Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS.—SEVENTY THIRD ANNUAL FESTIVAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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THE MASONIC MIRROR . * g * All communications to bo addressed to the EDITOR , nfc No , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA ' . C .
AlTEHATION IS TUB DAY 01 ' PUBMCATIOS OE THE MAGAZINE . —The Magazine will in future , be published on Saturday Mornings , instead ot on Friday Afternoons ; this alteration Las lias been made iu order to enable us to meet the wishes of a large section of our readers , so as to allow of the insertion each week of Masonic reports reaching the Editor on Thursday
mornings . TUB NEW POSTAE ABRANGEIIENI . —On the 1 st of October last the new postal arrangement came into operation , by which the postage of the MAGAZINE is reduced one-half , of which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of our subscribers ivho pay one year in advance will receive the
MAGAZINE post-free . The price of the MAGAZINE will thus he reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following will be the terms of subscription : —One year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . 7 d . ; single numbers , by post , 3 £ d . AA e hope that by thus giA'ing the advantage to our subscribers thoy will , in return , use their best endeavours to
increase our circulation , by inducing their friends also to become subscribers . Anticipating a large increase in our circulation , arrangements are in progress for the introduction of special new features in the MAGAZINE . SCOTLAND . —NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . —The Agency for the Freemasons' Magazine in Scotland is now conducted by Messrs .
Strathern and Stirrat , 33 , Benfield Street , Glasgow ; and any Subscriber not receiving the Magazine as usual , will please notify the fact to the above Firm , or to the Company ' s Manager directed to the Office , 19 , Salisbury Street , Strand , London , W . G
Masonic Mems.
His lloyal Highness the Prince of AA ales has named Monday the Sth . May next , for the Anniversary Festival of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls , on which occasion His Eoyal Highnesss has consented to preside . AA e are informed that the installation of Colonel Lyne as B . W . Prov . G . M ., for Monmouthshire , will take place in the
large Eoom at the Town Hall , Newport , on Easter Thursday , April 13 th , and that Theodore Mansel Talbot , Esq ., B . W . Prov . G . M ., for the Eastern Division of South AVales , will he respectfully invited to perform the ceremony . The next meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Siilfolk is announced to he held at Ipswich iu July next .
St . Luke's Lodge of Instruction , No . 1-14 , has been removed from the Pier Hotel , Chelsea , to tho i ; Gladstone , " 202 and 201 Brompton Boad , S . AA . The meetings are held every Friday evening at 8 o'clock . It is intended to hold a Masonic Ball on a grand scale , the King ' s Head Hotel , Newport , on Thursday , tho 20 th of April
next ,- and a committee of management has been formed . AVe hope to be able to give a full programme in our next issue . A masonic ball is to be held in Lincoln during the visit of tho Prince of AVales to that town and neighbourhood , in the Grand National Steeple Chases week . The proceeds of the ball , which is expected to bo honoured hy the presence of the Prince o Wales , are to ho applied to charitable Masonic purposes .
Masonic Mems.
AVe have beeu informed that five brethren selected by the Grand Mark Master , and five brethren selected by the Eoyal Arch Mariners Degree have had a meeting and settled the conditions for the Amalgamations of the latter degree under the Supreme Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters . EBEEMASONKV AND THE AVAB . —In another column will he found
the remarks of Earl Carnarvon , acting M . AV . G . M .. upon this subject at the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge . Out of consideration to parties interested we had not intended to publish them , but as they have seen fit to give it themselves we do nob ceusider it necessary to longer withhold the matte from the Craft .
The following appeal was issued hy the Secretary of the Institution previous to the Festival : —¦ " Office , 6 , Freemasons' Hall , London , AV . C , 14 th February , 1871 . " AV . Sir & Brother , " Permit me to call your attention to the above occasion , and
to solicit your valued and influential support . "The circumstances in which the Home Charities of this country are placed this year , must compare unfavourably Avith former years , owing to the enormous drain upon the resources of the benevolent iu aid of the misery aud distress abroad . " The Masonic Institutions , it is feared , will be peculiarly
affected , as the area from which they can obtain assistance is naturally restricted to the fraternity , the members of Avhich are always first and foremost in contributing to external objects of charity . " As regards this Institution , the anxiety thus occasioned i B materially aggravated from the fact that , should the amount
receiA'ed this year be inadequate for the annual maintenance of the Establishment , there are no funds of any kind on which to rely in a time of special need . " Should you be unable to he present , will you permit me toentreat your assistance in the shape of a donation to our funds which will be most gratefully acknowledged by
" W . Sir and Brother , Yours obediently and fraternally , FREDEBICK BINCKES , Secretary of the Institution , and Hou . Sec . Board of Stewards
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.—Seventy Third Annual Festival.
The seventy-third Anniversary Festival of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys was celebrated on Wednesday last at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Bro . Sir William AVatkins \\ ynn , Part , M . P ., and Provincial Grand Master for North AVales and Salop , in tho chair . The following is the list of the Board of Stewards : —
PRESIDENT . —W . liro . James Mason , P . G . S . B ., P . M . No . 1-1-1 . VICE-PBESIBENTS—V . W . Bro . Eev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Ch ., AV . M .. 1221 ; Kev . Lyttlcton Henry Powys Maurice , P . G . Chap . Surrey , 41 G ; Capt . Cope , P . G . S . B ., P . Prov . G . AA . Chesshirc ; H . lt . Luckes , D . P . G . M ., Hertfordshire ; J . B . Moore , M . D ., P . Prov . G . AV ., AA est Lancashire ; AV . H . Kadley , P . Prov .
G . AV ., Lincoln ; AV . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., P . Prov . G . AV ., N . AVales ; AValter Adiard , Dist . G . AV ., Punjab , P . M . 782 and 1215 ; C . C . AV . Griffiths , P . Prov . GW ., AVorcestcr , P . M . 280 ; C . Milsom ; jun-, P . Prov . G . AV ., Somerset , P . M ., 53 ; E . AV . Motion , P . Prov . G . W ., Essex , P . M . 453 . Thomas Frederick Halsey ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * g * All communications to bo addressed to the EDITOR , nfc No , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AA ' . C .
AlTEHATION IS TUB DAY 01 ' PUBMCATIOS OE THE MAGAZINE . —The Magazine will in future , be published on Saturday Mornings , instead ot on Friday Afternoons ; this alteration Las lias been made iu order to enable us to meet the wishes of a large section of our readers , so as to allow of the insertion each week of Masonic reports reaching the Editor on Thursday
mornings . TUB NEW POSTAE ABRANGEIIENI . —On the 1 st of October last the new postal arrangement came into operation , by which the postage of the MAGAZINE is reduced one-half , of which our subscribers will receive the full benefit . In future , those of our subscribers ivho pay one year in advance will receive the
MAGAZINE post-free . The price of the MAGAZINE will thus he reduced from 17 s . 4 d . to 13 s . per annum . Under this arrangement the following will be the terms of subscription : —One year , paid in advance , 13 s . ; six months , 7 s . 7 d . ; single numbers , by post , 3 £ d . AA e hope that by thus giA'ing the advantage to our subscribers thoy will , in return , use their best endeavours to
increase our circulation , by inducing their friends also to become subscribers . Anticipating a large increase in our circulation , arrangements are in progress for the introduction of special new features in the MAGAZINE . SCOTLAND . —NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . —The Agency for the Freemasons' Magazine in Scotland is now conducted by Messrs .
Strathern and Stirrat , 33 , Benfield Street , Glasgow ; and any Subscriber not receiving the Magazine as usual , will please notify the fact to the above Firm , or to the Company ' s Manager directed to the Office , 19 , Salisbury Street , Strand , London , W . G
Masonic Mems.
His lloyal Highness the Prince of AA ales has named Monday the Sth . May next , for the Anniversary Festival of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls , on which occasion His Eoyal Highnesss has consented to preside . AA e are informed that the installation of Colonel Lyne as B . W . Prov . G . M ., for Monmouthshire , will take place in the
large Eoom at the Town Hall , Newport , on Easter Thursday , April 13 th , and that Theodore Mansel Talbot , Esq ., B . W . Prov . G . M ., for the Eastern Division of South AVales , will he respectfully invited to perform the ceremony . The next meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Siilfolk is announced to he held at Ipswich iu July next .
St . Luke's Lodge of Instruction , No . 1-14 , has been removed from the Pier Hotel , Chelsea , to tho i ; Gladstone , " 202 and 201 Brompton Boad , S . AA . The meetings are held every Friday evening at 8 o'clock . It is intended to hold a Masonic Ball on a grand scale , the King ' s Head Hotel , Newport , on Thursday , tho 20 th of April
next ,- and a committee of management has been formed . AVe hope to be able to give a full programme in our next issue . A masonic ball is to be held in Lincoln during the visit of tho Prince of AVales to that town and neighbourhood , in the Grand National Steeple Chases week . The proceeds of the ball , which is expected to bo honoured hy the presence of the Prince o Wales , are to ho applied to charitable Masonic purposes .
Masonic Mems.
AVe have beeu informed that five brethren selected by the Grand Mark Master , and five brethren selected by the Eoyal Arch Mariners Degree have had a meeting and settled the conditions for the Amalgamations of the latter degree under the Supreme Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters . EBEEMASONKV AND THE AVAB . —In another column will he found
the remarks of Earl Carnarvon , acting M . AV . G . M .. upon this subject at the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge . Out of consideration to parties interested we had not intended to publish them , but as they have seen fit to give it themselves we do nob ceusider it necessary to longer withhold the matte from the Craft .
The following appeal was issued hy the Secretary of the Institution previous to the Festival : —¦ " Office , 6 , Freemasons' Hall , London , AV . C , 14 th February , 1871 . " AV . Sir & Brother , " Permit me to call your attention to the above occasion , and
to solicit your valued and influential support . "The circumstances in which the Home Charities of this country are placed this year , must compare unfavourably Avith former years , owing to the enormous drain upon the resources of the benevolent iu aid of the misery aud distress abroad . " The Masonic Institutions , it is feared , will be peculiarly
affected , as the area from which they can obtain assistance is naturally restricted to the fraternity , the members of Avhich are always first and foremost in contributing to external objects of charity . " As regards this Institution , the anxiety thus occasioned i B materially aggravated from the fact that , should the amount
receiA'ed this year be inadequate for the annual maintenance of the Establishment , there are no funds of any kind on which to rely in a time of special need . " Should you be unable to he present , will you permit me toentreat your assistance in the shape of a donation to our funds which will be most gratefully acknowledged by
" W . Sir and Brother , Yours obediently and fraternally , FREDEBICK BINCKES , Secretary of the Institution , and Hou . Sec . Board of Stewards
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.—Seventy Third Annual Festival.
The seventy-third Anniversary Festival of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Boys was celebrated on Wednesday last at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , Bro . Sir William AVatkins \\ ynn , Part , M . P ., and Provincial Grand Master for North AVales and Salop , in tho chair . The following is the list of the Board of Stewards : —
PRESIDENT . —W . liro . James Mason , P . G . S . B ., P . M . No . 1-1-1 . VICE-PBESIBENTS—V . W . Bro . Eev . C . J . Martyn , P . G . Ch ., AV . M .. 1221 ; Kev . Lyttlcton Henry Powys Maurice , P . G . Chap . Surrey , 41 G ; Capt . Cope , P . G . S . B ., P . Prov . G . AA . Chesshirc ; H . lt . Luckes , D . P . G . M ., Hertfordshire ; J . B . Moore , M . D ., P . Prov . G . AV ., AA est Lancashire ; AV . H . Kadley , P . Prov .
G . AV ., Lincoln ; AV . Bulkeley Hughes , M . P ., P . Prov . G . AV ., N . AVales ; AValter Adiard , Dist . G . AV ., Punjab , P . M . 782 and 1215 ; C . C . AV . Griffiths , P . Prov . GW ., AVorcestcr , P . M . 280 ; C . Milsom ; jun-, P . Prov . G . AV ., Somerset , P . M ., 53 ; E . AV . Motion , P . Prov . G . W ., Essex , P . M . 453 . Thomas Frederick Halsey ,