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DE . GEAY entirely reciprocated the kind sentiments which had just been uttered " by Mother Kilwinning's J . AV . But eighty-two years had elapsed since Irvine St . Andrew's had been brought into existence , and yet there hacl been nineteen occupants of the chair he had the honour to hold ; of these , fourteen had traversed the level of time to that bourne whence no traveller returns . There
were many honoured names among their departed Past Masters , and pleasing- associations connected with their memory . Only four besides himself who had passed the chair were alive , and his respected brother on his left , J . A . Campbell , was one of them . It ivas almost superfluous for him to say that ; he took a deep interest in the well-being of the Lodge St . Andrew ; and he was glad to be able to report that it was truly in a flourishing condition . About forty new members had been added to their
rollmany of whom he trusted would follow in the footsteps of the worthy brethren who had preceded them , and render themselves both useful and ornamental members of the mother lodge . Bro . STEVEN , of Blair Dairy , hoped the key-note so distinctly struck by Bro . Gray would reverberate from one end of the county to the other , until Mother Kilwinning took up the note . They looked to the mother lodge to take the initiative in the establishment of Lodges of Instructionand the revivification of the
, Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire—the interest and good government of the Craft required such a step , and he hoped Sir James Fergusson and the other office-bearers of Mother Kilwinning would now enter upon the subject . The lodges present were severally complimented , as were also the office bearers of No . 149 . Several other toasts were
given , among which were— " The Memory of Past Master Thomas Muir , " from the Chair _ "The Ladies , coupled with Mrs . Dr . Gray , " by Mother Kilwinning ; and "The Press , " coupled with our Masonic Reporter ' s health . In inaugurating the introduction , in this quarter at least , of " The Press" at Masonic gatherings . Dr . Gray remarked that the day had gone by , and he hoped for ever , when Freemasons dreaded the light of the Press being thrown upon their meetings : and he was delihted at having in their midst that
g evening a well-known brother , from whose pen had flowed many contributions to Masonic literature ( Bro . D . Murray Lyon ) . He assured " Delta" that the Masonic news given through the columns of the Ayr Advertiser was very highly appreciated by the Craft . During the evening Bro . LEE added largely to the enjoyment of the brethren by the admirable way in which he rendered " Loudoun ' s Bonny AVoods and Braes , " and other favourite songs , and also
by the cheerful response he gave to the encores of his delighted listeners . Bro . MILLEK was loudly called for , and sang with his usual good taste . Bro . M'NEILLAGE , of Troon Navigation , kept the brethren in roars of laughter during his relation of a comic story for which he is famed . The Kilwinning Masonic Band discoursed sweet music between the toasts , and along with the fine band of the Irvine Volunteer Corps , who very handsomely tendered ,
their services gratuitously , accompanied the brethren in their torchlight procession through the principal streets of the burgh—a useand-wont custom which seems to be highly relished by the lasses of Irvine , if we may judge from the coveted attentions the fair ones bestow upon the mystic brethren when they deign , in Masonic insigna and flambeaux in hand , to visit the good folks of Irvine . Low twelve saw the various deputations en route homewards , at which hour also the festivities of Irvine St . Andrew were brought to a seemingly happy termination .
AYB KILAVINK - met on Monday , Dec . 2 , and elected the followins office-bearers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Archd . Guthrie , R . AV . M . ; Andrew M'Gaan , D . M . ; George Good , P . AL ; Robert Fergusson , S . W . ; John Dove , J . AV . ; Robert Fergusson , Treas . ; James S . M'llraith , Secretary ; Rev . James Crawford , Chap . ; Robert R . M'Jannet , S . D . ; James M'Comb , J . D . ; William Redmond , S . B . ; David Love , Steward ; Robert Liinond , Tyler .
GLASGOAV . —Dodge of St . Patriclc ( No . 17 S . )—The office-bearers of the Provincial Grand Lodge met iu the King's Arms Hall , on Monday , December the 9 th , to revive the Lodge St . Patrick . About 100 members of the Craft were present from the several lodges in the province . The officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge were Bros . Donald Campbell , Depute Prov . G . M . ; J . Cruikshank , substitute Prov . G . M . ; John Davidson , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Dr . Pritchard ,
Acting Prov . G . J . AV . ; J . Dunbar , Prov . G . Sec . ; E . Smith , Prov . G . J . D ., & c . The Depute Prov . G . M . read excerpts from the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and stated that in accordance therewith , he had authorised the revival of the Lodge St . Patrick . He thereafter opened the lodge and gave a short charge to Bro . Barclay , the R . AV . M ., warning both him and the brethren to take more care in the admission of members than had been done in the case which had been the cause of their suspension . He then handed over the chartei and books to the l _ . ___ . i __ ., and placed him
in the chair . In assuming the chair , Bro . BAECIAY thanked the office-bearers for their presence on this , the occasion of their revival and acknowledged the lenient manner in which the lodge had been dealt with . He then gave notice of motion for the expulsion of the brother who had been unwittingly permitted to join the Order on what was believed to be a good recommendation , as well as a citation to the brother who had been the means of introducing
him , to show cause why steps should not be taken against him . The meeting vras of the most harmonious description , and one and all of the brethren present congratulated the members of the lodge on their restoration to Masonic privileges . The J . AV . having exercised the functions of his office , a pleasant and happy hour was spent , when the Prov . G . Officers retired , and shortly thereafter the ledge was closed .
BENGAL . DISTEICT GEAND LODGE . ( Prom , the Indian " Freemasons' Friend . " ) A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was held at the Freemason ' s Hall on the 23 rd September 1861 , the Offg . Prov . G . M ., R . AV . Bro . J . J . L . Hoft . being in the
Eastern Chair . The OFEG . PEOV . G . M . stated that he had nothing to lay before the District Grand Lodge ivhich would seriously occupy its attention , except the long pending case of W . Bro . J . R . Douglas , late Master of Lodge Kilwinning in the East . He was glad to seo that Bro . Douglas was present . It was needless to recapitulate all that had passed in the matter . Perhaps it would be sufficient if the
Prov . G . Secretary were to read the proceedings of the last meeting on the subject , a copy of whieh had been furnished to Bro . Douglas . The PEOV . G . SEC , read the following extract from the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication : — "It was proposed by R . AV . Bro . Roberts that , as Bro . Douglas had paid a portion of the dues , and was in hopes of recovering more , he should be allowed further time , till the Quaterly Communication
of September next , when , if it should appear that he had not fully met the demand against him , or if he did not personally satisfy the District Grand Lodge that there hacl been no wilful neglect of authority or spirit of contumacy on his part , he ( Bro . Roberts ) pledged himself that he would move for his expulsion , with a view to upholding discipline . The Offg . Prov . G . M ., he added , should himself determine whether Bro . Douglas hacl met the requirements of the case .
"E . W . Bro . SANDEMAH - rose to second the motion . He observed that the Master of a lodge was expected to make himself acquainted ivith the responsibilities which he took up , and to adopt such measures with respect to those working under his Hiram as would enable him to meet those responsibilities . Considering that no satisfactory explanation had been given of tho extraordinary delay ivhich had taken place in settling the matter , he considered that Bro . Douglas was being very leniently dealt with .
" The proposition being put to the vote , ivas carried , there beingonly one vote against it . " The Offg . Prov . G . M . — " Before we proceed further , it is right that we should hear what explanation Bro . Douglas has to offer . " AV . Bro . DOUGLAS , who was dressed in the gold and crimson collar of the Scotch Lodgo of ivhich he is a member , being called upon , rose and spoke as follows : — " R . AV . Sir and Brethren , —
After a Masonic career of twenty years , during which I have maintained an unblemished character , it is with deep regret that I find myself called upon to show cause wh y I should not be expelled from Freemasonry . If I were to be called upon by any body of Masons , whether English , or Scotch , or French , or American , to answer any Masonic charge , I would consider it my bounden duty to obey the summons . It is for this reason that I now appear . I have been required to show cause why I should not be visited
with the penalty of expulsion . It must be either because I am charged ivith embezzlement , or with contumacy , or with neglect of duty . One of these three it must be . Noiv as to embezzlement , I ask whether there is any brother here who will accuse noe of such a crime ; and I pause for a reply . The charge of contumacy is easily disposed of . Before the last Quarterly Communication , I received a letter from the Provincial Grand Secretary , informing me that , under a resolution of the District Grand Lodge , I ivas expected to pay up the clues of the late Lodge
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
DE . GEAY entirely reciprocated the kind sentiments which had just been uttered " by Mother Kilwinning's J . AV . But eighty-two years had elapsed since Irvine St . Andrew's had been brought into existence , and yet there hacl been nineteen occupants of the chair he had the honour to hold ; of these , fourteen had traversed the level of time to that bourne whence no traveller returns . There
were many honoured names among their departed Past Masters , and pleasing- associations connected with their memory . Only four besides himself who had passed the chair were alive , and his respected brother on his left , J . A . Campbell , was one of them . It ivas almost superfluous for him to say that ; he took a deep interest in the well-being of the Lodge St . Andrew ; and he was glad to be able to report that it was truly in a flourishing condition . About forty new members had been added to their
rollmany of whom he trusted would follow in the footsteps of the worthy brethren who had preceded them , and render themselves both useful and ornamental members of the mother lodge . Bro . STEVEN , of Blair Dairy , hoped the key-note so distinctly struck by Bro . Gray would reverberate from one end of the county to the other , until Mother Kilwinning took up the note . They looked to the mother lodge to take the initiative in the establishment of Lodges of Instructionand the revivification of the
, Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire—the interest and good government of the Craft required such a step , and he hoped Sir James Fergusson and the other office-bearers of Mother Kilwinning would now enter upon the subject . The lodges present were severally complimented , as were also the office bearers of No . 149 . Several other toasts were
given , among which were— " The Memory of Past Master Thomas Muir , " from the Chair _ "The Ladies , coupled with Mrs . Dr . Gray , " by Mother Kilwinning ; and "The Press , " coupled with our Masonic Reporter ' s health . In inaugurating the introduction , in this quarter at least , of " The Press" at Masonic gatherings . Dr . Gray remarked that the day had gone by , and he hoped for ever , when Freemasons dreaded the light of the Press being thrown upon their meetings : and he was delihted at having in their midst that
g evening a well-known brother , from whose pen had flowed many contributions to Masonic literature ( Bro . D . Murray Lyon ) . He assured " Delta" that the Masonic news given through the columns of the Ayr Advertiser was very highly appreciated by the Craft . During the evening Bro . LEE added largely to the enjoyment of the brethren by the admirable way in which he rendered " Loudoun ' s Bonny AVoods and Braes , " and other favourite songs , and also
by the cheerful response he gave to the encores of his delighted listeners . Bro . MILLEK was loudly called for , and sang with his usual good taste . Bro . M'NEILLAGE , of Troon Navigation , kept the brethren in roars of laughter during his relation of a comic story for which he is famed . The Kilwinning Masonic Band discoursed sweet music between the toasts , and along with the fine band of the Irvine Volunteer Corps , who very handsomely tendered ,
their services gratuitously , accompanied the brethren in their torchlight procession through the principal streets of the burgh—a useand-wont custom which seems to be highly relished by the lasses of Irvine , if we may judge from the coveted attentions the fair ones bestow upon the mystic brethren when they deign , in Masonic insigna and flambeaux in hand , to visit the good folks of Irvine . Low twelve saw the various deputations en route homewards , at which hour also the festivities of Irvine St . Andrew were brought to a seemingly happy termination .
AYB KILAVINK - met on Monday , Dec . 2 , and elected the followins office-bearers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Archd . Guthrie , R . AV . M . ; Andrew M'Gaan , D . M . ; George Good , P . AL ; Robert Fergusson , S . W . ; John Dove , J . AV . ; Robert Fergusson , Treas . ; James S . M'llraith , Secretary ; Rev . James Crawford , Chap . ; Robert R . M'Jannet , S . D . ; James M'Comb , J . D . ; William Redmond , S . B . ; David Love , Steward ; Robert Liinond , Tyler .
GLASGOAV . —Dodge of St . Patriclc ( No . 17 S . )—The office-bearers of the Provincial Grand Lodge met iu the King's Arms Hall , on Monday , December the 9 th , to revive the Lodge St . Patrick . About 100 members of the Craft were present from the several lodges in the province . The officers of the Provincial Grand Lodge were Bros . Donald Campbell , Depute Prov . G . M . ; J . Cruikshank , substitute Prov . G . M . ; John Davidson , Prov . G . S . AV . ; Dr . Pritchard ,
Acting Prov . G . J . AV . ; J . Dunbar , Prov . G . Sec . ; E . Smith , Prov . G . J . D ., & c . The Depute Prov . G . M . read excerpts from the minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , and stated that in accordance therewith , he had authorised the revival of the Lodge St . Patrick . He thereafter opened the lodge and gave a short charge to Bro . Barclay , the R . AV . M ., warning both him and the brethren to take more care in the admission of members than had been done in the case which had been the cause of their suspension . He then handed over the chartei and books to the l _ . ___ . i __ ., and placed him
in the chair . In assuming the chair , Bro . BAECIAY thanked the office-bearers for their presence on this , the occasion of their revival and acknowledged the lenient manner in which the lodge had been dealt with . He then gave notice of motion for the expulsion of the brother who had been unwittingly permitted to join the Order on what was believed to be a good recommendation , as well as a citation to the brother who had been the means of introducing
him , to show cause why steps should not be taken against him . The meeting vras of the most harmonious description , and one and all of the brethren present congratulated the members of the lodge on their restoration to Masonic privileges . The J . AV . having exercised the functions of his office , a pleasant and happy hour was spent , when the Prov . G . Officers retired , and shortly thereafter the ledge was closed .
BENGAL . DISTEICT GEAND LODGE . ( Prom , the Indian " Freemasons' Friend . " ) A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was held at the Freemason ' s Hall on the 23 rd September 1861 , the Offg . Prov . G . M ., R . AV . Bro . J . J . L . Hoft . being in the
Eastern Chair . The OFEG . PEOV . G . M . stated that he had nothing to lay before the District Grand Lodge ivhich would seriously occupy its attention , except the long pending case of W . Bro . J . R . Douglas , late Master of Lodge Kilwinning in the East . He was glad to seo that Bro . Douglas was present . It was needless to recapitulate all that had passed in the matter . Perhaps it would be sufficient if the
Prov . G . Secretary were to read the proceedings of the last meeting on the subject , a copy of whieh had been furnished to Bro . Douglas . The PEOV . G . SEC , read the following extract from the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication : — "It was proposed by R . AV . Bro . Roberts that , as Bro . Douglas had paid a portion of the dues , and was in hopes of recovering more , he should be allowed further time , till the Quaterly Communication
of September next , when , if it should appear that he had not fully met the demand against him , or if he did not personally satisfy the District Grand Lodge that there hacl been no wilful neglect of authority or spirit of contumacy on his part , he ( Bro . Roberts ) pledged himself that he would move for his expulsion , with a view to upholding discipline . The Offg . Prov . G . M ., he added , should himself determine whether Bro . Douglas hacl met the requirements of the case .
"E . W . Bro . SANDEMAH - rose to second the motion . He observed that the Master of a lodge was expected to make himself acquainted ivith the responsibilities which he took up , and to adopt such measures with respect to those working under his Hiram as would enable him to meet those responsibilities . Considering that no satisfactory explanation had been given of tho extraordinary delay ivhich had taken place in settling the matter , he considered that Bro . Douglas was being very leniently dealt with .
" The proposition being put to the vote , ivas carried , there beingonly one vote against it . " The Offg . Prov . G . M . — " Before we proceed further , it is right that we should hear what explanation Bro . Douglas has to offer . " AV . Bro . DOUGLAS , who was dressed in the gold and crimson collar of the Scotch Lodgo of ivhich he is a member , being called upon , rose and spoke as follows : — " R . AV . Sir and Brethren , —
After a Masonic career of twenty years , during which I have maintained an unblemished character , it is with deep regret that I find myself called upon to show cause wh y I should not be expelled from Freemasonry . If I were to be called upon by any body of Masons , whether English , or Scotch , or French , or American , to answer any Masonic charge , I would consider it my bounden duty to obey the summons . It is for this reason that I now appear . I have been required to show cause why I should not be visited
with the penalty of expulsion . It must be either because I am charged ivith embezzlement , or with contumacy , or with neglect of duty . One of these three it must be . Noiv as to embezzlement , I ask whether there is any brother here who will accuse noe of such a crime ; and I pause for a reply . The charge of contumacy is easily disposed of . Before the last Quarterly Communication , I received a letter from the Provincial Grand Secretary , informing me that , under a resolution of the District Grand Lodge , I ivas expected to pay up the clues of the late Lodge