey , 160 , P . M ., P . P . G . VV . ; JolmBelcham , 160 , P . P . G . P . ; A . Lucking , 160 , S . D . ; D . B . Grout , AV . AI ., 160 ; C . Stratford , P . M ., 77 ; G . W . Ralph , P . AI ., 188 ; II . Alallet , 87 ; AV . Dalrymple , No . 1 ( Scotland ); AV . Hopekirk , P . AI ., 179 ; F . Batt , 77 ; T . G . Langford , 77 ; AA ^ .
Frost , 1000 ; J . Rou _ rh , I . G ., 1000 ; Josh . Barker , 503 ; R . Bainton , 781 ; James Cox , SW ., 1000 ; Samuel Day , 503 ; AV . Russell , 77 ; R . French , 77 ; A \ . R . Green , 77 ; W . E . Boilings , AA ' . AL , 77 ; Henry Neat , 87 , D . C ; II . Rowley , P . AI ., 1000 ; John Glass , P . M ., 452 , P . G . S . E . ; Joseph Tanner , P . G . S . D ., P . AI ., 101 ; AV . Smith Cox , P . G . S ., P . AI ., 1000 ; R . Sermon , 77 ; Charles Dawson , J . AV ., 211 ; Fred . AVootl , P . AI ., 1000 , V . Prov . G . S . AV . ; R . fctrong , 77 , P . P . G . O . South Australia ; AA . 8 . 276 Arthur 1000
Pavitt . P . AL , 160 , . P . G . G . AV . ; Carry , ; F . Frampton , P . AL , 87 ; J- Noke , P . M ., 87 ; J . Farnfield , P . AI ., 256 , 909 ; Geortre J . Shcphesd , 49 ; Alfred Keep , 144 ; John Bassett . 212 ; James Cantor , AA . Jl ., 1000 ; Richard Motion , P . AI ., 453 . AV . Smeed , P . AI ., 946 ; AV . Pratt , P . AL , 144 Edward Dalis , 77 , P . G . Sec , Kent ; Enghart John Barliet , and and others . About six . p . m ., most of the brethren sat down to banquet at the King ' s Arms Hotelwhere the application for 70
, tickets at the last moment must have , severely taxed the energies -of the host , who had been led to expect about half that number . The usual Alasonic toasts were proposed and responded to ; and the harmony and enjoyments of the evening increased by a recitation fern Bro . Terry , and the singing of songs by Bros . Hopekirk , Batt , Keep , Bond , Noke , Stewart , Smeed , and Dalrymple .
LEICESTERSHIRE AisD RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 ) . —A regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on
Wednesday , tho 1 st inst ., when , in addition to the AA . AI . ( Bro . Stretton ) , who presided , there were present Bro . Kelly , R . AV . P . G . M ., Wearc , Treasurer ; and S . A . Clark ; Crow , S . AV . ; Dr . Pearce , J . AV . ; Widdowson , See . ; - Palmer , S . D . ; , T . Wright Smith , J . D . ; and a number of other members . The visitors consisted of Bros . Buzzard , W . AI ., Toller , P . M . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , J . AV ., who officiated as Chaplain ; and several other brethren of No . 523 . A ballotwas taken for Air . Walton Wilkinson
and Air . John Ellivood , who were duly elected , but their initiation postponed , owing to the amount of business before the Lodge . A ballot was also taken for tiie AV . Bro . James Hughan , P . M ., No . 131 , Treas . and P . G . Sec . for Cornwall , who had beeu nominated as an honorary member at the previous Lodge , in recognition of valuable donations of hooks to the library of the Alasonic Hall , aud of the great interest he had evinced in promoting the candidature for election into the Boys' School of
Alfred Nutt , ono of the five orphan children of the late Bro . John Nutt , of this Lodge , when Bro . Hughan was unanimousl y elected , liro . Cleaver having passed a satisfactory examination in the first degree was passed a Fellow Craft , after which , at the request of the W . M , Bro . Deane , P . Prov . G . Reg ., delivered the lecture on the tracing-hoard . The Lodge having been closed in tho second degree , the hyo-laivs , as revised by the Committee
appointed for that purpose , were read and discussed , and eventually were unanimously approved and ordered to be printed . Bro . Deane , S . AA . of the Howe and Charnwood Lodge , Loughborough , who this year represents the Province as Steward for the Boys' School , brought before tho Lodge tho urgent claims of that admirable institution . On the proposition of tho M . AV . Prov . G . AI ., seconded by tho AA . AL , the sum of five guineas , in
addition to a former donation of ten guineas , Avas voted from the Lodge Funds , and several of the brethren put their name down as subscribers on Bro . Deane ' s List . Additional interest is of course felt in the Institution the fact that one ofthe five orphan children of the late Bro . John Nutt , for seventeen years a member of this Lodge , is a candidate for admission into the school , being the first case of any applicant from this Province , for the benefit of any of the charities of the Order , whilst it lias been a liberal supporter of them . Che Lodgo being closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
AIAHKET HARBOEOUGH . —St . Peter's Lodge ( No . 1330 ) . — The brethren of this Bodge met at the Assembly Room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., the W . M ., Bro . Kelly , R . W . P . G . AL , in the chair . There were also present Bros . Rev J . F . Halford , J . AV . ; R . AVaite , P . AL Treas . ; AV . II . Morris , P . AI . Sec ; Rev . A . A . O'Neill , P . M . and P . Prov . G . Chaplain , West Lancashire , Chaplain ; F . Kemp , S . D . ; J . II . Douglas , J . D . : FreestoneStewardLewinas IGFullerGrant ° L
, ; , .. ; , . ymiagton , Newton , Shovelhottom , Harrison , Whitehead , Martin , Platford , and others . The visitors were Bros . Crow , S . AV ., 523 and P . G . Org . ; and Deane , S . W .. 1007 and P . P . G . Reg . Apologies were received for the unavoidable absence of Bros . Sir H . Sir J . Halford , Bart ., S . AV ., and T . Macaulay , M . R . C . S ., I . G . Tho Lodge having been opened up to the second degree , Bro . F . Grant , M . D ., ivas examined as a Fellow Craft , after which he dul
was y raised to the third degree . Bros , the Rev . F . AI . Beaumont aud Henley , after examination , were passed to the second degree , two other candidates being absent . Bro . Crow , P . G . O ., conducted the musical services , Bro . Deane , P . Prov . G . Reg ., representing tho Province as Steward for the Boys' School , brought the claims of the charity under the notice of the Lodge , when an annual subscription was voted from the Lodge funds , and it was advised that the funds should be increased by the brethren , so as to make the AV . AI . for the time being a life governor . After some further business the Lod ge closed fur refreshment .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the members took place at the Alasonic Hall , Great Dock Street , Newport , on Friday last . The AV . AI . Bro . Henry J . _ Gratte presiding , aud there was a good attendance . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot took lacewhen BrosWilliam Westof Newport
p , . , , P . AI ., 471 , was unanimous admitted as a Subscribing Aleinber . Air . Charles David Oliver , the younger , of Newport , Accountant , aged 21 , was also admitted , and will he initiated at the next meeting . The AV . AI . then brought up the report of he Committee appointed to revise , alter , and amend the Bye-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
There was present , Bros . Dr . Hopkins as I . P . M . ; Niner S . W . ' Stafford , J . AV . ; J . Heath , P . AI . ; R . AVatson P . AI . and Treas . ; T . E . Owen P . AI . ; , 'De Schmid S . D . ; Pre . swell Sec ; Taylor Organist ;' , Coldeu I . G . ; II . Bartlett , T . C . Kellock , Goodridge , Perrow , and as visitors Bros . Shapland P . AI . 610 : C . L . Owen , 903 ; and Rev . B . Bowdcn P . AI . 398 . The minutes having heen read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Capt . J . Westheadwhich proved unanimous in his favour . Bro . Dr .
, Hopkins then took the chair , and duly initiated the Candidate , deputing to the S . W . the explanation of the working tools . The lodo-e was opened in the 2 nd degree by the AA' . AL , Avhen Bro . Goodridge passed a satisfactory examination , was entrusted and dismissed for preparation . The Lodge having been opened , iu the third degree , tiie Candidate ivas re-introduced and raised as a M . M . by Bro . John Heath P . AI . ; the S . W . again explaining
the working tools . The chair Avas taken hy Bro . Cummings AV . AI .. who resumed the Lodge iu the second and afterwards in the first degree , and on a favorable ballot for Air . Dreminn initiated him as an E . A . P . The charge to the newly in itiated brethren was given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins P . AI . Owing to the amount of business , the Lectures on the tracing board were deferred . Bro . R . AA ' atson resigned the office of Treas . which he had held for some yearschiefly on account of
inter-, ference with regularity of attendance by business engagements . ¦ Ou the proposition of Bro . J . Heath P . AI . seconded by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., a cordial vote of thanks for his long and faithful services was accorded to him , and tho Secretary was directed to place in his hands a copy of the resolution . Two gentlemen -were proposed for initiation , and the Lodge was finally closed cit a quarter to ten .
ESSEX . GRAYS , —St . John's Lodge ( No . 1343 ) . —A new Lodge bearing this name was consecrated on Tuesday , 5 th inst . and the following officers were appointed to preside over the proceedings : ¦—Bros . Houry Saiidford , AV . AI . ; the Rev . John J . H . Bridge , S . AV . ; Richard Nicholls , J . AA ' . ; John G . Bouch , Treasurer , Bell , Secretary ; 1 ) . Robertson , J . D . Bro . James Terry , P . AI ., 228 , 1273 , acted as Installing Alaster , and Bro . George Bihhy presided at
the organ . There was also present many visiting brethren from Kent , Surrey , Middlesex , Hertfordshire , & c . ; also several of the Grand Officers of ; the Province , including Bros . Andrew Aleggy . Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; John Wright Carr , Provincial Grand Secretary ; Joseph Buxton , P . G . Treasurer , 276 ; Rev . F . B . Shepherd , P . S . G . AV ., 276 ; — White , P . M ., 77 ; James Kindred , P . AI ., 354 ; Felix AVhite , P . M ., 503 ; Thomas NettlehamP . G . AV . KentAVilliam StewartP . AI . 141 ; H .
, , ; , , Crabtree , I . G ., 1275 ; R . Toy , AV . AI ., 1051 ; J . Nicholl , S . D ., 1050 ; S . G . Cripps , P . M . 704 ; AA . Pissey , 160 , P . M ., P . P . G . VV . ; JolmBelcham , 160 , P . P . G . P . ; A . Lucking , 160 , S . D . ; D . B . Grout , AV . AI ., 160 ; C . Stratford , P . M ., 77 ; G . W . Ralph , P . AI ., 188 ; II . Alallet , 87 ; AV . Dalrymple , No . 1 ( Scotland ); AV . Hopekirk , P . AI ., 179 ; F . Batt , 77 ; T . G . Langford , 77 ; AA ^ .
Frost , 1000 ; J . Rou _ rh , I . G ., 1000 ; Josh . Barker , 503 ; R . Bainton , 781 ; James Cox , SW ., 1000 ; Samuel Day , 503 ; AV . Russell , 77 ; R . French , 77 ; A \ . R . Green , 77 ; W . E . Boilings , AA ' . AL , 77 ; Henry Neat , 87 , D . C ; II . Rowley , P . AI ., 1000 ; John Glass , P . M ., 452 , P . G . S . E . ; Joseph Tanner , P . G . S . D ., P . AI ., 101 ; AV . Smith Cox , P . G . S ., P . AI ., 1000 ; R . Sermon , 77 ; Charles Dawson , J . AV ., 211 ; Fred . AVootl , P . AI ., 1000 , V . Prov . G . S . AV . ; R . fctrong , 77 , P . P . G . O . South Australia ; AA . 8 . 276 Arthur 1000
Pavitt . P . AL , 160 , . P . G . G . AV . ; Carry , ; F . Frampton , P . AL , 87 ; J- Noke , P . M ., 87 ; J . Farnfield , P . AI ., 256 , 909 ; Geortre J . Shcphesd , 49 ; Alfred Keep , 144 ; John Bassett . 212 ; James Cantor , AA . Jl ., 1000 ; Richard Motion , P . AI ., 453 . AV . Smeed , P . AI ., 946 ; AV . Pratt , P . AL , 144 Edward Dalis , 77 , P . G . Sec , Kent ; Enghart John Barliet , and and others . About six . p . m ., most of the brethren sat down to banquet at the King ' s Arms Hotelwhere the application for 70
, tickets at the last moment must have , severely taxed the energies -of the host , who had been led to expect about half that number . The usual Alasonic toasts were proposed and responded to ; and the harmony and enjoyments of the evening increased by a recitation fern Bro . Terry , and the singing of songs by Bros . Hopekirk , Batt , Keep , Bond , Noke , Stewart , Smeed , and Dalrymple .
LEICESTERSHIRE AisD RUTLAND . LEICESTER . —St . John's Lodge ( No . 279 ) . —A regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on
Wednesday , tho 1 st inst ., when , in addition to the AA . AI . ( Bro . Stretton ) , who presided , there were present Bro . Kelly , R . AV . P . G . M ., Wearc , Treasurer ; and S . A . Clark ; Crow , S . AV . ; Dr . Pearce , J . AV . ; Widdowson , See . ; - Palmer , S . D . ; , T . Wright Smith , J . D . ; and a number of other members . The visitors consisted of Bros . Buzzard , W . AI ., Toller , P . M . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , J . AV ., who officiated as Chaplain ; and several other brethren of No . 523 . A ballotwas taken for Air . Walton Wilkinson
and Air . John Ellivood , who were duly elected , but their initiation postponed , owing to the amount of business before the Lodge . A ballot was also taken for tiie AV . Bro . James Hughan , P . M ., No . 131 , Treas . and P . G . Sec . for Cornwall , who had beeu nominated as an honorary member at the previous Lodge , in recognition of valuable donations of hooks to the library of the Alasonic Hall , aud of the great interest he had evinced in promoting the candidature for election into the Boys' School of
Alfred Nutt , ono of the five orphan children of the late Bro . John Nutt , of this Lodge , when Bro . Hughan was unanimousl y elected , liro . Cleaver having passed a satisfactory examination in the first degree was passed a Fellow Craft , after which , at the request of the W . M , Bro . Deane , P . Prov . G . Reg ., delivered the lecture on the tracing-hoard . The Lodge having been closed in tho second degree , the hyo-laivs , as revised by the Committee
appointed for that purpose , were read and discussed , and eventually were unanimously approved and ordered to be printed . Bro . Deane , S . AA . of the Howe and Charnwood Lodge , Loughborough , who this year represents the Province as Steward for the Boys' School , brought before tho Lodge tho urgent claims of that admirable institution . On the proposition of tho M . AV . Prov . G . AI ., seconded by tho AA . AL , the sum of five guineas , in
addition to a former donation of ten guineas , Avas voted from the Lodge Funds , and several of the brethren put their name down as subscribers on Bro . Deane ' s List . Additional interest is of course felt in the Institution the fact that one ofthe five orphan children of the late Bro . John Nutt , for seventeen years a member of this Lodge , is a candidate for admission into the school , being the first case of any applicant from this Province , for the benefit of any of the charities of the Order , whilst it lias been a liberal supporter of them . Che Lodgo being closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
AIAHKET HARBOEOUGH . —St . Peter's Lodge ( No . 1330 ) . — The brethren of this Bodge met at the Assembly Room , Three Swans Hotel , on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., the W . M ., Bro . Kelly , R . W . P . G . AL , in the chair . There were also present Bros . Rev J . F . Halford , J . AV . ; R . AVaite , P . AL Treas . ; AV . II . Morris , P . AI . Sec ; Rev . A . A . O'Neill , P . M . and P . Prov . G . Chaplain , West Lancashire , Chaplain ; F . Kemp , S . D . ; J . II . Douglas , J . D . : FreestoneStewardLewinas IGFullerGrant ° L
, ; , .. ; , . ymiagton , Newton , Shovelhottom , Harrison , Whitehead , Martin , Platford , and others . The visitors were Bros . Crow , S . AV ., 523 and P . G . Org . ; and Deane , S . W .. 1007 and P . P . G . Reg . Apologies were received for the unavoidable absence of Bros . Sir H . Sir J . Halford , Bart ., S . AV ., and T . Macaulay , M . R . C . S ., I . G . Tho Lodge having been opened up to the second degree , Bro . F . Grant , M . D ., ivas examined as a Fellow Craft , after which he dul
was y raised to the third degree . Bros , the Rev . F . AI . Beaumont aud Henley , after examination , were passed to the second degree , two other candidates being absent . Bro . Crow , P . G . O ., conducted the musical services , Bro . Deane , P . Prov . G . Reg ., representing tho Province as Steward for the Boys' School , brought the claims of the charity under the notice of the Lodge , when an annual subscription was voted from the Lodge funds , and it was advised that the funds should be increased by the brethren , so as to make the AV . AI . for the time being a life governor . After some further business the Lod ge closed fur refreshment .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . NEWPORT . —Silurian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the members took place at the Alasonic Hall , Great Dock Street , Newport , on Friday last . The AV . AI . Bro . Henry J . _ Gratte presiding , aud there was a good attendance . The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot took lacewhen BrosWilliam Westof Newport
p , . , , P . AI ., 471 , was unanimous admitted as a Subscribing Aleinber . Air . Charles David Oliver , the younger , of Newport , Accountant , aged 21 , was also admitted , and will he initiated at the next meeting . The AV . AI . then brought up the report of he Committee appointed to revise , alter , and amend the Bye-