Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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. . ^ . - . [ T ITE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained by Correspondents . ' ] FREEMASONRY LN BRAZIL . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MUtKOR .
Sin AXP BROTHER , —Being a subscriber to your interesting Magazine , I came across an article published in ISTo . 18 , of Maylast , headed " Freemasonry in Brazils , " extracted from the New York Mirror and Keystone , the republication of ivhich I ascribe to your A-ery praiseworthy desire of giving to the Masonic body of England some account of Masonry in every country of the world , Avithout being OA-erscrupulous as to the manner of writing , style ,
or composition ; and I therefore hope that you will grant me a similar indulgence . Having been initiated in Rio de Janeiro in 1833 , I am perfectly acquainted with the history of the Order in this countiy ; ancl us the article above referred to is incorrect in many particulars , I beg to furnish you AA'ith the following short account of Masonry in Brazils , which you may publish if considered of sufficient interest .
The first organized body of Masonic authority , thc " Grande Oi'ientc do Brazil . " composed of the representatives of three Lodges , especially formed for the purpose by the division of one Lodge into three , to complete numbers , AA-as established in Rio de Janeiro in the year 1821 , and recognized by thc Grand Orient ol Erance .
. lhe Emperor Dom Pedro I . ivas soon after initiated in one of these Lodges , and immediately proclaimed Grand Master ; but finding that the Lodges of that period wore nothing else hut political clubs , he ordered them to be closed in the following year , . 1822 . After his abdication in 18 . 31 , Alasonic meetings again took place , and a neiv authority , under the title of "Grande Oricntc Brazileiro , " was established .
Some of the old members of the " Grande Oricntc do Brazil , " shaken out- of their lethargy by this occurrence , again met and proclaimed the reorganization of this Lodge in November of the same year . We had thus two supreme authorities of the French rite , of seven degrees , in Brazils , which mutually disputed legality with , mid made war uponeacli other ; with tin ' s differencethat the Gran cle
, , Oriente clo Brazil . AA-as generally considered consen'ative , and the Grande Oriente Brazileiro republican , as regards politics . Commodore Jowett , referred to in the article published by you , established a Lodge or tivo , hut they held their charters under the Grande Oricntc do Brazil , of whicli body Jewctt became a member .
Montezuma , Yisconde cle Jcquitinhonha , having returned from Europe , whither he had gone as Brazilian ambassador , brought out the necessary powers ' for establishing a Supreme Council of the 33 ° of Antient and Accepted Masonry , granted to him by the Supreme Council of Bel gium : and executed this commission in November , 1802 . The Supreme Council thus established was duly recognized hy - the Council of
Supreme Belgium ancl Prance in 1833 ; and by that of JS eiv York , in December of the same year . The Grand Orients " do Brazil , " and " Brazileiro , " true to the spirit of domination Avhich prevails in all these bodies , wheresoever established , immediately commenced persecutions against the Supreme Council , granted charters to Lodges , Chapters , and hi g her bodies of Antient and Accepted Masonry , ' and even established Supreme Councils ofthe f > 3 of their OAVU , contrary to the Constitutions of the Scotch rite .
In 1835 disturbances broke out in thc legitimate Supremo Council , promoted by a few ambitious and turbulent members - , party spirit ran hi g h among the inferior Masonic bodies holding charters under its authority , and a general dispersion resulted therefrom . Some of thc Lodges having proclaimed thc then Grand ' Master of the Grande Oriente clo Brazil , their Grand Commander joined this bod y ; others followed the revolutionary faction
, ivhich having formed another Supreme Council of their own , declared the original one dissolved , and its founder and Grand Commander dismissed ; the remainder preserved their allegiance to thc legitimate authority established in conformity with the constitution by Montezuma , Yisconde de Jcquitinhonha . 'J he revolutionary faction of thc Antient and Accepted Rite united m 18-12 with the Grande Oricntc Brazileiro ; published a manifesto that this body hacl entirel y abandoned the French rite ;
proclaimed itself the only legitimate authority of the Scotch rite in Brazil ; and by false representations succeeded in extorting a recognition from the Grand Orient of France . This accounts for the failure of Viscount Uruguay ' s attempts to procure a recognition of the Supreme Council of thc Grande Oriente do Brazil , by the Grand Orient of France , alluded to in your republication .
This state of utter confusion amongst the hi g her Masonic authorities in Brazil continues , and could not but cause great dissatisfaction and a general desertion of the Lodges by thc older conscientious - Masons , who wished to keep aloof from politics and other antimasonic proceedings ; many Lodges were consequently closed , and still remain so , and Masonry was threatened with entire extinction in this empire . Only lately it has somewhat
revived on the part of the Grande Oriente do Brazil , but not , J . fear , from any real zeal in favour of the true principles of thc Order . In Pallia three Lodges had been established under the authority of the legitimate Supreme Council of the Antient and Accepted Rite , by myself ancl other old Masons , in the years 1835 to 1838 . These arc the onlMasonic bodies in BrazilAA'hichrepudiating
y , , all revolutionary movements in Masonry , caused by ambitious and partly unprincipled individuals , and refraining from any political pursuits , as contrary to the spirit of the Order , haA'e remained faithful to the authority which granted their charters , and still ivork under the Supreme Council founded and presided by thc Visconde de Jcquitinhonha ; and thus constitute the only legal body of Scotch Alasons in this country . 'Tivo of them now
possess their own Masonic halls . HOAV far politics influenced the proceedings of both the Grande Oriente "do Brazil" and "Brazileiro" is proved by their original constitutions , since altered , which prohibited any but Brazilians , to become Masters in the chair , "Wardens of Lodges , or members of Grand Lodge ! I am , Sir and Brother , your constant reader , 1 r o , '> oo L . b ., ,.. _> , Snpr , Delegate of the Supreme Council Bahia , 14 th July , 1859 . ' for the Province of Bahia .
The Masonic Mirror.
~ 4 $ - ~ _ - MASONIC MEM . THE brethren will ho gratified to learn that our R . W . Bro . the Earl of Ripon , P . G . W ., has been appointed and accepted the distinguished office of representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada to the Grand Lodge ot England . Wo congratulate the brethren both of Canada -. ind
England on the appointment , feeling assured that no better guarantee could be had for the cordial Avorking of the tAvo Grand Lodges , than will be found in the well known business habits and talent of this young nobleman ; whilst it will , we trust , secure to us the more constant attendance of the noble earl in Grand Lodge , of which AVO believe ho is yet destined to become one of the brightest ornaments .
CUMBERLAND . PHOVIXCIAI , Oil AND LODGE AT MAR 1 TORT . Tire annual meeting ancl festival of the brethren of this province was hold at Maryport , on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., when , although they number but six Lodges , about one hundred and twenty of the brethren assembled to celebrate the occasion . The town being situated on the coast , was an inducement for many residents in the interior to arrive the evening beforewho thus had an opportunity of visiting the docks ,
, the harbour , building yard , and the noble pier , projecting a quarter of a mile into tho sea . The PIOT . Grand Lodge was opened in due form at high tivelve hy the R . W . IX Prov . G . M ., Bro . AV . T . Greaves , ivho stated that twelve years hacl elapsed since a Prov . Grand Lodge had been held in Maryport , when only two members were on the list to represent the Lodge at Maryport ; last year the number was but three ; but on this occasion sixteen appeared to represent its increased strengthAA'hich was a good
, augury that it would shortly take rank AA'ith some of the stronger Lodges of the province . The minutes of the previous Prov . Grand Lodge meeting ivere then read and confirmed , and the 1 ) . Prov . CM . having expressed his regret that the late Prov . ( J . See . had left the province without having dis charged the duties annexed to his office , proceeded to appoint the 1 ' rov . Grand Officers for the . aiming year as folloAvs : —Bros . Robinson , No .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
. . ^ . - . [ T ITE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible for any opinions entertained by Correspondents . ' ] FREEMASONRY LN BRAZIL . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MUtKOR .
Sin AXP BROTHER , —Being a subscriber to your interesting Magazine , I came across an article published in ISTo . 18 , of Maylast , headed " Freemasonry in Brazils , " extracted from the New York Mirror and Keystone , the republication of ivhich I ascribe to your A-ery praiseworthy desire of giving to the Masonic body of England some account of Masonry in every country of the world , Avithout being OA-erscrupulous as to the manner of writing , style ,
or composition ; and I therefore hope that you will grant me a similar indulgence . Having been initiated in Rio de Janeiro in 1833 , I am perfectly acquainted with the history of the Order in this countiy ; ancl us the article above referred to is incorrect in many particulars , I beg to furnish you AA'ith the following short account of Masonry in Brazils , which you may publish if considered of sufficient interest .
The first organized body of Masonic authority , thc " Grande Oi'ientc do Brazil . " composed of the representatives of three Lodges , especially formed for the purpose by the division of one Lodge into three , to complete numbers , AA-as established in Rio de Janeiro in the year 1821 , and recognized by thc Grand Orient ol Erance .
. lhe Emperor Dom Pedro I . ivas soon after initiated in one of these Lodges , and immediately proclaimed Grand Master ; but finding that the Lodges of that period wore nothing else hut political clubs , he ordered them to be closed in the following year , . 1822 . After his abdication in 18 . 31 , Alasonic meetings again took place , and a neiv authority , under the title of "Grande Oricntc Brazileiro , " was established .
Some of the old members of the " Grande Oricntc do Brazil , " shaken out- of their lethargy by this occurrence , again met and proclaimed the reorganization of this Lodge in November of the same year . We had thus two supreme authorities of the French rite , of seven degrees , in Brazils , which mutually disputed legality with , mid made war uponeacli other ; with tin ' s differencethat the Gran cle
, , Oriente clo Brazil . AA-as generally considered consen'ative , and the Grande Oriente Brazileiro republican , as regards politics . Commodore Jowett , referred to in the article published by you , established a Lodge or tivo , hut they held their charters under the Grande Oricntc do Brazil , of whicli body Jewctt became a member .
Montezuma , Yisconde cle Jcquitinhonha , having returned from Europe , whither he had gone as Brazilian ambassador , brought out the necessary powers ' for establishing a Supreme Council of the 33 ° of Antient and Accepted Masonry , granted to him by the Supreme Council of Bel gium : and executed this commission in November , 1802 . The Supreme Council thus established was duly recognized hy - the Council of
Supreme Belgium ancl Prance in 1833 ; and by that of JS eiv York , in December of the same year . The Grand Orients " do Brazil , " and " Brazileiro , " true to the spirit of domination Avhich prevails in all these bodies , wheresoever established , immediately commenced persecutions against the Supreme Council , granted charters to Lodges , Chapters , and hi g her bodies of Antient and Accepted Masonry , ' and even established Supreme Councils ofthe f > 3 of their OAVU , contrary to the Constitutions of the Scotch rite .
In 1835 disturbances broke out in thc legitimate Supremo Council , promoted by a few ambitious and turbulent members - , party spirit ran hi g h among the inferior Masonic bodies holding charters under its authority , and a general dispersion resulted therefrom . Some of thc Lodges having proclaimed thc then Grand ' Master of the Grande Oriente clo Brazil , their Grand Commander joined this bod y ; others followed the revolutionary faction
, ivhich having formed another Supreme Council of their own , declared the original one dissolved , and its founder and Grand Commander dismissed ; the remainder preserved their allegiance to thc legitimate authority established in conformity with the constitution by Montezuma , Yisconde de Jcquitinhonha . 'J he revolutionary faction of thc Antient and Accepted Rite united m 18-12 with the Grande Oricntc Brazileiro ; published a manifesto that this body hacl entirel y abandoned the French rite ;
proclaimed itself the only legitimate authority of the Scotch rite in Brazil ; and by false representations succeeded in extorting a recognition from the Grand Orient of France . This accounts for the failure of Viscount Uruguay ' s attempts to procure a recognition of the Supreme Council of thc Grande Oriente do Brazil , by the Grand Orient of France , alluded to in your republication .
This state of utter confusion amongst the hi g her Masonic authorities in Brazil continues , and could not but cause great dissatisfaction and a general desertion of the Lodges by thc older conscientious - Masons , who wished to keep aloof from politics and other antimasonic proceedings ; many Lodges were consequently closed , and still remain so , and Masonry was threatened with entire extinction in this empire . Only lately it has somewhat
revived on the part of the Grande Oriente do Brazil , but not , J . fear , from any real zeal in favour of the true principles of thc Order . In Pallia three Lodges had been established under the authority of the legitimate Supreme Council of the Antient and Accepted Rite , by myself ancl other old Masons , in the years 1835 to 1838 . These arc the onlMasonic bodies in BrazilAA'hichrepudiating
y , , all revolutionary movements in Masonry , caused by ambitious and partly unprincipled individuals , and refraining from any political pursuits , as contrary to the spirit of the Order , haA'e remained faithful to the authority which granted their charters , and still ivork under the Supreme Council founded and presided by thc Visconde de Jcquitinhonha ; and thus constitute the only legal body of Scotch Alasons in this country . 'Tivo of them now
possess their own Masonic halls . HOAV far politics influenced the proceedings of both the Grande Oriente "do Brazil" and "Brazileiro" is proved by their original constitutions , since altered , which prohibited any but Brazilians , to become Masters in the chair , "Wardens of Lodges , or members of Grand Lodge ! I am , Sir and Brother , your constant reader , 1 r o , '> oo L . b ., ,.. _> , Snpr , Delegate of the Supreme Council Bahia , 14 th July , 1859 . ' for the Province of Bahia .
The Masonic Mirror.
~ 4 $ - ~ _ - MASONIC MEM . THE brethren will ho gratified to learn that our R . W . Bro . the Earl of Ripon , P . G . W ., has been appointed and accepted the distinguished office of representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada to the Grand Lodge ot England . Wo congratulate the brethren both of Canada -. ind
England on the appointment , feeling assured that no better guarantee could be had for the cordial Avorking of the tAvo Grand Lodges , than will be found in the well known business habits and talent of this young nobleman ; whilst it will , we trust , secure to us the more constant attendance of the noble earl in Grand Lodge , of which AVO believe ho is yet destined to become one of the brightest ornaments .
CUMBERLAND . PHOVIXCIAI , Oil AND LODGE AT MAR 1 TORT . Tire annual meeting ancl festival of the brethren of this province was hold at Maryport , on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., when , although they number but six Lodges , about one hundred and twenty of the brethren assembled to celebrate the occasion . The town being situated on the coast , was an inducement for many residents in the interior to arrive the evening beforewho thus had an opportunity of visiting the docks ,
, the harbour , building yard , and the noble pier , projecting a quarter of a mile into tho sea . The PIOT . Grand Lodge was opened in due form at high tivelve hy the R . W . IX Prov . G . M ., Bro . AV . T . Greaves , ivho stated that twelve years hacl elapsed since a Prov . Grand Lodge had been held in Maryport , when only two members were on the list to represent the Lodge at Maryport ; last year the number was but three ; but on this occasion sixteen appeared to represent its increased strengthAA'hich was a good
, augury that it would shortly take rank AA'ith some of the stronger Lodges of the province . The minutes of the previous Prov . Grand Lodge meeting ivere then read and confirmed , and the 1 ) . Prov . CM . having expressed his regret that the late Prov . ( J . See . had left the province without having dis charged the duties annexed to his office , proceeded to appoint the 1 ' rov . Grand Officers for the . aiming year as folloAvs : —Bros . Robinson , No .