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Lodge Industry and Perseverance ( No . 126 ) , met on the 4 th October , for the purpose of raising Bros . J . Young and Peter Taylor , the latter under a dispensation , at the request of Lodge St . John . Lodge Humility with Fortitude ( No . 279 ) , met on the 7 th October , for the purpose of initiating Mr . Edward Symouds . Donations were voted to two widows , and the question as to whether there should or should not be a procession on St . John ' s Day was
discussed ancl decided hi the affirmative . At the supper table the Rev . Bro . Lindstedt responded to the toast of the visitors . Lodge St . John ( No . 715 ) had a large gathering oil the 13 th September , when AV . Bro . J . AA " . Brown , P . M ., initiated Mr . 11 . T . Martin , Barrister-at-law , and Capt . Peter Taylor , Commander of the China steamer Lightning , and passed Bro . J . Young , under a dispensation , at the request of Lodge Industry and Perseverance .
Lodge- - Excelsior ( No . 1127 ) met on the 1 st October , for the purpose of initiating Mr . H . Stunner , G . E ., and balloting for the initiation of Mr . AA . L . Granville . SIMLA . A correspondent writes from Simla : —The lodge here , I regret to sayis not working very smoothly . The new MasterBro .
, , Melville Clarke , left for Cashmere shortly after his election . Bro . Cheek , the Senior AVarden , and Bro . Elliott , have resigned . The last two regular nights of meeting passed by without the lodge being opened ; but an emergent meeting was convened by the Junior AVarden on the Sth September , when , in the absence of any qualified member of the lodge , Bro . Ball , of the Lahore Lodge , who is on a visit here , raised a brother to the third degree .. It appears to me that the removal of a few of the members of the lodge would
cause a great improvement . The good men and true at the Station should exert themselves a little , and , iu a conciliatory spirit , endeavour to correct the weakness of others , when , I am sure , the lodge would soon become again what it once was , one of the best out of Calcutta .
" The Knight Templar Encampment at this sanatorium , which had held no meeting since its formation last year , was opened on the 17 th inst . Sir Knight S . E . Beechey was elected Excellent Commander for tho current year , and three worthy Companions were admitted to the degree , viz ., T . Graham ( P . M . of Lodge Triune Brotherhood , and P . Z . of the Dalhousie Chapter ); H . P . Bishop ( P . Z . of the Umba . Ua Chapter ) ; and Companion Hale , of the 6 th Irregular Cavalry .
LAHORE . A correspondent , writing ou the 23 rd September , says -. — " Our AVorshipful Master , Bro . Ball , having proceeded on leave to Simla , has left our lodge under the charge of our worthy and Worshipful Bro . R . E . Egerton . The fearful visitation of cholera has almost entirely disappeared ; but a gloom still hangs over our community . There are fifteen widows in the 51 st Regiment alone ; our lodge has contributed 200 rupees towards their relief . "
Knights Templar.
GRAND CONCLAVE . The first half-yearly meeting of Grand Conclave was held in the great hall of Freemasons' Tavern on Friday , the 6 th instant . There was a very fair muster of Sir Knts . present , including the M . E . and S . G . M ., Sir Knt . AVilliam Stuart on the throne , " supported by the AMI . and E . D . G . M ., Colonel Vernon ; the A . E .
Prov . G . Corns ., William Crittenden , Cheshire ; Dr . Hinxman , Kent ; S . Bryant , Gloucestershire and City of Bristol ; and George Francis , Hertfordshire . The Grand Officers , Eev . Edward Moore , G . Pre ! . ; Burchell Heme , 1 st . G . Capt . ; AV . H . Spratt , 2 nd G . Capt . ; M . H . Shuttieworth , G . Vice-Chan , and G . Almoner ; J . Newton Tomkins , G . Treas . ; AV . Blenkin , G . Chamberlain ; D . H . Stone , 1 st G . Exp . ; Bev . C . M . Style , 2 nd G . Exp . ; J . W . Figg , 1 st G . Standard-bearer ; AV . ' J . "
Meymott , G . Dir . of Cers . \ Dr . Hood , 1 st . G . Herald ; Matthew Cooke , G . Org . ; J . M . Thearle , G . Banner-bearer , and W . Rice and Smith , G . Equerries . From the Stuart Encampment , Sir Knts . T . Rogers , Jas . Burton , Chas . Davy , H . C . Finch , Henry George Warren , and Geo . Lambert . From the Faith and Fidelity , G . AVorbey , P . G . C ; and Brackstone Baker , P . G . S . B . From the St . Georges ' s , A . Lisson , R . Costa , P . G . O . ; II . Goddard , P . J . Sparks , F . M . Guibilei , and It . Spencer , P . G . S . B ; Ail Souls , Thos . Coombs ;
Frederick of Unity , Thos . Beaumont , P . G . H . ; Kemeys Tynte , W . Smith , C . E ., P . G . S . B ., and E . Eraser ; Prince Edward ' s , R . R . Nelson , P . G . H . ; Cceur cle Lion , R . J . Spiers , P . G . C . ; Capt . Barrett Lennard , Grand Conclave of Scotland ; and C . Armstrong , Dublin , and others with whose names we are unacquainted . The proceedings of the day were as follows . Grand Conclave was opened in due and ancient form with solemn prayer . By order of the M . E . S . G . M . the G . Vice-Chancellor read
the summons convening the meeting . The minutes of the Grand Conclave , held on the 10 th of May , 1 S 61 , were read and confirmed . The following report of the Committee of General Purposes was read ancl ordered to be entered on the minutes : — In their last report , your Committee expressed their sanguine expectations that the unfortunate differences so long existing between Grand Conclave and the Baldwyn Encampment at
Bristol , would be brought to an honourable and satisfactory termination ; and they very much regret that their brother knights at Bristol still decline to waive the only point now remaining unsettled , ancl ivhich they allege will affect the Baldwyn Encampment only , the Committee having agreed to concede all their other stipulations . Your Committee , however , feel assured Grand Conclave will
consider the Grand Master could not , with due regard to the high and responsible office he so worthily holds , sanction the proposition ivhich would give the Knights of the Baldwyn the right to nominate in effect their own Provincial Grand Commanders , and ivhich would introduce a precedent ivhich might hereafter prove fatal to the exercise of his proper and legitimate authority . In conclusion , your Committee have again the satisfaction of congratulating Grand Conclave upon the steadincrease and
cony tinued prosperity of the Order . ( Signed ) M . H . SHUTTLE AVOETH . 30 ° , G . Alce-Chancellor and Almoner . Fov . 1 st , 1861 . The G . VICE-CHAICCELLOE , by command of the M . E . S . G . M ., then laid before Grand Conclave a draft of a charter of union
received from the Baldwyn Encampment at Bristol , and informed the Sir Knts . that a deputation from that body was in attendance to explain any difficulties that might arise . The G . Treas ., Sir Knt . J . NETVIOS" TOJIKES'S , then read the document in question , which , may be summarised as follows : —That it is desirable the Baldwyn , and its affiliated encampments , should be under the control of the M . E . and S . G . M . aud his successors , from the date of signing the articles referred to . That the city and county of Bristol should be
constituted a District Provincial Commandery . That , on the ground of immemorial custom , the Baldwyn Encampment should take precedence of all other encampments holding under Grand Conclave . That its affiliated encampments , viz ., the Antiquity , Bath ; Ascalon , Birmingham ; Holy-Rood , AVarwick ; A ale of Jehospphafc , Highbridge ; A ale Royal , Salisbury ; and Percy , Adelaide , S . Australia , take precedence according to the dates of their respective warrants . All the property and effects of the Baldwyn , and its daughter encampments , to remain vested in the custody of their Treasurers for the time being . No fees for registration in the books of the Grand Conclave to be demanded from
any of those encampments . [ This was not clearly defined as to its being retrospective only , or to be taken as applying to the past , present , and future . ] All future and present members of those bodies to pay to Grand Conclave an annual fee of one shilling . The principal objection to the receipt of the draft rose from its signature which ran thus : —Given under our hand and seal this day of A . D . 1861 , A . O . 743 , A . L . 5861 . Approved on behalf of the Encampment of Baldwyn [ the triple Cross of Salem
was inserted here ] David William Nash , M . E . and Supreme Grand Master . " The A . H . and E . D . G . M ., Col . A ' ernon , most strenuously objected to receive any such document whilst it was presented with such a signature . —The A . E . Prov . G . Com ., Dr . Hinxman , also took the same ground urging that the G . Conclave could not patiently sit and allow anything to be brought before them which implied a divided allegiance , there being but one M . E . and S . G . M . their own well-beloved Sir Knt . Stuartwho had been
, , enthroned as the head of the Order in England and the Colonies . —Sir Knt . Meymott observed he took it as applying only to the Baldwyn and its dependant bodies . —The V . E . Dr . Hinxman , opposed the admission of the deputation until they had done fealty the the M . E . Z . and S . G . M . An animated discussion on ' this point followed in which Sir Knts . Tonikins , Thearle , Hinxman , Nelson , Spratt , and others , took part , which resulted in a
proposition , that some members should go out and ascertain what powers the deputation possessed , and for this purpose the M . E . and S . G . M ., nominated Sir Knts . Tomkins , Hinxman , Bryant and Meymott , and they retired accordingly . After some little time they returned , and informed the M . E . and S . G . M . of the result of their interview with the deputation , which was to the effect that as they , the deputation , had taken au oath of allegiance to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Industry and Perseverance ( No . 126 ) , met on the 4 th October , for the purpose of raising Bros . J . Young and Peter Taylor , the latter under a dispensation , at the request of Lodge St . John . Lodge Humility with Fortitude ( No . 279 ) , met on the 7 th October , for the purpose of initiating Mr . Edward Symouds . Donations were voted to two widows , and the question as to whether there should or should not be a procession on St . John ' s Day was
discussed ancl decided hi the affirmative . At the supper table the Rev . Bro . Lindstedt responded to the toast of the visitors . Lodge St . John ( No . 715 ) had a large gathering oil the 13 th September , when AV . Bro . J . AA " . Brown , P . M ., initiated Mr . 11 . T . Martin , Barrister-at-law , and Capt . Peter Taylor , Commander of the China steamer Lightning , and passed Bro . J . Young , under a dispensation , at the request of Lodge Industry and Perseverance .
Lodge- - Excelsior ( No . 1127 ) met on the 1 st October , for the purpose of initiating Mr . H . Stunner , G . E ., and balloting for the initiation of Mr . AA . L . Granville . SIMLA . A correspondent writes from Simla : —The lodge here , I regret to sayis not working very smoothly . The new MasterBro .
, , Melville Clarke , left for Cashmere shortly after his election . Bro . Cheek , the Senior AVarden , and Bro . Elliott , have resigned . The last two regular nights of meeting passed by without the lodge being opened ; but an emergent meeting was convened by the Junior AVarden on the Sth September , when , in the absence of any qualified member of the lodge , Bro . Ball , of the Lahore Lodge , who is on a visit here , raised a brother to the third degree .. It appears to me that the removal of a few of the members of the lodge would
cause a great improvement . The good men and true at the Station should exert themselves a little , and , iu a conciliatory spirit , endeavour to correct the weakness of others , when , I am sure , the lodge would soon become again what it once was , one of the best out of Calcutta .
" The Knight Templar Encampment at this sanatorium , which had held no meeting since its formation last year , was opened on the 17 th inst . Sir Knight S . E . Beechey was elected Excellent Commander for tho current year , and three worthy Companions were admitted to the degree , viz ., T . Graham ( P . M . of Lodge Triune Brotherhood , and P . Z . of the Dalhousie Chapter ); H . P . Bishop ( P . Z . of the Umba . Ua Chapter ) ; and Companion Hale , of the 6 th Irregular Cavalry .
LAHORE . A correspondent , writing ou the 23 rd September , says -. — " Our AVorshipful Master , Bro . Ball , having proceeded on leave to Simla , has left our lodge under the charge of our worthy and Worshipful Bro . R . E . Egerton . The fearful visitation of cholera has almost entirely disappeared ; but a gloom still hangs over our community . There are fifteen widows in the 51 st Regiment alone ; our lodge has contributed 200 rupees towards their relief . "
Knights Templar.
GRAND CONCLAVE . The first half-yearly meeting of Grand Conclave was held in the great hall of Freemasons' Tavern on Friday , the 6 th instant . There was a very fair muster of Sir Knts . present , including the M . E . and S . G . M ., Sir Knt . AVilliam Stuart on the throne , " supported by the AMI . and E . D . G . M ., Colonel Vernon ; the A . E .
Prov . G . Corns ., William Crittenden , Cheshire ; Dr . Hinxman , Kent ; S . Bryant , Gloucestershire and City of Bristol ; and George Francis , Hertfordshire . The Grand Officers , Eev . Edward Moore , G . Pre ! . ; Burchell Heme , 1 st . G . Capt . ; AV . H . Spratt , 2 nd G . Capt . ; M . H . Shuttieworth , G . Vice-Chan , and G . Almoner ; J . Newton Tomkins , G . Treas . ; AV . Blenkin , G . Chamberlain ; D . H . Stone , 1 st G . Exp . ; Bev . C . M . Style , 2 nd G . Exp . ; J . W . Figg , 1 st G . Standard-bearer ; AV . ' J . "
Meymott , G . Dir . of Cers . \ Dr . Hood , 1 st . G . Herald ; Matthew Cooke , G . Org . ; J . M . Thearle , G . Banner-bearer , and W . Rice and Smith , G . Equerries . From the Stuart Encampment , Sir Knts . T . Rogers , Jas . Burton , Chas . Davy , H . C . Finch , Henry George Warren , and Geo . Lambert . From the Faith and Fidelity , G . AVorbey , P . G . C ; and Brackstone Baker , P . G . S . B . From the St . Georges ' s , A . Lisson , R . Costa , P . G . O . ; II . Goddard , P . J . Sparks , F . M . Guibilei , and It . Spencer , P . G . S . B ; Ail Souls , Thos . Coombs ;
Frederick of Unity , Thos . Beaumont , P . G . H . ; Kemeys Tynte , W . Smith , C . E ., P . G . S . B ., and E . Eraser ; Prince Edward ' s , R . R . Nelson , P . G . H . ; Cceur cle Lion , R . J . Spiers , P . G . C . ; Capt . Barrett Lennard , Grand Conclave of Scotland ; and C . Armstrong , Dublin , and others with whose names we are unacquainted . The proceedings of the day were as follows . Grand Conclave was opened in due and ancient form with solemn prayer . By order of the M . E . S . G . M . the G . Vice-Chancellor read
the summons convening the meeting . The minutes of the Grand Conclave , held on the 10 th of May , 1 S 61 , were read and confirmed . The following report of the Committee of General Purposes was read ancl ordered to be entered on the minutes : — In their last report , your Committee expressed their sanguine expectations that the unfortunate differences so long existing between Grand Conclave and the Baldwyn Encampment at
Bristol , would be brought to an honourable and satisfactory termination ; and they very much regret that their brother knights at Bristol still decline to waive the only point now remaining unsettled , ancl ivhich they allege will affect the Baldwyn Encampment only , the Committee having agreed to concede all their other stipulations . Your Committee , however , feel assured Grand Conclave will
consider the Grand Master could not , with due regard to the high and responsible office he so worthily holds , sanction the proposition ivhich would give the Knights of the Baldwyn the right to nominate in effect their own Provincial Grand Commanders , and ivhich would introduce a precedent ivhich might hereafter prove fatal to the exercise of his proper and legitimate authority . In conclusion , your Committee have again the satisfaction of congratulating Grand Conclave upon the steadincrease and
cony tinued prosperity of the Order . ( Signed ) M . H . SHUTTLE AVOETH . 30 ° , G . Alce-Chancellor and Almoner . Fov . 1 st , 1861 . The G . VICE-CHAICCELLOE , by command of the M . E . S . G . M ., then laid before Grand Conclave a draft of a charter of union
received from the Baldwyn Encampment at Bristol , and informed the Sir Knts . that a deputation from that body was in attendance to explain any difficulties that might arise . The G . Treas ., Sir Knt . J . NETVIOS" TOJIKES'S , then read the document in question , which , may be summarised as follows : —That it is desirable the Baldwyn , and its affiliated encampments , should be under the control of the M . E . and S . G . M . aud his successors , from the date of signing the articles referred to . That the city and county of Bristol should be
constituted a District Provincial Commandery . That , on the ground of immemorial custom , the Baldwyn Encampment should take precedence of all other encampments holding under Grand Conclave . That its affiliated encampments , viz ., the Antiquity , Bath ; Ascalon , Birmingham ; Holy-Rood , AVarwick ; A ale of Jehospphafc , Highbridge ; A ale Royal , Salisbury ; and Percy , Adelaide , S . Australia , take precedence according to the dates of their respective warrants . All the property and effects of the Baldwyn , and its daughter encampments , to remain vested in the custody of their Treasurers for the time being . No fees for registration in the books of the Grand Conclave to be demanded from
any of those encampments . [ This was not clearly defined as to its being retrospective only , or to be taken as applying to the past , present , and future . ] All future and present members of those bodies to pay to Grand Conclave an annual fee of one shilling . The principal objection to the receipt of the draft rose from its signature which ran thus : —Given under our hand and seal this day of A . D . 1861 , A . O . 743 , A . L . 5861 . Approved on behalf of the Encampment of Baldwyn [ the triple Cross of Salem
was inserted here ] David William Nash , M . E . and Supreme Grand Master . " The A . H . and E . D . G . M ., Col . A ' ernon , most strenuously objected to receive any such document whilst it was presented with such a signature . —The A . E . Prov . G . Com ., Dr . Hinxman , also took the same ground urging that the G . Conclave could not patiently sit and allow anything to be brought before them which implied a divided allegiance , there being but one M . E . and S . G . M . their own well-beloved Sir Knt . Stuartwho had been
, , enthroned as the head of the Order in England and the Colonies . —Sir Knt . Meymott observed he took it as applying only to the Baldwyn and its dependant bodies . —The V . E . Dr . Hinxman , opposed the admission of the deputation until they had done fealty the the M . E . Z . and S . G . M . An animated discussion on ' this point followed in which Sir Knts . Tonikins , Thearle , Hinxman , Nelson , Spratt , and others , took part , which resulted in a
proposition , that some members should go out and ascertain what powers the deputation possessed , and for this purpose the M . E . and S . G . M ., nominated Sir Knts . Tomkins , Hinxman , Bryant and Meymott , and they retired accordingly . After some little time they returned , and informed the M . E . and S . G . M . of the result of their interview with the deputation , which was to the effect that as they , the deputation , had taken au oath of allegiance to