Article A TRIP FIVE THOUSAND MILES OFF. ← Page 4 of 4 Article A TRIP FIVE THOUSAND MILES OFF. Page 4 of 4 Article REVIEWS OF NEW BOOKS. Page 1 of 4 →
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A Trip Five Thousand Miles Off.
It appeared somewhat strange to us , that notwithstanding the number of daring young military and naval men to be met at the Cape , Ave never encountered one who hacl even attempted the ascent of the Table mountain , on Avhich morning after morning Ave looked longingly , though the iveak state of our health ( the hope of benefiting Avhich had partly
induced us to undertake the trip ) , forbade the possibility of our scaling its rugged heights . But great as the labour must undoubtedly be , Ave do not think it is the fatigue deters adventurers , so much as the fear of being suddenly surrounded ( as many unfortunates have been ) by that mysterious cloud , and blown off the mountain by its accompanying gale , or walking
blindly over the edge , as has been the fate of others—and in either case perishing miserably . But though the ascent was denied us , Ave resolved to . mount sufficiently high to enjoy the panoramic view ofthe surrounding country ivhich the shoulder of the mountain affords . Wave after ivave of grassy swells Ave mountedeach greener
, and larger than the last , then through a few rugged ravines , until at length Ave stood under the refreshing shade of the fluttering silver trees . Despite the scorching heat of summer , it was a beautiful and fertile scene , AA'hich the Avicle frame of surrounding hills shut in—far spreading vineyards , ivith their affluence of leaves softening the light of the pale
meadows of ripening hay beside them , and teeming orchards glowing in the sunlight , and gardens filled with luxuriant fig trees ancl flashing laurels . Here and there ivere villages half hidden among oak plantations , and pleasant villas and quaint old many gabled Dutch houses , dotting the spaces between ; and winding slowly along , like a silvery seipent , ivere the shallow ivaters of the Salt Biver .
Our stay in the Cape district being on this occasion limited , AVC resolved to see as much of it as the time permitted , so in a few days ive took our departure for the village of Wynburg , that favourite locality of Avealthy Anglo-Indians , Avhose shadowy gardens are fluttering with , the white robes of Hindoo servants , and Avhose unpretending looking houses are
said within to rival the splendours of the Arabian Ni ghts . Our way lay over a ivell made road , shaded by noble trees , and bordered by gardens ancl A'ineyards , ancl rose ancl jasmine covered villas , and old gabled houses , each standing apart Avithin its hedge of tamarisk , or of prickly pear—that most grotesque of shrubs—ivith its huge massive leaves fringed round with tufts of crimson blossoms .
From Wynburg Ave next proceeded to Simon ' s Toivn , some ten miles further from Cape Town . For the first three miles Ave rode on through a continuance of the same pleasant shady avenue Avhich had brought us thus far ; but then the scene suddenly changed to a dreary barren region of naked sandhills and wild sandy flats , thinly clothed in patches with
tiny ice-plants , which glittered brightly in the sunshine . Mile after mile Ave toiled through the arid Avaste , Avell nigh scorched ancl blinded by the burning sunbeams ancl the fierce glare ofthe yellow sands , and right glad Avere Ave at length to issue from them on to the shores of the vast sea-lake , entitled False Bay . Another mile along the sands , and Ave opened
on Simon ' s Bay , closely shut in Avithin its girdle of hills , most conspicuous among which are the Bed Hill , famous for its rare botanical treasures , and the lofty and imposing Simon ' s Berg , Avhose brow is commonly garlanded Avith lily white clouds , oven though there may not be one in the sk y , Avhile every breath of Avind from among the hills is perfumed by the
fragrant heaths Avhich grow so thickly among them . Hacl we not known it before , the number of merry , frolicsome young midshipmen scampering among the sand hills , on every description of horse , and in every variety of drag , Avould have apprized us that ii'e were approaching the naval station , and noiv , turning the angle of the landlocked bay , 'we came upon a statel y tivodeoker , with her glossy sides pierced for fourscore guns , and her lofty spars tapering into the cloudless sky , with a tiny speck of crimson bunting
A Trip Five Thousand Miles Off.
fluttering at tho mizen iu token of a rear admiral ' s command . Grouped around her float the smaller ships of the squadron Avhich happen to be iu port ; for the Cape is tho head quarters of the piesfcilential West Coast station , Avhere so many bravo lives are annually expended in the endeavour to suppress the slave trade .
At the entrance of the town , in the midst of an extensive ? garden , stands the Admiralty House , with its vino-covered colonnade ; beyond is one of the prettiest and trimmest of little naval yards ; and round it and the Avhole bay , like a crescent , sweeps the principal street of the little town , stretching almost to the battery on the southern point , Avhere a flag is alivays hoisted to give notice of approaching vessels .
Above the toAvn , perched on every little ledge of the surrounding hills , are innumerable Avhite or yellow houses , half hidden among their bowery gardens . The first impression of the traveller is that Simon ' s Town has nothing but its blue bay ancl bluer sky , and the outline of its hillsto recommend itfor despite its gardensits
, , , general appearance is arid in the extreme ; but Avhen ni ght falls , ancl the moon rises , the magical change Ave sometimes see in a dissolving view takes p lace in the landscape , ancl it becomes one of the most charming and fairylike scenes imaginable . A soft dreamy beauty seems to rest on sea ancl shore , on hill and Avhite AA'alled dwelling , as if all things
Avere seen through a silver haze . This appearance is said to be occasioned b y the glittering particles of the sand reflecting the brilliant rays of the moon , as they come flashing cloivn through the transparent atmosphere . It is not in this sequestered little nook of the British dominions that one would expect to find a relic of one of her
greatest heroes . Yet there , at the time of our visit , occupying the ignoble post of sheer hulk , was the little vessel that in her jialmy days Avas the Badger man-of-war , ivhose deck Nelson first trod as captain . In after clays she Avas also the -first command of the gallant Collingv . ood . Surel y a better fate might have been found for even the decaying timbers of a vessel Avhich calls to mind two such names .
On the opposite side of False Bay is a- district entitled Hottentot's Holland . Towards the sea ancl bay it is bounded by a chain of mountains so high that during winter the . snow lies thick upon their peaks . On a subsequent visit to Simon ' s Town , Ave ourselves saw it there flashing brightly in the African sunshine ; and it is almost incredible how severely
the chill breeze blowing o \ -er their frozen surface was felt by those who during winter usually enjoy a temperature similar to the most genial of our Mays , The adage that ' - ' time and tide wait for no man , " Ai-as verified in my case , for ere I had half satisfied my interest respecting Cape Town and its beautiful environs , imperative
business and a ready coaster summoned me to tho eastern province , and it Avas on a subsequent visit that 1 learned many items of information related in the foregoing pages .
Reviews Of New Books.
Narrative of a Walking Tour in Brittany . By the Eev . J . M . Jki'iisox , F . S . A ., accompanied hy Notes of a Photographic Expedition , by LOVELL EEEYIO , F . L . S . London : Lovell Reeve . The travellers of modern date bid fair soon to leave no spot unvisited , for in all climes and lands we have adventurous spirits who wander forth for a holiday , and returning home , give us their impressions of AA'hat they have seen ancl heard . Fifty years to select
hence it will he a difficult task for an individual a locality , however remote , that has not been exp lored , and as a sure consequence , in those times , we shall he as well acquainted with the traveller ' s route ancl sights , from the numbers of visitors ivho will have left the story of their pilgrimage behind , as if we had visited the scenes for ourselves . But it is not the remembrances of the majority of the wanderers that will live , for travellers of the modern school are not unfrequcntly prosy and commonplace , cooking up a dish from John Murray ' s handbooks , and extracting information from the gossiping corner of the nearest local news-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Trip Five Thousand Miles Off.
It appeared somewhat strange to us , that notwithstanding the number of daring young military and naval men to be met at the Cape , Ave never encountered one who hacl even attempted the ascent of the Table mountain , on Avhich morning after morning Ave looked longingly , though the iveak state of our health ( the hope of benefiting Avhich had partly
induced us to undertake the trip ) , forbade the possibility of our scaling its rugged heights . But great as the labour must undoubtedly be , Ave do not think it is the fatigue deters adventurers , so much as the fear of being suddenly surrounded ( as many unfortunates have been ) by that mysterious cloud , and blown off the mountain by its accompanying gale , or walking
blindly over the edge , as has been the fate of others—and in either case perishing miserably . But though the ascent was denied us , Ave resolved to . mount sufficiently high to enjoy the panoramic view ofthe surrounding country ivhich the shoulder of the mountain affords . Wave after ivave of grassy swells Ave mountedeach greener
, and larger than the last , then through a few rugged ravines , until at length Ave stood under the refreshing shade of the fluttering silver trees . Despite the scorching heat of summer , it was a beautiful and fertile scene , AA'hich the Avicle frame of surrounding hills shut in—far spreading vineyards , ivith their affluence of leaves softening the light of the pale
meadows of ripening hay beside them , and teeming orchards glowing in the sunlight , and gardens filled with luxuriant fig trees ancl flashing laurels . Here and there ivere villages half hidden among oak plantations , and pleasant villas and quaint old many gabled Dutch houses , dotting the spaces between ; and winding slowly along , like a silvery seipent , ivere the shallow ivaters of the Salt Biver .
Our stay in the Cape district being on this occasion limited , AVC resolved to see as much of it as the time permitted , so in a few days ive took our departure for the village of Wynburg , that favourite locality of Avealthy Anglo-Indians , Avhose shadowy gardens are fluttering with , the white robes of Hindoo servants , and Avhose unpretending looking houses are
said within to rival the splendours of the Arabian Ni ghts . Our way lay over a ivell made road , shaded by noble trees , and bordered by gardens ancl A'ineyards , ancl rose ancl jasmine covered villas , and old gabled houses , each standing apart Avithin its hedge of tamarisk , or of prickly pear—that most grotesque of shrubs—ivith its huge massive leaves fringed round with tufts of crimson blossoms .
From Wynburg Ave next proceeded to Simon ' s Toivn , some ten miles further from Cape Town . For the first three miles Ave rode on through a continuance of the same pleasant shady avenue Avhich had brought us thus far ; but then the scene suddenly changed to a dreary barren region of naked sandhills and wild sandy flats , thinly clothed in patches with
tiny ice-plants , which glittered brightly in the sunshine . Mile after mile Ave toiled through the arid Avaste , Avell nigh scorched ancl blinded by the burning sunbeams ancl the fierce glare ofthe yellow sands , and right glad Avere Ave at length to issue from them on to the shores of the vast sea-lake , entitled False Bay . Another mile along the sands , and Ave opened
on Simon ' s Bay , closely shut in Avithin its girdle of hills , most conspicuous among which are the Bed Hill , famous for its rare botanical treasures , and the lofty and imposing Simon ' s Berg , Avhose brow is commonly garlanded Avith lily white clouds , oven though there may not be one in the sk y , Avhile every breath of Avind from among the hills is perfumed by the
fragrant heaths Avhich grow so thickly among them . Hacl we not known it before , the number of merry , frolicsome young midshipmen scampering among the sand hills , on every description of horse , and in every variety of drag , Avould have apprized us that ii'e were approaching the naval station , and noiv , turning the angle of the landlocked bay , 'we came upon a statel y tivodeoker , with her glossy sides pierced for fourscore guns , and her lofty spars tapering into the cloudless sky , with a tiny speck of crimson bunting
A Trip Five Thousand Miles Off.
fluttering at tho mizen iu token of a rear admiral ' s command . Grouped around her float the smaller ships of the squadron Avhich happen to be iu port ; for the Cape is tho head quarters of the piesfcilential West Coast station , Avhere so many bravo lives are annually expended in the endeavour to suppress the slave trade .
At the entrance of the town , in the midst of an extensive ? garden , stands the Admiralty House , with its vino-covered colonnade ; beyond is one of the prettiest and trimmest of little naval yards ; and round it and the Avhole bay , like a crescent , sweeps the principal street of the little town , stretching almost to the battery on the southern point , Avhere a flag is alivays hoisted to give notice of approaching vessels .
Above the toAvn , perched on every little ledge of the surrounding hills , are innumerable Avhite or yellow houses , half hidden among their bowery gardens . The first impression of the traveller is that Simon ' s Town has nothing but its blue bay ancl bluer sky , and the outline of its hillsto recommend itfor despite its gardensits
, , , general appearance is arid in the extreme ; but Avhen ni ght falls , ancl the moon rises , the magical change Ave sometimes see in a dissolving view takes p lace in the landscape , ancl it becomes one of the most charming and fairylike scenes imaginable . A soft dreamy beauty seems to rest on sea ancl shore , on hill and Avhite AA'alled dwelling , as if all things
Avere seen through a silver haze . This appearance is said to be occasioned b y the glittering particles of the sand reflecting the brilliant rays of the moon , as they come flashing cloivn through the transparent atmosphere . It is not in this sequestered little nook of the British dominions that one would expect to find a relic of one of her
greatest heroes . Yet there , at the time of our visit , occupying the ignoble post of sheer hulk , was the little vessel that in her jialmy days Avas the Badger man-of-war , ivhose deck Nelson first trod as captain . In after clays she Avas also the -first command of the gallant Collingv . ood . Surel y a better fate might have been found for even the decaying timbers of a vessel Avhich calls to mind two such names .
On the opposite side of False Bay is a- district entitled Hottentot's Holland . Towards the sea ancl bay it is bounded by a chain of mountains so high that during winter the . snow lies thick upon their peaks . On a subsequent visit to Simon ' s Town , Ave ourselves saw it there flashing brightly in the African sunshine ; and it is almost incredible how severely
the chill breeze blowing o \ -er their frozen surface was felt by those who during winter usually enjoy a temperature similar to the most genial of our Mays , The adage that ' - ' time and tide wait for no man , " Ai-as verified in my case , for ere I had half satisfied my interest respecting Cape Town and its beautiful environs , imperative
business and a ready coaster summoned me to tho eastern province , and it Avas on a subsequent visit that 1 learned many items of information related in the foregoing pages .
Reviews Of New Books.
Narrative of a Walking Tour in Brittany . By the Eev . J . M . Jki'iisox , F . S . A ., accompanied hy Notes of a Photographic Expedition , by LOVELL EEEYIO , F . L . S . London : Lovell Reeve . The travellers of modern date bid fair soon to leave no spot unvisited , for in all climes and lands we have adventurous spirits who wander forth for a holiday , and returning home , give us their impressions of AA'hat they have seen ancl heard . Fifty years to select
hence it will he a difficult task for an individual a locality , however remote , that has not been exp lored , and as a sure consequence , in those times , we shall he as well acquainted with the traveller ' s route ancl sights , from the numbers of visitors ivho will have left the story of their pilgrimage behind , as if we had visited the scenes for ourselves . But it is not the remembrances of the majority of the wanderers that will live , for travellers of the modern school are not unfrequcntly prosy and commonplace , cooking up a dish from John Murray ' s handbooks , and extracting information from the gossiping corner of the nearest local news-