Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . Sn-EZilZTJD . —Brilta - aiaLodge ( No . 162 ) . —A Lodgeof Emergency was held in the Freemason ' s Hall , Surrey-street , on Thursday , Sth inst . Bro . AVm . AVhite , jun ., AV . M ., and Prov . G . A . D . C . presided , and passed Bros . Hydes and Jenkinson to the . degree of F . C , and afterwards , in a very impressive manner , raised Bro . Richards to the sublime degree of MM
.. SHEFFIELD . —Poyal Brunsioiclc Lodge ( No . 373 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held in tiie Freemasons Hall , Surreystreet , on Monday , 9 th inst . Bro . T . Danby , P . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . Bartolome , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D . ; AV . AVhite , jun ., P . M ., and Prov . G . A . D . C ; AV . Longden , P . M . ; J . AV . Dixon , P . M . ; E . Harrison , P . M . ; A . Hay , AA . M . elect , 162 ; & c . Bro . AVhite presented Bro . Henry Harrison , the AV . M . elect , and he was
ably installed according to ancient custom by Bro . Danby . The brethren having saluted , and the lodge having been reduced to the first degree , Bro . Harrison appointed the following brethren as his officers , viz : —F . AV . Primrose , S . W . j E . Drury , J . AV . ; G . Stuart , Sec ; W . Jackson , S . D . ; E . AVailes , J . D . ; and J . AV . Dixon , I . G . The lodge being then closed the brethren sat down to an elegant banquet and spent a very pleasant and social evening . BEADTOBD . —Lodge of Mope ( No . 379 ) . —The regular meeting of
this lodge will take place on Monday , Dec . 16 th , when Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford has expressed his willingness to read his lecture on the traces of Freemasonry , and a full attendance is expected , the lodge being called for au early hour to dispose of the
business . HuDDEP . sriELD . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , December 6 th , at 5 P . M ., the WM . , Pro . Hardy , in the chair . Bro . John Clark having given proofs of proficiency , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . A favourable ballot having taken place for Messrs . Stott and Law ton , they were respectively initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masonry . Bro .
P . AI . AVm . Smith delivered the charge to the newly initiated brethren in his usual impressive manner . After which the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . Joe AVebb Tempest , late S . W ., took place . The ceremony was conducted by Bro . Wm . George Dyson , P . AI ., in his best style . The ceremony of installation being completed , the W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —J . R . AVebb , S . W . ; R , Skilbeck , J . AV . ; M . H . Hirst , Treas . ; J . T . Prince , Sec . ; D . Sykes , S . D . ; John Turpin , J . D . ; Joseph Robinson ,
I . G . ; AV . G . Dysoii , P . M ., and Joe AA ood , D . C . ; A . Jackson ; H . Baines , P . AL , and R . Eastwood , Purveyors ; and R . J . Elliott , J . Stoekwell , and Foden , Stewards ; G . AVoodhouse , Org . ; and J . Lee , Tyler . The lodge was closed in goodwill and harmony , at 9 P . M . The brethren then sat down in right good earnest to an excellent supper provided by the purveyors , after which they returned to the lodge-room , where a most harmonious and convivial evening ivas spent , the W . M . appearing perfectly at home in his new duties . During the past year nine gentlemen have been initiated into our noble Order , and one brother has joined this lodge .
GRAND MASONIC FESTIA AL AND TORCH-LIGHT PROCESSION AT IRVINE . ( From the Ayr Advertiser . ) " One hour with yon , and you , and you , Ilriirht links in mystic chain ; 0 ! i oft those joy ?
may we venev . ' , And often meet a ^ ain . " In our cohnns last week we gave a lengthened notice of a Masonic Festival at Kilmarnock—to-day we have to chronicle that of the Lodge Irvine St . Andrew ( No . 149 ) , which re-union came off in the Albert Hall , Irvine , on the niarht of Friday , the 29 th ult ,, under the very able presidency of R . W . Bro . Dr . Gray . The Dr . 's experience and acknowledged tact and capacity as a Ruler in the
East were calculated to attract a good attendance of the sister lodges in this province , and the crowded state of the hall in which the meeting was held showed how fully these anticinations had been realised . Previous to the opening of the lodge for the reception of visitors , the election of office-bearers was " proceeded with , and resulted as follows : —William AV . Gray , Esq ., R . AV . M . ; John Dick , Esq ., D . M . ; James A . Campbell , Esq ., P . M . ; David Findlay ,
S . AV . ; Thomas Anderson , J . W . ; Thomas AVatson , Treas . ; AVilliam Campbell , Sec . ; James Lewis , S . D , : Frederick Alexander , J . D . ; John M'Culloch , S . S . ; Peter Miller , J . S . ; C . Plenderleith , Tyler ; D . Murray Ly 0 n , , T , P . Grand A _ arden of Ayrshire .
"Admit" had scarcely dropped from tbe lips of the Representative of the AV . S ., when the proper officer ushered us into the " worshipful presence , " where we received a most refreshing welcome . The temporary lodge-room WAS gaily decorated for the occasion . In the E . was reared a gotliio arch broad enough to span the apartment from N . to S ., composed of evergreens , and so profusely interspersed with tempting clusters of bright-coloured Sevillesas to make it appear as if the Master and his satellites
, had embowered themselves in an orange grove . A transparancy of the Master ' s jewel hung in front of the chair , and darted its rays very effectively upon Tubal Cain and his fair companions , who occupied niches on the right and left of the Orient . In the disposition of the Pillars S . and B ., Dr . Gray , like Mother Kilwinning , clings to the primitive mode ; while the arrangement in this respect , said to have been introduced about the end of last century ,
obtains in most of the other lodges in this province . On each deputation being announced , the brethren of St . Andrew's received the members with the usual ceremony , and when all were assembled the list of visitors stood thus : —The Ancient or Mother Lodge , represented by Acting M . AV . Master Bro . D . Murray Lyon , J . W ., and the following brethren : —Robert AVylie , William M'Jannet ( banker ) , James Dickie ( pro-fiscal ) , Dr . Shields , J . CarruthersDavid AndrewsDavid GemmellC . Aitken
, , , ; Troon Navigation , ' led by R . W . Bro . Imrie ; Ayr Kilwinning , R . W . Bro . A . Guthrie ; Kilmarnock St . Andrew , R . AV . Bro . Caldwell ; Ayr Operative , R . W . Bro . Bryden ; Ayr Royal Arch , Bro . John Wilson ; Stevenston Thistle and Rose , Bro . Adam AAT . son ; Ayr and Renfrew Militia St . Paul ; Blair Dairy , Bro . Steven ; Ardrossan St . John , Bro . Robertson . After the usual loyal and standing Masonic toasts had been
disposed of , the R . W . President proposed " Mother Kilwinning . " The Mother Lodge was their nearest neighbour , and was bound to them by the stronarst ties . She was at all times a most welcome guest at the festive Board of Irvine St . Andrew : but hefeltneculiar pleasure
on this , the occasion of their present visit , in congratulating the Mother Lodge upon having at the head of their deputation that evening such a zealous and well-informed brother as he recognised in their Junior AVarden . There had been of late , the R . AV . M . remarked , an infusion of new blood into the management of their venerable neighbour ; and sincerely hoped that the liberal spirit which had dictated such an act would be amply rewarded in the additional influence and benefits that would thereby accrue to
the Mother Lodge , as well as to the Craft in general of this important province . He hoped that Mother Kilwinning would continue to receive fresh accessions of strength , and take a more active part than hitherto in the Masonic business of the county . He anticipated the speedy erection of Lodges of Instruction throughout the country . One had been successfully established in Glasgow , and he could see no reason why Ayrshire should be without one .
There was ample Masonic talent amongst them , waiting the opportunity to devolve itself . The more they went out among their neighbours , the more apparent became the necessity for a movement to effect that uniformity in their ritual , _ rc ., which was so much desiderated . There should be a oneness of their system throughout the world , and they should not rest contented until that that was reached . The Doctor ' s remarks on this subject were
judicious and well-timed , and made a favourable impression upon the minds of his guests . In reply , the Junior AVarden , Bro . LYOJT , after apologising for for the absence of Depute Master Conn , and stating the pleasure he felt in acknowledging the tonst Dr . Gray had offered for the acceptance of St . Andrew ' s guests on occasion of this their high festival , and referring to the great antiquitof the Mother Lod
rey ge , marked that " Masonry fans the flame of patriotism—it has no sympathy ivith tyranny or opressiou . AVashington , the soldier of American independence , and our own Iron Duke , Bruce , and Burns , were Masons ; and the thousands o ! : brethren who now swell the ranks of our army of A olunteers show that the race of patriotic Craftsmen is not yet extinct .
Mother Kilwinning being called upon for a toast , the head of the deputation begged to ignore for a few minutes the presence of the E . AV . Master , and , addressing tho AVardens and brethren , proposed " The good health of R . AV . Bro . Dr . Gray , and success to the Lodge Irvine St . Andrew . " The fact that Dr . Gray had for somany years held the principal chair of that lodge , " shelved how highly his valuable services were appreciated by the brethren of St . Andreiv . It was of great importance that the occupant of such
a responsible place should be a man of education and good social position . These qualifications Dr . Gray possessed iu a very high degree ; added to which he had a thorough knowledge of Masonry and of its usages . In Dr . Gray ' s presence ho should not say more than that it was the wish of every brother who knew him , that in his declining years he should continue to flourish like a green bay tree , and be long preserved to conduct the government of the lodge over which he had that evening been re-elected to preside .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) . Sn-EZilZTJD . —Brilta - aiaLodge ( No . 162 ) . —A Lodgeof Emergency was held in the Freemason ' s Hall , Surrey-street , on Thursday , Sth inst . Bro . AVm . AVhite , jun ., AV . M ., and Prov . G . A . D . C . presided , and passed Bros . Hydes and Jenkinson to the . degree of F . C , and afterwards , in a very impressive manner , raised Bro . Richards to the sublime degree of MM
.. SHEFFIELD . —Poyal Brunsioiclc Lodge ( No . 373 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held in tiie Freemasons Hall , Surreystreet , on Monday , 9 th inst . Bro . T . Danby , P . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . Bartolome , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . D . ; AV . AVhite , jun ., P . M ., and Prov . G . A . D . C ; AV . Longden , P . M . ; J . AV . Dixon , P . M . ; E . Harrison , P . M . ; A . Hay , AA . M . elect , 162 ; & c . Bro . AVhite presented Bro . Henry Harrison , the AV . M . elect , and he was
ably installed according to ancient custom by Bro . Danby . The brethren having saluted , and the lodge having been reduced to the first degree , Bro . Harrison appointed the following brethren as his officers , viz : —F . AV . Primrose , S . W . j E . Drury , J . AV . ; G . Stuart , Sec ; W . Jackson , S . D . ; E . AVailes , J . D . ; and J . AV . Dixon , I . G . The lodge being then closed the brethren sat down to an elegant banquet and spent a very pleasant and social evening . BEADTOBD . —Lodge of Mope ( No . 379 ) . —The regular meeting of
this lodge will take place on Monday , Dec . 16 th , when Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford has expressed his willingness to read his lecture on the traces of Freemasonry , and a full attendance is expected , the lodge being called for au early hour to dispose of the
business . HuDDEP . sriELD . —Lodge of Truth ( No . 763 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , December 6 th , at 5 P . M ., the WM . , Pro . Hardy , in the chair . Bro . John Clark having given proofs of proficiency , was passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . A favourable ballot having taken place for Messrs . Stott and Law ton , they were respectively initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masonry . Bro .
P . AI . AVm . Smith delivered the charge to the newly initiated brethren in his usual impressive manner . After which the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . Joe AVebb Tempest , late S . W ., took place . The ceremony was conducted by Bro . Wm . George Dyson , P . AI ., in his best style . The ceremony of installation being completed , the W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —J . R . AVebb , S . W . ; R , Skilbeck , J . AV . ; M . H . Hirst , Treas . ; J . T . Prince , Sec . ; D . Sykes , S . D . ; John Turpin , J . D . ; Joseph Robinson ,
I . G . ; AV . G . Dysoii , P . M ., and Joe AA ood , D . C . ; A . Jackson ; H . Baines , P . AL , and R . Eastwood , Purveyors ; and R . J . Elliott , J . Stoekwell , and Foden , Stewards ; G . AVoodhouse , Org . ; and J . Lee , Tyler . The lodge was closed in goodwill and harmony , at 9 P . M . The brethren then sat down in right good earnest to an excellent supper provided by the purveyors , after which they returned to the lodge-room , where a most harmonious and convivial evening ivas spent , the W . M . appearing perfectly at home in his new duties . During the past year nine gentlemen have been initiated into our noble Order , and one brother has joined this lodge .
GRAND MASONIC FESTIA AL AND TORCH-LIGHT PROCESSION AT IRVINE . ( From the Ayr Advertiser . ) " One hour with yon , and you , and you , Ilriirht links in mystic chain ; 0 ! i oft those joy ?
may we venev . ' , And often meet a ^ ain . " In our cohnns last week we gave a lengthened notice of a Masonic Festival at Kilmarnock—to-day we have to chronicle that of the Lodge Irvine St . Andrew ( No . 149 ) , which re-union came off in the Albert Hall , Irvine , on the niarht of Friday , the 29 th ult ,, under the very able presidency of R . W . Bro . Dr . Gray . The Dr . 's experience and acknowledged tact and capacity as a Ruler in the
East were calculated to attract a good attendance of the sister lodges in this province , and the crowded state of the hall in which the meeting was held showed how fully these anticinations had been realised . Previous to the opening of the lodge for the reception of visitors , the election of office-bearers was " proceeded with , and resulted as follows : —William AV . Gray , Esq ., R . AV . M . ; John Dick , Esq ., D . M . ; James A . Campbell , Esq ., P . M . ; David Findlay ,
S . AV . ; Thomas Anderson , J . W . ; Thomas AVatson , Treas . ; AVilliam Campbell , Sec . ; James Lewis , S . D , : Frederick Alexander , J . D . ; John M'Culloch , S . S . ; Peter Miller , J . S . ; C . Plenderleith , Tyler ; D . Murray Ly 0 n , , T , P . Grand A _ arden of Ayrshire .
"Admit" had scarcely dropped from tbe lips of the Representative of the AV . S ., when the proper officer ushered us into the " worshipful presence , " where we received a most refreshing welcome . The temporary lodge-room WAS gaily decorated for the occasion . In the E . was reared a gotliio arch broad enough to span the apartment from N . to S ., composed of evergreens , and so profusely interspersed with tempting clusters of bright-coloured Sevillesas to make it appear as if the Master and his satellites
, had embowered themselves in an orange grove . A transparancy of the Master ' s jewel hung in front of the chair , and darted its rays very effectively upon Tubal Cain and his fair companions , who occupied niches on the right and left of the Orient . In the disposition of the Pillars S . and B ., Dr . Gray , like Mother Kilwinning , clings to the primitive mode ; while the arrangement in this respect , said to have been introduced about the end of last century ,
obtains in most of the other lodges in this province . On each deputation being announced , the brethren of St . Andrew's received the members with the usual ceremony , and when all were assembled the list of visitors stood thus : —The Ancient or Mother Lodge , represented by Acting M . AV . Master Bro . D . Murray Lyon , J . W ., and the following brethren : —Robert AVylie , William M'Jannet ( banker ) , James Dickie ( pro-fiscal ) , Dr . Shields , J . CarruthersDavid AndrewsDavid GemmellC . Aitken
, , , ; Troon Navigation , ' led by R . W . Bro . Imrie ; Ayr Kilwinning , R . W . Bro . A . Guthrie ; Kilmarnock St . Andrew , R . AV . Bro . Caldwell ; Ayr Operative , R . W . Bro . Bryden ; Ayr Royal Arch , Bro . John Wilson ; Stevenston Thistle and Rose , Bro . Adam AAT . son ; Ayr and Renfrew Militia St . Paul ; Blair Dairy , Bro . Steven ; Ardrossan St . John , Bro . Robertson . After the usual loyal and standing Masonic toasts had been
disposed of , the R . W . President proposed " Mother Kilwinning . " The Mother Lodge was their nearest neighbour , and was bound to them by the stronarst ties . She was at all times a most welcome guest at the festive Board of Irvine St . Andrew : but hefeltneculiar pleasure
on this , the occasion of their present visit , in congratulating the Mother Lodge upon having at the head of their deputation that evening such a zealous and well-informed brother as he recognised in their Junior AVarden . There had been of late , the R . AV . M . remarked , an infusion of new blood into the management of their venerable neighbour ; and sincerely hoped that the liberal spirit which had dictated such an act would be amply rewarded in the additional influence and benefits that would thereby accrue to
the Mother Lodge , as well as to the Craft in general of this important province . He hoped that Mother Kilwinning would continue to receive fresh accessions of strength , and take a more active part than hitherto in the Masonic business of the county . He anticipated the speedy erection of Lodges of Instruction throughout the country . One had been successfully established in Glasgow , and he could see no reason why Ayrshire should be without one .
There was ample Masonic talent amongst them , waiting the opportunity to devolve itself . The more they went out among their neighbours , the more apparent became the necessity for a movement to effect that uniformity in their ritual , _ rc ., which was so much desiderated . There should be a oneness of their system throughout the world , and they should not rest contented until that that was reached . The Doctor ' s remarks on this subject were
judicious and well-timed , and made a favourable impression upon the minds of his guests . In reply , the Junior AVarden , Bro . LYOJT , after apologising for for the absence of Depute Master Conn , and stating the pleasure he felt in acknowledging the tonst Dr . Gray had offered for the acceptance of St . Andrew ' s guests on occasion of this their high festival , and referring to the great antiquitof the Mother Lod
rey ge , marked that " Masonry fans the flame of patriotism—it has no sympathy ivith tyranny or opressiou . AVashington , the soldier of American independence , and our own Iron Duke , Bruce , and Burns , were Masons ; and the thousands o ! : brethren who now swell the ranks of our army of A olunteers show that the race of patriotic Craftsmen is not yet extinct .
Mother Kilwinning being called upon for a toast , the head of the deputation begged to ignore for a few minutes the presence of the E . AV . Master , and , addressing tho AVardens and brethren , proposed " The good health of R . AV . Bro . Dr . Gray , and success to the Lodge Irvine St . Andrew . " The fact that Dr . Gray had for somany years held the principal chair of that lodge , " shelved how highly his valuable services were appreciated by the brethren of St . Andreiv . It was of great importance that the occupant of such
a responsible place should be a man of education and good social position . These qualifications Dr . Gray possessed iu a very high degree ; added to which he had a thorough knowledge of Masonry and of its usages . In Dr . Gray ' s presence ho should not say more than that it was the wish of every brother who knew him , that in his declining years he should continue to flourish like a green bay tree , and be long preserved to conduct the government of the lodge over which he had that evening been re-elected to preside .