Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Tun Count . — -Last Saturday the royal party at Osborne visited Cowes regatta in the Fairy ; Prince Alfred ' s birthday was also celebrated by a dinner party . The Queen and all her children remain in good health . Visits have been interchanged between the Prince Consort and the Grand Duke Constantine of Russia , who is over here again , picking up what information he can as to our navy and arsenals . A plantation of Russian grand dukes and grand duchesses has taken root for some purresidences for three
pose at Torquay , where they have engaged years . Toussouu Pacha , the little heir apparent to the sovereignty of Egypt , lias beeu taken to Osborne to pay his respects to the Queen , by Sir Muses Alonteftore . Other visitors to Osborne mentioned are the Earls cif Clarendon and Granville ; the Princess Gauromma , and several German serene highnesses . The inevitable Phipps is of course still in head Availing—assisted by Colonel and Airs . Biddulph and the Hon . Flora Alacdoiialcl .
FoiiRicrs N EWS—Our foreign intelligence this week is scanty and ¦ unimportant . Tbe Emperor of the French left Paris on Sunday for the camp at Chalons , and has since left Chalons for Ploinbieres . Preparations arc quietly proceeding for the Paris fetes . A pleasing item ill the news from Franco is that the French government appears to have abandoned its seizures of English newspapers . Paris correspondents are somewhat satirical upon tho non-appearance of the expected tranquillizing article in the MowitenrThese pacific articles not having proved to be oil upon
. the troubled Avatcrs , it is hinted that the most peaceful course has been discovered to be silence . Count cle Alorny has , it is said , assured certain capitalists , on the emperor's authority , " that peace will be permanent . " It is stated in commercial circles that the emperor has determined to reduce the import duties on raw materials . AVhether true or not , the rentes rose 30 c . on the report . A arious articles iu the French press keep up some degree of excitement , particularly iu the Oonstitutioutitl land and Beliumwho
by AL Grimier de Cassagnae , directed against Eng g , sees in the repair of the fortifications of Antiverp a hostile demonstration against France . The Siiiele has a strong article against the proposed Italian arrangements . Tho Nurd exclaims against the disarmament of France ( 1 ) being met by the Naval Volunteers Reserve Bill . The state of Italy is described as very unsettled . Accounts from Bologna state that Prince Napoleon ' s corps is to be marched there , and , by degrees , to assume the position which the Austrians held . King Alctor
Emmanuel was to make his entry into Milan on Saturday , when a decree would be issued dividing Lombard } ' into electoral districts , ancl that the Piedmontese and Lombard united parliament will immediately assemble after the elections . The press also will bo released from its fetters . It is sincerely to be hoped that these good intentions will be carried out . There is a gradual increase of public tranquillity in Lombard } -, and it is anticipated that the proceedings of the Zurich conference will bo merely of a formal character . An official message from Florence informs us
that the elections have been concluded with perfect order ; that the country is quiet , and the inhabitants full of confidence .- A telegram from Berlin states that symptoms of congestion of blood to the head of the King of Prussia had caused serious apprehensions . Preparations lire making for the congress at Zurich . The plenipotentiaries were to have arrived there on the 0 th ; the first sitting was to take place on Thursday . Some excitement has arisen among the Servian population from various acts of tho Pacha of Belgradethe principal being the
con-, struction of a rampart round that town . The Canada has arrived at Liverpool with advices from New York to the 2 Sth ult . The political neivs is very unimportant . The neii's of tho peace betAA-een I ranee aud Austria caused great sensation , and was tbe topic of tho clay , to the exclusion of nearly every other matter . Its financial effect was but slight . A Mobile merchant had shot his mistress in the streets of Neiv York , out of jealousy .
INDIA . —With regard to the discontented European troops , the Bengal lhwhi . ru , says : — " It is not yet known hoiv many men will avail themselves of the privilege of returning home , but we are disposed to think that the greater part will stick to their colours , and that the majority of the malcontents will remain ivith their regiments . A late order , for the present , excludes from tbe benefits offered to the Indian army iu general the nth European regiment stationed at Berbampore . A fortnight ago , about 300 men of this iment proceeded to greater lengths than their
reg brethren in tho north-western provinces . Separating themselves from tho rest of the regiment , they elected officers , appointing one Marshall as Uieir colonel , and framed " laws for their government . Marshall , it appears , is a man of ability , and maintained strict discipline . On the recei pt of this news in Calcutta , a wing of her Majesty ' s 99 th regiment aiul a company of tho Royal Artillery were despatched by steamers to Lerhatnpore . On the arrival of the troops twenty-four hours were ¦ "Howed the men for considerationand on the following daywith the
, , exception of about forty men , they fell in on parade and submitted . The obstinate men have been imprisoned , and a court of inquiry ivill be held . Hie authorities have , ive think , been too lenient in dealing with the berbampore mutineers . The whole should have been sent doivn by steamer to Calcutta , and there tried by court martial . GKNEHAE HOME NEWS . —Tho ministers have held tivo cabinet councils ¦ is usual this week . The return of the Registrar General for last iveek exhibits a further reduction in the mortality of the metropolis ,
the deaths being 1 , 331 , while iu the tiA-o previous iveeks they were 1 , 605 , and 1 , I-I 9 . There was a corresponding decrease of deaths from diarrhoea . The births registered last week were 1 , 718 . The trial of Dr . Smethurst for the murder of Isabella Bankes at Richmond , is to be resumed ou Monday next . It is thought that the trial will be presided over by the Lord Chief Justice of the Queen ' s Bench ( Sir Alexander Cockburn ) . During the interval which has elapsed since the last trial the solicitors for the prisoner have been untiring in their exertions to
get up medical evidence in opposition to that of Dr . Taylor , and they express themselves confident that they shall be able to demonstrate the fallacy of Dr . Taylor ' s theory , on which Smethurst was committed . At the Bodmin Assizes , ou Saturday , Stephen Bamfield Lovell Bell , a surgeon , was tried for the murder of Captain Caddy . The crime was committed at Falmouth , on the 23 rd of Juno , and arose out of some family quarrel . A verdict of manslaughter was returned , and the prisoner was sentenced to penal servitude for life . Joseph AVavbootmaker
niington , a , was examined on ins own confession , at Guildhall , relative to having absconded with a cheque and bank notes to the value of seventy pounds , the property of his master , Mr . Lloyd , Newgate-street . The prisoner was committed for trial . - A shocking tragedy has just taken place at Stoke Newington . A female expired there on Sunday morning , in consequence of an afctenqit on the part of the man with whom she lived as his wife to procure abortion . The wretched man immediatelafter terminated his OAVU existence b
y y cutting his throat . On Saturday , John Riley ivas executed at York , for the murder of his wife . It will be remembered that Riley , ivho resided at Hull , cut the throat of his wife , and afterwards attempted suicide , by hanging himself , but ivas rescued . At thc Court of Bankruptcy , ou Saturday , a petition presented against the llowbeaeh Coal Company , and praying for a winding-up order , was dismissed with costs . Another man , Henry AVilliams , or Hudson , has been apprehended on suspicion of being concerned in tho late daring robbery and attempted murder in ShoelatioThe
- . prisoner underwent a preliminary examination before Sir R . Garden , at the Guildhall , when it ivas stated that a quantity of plated goods , supposed to be the proceeds of a robbery , was found at the house where AVilliams was taken . -A person named Hebb , described lis a commercial traveller , was charged at the Mansion House yesterday with forging a transfer of _ £ j 500 Three per cent . Consols , and committed for trial . He ivas apprehended the same morning . A sad occurrence took place in the Chamwl , off the North Foreland , on Sunday morning . The steam packet Ondiuc and the collier brig Robert
Garden , came into collision during a fog , when the collier was cut in two , sinking immediately , and carrying to the bottom with her four out of the nine persons on board . The neighbourhood of Leeds witnessed a cold blooded murder on Saturday evening . An old man , named Air . Richard Broughton , on his way to toAvn for the purpose of transacting some business , was attacked by tivo ruffians armed with bludgeons , and so beaten that he died next day . The murderers are not in custod y , but a reward is offered for their apprehension . The builders ' strike
continues , but some of the shops that were closed on Saturday evening were unexpectedly thrown open , the " document" being withdrawn , and the men resumed their ordinary occupations . None of Alessrs . Trollope ' s old men applied for ivork on Monday ; and as upon the refilling of this establishment rests in a great measure the ultimate result ofthe contest , much interest attaches itself to this firm . The men express tli _ '' r determination never to " go in" unless under the nine hours ' syste
... They Avere paid their strike money on Monday , the skilled labourers receiving £ 1 , and the unskilled 15 s . each . Among recent scientific inventions ive may notice a neiv revolver . Such of our readers ivho take an interest in the improvement of firearms , we ivould recommend to inspect tbe Doane-Harding revolver , just produced by Messrs . Deane and Son , of King AVilliam Street . It is a simplification of the Deane and Adams revolver , with this advantage , that it is so constructed that it be readiltaken to
can y pieces for thc purpose of cleaning , ancl as readily put together by thc most inexperienced and rawest recruit—the whole of the functions of the . revolver being performed by the cock and trigger . Notwithstanding the readiness with which it can be taken to pieces , yet its firmness and solidity when put together again is equal to that of any firearm ever produced . Another advantage is , that by the use of a noiv lever ramrod , attached to the revolver , it can be loaded with tho utmost tho ramrod
facility— , ivhich is at once simple and poAVerfuI , acting vertically on the bullet . To our military and naval brethren such a weapon must prove invaluable . The . funds yesterday were slightly weaker , but at the close symptoms of recovery were manifested , and the last price for Consols AA- ; IS D 5 g to I for money and the account . The demand for assistance at the Bank was very active , but this arises from the expectation that the directors may raise the rate of discount , though it is not generally anticipated . Foreign stocks and railway shares left off with a depressed appearance , and the markets were adversely affected by reactionary sales . No bullion operations occurred at the Bank , although there was still an inquiry for remittance abroad .
IMPERIAL PAHIJAMEST . —In the Housi ; or LOIIDS on Monday , the Marquis of Normanby took occasion to enter into details upon the political complications connected with the affairs of Italy , and warned the Government not to meddle in a controversy in ivhich as he believed from the antecedents of Lord Palmerston , the interference ivould be i > roductire of more harm than good . Lord Wodehouse said the only communication was the transmission of the French despatch sug <* esthu '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Tun Count . — -Last Saturday the royal party at Osborne visited Cowes regatta in the Fairy ; Prince Alfred ' s birthday was also celebrated by a dinner party . The Queen and all her children remain in good health . Visits have been interchanged between the Prince Consort and the Grand Duke Constantine of Russia , who is over here again , picking up what information he can as to our navy and arsenals . A plantation of Russian grand dukes and grand duchesses has taken root for some purresidences for three
pose at Torquay , where they have engaged years . Toussouu Pacha , the little heir apparent to the sovereignty of Egypt , lias beeu taken to Osborne to pay his respects to the Queen , by Sir Muses Alonteftore . Other visitors to Osborne mentioned are the Earls cif Clarendon and Granville ; the Princess Gauromma , and several German serene highnesses . The inevitable Phipps is of course still in head Availing—assisted by Colonel and Airs . Biddulph and the Hon . Flora Alacdoiialcl .
FoiiRicrs N EWS—Our foreign intelligence this week is scanty and ¦ unimportant . Tbe Emperor of the French left Paris on Sunday for the camp at Chalons , and has since left Chalons for Ploinbieres . Preparations arc quietly proceeding for the Paris fetes . A pleasing item ill the news from Franco is that the French government appears to have abandoned its seizures of English newspapers . Paris correspondents are somewhat satirical upon tho non-appearance of the expected tranquillizing article in the MowitenrThese pacific articles not having proved to be oil upon
. the troubled Avatcrs , it is hinted that the most peaceful course has been discovered to be silence . Count cle Alorny has , it is said , assured certain capitalists , on the emperor's authority , " that peace will be permanent . " It is stated in commercial circles that the emperor has determined to reduce the import duties on raw materials . AVhether true or not , the rentes rose 30 c . on the report . A arious articles iu the French press keep up some degree of excitement , particularly iu the Oonstitutioutitl land and Beliumwho
by AL Grimier de Cassagnae , directed against Eng g , sees in the repair of the fortifications of Antiverp a hostile demonstration against France . The Siiiele has a strong article against the proposed Italian arrangements . Tho Nurd exclaims against the disarmament of France ( 1 ) being met by the Naval Volunteers Reserve Bill . The state of Italy is described as very unsettled . Accounts from Bologna state that Prince Napoleon ' s corps is to be marched there , and , by degrees , to assume the position which the Austrians held . King Alctor
Emmanuel was to make his entry into Milan on Saturday , when a decree would be issued dividing Lombard } ' into electoral districts , ancl that the Piedmontese and Lombard united parliament will immediately assemble after the elections . The press also will bo released from its fetters . It is sincerely to be hoped that these good intentions will be carried out . There is a gradual increase of public tranquillity in Lombard } -, and it is anticipated that the proceedings of the Zurich conference will bo merely of a formal character . An official message from Florence informs us
that the elections have been concluded with perfect order ; that the country is quiet , and the inhabitants full of confidence .- A telegram from Berlin states that symptoms of congestion of blood to the head of the King of Prussia had caused serious apprehensions . Preparations lire making for the congress at Zurich . The plenipotentiaries were to have arrived there on the 0 th ; the first sitting was to take place on Thursday . Some excitement has arisen among the Servian population from various acts of tho Pacha of Belgradethe principal being the
con-, struction of a rampart round that town . The Canada has arrived at Liverpool with advices from New York to the 2 Sth ult . The political neivs is very unimportant . The neii's of tho peace betAA-een I ranee aud Austria caused great sensation , and was tbe topic of tho clay , to the exclusion of nearly every other matter . Its financial effect was but slight . A Mobile merchant had shot his mistress in the streets of Neiv York , out of jealousy .
INDIA . —With regard to the discontented European troops , the Bengal lhwhi . ru , says : — " It is not yet known hoiv many men will avail themselves of the privilege of returning home , but we are disposed to think that the greater part will stick to their colours , and that the majority of the malcontents will remain ivith their regiments . A late order , for the present , excludes from tbe benefits offered to the Indian army iu general the nth European regiment stationed at Berbampore . A fortnight ago , about 300 men of this iment proceeded to greater lengths than their
reg brethren in tho north-western provinces . Separating themselves from tho rest of the regiment , they elected officers , appointing one Marshall as Uieir colonel , and framed " laws for their government . Marshall , it appears , is a man of ability , and maintained strict discipline . On the recei pt of this news in Calcutta , a wing of her Majesty ' s 99 th regiment aiul a company of tho Royal Artillery were despatched by steamers to Lerhatnpore . On the arrival of the troops twenty-four hours were ¦ "Howed the men for considerationand on the following daywith the
, , exception of about forty men , they fell in on parade and submitted . The obstinate men have been imprisoned , and a court of inquiry ivill be held . Hie authorities have , ive think , been too lenient in dealing with the berbampore mutineers . The whole should have been sent doivn by steamer to Calcutta , and there tried by court martial . GKNEHAE HOME NEWS . —Tho ministers have held tivo cabinet councils ¦ is usual this week . The return of the Registrar General for last iveek exhibits a further reduction in the mortality of the metropolis ,
the deaths being 1 , 331 , while iu the tiA-o previous iveeks they were 1 , 605 , and 1 , I-I 9 . There was a corresponding decrease of deaths from diarrhoea . The births registered last week were 1 , 718 . The trial of Dr . Smethurst for the murder of Isabella Bankes at Richmond , is to be resumed ou Monday next . It is thought that the trial will be presided over by the Lord Chief Justice of the Queen ' s Bench ( Sir Alexander Cockburn ) . During the interval which has elapsed since the last trial the solicitors for the prisoner have been untiring in their exertions to
get up medical evidence in opposition to that of Dr . Taylor , and they express themselves confident that they shall be able to demonstrate the fallacy of Dr . Taylor ' s theory , on which Smethurst was committed . At the Bodmin Assizes , ou Saturday , Stephen Bamfield Lovell Bell , a surgeon , was tried for the murder of Captain Caddy . The crime was committed at Falmouth , on the 23 rd of Juno , and arose out of some family quarrel . A verdict of manslaughter was returned , and the prisoner was sentenced to penal servitude for life . Joseph AVavbootmaker
niington , a , was examined on ins own confession , at Guildhall , relative to having absconded with a cheque and bank notes to the value of seventy pounds , the property of his master , Mr . Lloyd , Newgate-street . The prisoner was committed for trial . - A shocking tragedy has just taken place at Stoke Newington . A female expired there on Sunday morning , in consequence of an afctenqit on the part of the man with whom she lived as his wife to procure abortion . The wretched man immediatelafter terminated his OAVU existence b
y y cutting his throat . On Saturday , John Riley ivas executed at York , for the murder of his wife . It will be remembered that Riley , ivho resided at Hull , cut the throat of his wife , and afterwards attempted suicide , by hanging himself , but ivas rescued . At thc Court of Bankruptcy , ou Saturday , a petition presented against the llowbeaeh Coal Company , and praying for a winding-up order , was dismissed with costs . Another man , Henry AVilliams , or Hudson , has been apprehended on suspicion of being concerned in tho late daring robbery and attempted murder in ShoelatioThe
- . prisoner underwent a preliminary examination before Sir R . Garden , at the Guildhall , when it ivas stated that a quantity of plated goods , supposed to be the proceeds of a robbery , was found at the house where AVilliams was taken . -A person named Hebb , described lis a commercial traveller , was charged at the Mansion House yesterday with forging a transfer of _ £ j 500 Three per cent . Consols , and committed for trial . He ivas apprehended the same morning . A sad occurrence took place in the Chamwl , off the North Foreland , on Sunday morning . The steam packet Ondiuc and the collier brig Robert
Garden , came into collision during a fog , when the collier was cut in two , sinking immediately , and carrying to the bottom with her four out of the nine persons on board . The neighbourhood of Leeds witnessed a cold blooded murder on Saturday evening . An old man , named Air . Richard Broughton , on his way to toAvn for the purpose of transacting some business , was attacked by tivo ruffians armed with bludgeons , and so beaten that he died next day . The murderers are not in custod y , but a reward is offered for their apprehension . The builders ' strike
continues , but some of the shops that were closed on Saturday evening were unexpectedly thrown open , the " document" being withdrawn , and the men resumed their ordinary occupations . None of Alessrs . Trollope ' s old men applied for ivork on Monday ; and as upon the refilling of this establishment rests in a great measure the ultimate result ofthe contest , much interest attaches itself to this firm . The men express tli _ '' r determination never to " go in" unless under the nine hours ' syste
... They Avere paid their strike money on Monday , the skilled labourers receiving £ 1 , and the unskilled 15 s . each . Among recent scientific inventions ive may notice a neiv revolver . Such of our readers ivho take an interest in the improvement of firearms , we ivould recommend to inspect tbe Doane-Harding revolver , just produced by Messrs . Deane and Son , of King AVilliam Street . It is a simplification of the Deane and Adams revolver , with this advantage , that it is so constructed that it be readiltaken to
can y pieces for thc purpose of cleaning , ancl as readily put together by thc most inexperienced and rawest recruit—the whole of the functions of the . revolver being performed by the cock and trigger . Notwithstanding the readiness with which it can be taken to pieces , yet its firmness and solidity when put together again is equal to that of any firearm ever produced . Another advantage is , that by the use of a noiv lever ramrod , attached to the revolver , it can be loaded with tho utmost tho ramrod
facility— , ivhich is at once simple and poAVerfuI , acting vertically on the bullet . To our military and naval brethren such a weapon must prove invaluable . The . funds yesterday were slightly weaker , but at the close symptoms of recovery were manifested , and the last price for Consols AA- ; IS D 5 g to I for money and the account . The demand for assistance at the Bank was very active , but this arises from the expectation that the directors may raise the rate of discount , though it is not generally anticipated . Foreign stocks and railway shares left off with a depressed appearance , and the markets were adversely affected by reactionary sales . No bullion operations occurred at the Bank , although there was still an inquiry for remittance abroad .
IMPERIAL PAHIJAMEST . —In the Housi ; or LOIIDS on Monday , the Marquis of Normanby took occasion to enter into details upon the political complications connected with the affairs of Italy , and warned the Government not to meddle in a controversy in ivhich as he believed from the antecedents of Lord Palmerston , the interference ivould be i > roductire of more harm than good . Lord Wodehouse said the only communication was the transmission of the French despatch sug <* esthu '