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and would endeavour [ to pay more , the matter would have been disposed of . " Bro . DOUGLAS . — "The ' small sum' was more than half the amount claimed . " The OFFG . PEOV . G . M . — "Does any other brother wish to address the District Grand Lodge ? Now , Bro . Douglas , we are ready to hear you in reply . "
Bvo . DOUGLAS . — "R . AV . sir , although Bro . Roberts thinks it doubtful whether it is twenty months since I became a Master , it is nevertheless a fact that it is now eleven years since I received from you , R . W . Sir , the Hiram of Lodge 279 , when R . AV . Bro . W . Clark ' . was my Senior Warden . After ruling the lodge for two years , I left 200 rupees in the hands of the Treasurer . This is my answer to Bro . Roberts , and the records of Lodge 279 will bear
me out in my statement , AVith regard to what has fallen from Bros . Sandeman and Clark , that I have shown contumacy , I have already explained , than when I received the letter of the Provincial Grand Secretary requiring me to appear in the District Grand Lodge , I referred to Bros . Manly and Brown for their opinion as to whether , since I had just sent iu SO rupees -to the Provincial Grand Treasurer , there was any longer a necessity that
I should appear . They agreed with me that , under circumstances which , by the payment of the money , had altered since the Resolution had been passed , there was no longer any necessity that I should appear . If the District Grand Lodge thinks I have acted differently from other Masters in not keeping the moneys in my immediate custody , have I not a right to ask it to punish those brethren who have , by default , placed me in this position ? The outstandings of the lodge amount to Rs . 700 . If the District Grand Lodge will help me to recover that amount , I will pay its dues ancl make over the balance to the Fund of Benevolence . "
Tne OFFG . PEOV . G . M . — "I quite concur in the opinions expressed by Bros . Roberts and Sandeman . I believe that there must be very feiv Masters unacquainted with the rule which has been quoted from the Constitutions . The Master of a lodge may have confidence in his Treasurer ; but he himself must be reponsible for certain payments . The District Grand Lodge cannot look to the members of Bro . Douglas' lodge to make good the deficiency . Bro . Douglas has stated that it must be for one of three reasons whhe
y has been summoned to show cause wh y he should not be expelled , viz ., embezzlement , contumacy , or neglect of duty . No one has charged him with embezzlement ; but as to contumacy , I would observe that it is more than two years now since Lodge 740 was extinguished , that a long correspondence with Bvo . Douglas ensued , that no money was forthcoming , that sometimes the Provincial Grand Secretary could get no replfrom himand that at last the
y , subject ivas brought before the District Grand Lodge . The correspondence would show whether a proper respect for authority has been evinced by Bro . Douglas . If I were to consult my own feelings , I would get rid of such a disagreeable [ subject by writing off the amount to profit and loss . But the District Grand Lodge are of opinion that serious notice should be taken of Bro . Douglas ' uumiuc sentence oi ivouici too ill
... ____ . expulsion , However , oe severe a case like this , and should be reserved only for heinous offences , like that recenily committed by Mr . Sier . " Bro . ROBEEIS then moved the following resolution : — " That the vote of the District Grand Lodge be taken as to whether a neglect of authority and a spirit of contumacy have been evinced by Bro . Douglas , and that , in the event of the vote being in the affirmative , he be admonished by the Officiating Prov . Grand Master . "
Bro . JEsrans'GS , P . S . G . AV ., was of opinion that Bro . Douglas should be punished with suspension for a certain term , and that if , at the expiration of that term , it should appear that the dues yet remained unpaid , the sentence should be extended , until such time as the matter was adjusted . He , therefore , moved the following amendment : — " That Bro . Douglas be suspended from his Masonic privileges for six months , and further , until he has paid his dues . "
The amendment having been seconded by AV . Bro . AV . CLAEK , C . E ., was put to the vote , when the Deacons counted 16 votes in support of it . The original proposition , which had been seconded by R . AV . Bro . H . HOWE , P . D . Prov . G . M ., ivas then put to the vote , and fifteen votes were counted in support of it . The amendment was therefore carried .
The OFFIG . PEOV . G . M . — " Certain Committees appointed by me have been sitting , —I should say that 1 do not know whether they have been sitting or sleeping , for only one of them , viz ., the ' King Memorial Committee , ' has submitted a report to me , which the Prov . G . Sec . will read . " Bro . C . J . EVAKS , AV . M . of Lodge 2 S 2— "R . AV . Sir , I beg to draw your attention to the presence among us of a brother under suspension from his Masonic privileges . "
The OFFG . PEOV . G . M . — " Bro . Douglas , it is necessary that you should retire . " Bro . DOUGLAS— "R . AV . Sir , I have l > een summoned to appear here , and I mean to remain . " Bro . HOAVE—R . AV- Sir , if Bro . Douglas remains , he will only be showing further contumacy . " After some demurBro . Douglas roseand was leaving the
lodge-, , room without saluting the Chair . AVhen the omission ivas pointed out to him , he turned and sainted the Chair as a Scotch Mason . The PEOV . G . SEC . then proceeded to read the report of the King Memoiial Committee , from which it appeared that the inscription was being engraved , and that the monument was nearly ready ; but it was recommended that the pedestalwhich resembled a " stone
, baptismal font , " should be returned to the sculptor , and that the ebony pedestal originally proposed by the Committee should be substituted . The beams of the third floor were not considered strong enongh to bear the weight of the stony mass , which had been constructed at the suggestion of our talented and much respected Bro . AV . Clark .
Bro . W . CLAEK , C-E . — " I did certainly suggest that the pedestal should be one of stone , and that it should resemble a rough ashlar ; but I never contemplated that a whole block would be excavated and fashioned to resemble a ' baptismal font . ' I am of opinion that four light slabs , carved exteriorly so as to resemble a rough ashlar , and joined together , would form a far more appropriate pedestal than a wooden one . It is opposed to good taste to place a handsome marble monument on something ivhich might be easily mistaken for a teapoy . I would again suggest to the Committee to have a stone pedestal , and I will readily give my aid if they should require it .
Bro . HOAVE . — " The committee will be happy to avail themselves of the aid kindly preferred by Bro . Clark . " The OFFG . PEOV . G . M . — " Then there are the Committee for preparing a schehle for the erection of a Alasonic Hall , the Musical Instrument Committee , and the Smith Testimonial Committee . In regard to the first , I am happy to say that the building scheme has been taken in hand by our Provincial Junior Grand AVarden ,
and 1 yet hope to see some feasible plan laid before the District Grand Lodge . The subject of the Smith Testimonial is in the hands of Bro . Roberts . I am glad to say that I have no exclusions to announce from any of the' Lodges . Peace and harmony prevail . At Roy Bareilly a new lodge has been established , making the fourth in the Province of Oude . The petition for a AVarrant was despatched by the last mail . A portion of the term of suspension awarded to
Bro . J . S . Collins has been cancelled , and the lodges have been informed by a circular of his restoration to his Masonic privileges . He hacl cetainly failed in his duty , but he ivas under the mischievous influence of his Secretary . You are all aware of the circumstances under which the Warrant of Lodge Marine was impudently sent direct to England hy Mr . Sier , who was subsequently expelled from Freemasonry on another charge . This AVarrant I had myself made over to the Lodge a few years before , when it ivas revived . Hearing
that the warrant had been sent to England , I wrote to the Grand Secretary , asking him to return it . He was at first of opinion that the present members , to whom I had granted a dispensation , should apply for it as they would for a warrant in abeyance . I held , on the other hand , that it should be viewed as stolen property , and should , therefore , be returned to those to whom it rightfully belonged . In the propriety of this recommendation the Grand Secretary at length concurred ; and it is now in my power to i est ore it .
for the second time , in the District Grand Lodge , to the Master cf the Lodge . AV . Bro . Evans , —I have much pleasure in maki _ i : _ r over this warrant to you . From my knowledge of you . I do so with great confidence !"
AV . Bro . EVAXS ( advancing to the E . Pedest .. ! .. —• ' R . W . Sir ! I receive this warrant from your hand with great pride ; and I also feel grateful to you for the manner in which you have exerted yourself to regain possession of it for the lodge . " The OFFG . P . G . M . — " In the minutes of our last proceedings it is recorded that the Cawupove Lodge had become extinct . Bro . Bliss , formerly of Calcutta , and other brethren , being derious of
reviving it , I granted them a dispensation to commence work , but experienced some difficulty afterwards in getting a renewal of the old warrant , the Grand Secretary being of opinion that some of the old members should join in the petition for it . The mutiny , however , had swept off all the former members . The brethren who were desirous of working under the old warrant , therefore , gave up their project in despair , with the intention of applying for a new warrant , and it ivas announced that the lodge had become extinct . I have , however , since been informed that the Grand Master has agreed to sanction the renewal of the old warrant .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and would endeavour [ to pay more , the matter would have been disposed of . " Bro . DOUGLAS . — "The ' small sum' was more than half the amount claimed . " The OFFG . PEOV . G . M . — "Does any other brother wish to address the District Grand Lodge ? Now , Bro . Douglas , we are ready to hear you in reply . "
Bvo . DOUGLAS . — "R . AV . sir , although Bro . Roberts thinks it doubtful whether it is twenty months since I became a Master , it is nevertheless a fact that it is now eleven years since I received from you , R . W . Sir , the Hiram of Lodge 279 , when R . AV . Bro . W . Clark ' . was my Senior Warden . After ruling the lodge for two years , I left 200 rupees in the hands of the Treasurer . This is my answer to Bro . Roberts , and the records of Lodge 279 will bear
me out in my statement , AVith regard to what has fallen from Bros . Sandeman and Clark , that I have shown contumacy , I have already explained , than when I received the letter of the Provincial Grand Secretary requiring me to appear in the District Grand Lodge , I referred to Bros . Manly and Brown for their opinion as to whether , since I had just sent iu SO rupees -to the Provincial Grand Treasurer , there was any longer a necessity that
I should appear . They agreed with me that , under circumstances which , by the payment of the money , had altered since the Resolution had been passed , there was no longer any necessity that I should appear . If the District Grand Lodge thinks I have acted differently from other Masters in not keeping the moneys in my immediate custody , have I not a right to ask it to punish those brethren who have , by default , placed me in this position ? The outstandings of the lodge amount to Rs . 700 . If the District Grand Lodge will help me to recover that amount , I will pay its dues ancl make over the balance to the Fund of Benevolence . "
Tne OFFG . PEOV . G . M . — "I quite concur in the opinions expressed by Bros . Roberts and Sandeman . I believe that there must be very feiv Masters unacquainted with the rule which has been quoted from the Constitutions . The Master of a lodge may have confidence in his Treasurer ; but he himself must be reponsible for certain payments . The District Grand Lodge cannot look to the members of Bro . Douglas' lodge to make good the deficiency . Bro . Douglas has stated that it must be for one of three reasons whhe
y has been summoned to show cause wh y he should not be expelled , viz ., embezzlement , contumacy , or neglect of duty . No one has charged him with embezzlement ; but as to contumacy , I would observe that it is more than two years now since Lodge 740 was extinguished , that a long correspondence with Bvo . Douglas ensued , that no money was forthcoming , that sometimes the Provincial Grand Secretary could get no replfrom himand that at last the
y , subject ivas brought before the District Grand Lodge . The correspondence would show whether a proper respect for authority has been evinced by Bro . Douglas . If I were to consult my own feelings , I would get rid of such a disagreeable [ subject by writing off the amount to profit and loss . But the District Grand Lodge are of opinion that serious notice should be taken of Bro . Douglas ' uumiuc sentence oi ivouici too ill
... ____ . expulsion , However , oe severe a case like this , and should be reserved only for heinous offences , like that recenily committed by Mr . Sier . " Bro . ROBEEIS then moved the following resolution : — " That the vote of the District Grand Lodge be taken as to whether a neglect of authority and a spirit of contumacy have been evinced by Bro . Douglas , and that , in the event of the vote being in the affirmative , he be admonished by the Officiating Prov . Grand Master . "
Bro . JEsrans'GS , P . S . G . AV ., was of opinion that Bro . Douglas should be punished with suspension for a certain term , and that if , at the expiration of that term , it should appear that the dues yet remained unpaid , the sentence should be extended , until such time as the matter was adjusted . He , therefore , moved the following amendment : — " That Bro . Douglas be suspended from his Masonic privileges for six months , and further , until he has paid his dues . "
The amendment having been seconded by AV . Bro . AV . CLAEK , C . E ., was put to the vote , when the Deacons counted 16 votes in support of it . The original proposition , which had been seconded by R . AV . Bro . H . HOWE , P . D . Prov . G . M ., ivas then put to the vote , and fifteen votes were counted in support of it . The amendment was therefore carried .
The OFFIG . PEOV . G . M . — " Certain Committees appointed by me have been sitting , —I should say that 1 do not know whether they have been sitting or sleeping , for only one of them , viz ., the ' King Memorial Committee , ' has submitted a report to me , which the Prov . G . Sec . will read . " Bro . C . J . EVAKS , AV . M . of Lodge 2 S 2— "R . AV . Sir , I beg to draw your attention to the presence among us of a brother under suspension from his Masonic privileges . "
The OFFG . PEOV . G . M . — " Bro . Douglas , it is necessary that you should retire . " Bro . DOUGLAS— "R . AV . Sir , I have l > een summoned to appear here , and I mean to remain . " Bro . HOAVE—R . AV- Sir , if Bro . Douglas remains , he will only be showing further contumacy . " After some demurBro . Douglas roseand was leaving the
lodge-, , room without saluting the Chair . AVhen the omission ivas pointed out to him , he turned and sainted the Chair as a Scotch Mason . The PEOV . G . SEC . then proceeded to read the report of the King Memoiial Committee , from which it appeared that the inscription was being engraved , and that the monument was nearly ready ; but it was recommended that the pedestalwhich resembled a " stone
, baptismal font , " should be returned to the sculptor , and that the ebony pedestal originally proposed by the Committee should be substituted . The beams of the third floor were not considered strong enongh to bear the weight of the stony mass , which had been constructed at the suggestion of our talented and much respected Bro . AV . Clark .
Bro . W . CLAEK , C-E . — " I did certainly suggest that the pedestal should be one of stone , and that it should resemble a rough ashlar ; but I never contemplated that a whole block would be excavated and fashioned to resemble a ' baptismal font . ' I am of opinion that four light slabs , carved exteriorly so as to resemble a rough ashlar , and joined together , would form a far more appropriate pedestal than a wooden one . It is opposed to good taste to place a handsome marble monument on something ivhich might be easily mistaken for a teapoy . I would again suggest to the Committee to have a stone pedestal , and I will readily give my aid if they should require it .
Bro . HOAVE . — " The committee will be happy to avail themselves of the aid kindly preferred by Bro . Clark . " The OFFG . PEOV . G . M . — " Then there are the Committee for preparing a schehle for the erection of a Alasonic Hall , the Musical Instrument Committee , and the Smith Testimonial Committee . In regard to the first , I am happy to say that the building scheme has been taken in hand by our Provincial Junior Grand AVarden ,
and 1 yet hope to see some feasible plan laid before the District Grand Lodge . The subject of the Smith Testimonial is in the hands of Bro . Roberts . I am glad to say that I have no exclusions to announce from any of the' Lodges . Peace and harmony prevail . At Roy Bareilly a new lodge has been established , making the fourth in the Province of Oude . The petition for a AVarrant was despatched by the last mail . A portion of the term of suspension awarded to
Bro . J . S . Collins has been cancelled , and the lodges have been informed by a circular of his restoration to his Masonic privileges . He hacl cetainly failed in his duty , but he ivas under the mischievous influence of his Secretary . You are all aware of the circumstances under which the Warrant of Lodge Marine was impudently sent direct to England hy Mr . Sier , who was subsequently expelled from Freemasonry on another charge . This AVarrant I had myself made over to the Lodge a few years before , when it ivas revived . Hearing
that the warrant had been sent to England , I wrote to the Grand Secretary , asking him to return it . He was at first of opinion that the present members , to whom I had granted a dispensation , should apply for it as they would for a warrant in abeyance . I held , on the other hand , that it should be viewed as stolen property , and should , therefore , be returned to those to whom it rightfully belonged . In the propriety of this recommendation the Grand Secretary at length concurred ; and it is now in my power to i est ore it .
for the second time , in the District Grand Lodge , to the Master cf the Lodge . AV . Bro . Evans , —I have much pleasure in maki _ i : _ r over this warrant to you . From my knowledge of you . I do so with great confidence !"
AV . Bro . EVAXS ( advancing to the E . Pedest .. ! .. —• ' R . W . Sir ! I receive this warrant from your hand with great pride ; and I also feel grateful to you for the manner in which you have exerted yourself to regain possession of it for the lodge . " The OFFG . P . G . M . — " In the minutes of our last proceedings it is recorded that the Cawupove Lodge had become extinct . Bro . Bliss , formerly of Calcutta , and other brethren , being derious of
reviving it , I granted them a dispensation to commence work , but experienced some difficulty afterwards in getting a renewal of the old warrant , the Grand Secretary being of opinion that some of the old members should join in the petition for it . The mutiny , however , had swept off all the former members . The brethren who were desirous of working under the old warrant , therefore , gave up their project in despair , with the intention of applying for a new warrant , and it ivas announced that the lodge had become extinct . I have , however , since been informed that the Grand Master has agreed to sanction the renewal of the old warrant .