Article SOUTH AMERICA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SOUTH AMERICA. Page 2 of 2 Article AMERICAN MEMS. Page 1 of 1
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South America.
the orphan , the friendless and tho distressed , the sick and the needy , ivill thus find our pockets more free to their call and more open to their claims . Brethren—I need not , I think , say more , but proceed to lay before you the address I have prepared for your acceptance . " Bro . Ford then read the address , as follows : — "Buenos Ayres , 19 th Alay , A . D . 1 S 59 . A . r ,. , 58 , 59 . " To Bro . Samuel Hesse . P . M . and first AV . AI . of the Excelsior Lodge ,
No . 900 . "AVorshipful Sir and Brother , —AVe " , the AVorshipful Master , Past Masters , Officers , and Brethren composing the Excelsior Lodge , No . 900 , in this city , beg leave on the eve of your departure from among us , to offer you the expression of our sincere regret at the separation which will deprive us of that actii'e co-operation and of- those efficacious services which have proved so important to the welfare , so congenial to the progress , ancl so valuable to the support of that branch of our antient and
honourable institution first planted under your auspices in this remote region of the globe . The bright example which your past intercourse amongst us affords to the brethren in general , and to ourselves in particular , of Alasonic excellence and equity , prompts our warmest gratitude and heartiest thankfulness . AVith feelings , therefore , of grateful veneration , and in the bonds of brotherly love , mingled with our liveliest regret at your departure , we beg you to accept the assurance of our prayers that the Divine Author of every good may long preserve you in
health and in the full enjoyment ofthe social love ancl mutual affection of those nearest and dearest to you , which your safe return to your native land will , ive trust , shortly afford to you . Alay it please the G . A . O . T . U . to water with the deiv of bis blessing those seeds of holiness and good which 3 'ou have planted around you , that they may ripen into a rich harvest of personal blessing here , and be found laid up in the garner of heaven hereafter . AVith every sentiment that sincere love and warm esteem can prompt , wo bid you affectionately , farewell ; and
subscribe ourselves , AVorshipful Sir and dear Brother , your loving brethren . " Bro . J . 0 . Ford , I'M . and Chaplain , rose and addressed the brethren , expressing the great " pleasure he had in seconding the motion put from the chair , when it was accordingly put , and carried unanimously . At the request ofthe brethren , a deputation from the Lodge room , composed of Bros . J . C . Ford , P . M . ; Thompson , Billiiighurst , Albancier , and A . Villatte , went out and conducted bvo . Hesse to the pedestal in the midst of the brethren all standing , when the Worshipful Alaster addressed him from the chair a , s follows : — "Bro . Hesse , it is my pleasing duty to inform
you , that during your absence from the Lodge your brethren have voted an address to you , expressing their regard and affection toAvavcls you . It is with infinite pleasure that I obey their unanimous behest to present it to you , proud ofthe distinction it affords to me of rendering honour to whom honour is so justly clue , aud deeply gratified with tho unmistakeable demonstrations that it has called forth to prove how securely you have entwined around you the lovo , the sympathy , and the goodwill of your brethren of the Excelsior Lodgo . As nlrendv
expressed , ive only render honour to whom honour is due ; and recognize , though ill a humble form , those services of our first Alaster which ' have so materially helped us forward within the good old landmarks of oiu- antient institution ; and were it not for the shadow that intervenes to dim the pleasure those reminiscences afford , my satisfaction would indeed be complete . But we have also to bid y . iu I ' aroAVell the course of human events calls you from among us , and the minutes of this evening ' s meeting will record , as far as we can see , your last
occupation of that seat in this Lodge , so regularly filled , and so highly distinguished by your actions ; but like the conqueror in a bard fought battle , you take your departure from amongst us with the laurels of a hero encircling your broiv , and with the greater satisfaction , that yours has been no conflict of bloody strife and vindictive contest , but the more unostentatious , though equally difficult struggle , of good against , evil , of principle against passion—of promoting and establishing true happiness around you , against the opposition offered thereto b y the seductive and turmoils of the
temptations noisy world beyond our quiet precincts . And IIOAV that the place which once knoAV you so ivell amongst us here , will henceforth know you no more , I trust , dear brother , myself and brethren will justly value the bri ght example which your good deeds offer to our imitation , and over heed the warning voice annexed to us in the legacy you therein bequeath , saying , " Go and do thou likewise ; " and thus be led to labour and to strive for that perfection , in square conduct , level steps , and upright intentions , that with you we may hope finally to ascend to those immortal mansions from
whence all goodness emanates . AVe thank you , dear brother , for your gift , and although it is with sorrowful hearts and with mournful feelings that we now pronounce to you the words , good bye—yet we hail thc soothing consolation extended to us to mitigate their bitterness , in the knoAvledge that although absent ill the body , you will yet be present ivith us in the spirit , and in the assurance ivhieh fraternal confidence
inspires , that in your life and actious the sacred motto of brotherly love , relief and truth , borne on our Masonic banner , will ever continue unfurled , aud in its onward course will ascend higher and hi gher in attractive beauty , displaying alike to the gaze of men and of brethren that Freemasonry , iu its perfection , is only the consummation of truth , of justice , and of virtue , demonstrated in works of mercy , and of love , and in the practice of the golden rule which bids us to do unto others even as we ivould that they should do unto us . Go then , dear brother , and God be with you ; and while you carry with you the prayers of your brethren , that his all seeing eye may ever bcnigtiantly watch over you ,
South America.
to bless , to comfort , and to guard you—let this humble , though sincere expression of their love also accompany 3-011 , as a slight moment . ) of what they owe and feel towards you . " The effect of these foiv words served to call forth a very visible manifestation of tho affectionate regard of the brethren for the one they ivere about to lose , and their feelings and emotions had a powerful sympathy on Bro . Hesse , who amid the workings of surprise and agitation of mind at this unlocked for demonstration , remained for several minutes unable to speak ;
having partially controlled his feelings , he replied as follows : — . "Worshipful sir aud brethren , not being prepared for the honour IIOAV conferred 011 me , I am afraid that I shall be wanting in words to express my feelings . . From 1113 ' heart I sineerolj' thank you for the kind sentiment contained in this address ; and assure you that I shall ever consider it as ono ofthe most valuable tokens in my possession , for it convinces 1110 that my conduct during the existence of the Excelsior Lodge has merited your approbation and esteem ; but I must also say that if . will
cause me many moments of pain and regret , for whatever part of it my eye may rest upon , some name AA'ill present itself to recall to my recollection the loss of friends not easily replaced . Brethren , I am about to leave you , and it is very improbable that AVO shall ever meet again in this world ; but let our actions throughout life be such as to inspire us with hope , that when we arc summoned to the . Grand Lodge above , ive may again be happily united for ever and ever . " Bro . I . C . Roiling proposed , and Bro . AV . 0 . Thompson seconded , and it was unanimously
carried , that the minutes of this evening ' s meeting should be sent to the Freemasons' Magazine for publication , as a further testimonial of the brethren ' s regard for Bro . Hesse . Bro . A . Dorr proposed , and Bro . I . C . Ru . ding seconded , and it was carried unanimously , that the AV . AI . should inform thc brethren as soon as he was able to clo so , of the time that Bro . Hesse would embark , on the 2 Sth inst ., that tho wish of the brethren to accompany him to the mole might be thereby fully gratified . No further business offering itselfthe Lodge was closed in due form at
, a lew minutes before ten o ' clock , ivl ' . en the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room . In the refreshment room tbe AVAL apologized to Bros . Billinghiirst and A illatte for the involuntary omission he had committed in not acknowledging , before closing the Lodge , the kind and fraternal courtesy which prompted the brethren they represented , to send them as a deputation to unite ivith the Excelsior Lodge on the occasion of their biddini ; farewell to Bro . Hesse , which he could only
attribute to the agitation that had so much affected linn 111 the perloriuance of the duties of the evening ; but he would take au curly opportunity of addressing to them an official communication upon the subject . Br ... AVi . 'ii-d .-t put into tho hands' of the AV . AI . the foHowhigadclrcss he had prepared for the occasion ; requesting that it might be added to the minutes of tho evening ; as a further testimony to the esteem Brn . I lesso , had so universally secured among the brethren generally in these distill t parts : — "Worshipful Alaster and brethren of the Excelsior Lodge .
On behalf ol the committee appointed by the French Lodge , Lea Amis cles Naufragds , 1 am desired to express to you its unfeigned regret at being prevented from assisting in Lodge 011 this interesting and solemn occasion . Solely Masonic business of the utmost importance has caused the representation of the Amis cles Naufrages to be delegated to a committee . As the brother whose farewell wc receive this evening is too well known and appreciated amongst us to permit of his departure from Buenos Ayres without some expression , IIOAA-CVOL' feeble , of good feeling
and brotherl y love , this pleasing duty has devolved upon me . Bro . Samuel Hesse , yon are about to leave us—I give to this word the fullest acceptation as extending lo all tho Masonic family . You , one of the leaders of the Craft , one of the chief pillars of the temple ivhich you also contributed to erect and dedicate to tho glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe—a temple whose present position does honour to tho founders—to you no labour has been too great , no difficulty too discouraging during the execution of your great work ; and lam hereto
convey the testimony of Les . Amis ties Naufrages that to your great Alasonic qualities , prudence , and advice , allow me to say not only tho Excelsior Lodge , but the entire Order in Buenos Ayres is deeply indebted . During your intercourse with Les Amis lies Naufragds you have aliA'ays carefully applied the square to all the corners of the edifice you proposed to raise ; and by your level steps and upright actions have offered an example worthy of the imitation of all Alasons . But the consciousness of the purity of heart and truth of purpose which has guided
you , will constitute a pleasure far above what any estimation in which you might possibly be held could afford ; therefore I ivill only acid , Bro . Hesse , adieu ! Alay the Great Architect of the Universe ever guide your footsteps , watch over and protect you , and may the brethren in your native laud receive you with thc same ardent feelings of regard which have dictated these feiv words . The good wishes of the French brethren attend von ahvays . "
American Mems.
CAI . IFOTINIA . —The Craft 111 California aro harmonious , and peace abounds throughout the jurisdiction . There are one hundred and tvrenty-tivo Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge , having a total membership of four thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven . IOWA . —The Grand Chapter of Iowa ivill hold its annual communication in the city of Dubuque , on the 7 th of September , so as to afford the Companions the opportunity of going directly from said meeting to attend the general grand bodies at Chicago , who commence their session on thc 13 th of September ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
South America.
the orphan , the friendless and tho distressed , the sick and the needy , ivill thus find our pockets more free to their call and more open to their claims . Brethren—I need not , I think , say more , but proceed to lay before you the address I have prepared for your acceptance . " Bro . Ford then read the address , as follows : — "Buenos Ayres , 19 th Alay , A . D . 1 S 59 . A . r ,. , 58 , 59 . " To Bro . Samuel Hesse . P . M . and first AV . AI . of the Excelsior Lodge ,
No . 900 . "AVorshipful Sir and Brother , —AVe " , the AVorshipful Master , Past Masters , Officers , and Brethren composing the Excelsior Lodge , No . 900 , in this city , beg leave on the eve of your departure from among us , to offer you the expression of our sincere regret at the separation which will deprive us of that actii'e co-operation and of- those efficacious services which have proved so important to the welfare , so congenial to the progress , ancl so valuable to the support of that branch of our antient and
honourable institution first planted under your auspices in this remote region of the globe . The bright example which your past intercourse amongst us affords to the brethren in general , and to ourselves in particular , of Alasonic excellence and equity , prompts our warmest gratitude and heartiest thankfulness . AVith feelings , therefore , of grateful veneration , and in the bonds of brotherly love , mingled with our liveliest regret at your departure , we beg you to accept the assurance of our prayers that the Divine Author of every good may long preserve you in
health and in the full enjoyment ofthe social love ancl mutual affection of those nearest and dearest to you , which your safe return to your native land will , ive trust , shortly afford to you . Alay it please the G . A . O . T . U . to water with the deiv of bis blessing those seeds of holiness and good which 3 'ou have planted around you , that they may ripen into a rich harvest of personal blessing here , and be found laid up in the garner of heaven hereafter . AVith every sentiment that sincere love and warm esteem can prompt , wo bid you affectionately , farewell ; and
subscribe ourselves , AVorshipful Sir and dear Brother , your loving brethren . " Bro . J . 0 . Ford , I'M . and Chaplain , rose and addressed the brethren , expressing the great " pleasure he had in seconding the motion put from the chair , when it was accordingly put , and carried unanimously . At the request ofthe brethren , a deputation from the Lodge room , composed of Bros . J . C . Ford , P . M . ; Thompson , Billiiighurst , Albancier , and A . Villatte , went out and conducted bvo . Hesse to the pedestal in the midst of the brethren all standing , when the Worshipful Alaster addressed him from the chair a , s follows : — "Bro . Hesse , it is my pleasing duty to inform
you , that during your absence from the Lodge your brethren have voted an address to you , expressing their regard and affection toAvavcls you . It is with infinite pleasure that I obey their unanimous behest to present it to you , proud ofthe distinction it affords to me of rendering honour to whom honour is so justly clue , aud deeply gratified with tho unmistakeable demonstrations that it has called forth to prove how securely you have entwined around you the lovo , the sympathy , and the goodwill of your brethren of the Excelsior Lodgo . As nlrendv
expressed , ive only render honour to whom honour is due ; and recognize , though ill a humble form , those services of our first Alaster which ' have so materially helped us forward within the good old landmarks of oiu- antient institution ; and were it not for the shadow that intervenes to dim the pleasure those reminiscences afford , my satisfaction would indeed be complete . But we have also to bid y . iu I ' aroAVell the course of human events calls you from among us , and the minutes of this evening ' s meeting will record , as far as we can see , your last
occupation of that seat in this Lodge , so regularly filled , and so highly distinguished by your actions ; but like the conqueror in a bard fought battle , you take your departure from amongst us with the laurels of a hero encircling your broiv , and with the greater satisfaction , that yours has been no conflict of bloody strife and vindictive contest , but the more unostentatious , though equally difficult struggle , of good against , evil , of principle against passion—of promoting and establishing true happiness around you , against the opposition offered thereto b y the seductive and turmoils of the
temptations noisy world beyond our quiet precincts . And IIOAV that the place which once knoAV you so ivell amongst us here , will henceforth know you no more , I trust , dear brother , myself and brethren will justly value the bri ght example which your good deeds offer to our imitation , and over heed the warning voice annexed to us in the legacy you therein bequeath , saying , " Go and do thou likewise ; " and thus be led to labour and to strive for that perfection , in square conduct , level steps , and upright intentions , that with you we may hope finally to ascend to those immortal mansions from
whence all goodness emanates . AVe thank you , dear brother , for your gift , and although it is with sorrowful hearts and with mournful feelings that we now pronounce to you the words , good bye—yet we hail thc soothing consolation extended to us to mitigate their bitterness , in the knoAvledge that although absent ill the body , you will yet be present ivith us in the spirit , and in the assurance ivhieh fraternal confidence
inspires , that in your life and actious the sacred motto of brotherly love , relief and truth , borne on our Masonic banner , will ever continue unfurled , aud in its onward course will ascend higher and hi gher in attractive beauty , displaying alike to the gaze of men and of brethren that Freemasonry , iu its perfection , is only the consummation of truth , of justice , and of virtue , demonstrated in works of mercy , and of love , and in the practice of the golden rule which bids us to do unto others even as we ivould that they should do unto us . Go then , dear brother , and God be with you ; and while you carry with you the prayers of your brethren , that his all seeing eye may ever bcnigtiantly watch over you ,
South America.
to bless , to comfort , and to guard you—let this humble , though sincere expression of their love also accompany 3-011 , as a slight moment . ) of what they owe and feel towards you . " The effect of these foiv words served to call forth a very visible manifestation of tho affectionate regard of the brethren for the one they ivere about to lose , and their feelings and emotions had a powerful sympathy on Bro . Hesse , who amid the workings of surprise and agitation of mind at this unlocked for demonstration , remained for several minutes unable to speak ;
having partially controlled his feelings , he replied as follows : — . "Worshipful sir aud brethren , not being prepared for the honour IIOAV conferred 011 me , I am afraid that I shall be wanting in words to express my feelings . . From 1113 ' heart I sineerolj' thank you for the kind sentiment contained in this address ; and assure you that I shall ever consider it as ono ofthe most valuable tokens in my possession , for it convinces 1110 that my conduct during the existence of the Excelsior Lodge has merited your approbation and esteem ; but I must also say that if . will
cause me many moments of pain and regret , for whatever part of it my eye may rest upon , some name AA'ill present itself to recall to my recollection the loss of friends not easily replaced . Brethren , I am about to leave you , and it is very improbable that AVO shall ever meet again in this world ; but let our actions throughout life be such as to inspire us with hope , that when we arc summoned to the . Grand Lodge above , ive may again be happily united for ever and ever . " Bro . I . C . Roiling proposed , and Bro . AV . 0 . Thompson seconded , and it was unanimously
carried , that the minutes of this evening ' s meeting should be sent to the Freemasons' Magazine for publication , as a further testimonial of the brethren ' s regard for Bro . Hesse . Bro . A . Dorr proposed , and Bro . I . C . Ru . ding seconded , and it was carried unanimously , that the AV . AI . should inform thc brethren as soon as he was able to clo so , of the time that Bro . Hesse would embark , on the 2 Sth inst ., that tho wish of the brethren to accompany him to the mole might be thereby fully gratified . No further business offering itselfthe Lodge was closed in due form at
, a lew minutes before ten o ' clock , ivl ' . en the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room . In the refreshment room tbe AVAL apologized to Bros . Billinghiirst and A illatte for the involuntary omission he had committed in not acknowledging , before closing the Lodge , the kind and fraternal courtesy which prompted the brethren they represented , to send them as a deputation to unite ivith the Excelsior Lodge on the occasion of their biddini ; farewell to Bro . Hesse , which he could only
attribute to the agitation that had so much affected linn 111 the perloriuance of the duties of the evening ; but he would take au curly opportunity of addressing to them an official communication upon the subject . Br ... AVi . 'ii-d .-t put into tho hands' of the AV . AI . the foHowhigadclrcss he had prepared for the occasion ; requesting that it might be added to the minutes of tho evening ; as a further testimony to the esteem Brn . I lesso , had so universally secured among the brethren generally in these distill t parts : — "Worshipful Alaster and brethren of the Excelsior Lodge .
On behalf ol the committee appointed by the French Lodge , Lea Amis cles Naufragds , 1 am desired to express to you its unfeigned regret at being prevented from assisting in Lodge 011 this interesting and solemn occasion . Solely Masonic business of the utmost importance has caused the representation of the Amis cles Naufrages to be delegated to a committee . As the brother whose farewell wc receive this evening is too well known and appreciated amongst us to permit of his departure from Buenos Ayres without some expression , IIOAA-CVOL' feeble , of good feeling
and brotherl y love , this pleasing duty has devolved upon me . Bro . Samuel Hesse , yon are about to leave us—I give to this word the fullest acceptation as extending lo all tho Masonic family . You , one of the leaders of the Craft , one of the chief pillars of the temple ivhich you also contributed to erect and dedicate to tho glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe—a temple whose present position does honour to tho founders—to you no labour has been too great , no difficulty too discouraging during the execution of your great work ; and lam hereto
convey the testimony of Les . Amis ties Naufrages that to your great Alasonic qualities , prudence , and advice , allow me to say not only tho Excelsior Lodge , but the entire Order in Buenos Ayres is deeply indebted . During your intercourse with Les Amis lies Naufragds you have aliA'ays carefully applied the square to all the corners of the edifice you proposed to raise ; and by your level steps and upright actions have offered an example worthy of the imitation of all Alasons . But the consciousness of the purity of heart and truth of purpose which has guided
you , will constitute a pleasure far above what any estimation in which you might possibly be held could afford ; therefore I ivill only acid , Bro . Hesse , adieu ! Alay the Great Architect of the Universe ever guide your footsteps , watch over and protect you , and may the brethren in your native laud receive you with thc same ardent feelings of regard which have dictated these feiv words . The good wishes of the French brethren attend von ahvays . "
American Mems.
CAI . IFOTINIA . —The Craft 111 California aro harmonious , and peace abounds throughout the jurisdiction . There are one hundred and tvrenty-tivo Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge , having a total membership of four thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven . IOWA . —The Grand Chapter of Iowa ivill hold its annual communication in the city of Dubuque , on the 7 th of September , so as to afford the Companions the opportunity of going directly from said meeting to attend the general grand bodies at Chicago , who commence their session on thc 13 th of September ,