Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW SOUTH WALES. Page 1 of 1
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High " for this as well as every other favour vouchsafed unto us . 1 Encouraged by such powerful motives as that of prayer , he en- j treated them not to fail in their earnest endeavours to maintain ' that brotherly love and harmony which is necessary for the support of every well regulated lodge , that the short address delivered by the W . M . on being invested with the distinguishing badge of an "E . A ., " and the still more impressive and
solemn obligation of the third degree should be ever present in their thoughts , words , and actions . The W . M . strongly urged upon tbe brethren the exercise of cautious and wise discretion in proposing candidates for our mysteries ; pointing out some of the objects which applicants might have in seeking to share with us in our secrets , ancl that care was necessary to not abuse the privileges of our Order unless there was good ground to believe that the candidate proposed would ultimately reflect credit on
our choice . In conclusion , the W . M . expressed an earnest hope that under the "All powerful guidance of the G . A . O . T . U . " their lodge might continue to prosper . Nothing farther offering for the good of Masonry the lodge was closed with prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the " Lion Hotel , " where a banquet was prepared . The visiting brethren present were Bro . J . Banning , P . M ., No . 4 ; and Bro . F . M . Rickes , St . Edmund ' s Lodge , No . 1 , 008 . The toasts ancl speeches were intermixed with songs and recitations , all contributing to the pleasure and harmony of the evening .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . VICTORIA CHAPTER . —( NO . 1 , 056 ) . —A convocation was held on tho 3 rd inst ., at Comp . Charles Gosdeu's , Masons' Hall , Masons ' Avenue , City . The Companions having met , tbe Chapter was opened in due form by the Principals . A ballot was then taken for Bros . William Walter Anderson , of Lodge 19 , ancl S . Tilley , Sec . of Lodge 890 . Tbe ballots were unanimous , and those bretliren were prepared , admitted , and in due course exalted
into R . A . Masonry . A ballot was then taken for Comp . Nardus Glucksteiii , of Chapter 51 , for joining , which was proposed by Comp . E . Gottheil , J ., of this Chapter , and seconded by Comp . A . E . Harris , which was also unanimous . The annual installation of Principals and the investiture of those officers who were present then took place , the following Companions being present were installed : K . Clark , Z . ; W . Long , H . ; E . Gottheil , J . ; and J . Taylor , N . A motion was then proposed and carried that
this Chapter shall in future meet in February next instead of June as heretofore . The Chapter was then closed iu due form , and the companions adjourned from the Chapter Rooms to the Masons' Hall , where an excellent banquet was served by our worthy Comp ., Charles Gosden , the proprietor , and never since
the consecration of this Chapter , when it was catered for by Comp . B . Todd , have the companions been so well served as on this occasion . The cuisine and wines were of the first qualify , and such as would please the most fastidious , added to which the courtesy of the proprietor , and the indefatigable attention of his manager , Comp . J . Nicholson , together with the rest of the staff , left nothing to be desired . It may be truly said this ancient Hall has never looked so gay as on this occasion .
After the cloth was cleared the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The members present where Comps . Clarke . Z ; Gotthiel , J ; A . Pendlebury , P . Z . and founder ; Iiosgood , P . Z . and founder ; J . 'Brett , P . Z . 177 , Hon . Mem . and founder ; R . Little , P . Z . 177 , Hon . Mem . and founder ; TV . J . Hubbard , P . Z . 177 , Hon . Mem . and founder ; N . GluckensteinP . J . 51 ; TV . J . Jones
, , , J . ; D . Taylor , N . ; G . Green , W . ; R . Baker ; R . Bright ; M . Ashby ; H . Ellenhouse ; W . Taverne ; G . Newman ; J . Forge ; G . Parker ; J . J . Cauey ; W . Ferguson ; J . W . Taylor ; A . E . Harris , and G . Chubb , & c . etc . Visitor : Comp W . Worrell , 700 . The harmony of the evening was greatly enhanced by Comps . Bright , Ashby and Brett , and the evening was spent in a happy and fraternal manner , was brought to a close .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES— Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —Tlie meeting of this Chapter was held at the Masonic Rooms , Totnes , on Thursday the 6 th inst . Tbe Chapter was called for high twelve , and soon after that it was opened by the three Principals , and on the admission of the companions the minutes of the last as well as of an emergency meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Beechey of the
Royal Arch.
Devon Lodge , for whom a ballot had been previously taken , was admitted as a candidate for this supreme degree , the ceremony of exaltation being performed by the Rev . R . Bowden , P . Z ., Comp . Glenfieid , Z ., acting as P . S . The lectures of tbe several chairs were given by M . E . ^ Comps . Bowden , Marks , and Glenfieid . The ceremony concluded , the Chapter was at once closed in form , so as to allow tbe room to be prepared for the installation of the W . M . appointed to be held at 2 p . m .
INSTRUCTION . PRUDENT BRETHREN CHAPTER OE IMPROVEMENT ( No . 145 ) . — A very important and influential meeting of R . A . Masons took place on Thursday last , 6 th Oct ., 1870 , in tbe de Grey and Ripon Chamber , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , to witness the consecration and opening of the new Chapter of Improvement , held under the warrant of the Prudent Brethren Chapter
, No . 145 . James Brett , Z . ; John Hervey , G . S ., IL ; Wentworth Little , J . ; John Boyd , P . Z . ; G . S . States , E ; and about 100 com - panions were present , including several Grand Officers and many eminent London aud provincial R . A . Masons . Afcer the consecration a portion of the Sections were worked hy Comps . West , Smith , Green , and Gotthiel . Comp . Brett then gave the explanation and illustration of the R . A . jewel ancl banners . Tho
whole ofthe proceedings were of a most interesting and instructive character . Comp . John Boyd , M . E . Z ., of the mother chapter was elected first Z . ; West Smith , H . ; Gotthiel , J . ; and Green , P . S . Ninety-eight companions gave in their names and were enrolled members , ancl we understand there are already about sixty more to be . added . We are glad to find this , as the movement deserves every succes-, being promoted by the companions of the Prudent Brethren Chaptei , whose open , or public night ,
caused so great a sensation last season , it being acknowledged to be the greatest achievement ever effected in R . A . Masonry . The . meetings are to be hidcl at the Hall every Thursday , at seven o'clock , from October to May , inclusive . The working for each night will be given with the Bye-Laws , thus affording companions the opportunity of knowing , previously , the work they will witness on every night they may select to attend . This will be a great advantage to London as well as Provinciil Companions , who may wish to have uniformity of working .
New South Wales.
SYDNEY . THE ZETLAND CHAPTER OE AUSTRALIA ( No . 390 E . C . ) —The regular bi-monthly convocation of this , the senior Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Australasia was holdeu mi Monday the 25 th July , 1870 , at 7 . 30 p . m . The Chapter was honoured by the attendance of a large number of visitors , and some of the principal officers of the local Chapter , the Robert Burns , No .
817 , E C . One candidate was balloted for aud accepted . Two suppliants were exalted to the supreme anel sublime degree of the Holy Royal Arch in a magnificent manner , ew-ry officer beiugwellup in his work . The musical department is being strengthened , and adds a sacred and inexpressible charm to tbe impressiveness of the ceremonial , the music from the Creation having ever been a favourite with the educated and intellectual . A large number of Grand Chapter Certificates were signed and
distributed to members . A small sum in aid of furnishing the Grand Secretary's offices was voted . Ballots were severally taken for the Office Bearers for tbe ensuing year . Chapter finally clo-ed in peace , love , and harmony at 10 . 15 p . m . ROBERT BURNS LODGE , ( NO . 817 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting for July on Monday , the llth . Two brethren were passed and one accepted as joining member . Br > . E . Masters was invested with the collar of J . D . Afterwards a discussion
on financial matters ensued , which terminated satisfactory . TV . P . M . Dr . Brown continued his Lecture on "Masonry : past and present . " At the conclusion a vote of thanks on the motion of the TVM . ( Bro . Cassidy ) , seconded by W . Bro . Montagu , was unanimously accorded to the able Lecturer . Lodge closed a few minutes past 10 , p . m .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
High " for this as well as every other favour vouchsafed unto us . 1 Encouraged by such powerful motives as that of prayer , he en- j treated them not to fail in their earnest endeavours to maintain ' that brotherly love and harmony which is necessary for the support of every well regulated lodge , that the short address delivered by the W . M . on being invested with the distinguishing badge of an "E . A ., " and the still more impressive and
solemn obligation of the third degree should be ever present in their thoughts , words , and actions . The W . M . strongly urged upon tbe brethren the exercise of cautious and wise discretion in proposing candidates for our mysteries ; pointing out some of the objects which applicants might have in seeking to share with us in our secrets , ancl that care was necessary to not abuse the privileges of our Order unless there was good ground to believe that the candidate proposed would ultimately reflect credit on
our choice . In conclusion , the W . M . expressed an earnest hope that under the "All powerful guidance of the G . A . O . T . U . " their lodge might continue to prosper . Nothing farther offering for the good of Masonry the lodge was closed with prayer . The brethren then adjourned to the " Lion Hotel , " where a banquet was prepared . The visiting brethren present were Bro . J . Banning , P . M ., No . 4 ; and Bro . F . M . Rickes , St . Edmund ' s Lodge , No . 1 , 008 . The toasts ancl speeches were intermixed with songs and recitations , all contributing to the pleasure and harmony of the evening .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . VICTORIA CHAPTER . —( NO . 1 , 056 ) . —A convocation was held on tho 3 rd inst ., at Comp . Charles Gosdeu's , Masons' Hall , Masons ' Avenue , City . The Companions having met , tbe Chapter was opened in due form by the Principals . A ballot was then taken for Bros . William Walter Anderson , of Lodge 19 , ancl S . Tilley , Sec . of Lodge 890 . Tbe ballots were unanimous , and those bretliren were prepared , admitted , and in due course exalted
into R . A . Masonry . A ballot was then taken for Comp . Nardus Glucksteiii , of Chapter 51 , for joining , which was proposed by Comp . E . Gottheil , J ., of this Chapter , and seconded by Comp . A . E . Harris , which was also unanimous . The annual installation of Principals and the investiture of those officers who were present then took place , the following Companions being present were installed : K . Clark , Z . ; W . Long , H . ; E . Gottheil , J . ; and J . Taylor , N . A motion was then proposed and carried that
this Chapter shall in future meet in February next instead of June as heretofore . The Chapter was then closed iu due form , and the companions adjourned from the Chapter Rooms to the Masons' Hall , where an excellent banquet was served by our worthy Comp ., Charles Gosden , the proprietor , and never since
the consecration of this Chapter , when it was catered for by Comp . B . Todd , have the companions been so well served as on this occasion . The cuisine and wines were of the first qualify , and such as would please the most fastidious , added to which the courtesy of the proprietor , and the indefatigable attention of his manager , Comp . J . Nicholson , together with the rest of the staff , left nothing to be desired . It may be truly said this ancient Hall has never looked so gay as on this occasion .
After the cloth was cleared the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The members present where Comps . Clarke . Z ; Gotthiel , J ; A . Pendlebury , P . Z . and founder ; Iiosgood , P . Z . and founder ; J . 'Brett , P . Z . 177 , Hon . Mem . and founder ; R . Little , P . Z . 177 , Hon . Mem . and founder ; TV . J . Hubbard , P . Z . 177 , Hon . Mem . and founder ; N . GluckensteinP . J . 51 ; TV . J . Jones
, , , J . ; D . Taylor , N . ; G . Green , W . ; R . Baker ; R . Bright ; M . Ashby ; H . Ellenhouse ; W . Taverne ; G . Newman ; J . Forge ; G . Parker ; J . J . Cauey ; W . Ferguson ; J . W . Taylor ; A . E . Harris , and G . Chubb , & c . etc . Visitor : Comp W . Worrell , 700 . The harmony of the evening was greatly enhanced by Comps . Bright , Ashby and Brett , and the evening was spent in a happy and fraternal manner , was brought to a close .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES— Pleiades Chapter ( No . 710 ) . —Tlie meeting of this Chapter was held at the Masonic Rooms , Totnes , on Thursday the 6 th inst . Tbe Chapter was called for high twelve , and soon after that it was opened by the three Principals , and on the admission of the companions the minutes of the last as well as of an emergency meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Beechey of the
Royal Arch.
Devon Lodge , for whom a ballot had been previously taken , was admitted as a candidate for this supreme degree , the ceremony of exaltation being performed by the Rev . R . Bowden , P . Z ., Comp . Glenfieid , Z ., acting as P . S . The lectures of tbe several chairs were given by M . E . ^ Comps . Bowden , Marks , and Glenfieid . The ceremony concluded , the Chapter was at once closed in form , so as to allow tbe room to be prepared for the installation of the W . M . appointed to be held at 2 p . m .
INSTRUCTION . PRUDENT BRETHREN CHAPTER OE IMPROVEMENT ( No . 145 ) . — A very important and influential meeting of R . A . Masons took place on Thursday last , 6 th Oct ., 1870 , in tbe de Grey and Ripon Chamber , Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , to witness the consecration and opening of the new Chapter of Improvement , held under the warrant of the Prudent Brethren Chapter
, No . 145 . James Brett , Z . ; John Hervey , G . S ., IL ; Wentworth Little , J . ; John Boyd , P . Z . ; G . S . States , E ; and about 100 com - panions were present , including several Grand Officers and many eminent London aud provincial R . A . Masons . Afcer the consecration a portion of the Sections were worked hy Comps . West , Smith , Green , and Gotthiel . Comp . Brett then gave the explanation and illustration of the R . A . jewel ancl banners . Tho
whole ofthe proceedings were of a most interesting and instructive character . Comp . John Boyd , M . E . Z ., of the mother chapter was elected first Z . ; West Smith , H . ; Gotthiel , J . ; and Green , P . S . Ninety-eight companions gave in their names and were enrolled members , ancl we understand there are already about sixty more to be . added . We are glad to find this , as the movement deserves every succes-, being promoted by the companions of the Prudent Brethren Chaptei , whose open , or public night ,
caused so great a sensation last season , it being acknowledged to be the greatest achievement ever effected in R . A . Masonry . The . meetings are to be hidcl at the Hall every Thursday , at seven o'clock , from October to May , inclusive . The working for each night will be given with the Bye-Laws , thus affording companions the opportunity of knowing , previously , the work they will witness on every night they may select to attend . This will be a great advantage to London as well as Provinciil Companions , who may wish to have uniformity of working .
New South Wales.
SYDNEY . THE ZETLAND CHAPTER OE AUSTRALIA ( No . 390 E . C . ) —The regular bi-monthly convocation of this , the senior Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Australasia was holdeu mi Monday the 25 th July , 1870 , at 7 . 30 p . m . The Chapter was honoured by the attendance of a large number of visitors , and some of the principal officers of the local Chapter , the Robert Burns , No .
817 , E C . One candidate was balloted for aud accepted . Two suppliants were exalted to the supreme anel sublime degree of the Holy Royal Arch in a magnificent manner , ew-ry officer beiugwellup in his work . The musical department is being strengthened , and adds a sacred and inexpressible charm to tbe impressiveness of the ceremonial , the music from the Creation having ever been a favourite with the educated and intellectual . A large number of Grand Chapter Certificates were signed and
distributed to members . A small sum in aid of furnishing the Grand Secretary's offices was voted . Ballots were severally taken for the Office Bearers for tbe ensuing year . Chapter finally clo-ed in peace , love , and harmony at 10 . 15 p . m . ROBERT BURNS LODGE , ( NO . 817 ) . —This lodge held its regular meeting for July on Monday , the llth . Two brethren were passed and one accepted as joining member . Br > . E . Masters was invested with the collar of J . D . Afterwards a discussion
on financial matters ensued , which terminated satisfactory . TV . P . M . Dr . Brown continued his Lecture on "Masonry : past and present . " At the conclusion a vote of thanks on the motion of the TVM . ( Bro . Cassidy ) , seconded by W . Bro . Montagu , was unanimously accorded to the able Lecturer . Lodge closed a few minutes past 10 , p . m .