Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
printed documents . Bro . Elisha D . Cooke , from the Grand Lodge of Kentucky , ivas also introduced , who presented a copy of the History of Freemasonry in Kentucky , with the fraternal regards of Bro . Rob Morris , G . AI . of Kentucky ; also a package of printed documents from that Grand Lodge . On the motion of the Grand Master , a vote of thanks was recorded to those several Grand Lodges , and also to the brethren on lus right and left for the very handsome manner iu which they had presented those valuable contributions to the Grand Lod
ge library . The Grand Secretary then announced the death of his Majesty Oscar , late King of Sivedcn , ancl an honorary member of tho Grand Lodge of Scotland . The following is an extract from the letter conveying the UBAA ' to the Grand Lodge : — " In the night succeeding his birthday ( the 5 th of July ) , he again suffered much from cough . His sufferings increased until the Sth , when be expired while lying on a
sofa in his chamber , and surrounded by the royal family . This mournful scene was preserved by means of a photograph . " The Grand Lodge ordered a letter to be written to Bro . Charles XV ., the " present king , " sympathising with him in the loss of his father , and congratulating him mi his accession to the throne . The Grand Secretary next announced tho death of Bro . Robert Campbellof SdneyProv . G . M . for Neiv South AValesstating that
, y , , about one thousand persons attended his funeral , six hundred of whom were Alasons , aud presenting a petition from the brethren that some brother well skilled in Masonry might be appointed to fill his place . Some other little discussions on Lodge affairs then took place , ancl concluded the business of the evening . The Grand Lodge was closed a little after eleven , l ' . M .
GRAND LODGE . AT the Grand Lodge held at Kingston , Toronto , in the early part of last month , tivo brethren were put iu nomination for the office of Grand Alaster , the M . AY . Bvo . A \ m . Mercer AVilson , the immediate Prov . Grand Alaster , and tho R . AV Bro . Thos . D . Harington , formerly Prov . Grand . Master for Quebec . Bro . AVilson had expressed his intention of retiring
from the distinguished position he has held since thc formation of the Grand Lodge , but from the strong representations made to him that it might prove injurious to the Craft in Canada , were he to retire at present , he consented to again assume the duties if re-elected . On the votes being taken , Bro . AVilsou ivas re-elected by a majority of more than a hundred . Bro . Harington was elected Deputy Grand Alaster . Thc Right Hon . and Right AVorshipful Bro . the Earl of Ripon , P . G . W ., was
appointed representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Grand Lodge of England . The following are the . other Grand Officers appointed ' . —Bros . F . AV . Barron , SAY ; Stevenson , J . AV ; T . B . Harris , Soc ; S . B . Harman , Reg . ; IJ . GrolF . Treas . ; Rev . Jos . Scott , Chaplain ; S . B . Campbell , S . D . ; J . \ V . Thomas , J . D . ; W . G . Storm , Supt . of AVorks ; L . L . Levey , Dir . of Cers . TRRidoutAssistant Dirof
; . . , . Cers . ; G . Masson . S . B . ; S . 1 ) . Blondheim , Purs . ; "D . G . R . Fripp , Org .: A At . Munro ' , Asst . Org . The ALAY " . Grand Master was pleased to confirm tho nomination of the lollowing brethren as District Deputy Grand Masters for their respective districts : —Central District , R . W . Bro . G . F . Leserr _; Toronto District , R . AV . Bro . F . Richardson ; London District , R . AV . Bro . Thompson A . llson ; Prince Edward District , R . W . Bro . C . Frank ; Montreal
District , EW . Bro . A . Morris ; Eastern Toiviisbips District , R . AV . Bro . L . H . Robinson ; Ontario District , R . AY . Bro . AV . H . AVeller ; AVilson District , tt . AV . Bro . G . AV . AVhitehead ; Hamilton District , R . W . Bro . Richard Bull . The rank of Prov . Grand Master was
unanimously conferred on Bro . T . G . Ridout . As no doubt Canadian certificates ivill shortl y be seen in England , it cannot be otherwise than interesting that the various Lodges should bo acquainted with the official seal of the Grand
Lodge of Canada , the designing and execution of which was entrusted to Bro . Aloring , of 41 , High Holborn , and an engraving of which wc IIOAV present . As ivill be seen , the form of the seal is vesica , the centre containing a figure of St . John , and the whole
ji i .... Doing edged with maple leaves . ¦ Leautitull y executed , and reflects great credit on Bro , Moling , the Mires .. wn coming up with great sharpness ancl relief .
MAURITIUS . THE Alasonic procession of the four Lodges of Port Louis took place on the 21 th of June , and was conducted in the most satisfactory manner , and with the greatest eclat . St . James ' s Cathedral was crowded , ancl every ono appeared to take great interest in the excellent sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . M . O'Dell . The service was further enhanced by the beautiful chanting in the choir , and the Lodges generally have to tender their heartfelt thanks to those ladies ivho so kindly lent
thenvaluable aid on the occasion . The anthem , " Behold hoiv good ancl how pleasant it is for brethren to divell together in unity , " appeared especially to impress the audience with its solemn harmony . The procession was highly imposing , aud all the arrangements were admirably carried out . After service the brethren proceeded to tho Lodge " Triple Esperance , " from whence they dispersed . The crowd that was assembled to witness the procession was one of the largest ever seen in Port Louis ; there were no constables visible , and the utmost order prevailed . After the
procession , the brethren of the Military Lodgo ( deputations from the other Lodges being visitors ) met for the installation of their officers , and to present to the Rev . Bro . O'Dell a handsome timepiece as a token of their regard . After the proceedings of tho Lodge were concluded the brethren sat doivn to a substantial repast , during ivhich many loyal toasts were given ancl responded to with the utmost cordiality . Amongst the visitors ivere Sir David Barclay , and another eminent Mason , Mr . Bostison , recently arrived from Paris . Shortly after eleven o ' clock thc party broke up , and every one appeared much gratified ivith thc proceedings from the commencement to the termination .
South America.
BUENOS AA'RES . Exci-xsiOll LOME ( No , 900 ) . —On the 19 th of May last , at tho sixty second regular Lodge night , a more than usually largo attendance of brethren was attracted by the circumstance of its being thc last occasion of Bro . Samuel Hesse ' s attendance prior to his departure for England . In addition to the members of the Lodge there were several visitors present , and amongst thc latter , Bros . Mariano Billinghurst and Santiago Albaucicr as a deputation to represent the native brethren working
under the auspices of the local Grand Orient ; and Bros . A . Alllatto , S . AViarda , and J . AVappors Melis as a deputation sent by the Lodge . Amis des Naufragds , acting under warrant from the Grand Orient of France . The Lodge being duly opened in the first degree by the AV . M ., Bro . Frederick Hughes , assisted by Bros . C . P . Lunet as S . AV ., and G . Nuttall as J . AV ., the minutes of the last regular Lodge night , were read and approved of . The Lodge was then raised , when Bro . 'AA alter C . Comyns was raised to the sublimedegree of At . AL bthe AVorshipful
, y Master . The Lodge being loAverecl to tho first degree , Bro . A . Dorr , by order of the AVorshipful Alaster , road a letter from Bro . It . Fresco , asking for pecuniary assistance , when Bro . Rev . J . C . Ford , P . AL and Chaplain , proposed , and Bro . A Dorr seconded , and it was unanimously carried , " That his letter should be handed to the Finance Committee to report upon . " Bro . J . 0 . Ford then proposed , and Bro . L . B . Wilckic seconded , Chas . A . A \ m . Jcppener , aged thirty years , native of Hanover ,
ancl Bro . AV . C . Thompson , P . AL , proposed , and Bro . A . Dorr seconded , George Fair , aged twenty-seven years , a British subject , as candidates for initiation . The Worshipful Alaster then communicated to Bro . Hesse , that as he was about to bring before tho Lodge a question relating to his past
services among tho brethren , he would request his retirement for a feiv minutes while the same was being discussed . Bro . Hesse accordingly left the Lodge room , when the AVorshipful Alaster addressed the brethren as folloAA-s : — "Brethren , I beg to lay claim to your indulgence if on the present occasion I depart from the course I hacl laid doivn for my observation at my installation , and submit to your consideration a motion from the chair of this Lodge ; I do so , hoivever , in the full conviction that it ivill merit unanimous approbation and hearty concurrence .
your The minutes of our last meeting , which , in tho earlier stage of this evening ' s proceedings , were read to you , announce the loss we are about to suffer in the departure for England ( and that for good ) of the ivorthy hrother ivho first was called by the suffrages of his brethren to till that seat in this Lodge ivhich I have now the honour to occupy , aud who proved himself therein so worthy of the confidence reposed in him , and so true to the obligations it involved . On a former occasion you
testified your appreciation of the services ho had rendered to the Craft in general , and to this Lodge in particular , by presenting to him a Past Muster ' s jeivel in gold . I UOAV beg to move that the address I am about to read to you , written on parchment , be presented to Bro . Samuel Hesso iu open Lodge , on this the last occasion of our meeting together in this room , as an bumble memento of our affection , and regard towards him . In submitting this resolution to approvalI clo so with tho
conyour , viction upon my mind that your inclinations would prompt you to vote a more costly and munificent testimonial of your appreciation of the services rendered to onr antient and honourable institution by Bro . Hesse ; but on the other hand I feel assured that tho brother we so highly regard and love , will best esteem this simple , though truthful , recognition of his worth iu the assurance it conveys , that thc widow and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
printed documents . Bro . Elisha D . Cooke , from the Grand Lodge of Kentucky , ivas also introduced , who presented a copy of the History of Freemasonry in Kentucky , with the fraternal regards of Bro . Rob Morris , G . AI . of Kentucky ; also a package of printed documents from that Grand Lodge . On the motion of the Grand Master , a vote of thanks was recorded to those several Grand Lodges , and also to the brethren on lus right and left for the very handsome manner iu which they had presented those valuable contributions to the Grand Lod
ge library . The Grand Secretary then announced the death of his Majesty Oscar , late King of Sivedcn , ancl an honorary member of tho Grand Lodge of Scotland . The following is an extract from the letter conveying the UBAA ' to the Grand Lodge : — " In the night succeeding his birthday ( the 5 th of July ) , he again suffered much from cough . His sufferings increased until the Sth , when be expired while lying on a
sofa in his chamber , and surrounded by the royal family . This mournful scene was preserved by means of a photograph . " The Grand Lodge ordered a letter to be written to Bro . Charles XV ., the " present king , " sympathising with him in the loss of his father , and congratulating him mi his accession to the throne . The Grand Secretary next announced tho death of Bro . Robert Campbellof SdneyProv . G . M . for Neiv South AValesstating that
, y , , about one thousand persons attended his funeral , six hundred of whom were Alasons , aud presenting a petition from the brethren that some brother well skilled in Masonry might be appointed to fill his place . Some other little discussions on Lodge affairs then took place , ancl concluded the business of the evening . The Grand Lodge was closed a little after eleven , l ' . M .
GRAND LODGE . AT the Grand Lodge held at Kingston , Toronto , in the early part of last month , tivo brethren were put iu nomination for the office of Grand Alaster , the M . AY . Bvo . A \ m . Mercer AVilson , the immediate Prov . Grand Alaster , and tho R . AV Bro . Thos . D . Harington , formerly Prov . Grand . Master for Quebec . Bro . AVilson had expressed his intention of retiring
from the distinguished position he has held since thc formation of the Grand Lodge , but from the strong representations made to him that it might prove injurious to the Craft in Canada , were he to retire at present , he consented to again assume the duties if re-elected . On the votes being taken , Bro . AVilsou ivas re-elected by a majority of more than a hundred . Bro . Harington was elected Deputy Grand Alaster . Thc Right Hon . and Right AVorshipful Bro . the Earl of Ripon , P . G . W ., was
appointed representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Grand Lodge of England . The following are the . other Grand Officers appointed ' . —Bros . F . AV . Barron , SAY ; Stevenson , J . AV ; T . B . Harris , Soc ; S . B . Harman , Reg . ; IJ . GrolF . Treas . ; Rev . Jos . Scott , Chaplain ; S . B . Campbell , S . D . ; J . \ V . Thomas , J . D . ; W . G . Storm , Supt . of AVorks ; L . L . Levey , Dir . of Cers . TRRidoutAssistant Dirof
; . . , . Cers . ; G . Masson . S . B . ; S . 1 ) . Blondheim , Purs . ; "D . G . R . Fripp , Org .: A At . Munro ' , Asst . Org . The ALAY " . Grand Master was pleased to confirm tho nomination of the lollowing brethren as District Deputy Grand Masters for their respective districts : —Central District , R . W . Bro . G . F . Leserr _; Toronto District , R . AV . Bro . F . Richardson ; London District , R . AV . Bro . Thompson A . llson ; Prince Edward District , R . W . Bro . C . Frank ; Montreal
District , EW . Bro . A . Morris ; Eastern Toiviisbips District , R . AV . Bro . L . H . Robinson ; Ontario District , R . AY . Bro . AV . H . AVeller ; AVilson District , tt . AV . Bro . G . AV . AVhitehead ; Hamilton District , R . W . Bro . Richard Bull . The rank of Prov . Grand Master was
unanimously conferred on Bro . T . G . Ridout . As no doubt Canadian certificates ivill shortl y be seen in England , it cannot be otherwise than interesting that the various Lodges should bo acquainted with the official seal of the Grand
Lodge of Canada , the designing and execution of which was entrusted to Bro . Aloring , of 41 , High Holborn , and an engraving of which wc IIOAV present . As ivill be seen , the form of the seal is vesica , the centre containing a figure of St . John , and the whole
ji i .... Doing edged with maple leaves . ¦ Leautitull y executed , and reflects great credit on Bro , Moling , the Mires .. wn coming up with great sharpness ancl relief .
MAURITIUS . THE Alasonic procession of the four Lodges of Port Louis took place on the 21 th of June , and was conducted in the most satisfactory manner , and with the greatest eclat . St . James ' s Cathedral was crowded , ancl every ono appeared to take great interest in the excellent sermon preached by Bro . the Rev . M . O'Dell . The service was further enhanced by the beautiful chanting in the choir , and the Lodges generally have to tender their heartfelt thanks to those ladies ivho so kindly lent
thenvaluable aid on the occasion . The anthem , " Behold hoiv good ancl how pleasant it is for brethren to divell together in unity , " appeared especially to impress the audience with its solemn harmony . The procession was highly imposing , aud all the arrangements were admirably carried out . After service the brethren proceeded to tho Lodge " Triple Esperance , " from whence they dispersed . The crowd that was assembled to witness the procession was one of the largest ever seen in Port Louis ; there were no constables visible , and the utmost order prevailed . After the
procession , the brethren of the Military Lodgo ( deputations from the other Lodges being visitors ) met for the installation of their officers , and to present to the Rev . Bro . O'Dell a handsome timepiece as a token of their regard . After the proceedings of tho Lodge were concluded the brethren sat doivn to a substantial repast , during ivhich many loyal toasts were given ancl responded to with the utmost cordiality . Amongst the visitors ivere Sir David Barclay , and another eminent Mason , Mr . Bostison , recently arrived from Paris . Shortly after eleven o ' clock thc party broke up , and every one appeared much gratified ivith thc proceedings from the commencement to the termination .
South America.
BUENOS AA'RES . Exci-xsiOll LOME ( No , 900 ) . —On the 19 th of May last , at tho sixty second regular Lodge night , a more than usually largo attendance of brethren was attracted by the circumstance of its being thc last occasion of Bro . Samuel Hesse ' s attendance prior to his departure for England . In addition to the members of the Lodge there were several visitors present , and amongst thc latter , Bros . Mariano Billinghurst and Santiago Albaucicr as a deputation to represent the native brethren working
under the auspices of the local Grand Orient ; and Bros . A . Alllatto , S . AViarda , and J . AVappors Melis as a deputation sent by the Lodge . Amis des Naufragds , acting under warrant from the Grand Orient of France . The Lodge being duly opened in the first degree by the AV . M ., Bro . Frederick Hughes , assisted by Bros . C . P . Lunet as S . AV ., and G . Nuttall as J . AV ., the minutes of the last regular Lodge night , were read and approved of . The Lodge was then raised , when Bro . 'AA alter C . Comyns was raised to the sublimedegree of At . AL bthe AVorshipful
, y Master . The Lodge being loAverecl to tho first degree , Bro . A . Dorr , by order of the AVorshipful Alaster , road a letter from Bro . It . Fresco , asking for pecuniary assistance , when Bro . Rev . J . C . Ford , P . AL and Chaplain , proposed , and Bro . A Dorr seconded , and it was unanimously carried , " That his letter should be handed to the Finance Committee to report upon . " Bro . J . 0 . Ford then proposed , and Bro . L . B . Wilckic seconded , Chas . A . A \ m . Jcppener , aged thirty years , native of Hanover ,
ancl Bro . AV . C . Thompson , P . AL , proposed , and Bro . A . Dorr seconded , George Fair , aged twenty-seven years , a British subject , as candidates for initiation . The Worshipful Alaster then communicated to Bro . Hesse , that as he was about to bring before tho Lodge a question relating to his past
services among tho brethren , he would request his retirement for a feiv minutes while the same was being discussed . Bro . Hesse accordingly left the Lodge room , when the AVorshipful Alaster addressed the brethren as folloAA-s : — "Brethren , I beg to lay claim to your indulgence if on the present occasion I depart from the course I hacl laid doivn for my observation at my installation , and submit to your consideration a motion from the chair of this Lodge ; I do so , hoivever , in the full conviction that it ivill merit unanimous approbation and hearty concurrence .
your The minutes of our last meeting , which , in tho earlier stage of this evening ' s proceedings , were read to you , announce the loss we are about to suffer in the departure for England ( and that for good ) of the ivorthy hrother ivho first was called by the suffrages of his brethren to till that seat in this Lodge ivhich I have now the honour to occupy , aud who proved himself therein so worthy of the confidence reposed in him , and so true to the obligations it involved . On a former occasion you
testified your appreciation of the services ho had rendered to the Craft in general , and to this Lodge in particular , by presenting to him a Past Muster ' s jeivel in gold . I UOAV beg to move that the address I am about to read to you , written on parchment , be presented to Bro . Samuel Hesso iu open Lodge , on this the last occasion of our meeting together in this room , as an bumble memento of our affection , and regard towards him . In submitting this resolution to approvalI clo so with tho
conyour , viction upon my mind that your inclinations would prompt you to vote a more costly and munificent testimonial of your appreciation of the services rendered to onr antient and honourable institution by Bro . Hesse ; but on the other hand I feel assured that tho brother we so highly regard and love , will best esteem this simple , though truthful , recognition of his worth iu the assurance it conveys , that thc widow and