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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.—Seventy Third Annual Festival.
Hight Hon . Earl Carnarvon , R . AV ' . D . G . Alaster , the Provincial 'Grand Officers , and the present and Past Grand Officers , " which was responded to 'by Bro . the Eev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain . Bro . Algernon Perkins , P . G . AA " ., proposed " The Health of the Chairman , R _ AA . "Bro . Sir AVatkin Williams AVyun , Bart ., M . P ., Prcv . G . AI . North AA a ! es and Shropshire , " ivho made an
appropriate response . ' . 'Xhe award of Prizes to the Pupils in the ' School was then amtounoed , as follows : —Institution Silver Medal , for Good Conduct , to George Samuel Recknell ; Canonbury Gold Medal ( given by Bro . Cox , and awarded hy a vote of the Scholars ) to ; 'Percy Banks ; Cambridge Local Examination , to G . AV . Martin .
The President , in giving the toast of the evening , " Pros-• i _ j __ ity to the Eoyal Alasonic Institution for Boys , " alluded ' 'io . the great success with which it had been attended in -saiding forth pupils who had been successful competitors for the ' . highest honours at the Oxford and Cambridge University exami nations , hut he regretted to say that there was still a debt of
£ 6 . 000 on the Institution , and he hoped there would be an exertion , to get that debt Aviped off by an appeal to those who had ' _ fe __ BJw . 11 the friends and parents of the children in their prosperity , and he hoped and trusted that they would not suffer for the misfortune of their parents . He had seen the schools , and was well satisfied with all he had witnessed ; he advised all to go and oisifc them , and then he was sure they would not allow the debt
to remain long unliquidated . Bro , Algernon Perkins , as the Treasurer of the Institution , ( responded to tho toast . The Secretary then read the lists of subscriptions , which amounted to a total of £ 4 , 700 , of which £ 2 , 500 was contributed "Try the London Lodges , and £ 2 , 200 from Provincial Lodges ,
. Amongst the lists , one of the most notable was that of the AV . AI . ¦ of tho Canonbury Lodge , Bro . Birch , which , including his own contribution of ten guineas , amounted to £ 86 2 s . Bro . R .. J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . and D . Prov . G . AI ., Oxford , prorpe . sed " The A ^ iec-Presidents , Trustees , Committees , ancl Audi-Mrs ;/ ' coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Hervey , G .
Sue , idio responded . The Eev . . C . J . Martyn proposed , " ' The Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution for Girls , and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . " Bro . Farnfield responded , and regretted the absence of Bro . Ii . S . Patten , through illness . On his behalf he called the
attention of the brethren to the Festival of the Girls' School , an the Sth of May , at whicli Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of AVales will tale the chair . The Chairman proposed " The Board of Stewards . " 'The Stewards having assembled ou the dais and in front of it , Bro- 3 " . Alason , President ofthe Board , returned thanks . " The Ladies " concluded the list of toasts .
The musical arrangements were under tho able direction of 'Bro . Donald King . The following is the programme , which was 'i _ ufc slig ht ] j varied : — 'Is THE BAXQtTETISrCr IIALL : — Grace : " Benedictus . " "National Anthem : " God Save the Queen . "
Glee : " See the Chariot at Hand "—Madame T . AVells , and Bros . Young , King , and AVinn . Song : "Little Bird , so Sweetly Singing "—Aldlle . Liebharfc . Eve-Part Song : "Take thy Banner "—Full Choir . Welsh Song : " Clychau Aherdyfi" — Madame Thaddeus Walla , aecompiinied on the limp hy Air . Ellis Roberts .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.—Seventy Third Annual Festival.
Song : <• Tiie'T-mcraire" —Bro . AV . Winn . Grand AIarchJ ( pianoforte ) : the Alisses King . Quartette : "Over the Dark Blue AVaters" ( from Oberon)—Madlle . Liehhart , Madame AVells , Bros . Donald King , and AAI 11 H . Song : "Why are we Wandering here I Pray "—Aldlle . Liehhar t .
Part Song : "Men of Harlech "—Full Choir . Part Song : " I Love my Love in the Alorning "—Full Choir . IK THE DBAAVISG ROOM : — Duet ( pianoforte ) "Overture to Alasauiello "—tho Misses King . New Song : "Sing , Sweet Bird" —Mdlle . Liehhart . Four-Part Song : " O , Hush Thee , my Baby "—Full Choir . Serenade : "I Arise from Dreams of Thee "—Bro . Donald King . Canzone : " Ben e Ridiculo "—Madauie Thaddeus Wells .
Four-Part Song : "Sir Knight , oh , Whither Away" —Full Choir . Song : " I Love hut Thee "—Bro . Thomas Young . Scotcli Song : " Within a Mile of Edinhoro' Town "—Aldlle . Liehhart . Duo-Pianoforte : " Qui Vive "—the Misses King .
New Soug : " The Yeoman ' s AVedding "—Bro . AV . Winn . Glee : " Sleep , Gentle Lady " The Welsh songs , given in compliment to the chairman , were rapturously applauded . The performance of the two daughters of Bro . Donald Kiug on the pianoforte was deserving of special mention .
The dinner was generally pronounced the best ever provided in the Freemasons' Hall , althought the supply of wine was ( perhaps judiciously ) limited . The arrangements were effectually carried out by the Stewards . One matter , howeve , we are compelled to mention , viz ., that brethren leaving other lodge , and who had not attended the
Festival / were permitted to enter the hall , which at one time was quite invaded hy them ; some whose condition , as to dress and other matters not necessary to mention , rendered their presence anything but agreeable .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
LODGE OP PROSPERITY , NO . 05 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday the 2 nd inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . There were present the AV . AI ., Bros . G . F . Conk , AV . AI . ; I ) . Forbes , S . AV . ; E . C . Mather , J . AV . and Treas . J . Bellerby , P . AI . Hon . Sec . ; J . Stevens S . D . ; T . Davy J . D ; J . Ciirruthcrs , I . G . ; and Past Masters J . Mather and E . Arnold . Bros . J . Bvve ., No . 3 SS , E . Smith , 1076 , H . Coard , 554 , Coombs
554 , and II . AI . P . AI . were present us Visitors . The Lodge having heen opened , and tho minutes confirmed tho ballot was taken for tho admission of Mr . John Barnes , who being present was initiated . Bros . Kember and Anderson were raised , and Bro . Browne was passed . The election for tho W . M . for the ensuing year took place , the choice of the brethren proving unamiously in favour of Bro . Forbes , S . W . Bro . E . C . Mather was elected Treas . and Bro . Speight , Tyler . The sum of ten
guineas was voted from the funds of the Bodge for tho purpose of presenting the retiring AA . A'l ., Bro Cook , with a Past Alaster's jewel in recognition of the very able and efficient manner he had conducted the duties of the chair during his year of office ; the sum was considerably augmented by tbe private subscription of several brethren . A distressed Bro . was relieved with the sum of 21 s . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet . The usual loyal and masonic toasts
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.—Seventy Third Annual Festival.
Hight Hon . Earl Carnarvon , R . AV ' . D . G . Alaster , the Provincial 'Grand Officers , and the present and Past Grand Officers , " which was responded to 'by Bro . the Eev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Chaplain . Bro . Algernon Perkins , P . G . AA " ., proposed " The Health of the Chairman , R _ AA . "Bro . Sir AVatkin Williams AVyun , Bart ., M . P ., Prcv . G . AI . North AA a ! es and Shropshire , " ivho made an
appropriate response . ' . 'Xhe award of Prizes to the Pupils in the ' School was then amtounoed , as follows : —Institution Silver Medal , for Good Conduct , to George Samuel Recknell ; Canonbury Gold Medal ( given by Bro . Cox , and awarded hy a vote of the Scholars ) to ; 'Percy Banks ; Cambridge Local Examination , to G . AV . Martin .
The President , in giving the toast of the evening , " Pros-• i _ j __ ity to the Eoyal Alasonic Institution for Boys , " alluded ' 'io . the great success with which it had been attended in -saiding forth pupils who had been successful competitors for the ' . highest honours at the Oxford and Cambridge University exami nations , hut he regretted to say that there was still a debt of
£ 6 . 000 on the Institution , and he hoped there would be an exertion , to get that debt Aviped off by an appeal to those who had ' _ fe __ BJw . 11 the friends and parents of the children in their prosperity , and he hoped and trusted that they would not suffer for the misfortune of their parents . He had seen the schools , and was well satisfied with all he had witnessed ; he advised all to go and oisifc them , and then he was sure they would not allow the debt
to remain long unliquidated . Bro , Algernon Perkins , as the Treasurer of the Institution , ( responded to tho toast . The Secretary then read the lists of subscriptions , which amounted to a total of £ 4 , 700 , of which £ 2 , 500 was contributed "Try the London Lodges , and £ 2 , 200 from Provincial Lodges ,
. Amongst the lists , one of the most notable was that of the AV . AI . ¦ of tho Canonbury Lodge , Bro . Birch , which , including his own contribution of ten guineas , amounted to £ 86 2 s . Bro . R .. J . Spiers , P . G . S . B . and D . Prov . G . AI ., Oxford , prorpe . sed " The A ^ iec-Presidents , Trustees , Committees , ancl Audi-Mrs ;/ ' coupling with the toast the name of Bro . Hervey , G .
Sue , idio responded . The Eev . . C . J . Martyn proposed , " ' The Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution for Girls , and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . " Bro . Farnfield responded , and regretted the absence of Bro . Ii . S . Patten , through illness . On his behalf he called the
attention of the brethren to the Festival of the Girls' School , an the Sth of May , at whicli Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of AVales will tale the chair . The Chairman proposed " The Board of Stewards . " 'The Stewards having assembled ou the dais and in front of it , Bro- 3 " . Alason , President ofthe Board , returned thanks . " The Ladies " concluded the list of toasts .
The musical arrangements were under tho able direction of 'Bro . Donald King . The following is the programme , which was 'i _ ufc slig ht ] j varied : — 'Is THE BAXQtTETISrCr IIALL : — Grace : " Benedictus . " "National Anthem : " God Save the Queen . "
Glee : " See the Chariot at Hand "—Madame T . AVells , and Bros . Young , King , and AVinn . Song : "Little Bird , so Sweetly Singing "—Aldlle . Liebharfc . Eve-Part Song : "Take thy Banner "—Full Choir . Welsh Song : " Clychau Aherdyfi" — Madame Thaddeus Walla , aecompiinied on the limp hy Air . Ellis Roberts .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.—Seventy Third Annual Festival.
Song : <• Tiie'T-mcraire" —Bro . AV . Winn . Grand AIarchJ ( pianoforte ) : the Alisses King . Quartette : "Over the Dark Blue AVaters" ( from Oberon)—Madlle . Liehhart , Madame AVells , Bros . Donald King , and AAI 11 H . Song : "Why are we Wandering here I Pray "—Aldlle . Liehhar t .
Part Song : "Men of Harlech "—Full Choir . Part Song : " I Love my Love in the Alorning "—Full Choir . IK THE DBAAVISG ROOM : — Duet ( pianoforte ) "Overture to Alasauiello "—tho Misses King . New Song : "Sing , Sweet Bird" —Mdlle . Liehhart . Four-Part Song : " O , Hush Thee , my Baby "—Full Choir . Serenade : "I Arise from Dreams of Thee "—Bro . Donald King . Canzone : " Ben e Ridiculo "—Madauie Thaddeus Wells .
Four-Part Song : "Sir Knight , oh , Whither Away" —Full Choir . Song : " I Love hut Thee "—Bro . Thomas Young . Scotcli Song : " Within a Mile of Edinhoro' Town "—Aldlle . Liehhart . Duo-Pianoforte : " Qui Vive "—the Misses King .
New Soug : " The Yeoman ' s AVedding "—Bro . AV . Winn . Glee : " Sleep , Gentle Lady " The Welsh songs , given in compliment to the chairman , were rapturously applauded . The performance of the two daughters of Bro . Donald Kiug on the pianoforte was deserving of special mention .
The dinner was generally pronounced the best ever provided in the Freemasons' Hall , althought the supply of wine was ( perhaps judiciously ) limited . The arrangements were effectually carried out by the Stewards . One matter , howeve , we are compelled to mention , viz ., that brethren leaving other lodge , and who had not attended the
Festival / were permitted to enter the hall , which at one time was quite invaded hy them ; some whose condition , as to dress and other matters not necessary to mention , rendered their presence anything but agreeable .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
LODGE OP PROSPERITY , NO . 05 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday the 2 nd inst ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-street . There were present the AV . AI ., Bros . G . F . Conk , AV . AI . ; I ) . Forbes , S . AV . ; E . C . Mather , J . AV . and Treas . J . Bellerby , P . AI . Hon . Sec . ; J . Stevens S . D . ; T . Davy J . D ; J . Ciirruthcrs , I . G . ; and Past Masters J . Mather and E . Arnold . Bros . J . Bvve ., No . 3 SS , E . Smith , 1076 , H . Coard , 554 , Coombs
554 , and II . AI . P . AI . were present us Visitors . The Lodge having heen opened , and tho minutes confirmed tho ballot was taken for tho admission of Mr . John Barnes , who being present was initiated . Bros . Kember and Anderson were raised , and Bro . Browne was passed . The election for tho W . M . for the ensuing year took place , the choice of the brethren proving unamiously in favour of Bro . Forbes , S . W . Bro . E . C . Mather was elected Treas . and Bro . Speight , Tyler . The sum of ten
guineas was voted from the funds of the Bodge for tho purpose of presenting the retiring AA . A'l ., Bro Cook , with a Past Alaster's jewel in recognition of the very able and efficient manner he had conducted the duties of the chair during his year of office ; the sum was considerably augmented by tbe private subscription of several brethren . A distressed Bro . was relieved with the sum of 21 s . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet . The usual loyal and masonic toasts