Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC SAYINGS AND DOINGS ABROAD. Page 1 of 1
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in breach of his promise , and without previous notice to the District Grand Lodge , or to any one on its behalf , and the intelligence thus obtained was accompanied with information that the new lodge was preparing to act on the Charter . 14 . —The District Grand Lodge thus suddenly
confronted , aud affronted , felt itself constrained to vindicate its authority and the respect due to it , and forthwith suspended all commuuication with the Brethren of the Scotch Constitution .
15 . —Since this painful measure has been imposed on the District Grand Lodge , it has come to their knowledge that many of the more influential members of the Scotch degrees have declared that they repudiate the proceeding of Bro . Saunders , which they treat as his own unauthorized act .
16 . —It will afford the District Grand Lodge the deepest gratification to learn that this view will be expressed by the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and it hastens to record its thorough confidence that this eminent and illustrious section of the Craft would not have granted the obnoxious Charter , and countenanced
Masonic disobedience , had the facts of the case been represented as they ought to have been . 17 . —But while cheerfully and sincerely according thus much as due to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the District Grand Lodge of South Africa most firmly submit and respectfully hold the Grand Lodge
onerous for the acts and proceedings of the Brother whom it had ( on this occasion at all events ) selected to be its representative , and whom it has entrusted with important responsible functions . And it would be a source of unfeigned grief to the District Grand Lodge of South Africa if the step they have felt them ,
selves compelled to take should be unhappily misconstrued by the Grand Lodge of Scotland into anything beyond a proper desire to maintain their self-respect , to vindicate their lawful authority , and to enforce that just discipline and order , without which all efforts for self-government amongst the Craft will be rendered nugatory , if not indeed destroyed .
/ c . -, N CHAS . A . FAIBBEIDGE , P . G . S . 'W . ( bigned ) MICHAEL T . KING , P . G . J . W . Chairman and Vice-Ohairman of the Board of General Purposes . DISTRICT GBAND LOBGE OE SOUTH A EEICA AND
OE THE COLONIES ADJACENT THEEETO . Cape Town , September 3 rd , 1 S 70 . To the most Worshipful Brother , W . H . Laurie , Secretary Grand Lodge of Scotland , Dear Sir and Brother . —Wishing to pay every
respect to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and , fearing that the original , per "Cambrian" might not have reached you , I respectfull y beg to forward per " Briton " Duplicate of report of proceedings in connection with the suspended " Albany " Lodge , ( No . 389 , ) Graham ' s Town .
Ton will perceive from the dates of the various communications that Bro , Saunders had special notice from this lodge in time to have enabled him to communicate his error to your Grand Lodge , before the
charter for the suspended brethren of the " Albany " Lodge was dispatched by you to this Colony . I remain Dear Sir and Brother , Tours fraternally , ( Signed ) M . T . KING , Vice-President Board of General Purposes . N . B . —Bro . Saunders is the representative of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this Colony .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The " Australian Freemasons' Magazine , " which we have not received for some months , has reached us . We learn that six months trial has proved its success , although the editor ' s enthusiasm is somewhat toned down . The proprietors have , therefore , increased the size and lowered the price . We hope his enterprise may meet with the success it deserves .
The following translation from an article in a Bruges newspaper has been forwarded us by a correspondent . It affords another proof of the bigoted opposition of the ultramontane Roman Catholics to Freemasonry : —
" Italy is the hot bed of revolution , and has forced on King Victor Emmanuel the necessity of crushing a peaceful state and the Pope's dethronement . " To gain this shameful end all the Lodges in the world have lent their aid and assistance . " The Lodges in Italy cry out triumphantly ; they
go so far and deny the God of rectitude , and take the p lace where the head of Holiness has always had its throne . " The G . M . Frappoli promulgated a letter to the Freemasons' Lodges as follows : —• ' Very worthy brothers ! the Italian Government takes possession of
Rome , the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry in Italy and its dependencies have resolved to remove the Grand Lodge to Rome . T have given the necessary orders that the Grand Lodge of Florence shall be removed to Rome , to the metropolis of the nation . ' " . The few orders or commands are definite ,
Freemasonry declares itself as the chief head . It has resolved that Rome , from this time forth , shall be the seat of the Grand Lodge of Italy ; Victor Emmanuel is only a tool in their hands , nothing more . " Now we ask one question , is it possible that this robbery , this taking by force , this plundering of a
lawful sovereign and his loving subjects , shall be permitted to go unpunished ? " We fear it is so , no one troubles himself , but , on the contrary , all say let it go . The secret is , that various Governments are in concert with the revolution , which , however , in its turn will one day or other break its own neck . Hodie mini , eras tibi . "
The Americans have brought out a still more copious body of the rituals of the Craft . - —Arch degrees , Royal Master and Templars , making 878 pages , that is nearly one thousand , and costing thirty shillings . This is a nice lot to learn by heart . MIBANS .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
in breach of his promise , and without previous notice to the District Grand Lodge , or to any one on its behalf , and the intelligence thus obtained was accompanied with information that the new lodge was preparing to act on the Charter . 14 . —The District Grand Lodge thus suddenly
confronted , aud affronted , felt itself constrained to vindicate its authority and the respect due to it , and forthwith suspended all commuuication with the Brethren of the Scotch Constitution .
15 . —Since this painful measure has been imposed on the District Grand Lodge , it has come to their knowledge that many of the more influential members of the Scotch degrees have declared that they repudiate the proceeding of Bro . Saunders , which they treat as his own unauthorized act .
16 . —It will afford the District Grand Lodge the deepest gratification to learn that this view will be expressed by the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and it hastens to record its thorough confidence that this eminent and illustrious section of the Craft would not have granted the obnoxious Charter , and countenanced
Masonic disobedience , had the facts of the case been represented as they ought to have been . 17 . —But while cheerfully and sincerely according thus much as due to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the District Grand Lodge of South Africa most firmly submit and respectfully hold the Grand Lodge
onerous for the acts and proceedings of the Brother whom it had ( on this occasion at all events ) selected to be its representative , and whom it has entrusted with important responsible functions . And it would be a source of unfeigned grief to the District Grand Lodge of South Africa if the step they have felt them ,
selves compelled to take should be unhappily misconstrued by the Grand Lodge of Scotland into anything beyond a proper desire to maintain their self-respect , to vindicate their lawful authority , and to enforce that just discipline and order , without which all efforts for self-government amongst the Craft will be rendered nugatory , if not indeed destroyed .
/ c . -, N CHAS . A . FAIBBEIDGE , P . G . S . 'W . ( bigned ) MICHAEL T . KING , P . G . J . W . Chairman and Vice-Ohairman of the Board of General Purposes . DISTRICT GBAND LOBGE OE SOUTH A EEICA AND
OE THE COLONIES ADJACENT THEEETO . Cape Town , September 3 rd , 1 S 70 . To the most Worshipful Brother , W . H . Laurie , Secretary Grand Lodge of Scotland , Dear Sir and Brother . —Wishing to pay every
respect to the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and , fearing that the original , per "Cambrian" might not have reached you , I respectfull y beg to forward per " Briton " Duplicate of report of proceedings in connection with the suspended " Albany " Lodge , ( No . 389 , ) Graham ' s Town .
Ton will perceive from the dates of the various communications that Bro , Saunders had special notice from this lodge in time to have enabled him to communicate his error to your Grand Lodge , before the
charter for the suspended brethren of the " Albany " Lodge was dispatched by you to this Colony . I remain Dear Sir and Brother , Tours fraternally , ( Signed ) M . T . KING , Vice-President Board of General Purposes . N . B . —Bro . Saunders is the representative of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in this Colony .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
The " Australian Freemasons' Magazine , " which we have not received for some months , has reached us . We learn that six months trial has proved its success , although the editor ' s enthusiasm is somewhat toned down . The proprietors have , therefore , increased the size and lowered the price . We hope his enterprise may meet with the success it deserves .
The following translation from an article in a Bruges newspaper has been forwarded us by a correspondent . It affords another proof of the bigoted opposition of the ultramontane Roman Catholics to Freemasonry : —
" Italy is the hot bed of revolution , and has forced on King Victor Emmanuel the necessity of crushing a peaceful state and the Pope's dethronement . " To gain this shameful end all the Lodges in the world have lent their aid and assistance . " The Lodges in Italy cry out triumphantly ; they
go so far and deny the God of rectitude , and take the p lace where the head of Holiness has always had its throne . " The G . M . Frappoli promulgated a letter to the Freemasons' Lodges as follows : —• ' Very worthy brothers ! the Italian Government takes possession of
Rome , the Grand Lodge of Freemasonry in Italy and its dependencies have resolved to remove the Grand Lodge to Rome . T have given the necessary orders that the Grand Lodge of Florence shall be removed to Rome , to the metropolis of the nation . ' " . The few orders or commands are definite ,
Freemasonry declares itself as the chief head . It has resolved that Rome , from this time forth , shall be the seat of the Grand Lodge of Italy ; Victor Emmanuel is only a tool in their hands , nothing more . " Now we ask one question , is it possible that this robbery , this taking by force , this plundering of a
lawful sovereign and his loving subjects , shall be permitted to go unpunished ? " We fear it is so , no one troubles himself , but , on the contrary , all say let it go . The secret is , that various Governments are in concert with the revolution , which , however , in its turn will one day or other break its own neck . Hodie mini , eras tibi . "
The Americans have brought out a still more copious body of the rituals of the Craft . - —Arch degrees , Royal Master and Templars , making 878 pages , that is nearly one thousand , and costing thirty shillings . This is a nice lot to learn by heart . MIBANS .