Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC 3 IBAIS . W- A VOCAL concert will take place at the Farringdon Hall , on Thursday , tho 1 st of March , for the benefit of Hro . Beckett , of tho Domatic Loelge , upon which occasion he will be assisted by some of the most eminent vocalists of thc Craft . It is to be hoped that he ivill receive the support which ho so ivell deserves . Tni * Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction will , in future , work the
lectures of the Eoyal Arch degree , as well as the ceremony of exaltation . The work of this Chapter is under the immediate superintendence of many eminent Pasfc Principals , foremost among whom are S . B . AVilson ; T . A . Adams ; AV . AVatson ; T . A . Allen ; Andrew ; and Kirby . Principals going up to the chairs have every facility to perfect themselves in their respective duties . The Chapter meets every Saturday OA-ening , at eight o ' clock , at the AVestern Alasonic Hall , Old Bond Street .
METROPOLITAN . GRAND STEWARDS' LODGK . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , on AA ' ednesday , the loth instant , Bro . AVarren ivas installed as AV . M . for tho year , AA'hen he invested Bro . Dr . Hinxmau , S . AV . ; Bro . Samuels , J . AV . ; Bro . Nutt , S . D . ; Bro . Alereiveather , J . D . ; and Bro . AVatson , Sec . ST . GEORGE ' S AND CORKER STONE LODGE ( N O . 5 ) . —This Lodge met
on Alonday , the 13 th instant , and it being tho day of installation there was a numerous attendance of distinguished brethren , among ivhom were Bros . Hall , Prov . G . AI . for Cambridgeshire ; F . Dundas , P . S . G . AV . ; Roxburgh ; Henderson ; Stephen Barton AVilson ; Jennings ; Keightley ; Evans ; Lo A'eau : Symonds ; & c , etc . The chair was taken by the AV . AI ., Bro . John Stone , who , after performing the ceremony of passing Bro . Halse to the second degree , installed his successor-, Bro . AVilliam Frederick Mooroin a very able manner . The board of installed Masters
, was more than usually numerous , there being nineteen or twenty present , the Lodge itself numbering amongst its members no less than nine ivho have filled the chair of the Lodge . A . vote of thanks was " iinani . mously given to Bro . Stone for his conduct in the chair during the last year . As is always the case in this Lodge , a brother undertook the office of steward for the next festival of tho Girls School . After dinner , at which between fifty and sixty were present , the usual toasts were proposed aucl receiA'ed AA'ith every mark of fraternal regard . It is the
custom in this Lodge practically to support the charities by voluntary contributions , collected at the dinner , and the sum named on this occasion was six pounds sixteen shillings and sixpence . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Donald . King ,- assisted by Bro . Lawler aucl others .
KENT LODGE ( NO . lo ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on AVednesday , the Sth inst ., at Bro . Harris ' s , The Throe Tuns Tavern , SoutliAvark , Bro . Mariner , AV . AI ., in the chair , assisted by Bros . Thos . Anslow , as S . AA " . pro tern . ; aucl G . D . Cossens , J . W . The business of the evening consisted of three raisings and two craftings , which ceremonies were worked in a very efficient manner . This being the usual period for the election of Master and Treasurer for the year , the brethren proceeded to the same , when the following brethren were declared
duly elected to the offices annexed . to their names : —viz ., Bros . G . D . Cossens , as AV . M . ; and Rich . Barnes , as Treasurer . Several propositions for initiation at the ensuing meeting wore received ; and all business being concluded , the Lodge was closed in clue form , and tho brethren adjourned to dinner . The usual loyal toasts were given and hearti ly responded to . Bro . 'E . D . Rogers , P . M ., proposed the health of the AA . At . Bro . AIAIIINEII thanked the brethren for the kind mark of respect evinced towards him ; was delihtedat the close of the to find the
g , year , financial state of the Lodge in so prosperous a condition , and trusted his successor might be equally supported during his Mastership . The next toast proposed was tho "Army and Navy . " Capt . Bro . Rogers , of the 7 th Surrey Rifles , iu reply , having sincerely thanked his brother Afasons for the kindly feelings they entertained toivards him—the reception he ever had met at their hands , demanded his grateful acknowledgmentsthen spoke of the efficiency of the corps to ivhich he belonged , of the eulogiums passeel on them by government for their proficiency in arms
during the short space of time they had been organized , and assured them , if circumstances required it , they ivere ready to a man to come forward in defence of their country , their wives and families . " ( Cheers ) . '" The health of the Past Masters present , " viz ., Bros . Richard Barnes , It , E . Barnes , K Hawkins , H . Smith , J . Manger , Samuel AVhitehouse , E . D . Rogers , C . C . Gibbs , Thomas Anslow , w ; is next proposed aud responded to with a trul"Kent tire . " Bro . E . D . ROGERSas the
immey , diate ^ P . M ., haviug spoken in behalf of his brother . P . AI ., said he hacUrrr pleasing duty to perform , that of rendering "honour to whom hridSMZ was due ; " he alluded to their unanimous elesire of preseuting ^ feiv , SV . M ., Bvo . Mtirinev , with a Past Master ' s jewel to mark their est & pon ' of the very proficient and conscientious manner in which he IpHeEsO charged the duties of his office ; he ( Bro . Rogers ) was of opiuifaIthat
presentations of this description should not be given indiscriminately , but conferred on brethren of merit and ability ; in fche present instance their AVorshipful Master had in every sense proved himself worthy that honour . He had now to inform the brethren that , holding the rank of Past Alaster in Kent Lodge , he had been appointed by Grand Lodge as one of the tivelve members of the Board of Benevolence , and it
ivould be Ids constant care to guard the interest of the Craft , more especially of his mother Lodge . The health of tho visiting brethren , viz ., Bro . Mark Mavsduu , of LodgeiS o . 33 , and Bro . Henry Mullen , of tho Hiram Lodge ( 72 ) , Hew York , was next proposed . Bro . AIAKSDKN , iu reply , thanked the brethren sincerely for the kind and courteous manner in ivhich they had been received ; he was delighted at the excellent working of the Lodge , and the true spirit of Alasonry that existed among the members . "The health of Bro . Richard Barnes , Treas .,
and Bro . R . E . Barnes , Hon . Sec , " was the next toasfc . Bro . Richard ¦ BARNES having thanked the brethren for their renewed confidence made an urgent appeal in aid of the . funds of the Royal Alasonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , and observed , though ifc was the last charity instituted , it was indeed the most deserving , inasmuch as the necessities of their needy brethren required their fostering care to give them that consolation in ( their declining' years ivhich their age and infirmities demanded at their hands . AVhat greater reward to ] a Alason than to
know " that an opportunity was there afforded of exercising that virtue he had already professed to admire . " He earnestly called their attention to the case of Bro . S . S . AVood , of Lodge ISTo . 33 , beiug his second application , and sincerely trusted they would give it that support ivhich the urgeney of the case so justly merits . Bro . R . G . BARNES assured the brethren of . his gratitude for the very cordial maimer in ivhich his name had been received by them on all oeeasious ; chat his utmost energies ivould be exercised for the furtherance of the interest of Kent Lodge , and he trusted he should at all times prove by a ready and willing acquiescence
to all votes and resolutions duly passed for the Avelfare of the Lodge aucl its members , that his zeal for its prosperity might increase . "The Officers of tho Lodge" was the next toasfc . Bro . G . D . C OSSENS . J . AV . and AA . AI . eleet , begged very sincerely to thank the brethren for the high compliment paid to him and his brother officers—he sincerely tendered them his warmest feelings of gratitude for the high position in which they had placed him as Alaster elect—he trusted he was duly sensible of the qualifications necessary for the proper discharge of tho
important duties of the office , viz ., a thorough knowledge ofthe various ceremonies appertaining thereto ; ho would use his best exertions to make himself proficient in the mystic art , and as perseverance was necessary to establish perfection , and the rude material could receive its fine polish from repeated efforts alone , so nothing but great exertions should be evinced by him in maintaining that superiority of working so characteristic iu his predecessors . He trusted by a due observance of the ancient landmarks of the Order , modest and correct demeanour while
presiding over them , and a constant interest in tho well-being of the . Lodge , to prove himself worthy their choice and of the trust reposed in him . Bro . ANSIOW also expressed his grateful acknowledgments for the very liberal support he had received from the brethren on the ' present occasion ; aucl trusted bj' a willingness at all times to render any assistance tiie Lodge might require at his bauds , to maintain that good opinion which they hud ever entertained towards him . Other minor toasts being given , the brethren parted early , having spout a pleasant evening , The harmony of the evening Ai-as greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Holbrook . R . Jones , and Harris .
EASTERN STAB LODGE ( NO . 112 ) . — This old established Lodge , its first Avarrant dating 1765 , held its annual installation festival on AVednesday , February Sth , at its neiv home , thc "Rose and Crown , Bromley , Bro . H . J . A ousley , the AA . Af ., presided , and after the minutes of the preceding Lodge had been confirmed and the Lodge opened in the second degree , he resigned the chair to Bro . D . S . Potts ; and Bro . Edward AV . Davis , fche AAsAI . elect , being presented , was duly installed in the presence of twelve other Past Masters , saluted , and proclaimed in the
several degrees . The AA orshipful Alaster then appointed and invested tho officer's for the year : —Bros . Frederick Inman Sharp , S . AV . ; Horatio Grey , J . AV . ; I ) . S . Potts , Sec ; Curry S . D . ; Joseph Pattriclc . J . D . ; Edinger , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Goocle , I . G . ; AV . AV . Davis , P . M ., Treas . ; and Bro . Speight , Tyler , were also invested . The AA ' orshipful Alaster said he had a most pleasing duty to discharge in presenting - to his predecessor tlie jewel unanimously voted at the previous meeting' in recognition of his punctual and zealous attention to thc business of the Lodge .
Ifc is a P . Al . ' s jeivel of elegant design , bearing this inscription , "Presented by the brethren of the Eastern Star Lodge , NY > . 112 , to tho AV . Bro . Henry J , "Vousloy , P . AL , as a mark of esteem for the zeal and ability displayed by him as AV . AI . during the past year . ^ February 8 , I 860 . " Bro . VOUSLEY , in grateful terms , accepted the testimonialjof good feeling on the part of the brethren , and expressed a hope that for many years to come he should continue a member of Lodge No . 112 . All business ended and the Lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to dinner , ivhich
ivas well served , with every attention to the comfort of tho brethren ; and the kindness of the AVorshipful Master , aided by the attention and Wbanity of the worthy Treasurer , rendered the meeting one of the most $ 4 fsW character . The visitors , among whom ivere Bros . Osborne , P . M ^ m 22 : Muggeridge , P . AL No . 227 ; Alaney , P . M . No . 201 ; Snow , # § . 3 § p 20 li ; and How , Prov . G . lAir . of . Cers ., Herts—through Hie latter , w ^ orivp-f ailed on by the AVorshipful Alaster to return thanks for the y ijjitorsV ^ fnost gratefully acknowledged the happy evening thoy had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC 3 IBAIS . W- A VOCAL concert will take place at the Farringdon Hall , on Thursday , tho 1 st of March , for the benefit of Hro . Beckett , of tho Domatic Loelge , upon which occasion he will be assisted by some of the most eminent vocalists of thc Craft . It is to be hoped that he ivill receive the support which ho so ivell deserves . Tni * Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction will , in future , work the
lectures of the Eoyal Arch degree , as well as the ceremony of exaltation . The work of this Chapter is under the immediate superintendence of many eminent Pasfc Principals , foremost among whom are S . B . AVilson ; T . A . Adams ; AV . AVatson ; T . A . Allen ; Andrew ; and Kirby . Principals going up to the chairs have every facility to perfect themselves in their respective duties . The Chapter meets every Saturday OA-ening , at eight o ' clock , at the AVestern Alasonic Hall , Old Bond Street .
METROPOLITAN . GRAND STEWARDS' LODGK . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , on AA ' ednesday , the loth instant , Bro . AVarren ivas installed as AV . M . for tho year , AA'hen he invested Bro . Dr . Hinxmau , S . AV . ; Bro . Samuels , J . AV . ; Bro . Nutt , S . D . ; Bro . Alereiveather , J . D . ; and Bro . AVatson , Sec . ST . GEORGE ' S AND CORKER STONE LODGE ( N O . 5 ) . —This Lodge met
on Alonday , the 13 th instant , and it being tho day of installation there was a numerous attendance of distinguished brethren , among ivhom were Bros . Hall , Prov . G . AI . for Cambridgeshire ; F . Dundas , P . S . G . AV . ; Roxburgh ; Henderson ; Stephen Barton AVilson ; Jennings ; Keightley ; Evans ; Lo A'eau : Symonds ; & c , etc . The chair was taken by the AV . AI ., Bro . John Stone , who , after performing the ceremony of passing Bro . Halse to the second degree , installed his successor-, Bro . AVilliam Frederick Mooroin a very able manner . The board of installed Masters
, was more than usually numerous , there being nineteen or twenty present , the Lodge itself numbering amongst its members no less than nine ivho have filled the chair of the Lodge . A . vote of thanks was " iinani . mously given to Bro . Stone for his conduct in the chair during the last year . As is always the case in this Lodge , a brother undertook the office of steward for the next festival of tho Girls School . After dinner , at which between fifty and sixty were present , the usual toasts were proposed aucl receiA'ed AA'ith every mark of fraternal regard . It is the
custom in this Lodge practically to support the charities by voluntary contributions , collected at the dinner , and the sum named on this occasion was six pounds sixteen shillings and sixpence . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Donald . King ,- assisted by Bro . Lawler aucl others .
KENT LODGE ( NO . lo ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on AVednesday , the Sth inst ., at Bro . Harris ' s , The Throe Tuns Tavern , SoutliAvark , Bro . Mariner , AV . AI ., in the chair , assisted by Bros . Thos . Anslow , as S . AA " . pro tern . ; aucl G . D . Cossens , J . W . The business of the evening consisted of three raisings and two craftings , which ceremonies were worked in a very efficient manner . This being the usual period for the election of Master and Treasurer for the year , the brethren proceeded to the same , when the following brethren were declared
duly elected to the offices annexed . to their names : —viz ., Bros . G . D . Cossens , as AV . M . ; and Rich . Barnes , as Treasurer . Several propositions for initiation at the ensuing meeting wore received ; and all business being concluded , the Lodge was closed in clue form , and tho brethren adjourned to dinner . The usual loyal toasts were given and hearti ly responded to . Bro . 'E . D . Rogers , P . M ., proposed the health of the AA . At . Bro . AIAIIINEII thanked the brethren for the kind mark of respect evinced towards him ; was delihtedat the close of the to find the
g , year , financial state of the Lodge in so prosperous a condition , and trusted his successor might be equally supported during his Mastership . The next toast proposed was tho "Army and Navy . " Capt . Bro . Rogers , of the 7 th Surrey Rifles , iu reply , having sincerely thanked his brother Afasons for the kindly feelings they entertained toivards him—the reception he ever had met at their hands , demanded his grateful acknowledgmentsthen spoke of the efficiency of the corps to ivhich he belonged , of the eulogiums passeel on them by government for their proficiency in arms
during the short space of time they had been organized , and assured them , if circumstances required it , they ivere ready to a man to come forward in defence of their country , their wives and families . " ( Cheers ) . '" The health of the Past Masters present , " viz ., Bros . Richard Barnes , It , E . Barnes , K Hawkins , H . Smith , J . Manger , Samuel AVhitehouse , E . D . Rogers , C . C . Gibbs , Thomas Anslow , w ; is next proposed aud responded to with a trul"Kent tire . " Bro . E . D . ROGERSas the
immey , diate ^ P . M ., haviug spoken in behalf of his brother . P . AI ., said he hacUrrr pleasing duty to perform , that of rendering "honour to whom hridSMZ was due ; " he alluded to their unanimous elesire of preseuting ^ feiv , SV . M ., Bvo . Mtirinev , with a Past Master ' s jewel to mark their est & pon ' of the very proficient and conscientious manner in which he IpHeEsO charged the duties of his office ; he ( Bro . Rogers ) was of opiuifaIthat
presentations of this description should not be given indiscriminately , but conferred on brethren of merit and ability ; in fche present instance their AVorshipful Master had in every sense proved himself worthy that honour . He had now to inform the brethren that , holding the rank of Past Alaster in Kent Lodge , he had been appointed by Grand Lodge as one of the tivelve members of the Board of Benevolence , and it
ivould be Ids constant care to guard the interest of the Craft , more especially of his mother Lodge . The health of tho visiting brethren , viz ., Bro . Mark Mavsduu , of LodgeiS o . 33 , and Bro . Henry Mullen , of tho Hiram Lodge ( 72 ) , Hew York , was next proposed . Bro . AIAKSDKN , iu reply , thanked the brethren sincerely for the kind and courteous manner in ivhich they had been received ; he was delighted at the excellent working of the Lodge , and the true spirit of Alasonry that existed among the members . "The health of Bro . Richard Barnes , Treas .,
and Bro . R . E . Barnes , Hon . Sec , " was the next toasfc . Bro . Richard ¦ BARNES having thanked the brethren for their renewed confidence made an urgent appeal in aid of the . funds of the Royal Alasonic Benevolent Annuity Fund , and observed , though ifc was the last charity instituted , it was indeed the most deserving , inasmuch as the necessities of their needy brethren required their fostering care to give them that consolation in ( their declining' years ivhich their age and infirmities demanded at their hands . AVhat greater reward to ] a Alason than to
know " that an opportunity was there afforded of exercising that virtue he had already professed to admire . " He earnestly called their attention to the case of Bro . S . S . AVood , of Lodge ISTo . 33 , beiug his second application , and sincerely trusted they would give it that support ivhich the urgeney of the case so justly merits . Bro . R . G . BARNES assured the brethren of . his gratitude for the very cordial maimer in ivhich his name had been received by them on all oeeasious ; chat his utmost energies ivould be exercised for the furtherance of the interest of Kent Lodge , and he trusted he should at all times prove by a ready and willing acquiescence
to all votes and resolutions duly passed for the Avelfare of the Lodge aucl its members , that his zeal for its prosperity might increase . "The Officers of tho Lodge" was the next toasfc . Bro . G . D . C OSSENS . J . AV . and AA . AI . eleet , begged very sincerely to thank the brethren for the high compliment paid to him and his brother officers—he sincerely tendered them his warmest feelings of gratitude for the high position in which they had placed him as Alaster elect—he trusted he was duly sensible of the qualifications necessary for the proper discharge of tho
important duties of the office , viz ., a thorough knowledge ofthe various ceremonies appertaining thereto ; ho would use his best exertions to make himself proficient in the mystic art , and as perseverance was necessary to establish perfection , and the rude material could receive its fine polish from repeated efforts alone , so nothing but great exertions should be evinced by him in maintaining that superiority of working so characteristic iu his predecessors . He trusted by a due observance of the ancient landmarks of the Order , modest and correct demeanour while
presiding over them , and a constant interest in tho well-being of the . Lodge , to prove himself worthy their choice and of the trust reposed in him . Bro . ANSIOW also expressed his grateful acknowledgments for the very liberal support he had received from the brethren on the ' present occasion ; aucl trusted bj' a willingness at all times to render any assistance tiie Lodge might require at his bauds , to maintain that good opinion which they hud ever entertained towards him . Other minor toasts being given , the brethren parted early , having spout a pleasant evening , The harmony of the evening Ai-as greatly enhanced by the excellent singing of Bros . Holbrook . R . Jones , and Harris .
EASTERN STAB LODGE ( NO . 112 ) . — This old established Lodge , its first Avarrant dating 1765 , held its annual installation festival on AVednesday , February Sth , at its neiv home , thc "Rose and Crown , Bromley , Bro . H . J . A ousley , the AA . Af ., presided , and after the minutes of the preceding Lodge had been confirmed and the Lodge opened in the second degree , he resigned the chair to Bro . D . S . Potts ; and Bro . Edward AV . Davis , fche AAsAI . elect , being presented , was duly installed in the presence of twelve other Past Masters , saluted , and proclaimed in the
several degrees . The AA orshipful Alaster then appointed and invested tho officer's for the year : —Bros . Frederick Inman Sharp , S . AV . ; Horatio Grey , J . AV . ; I ) . S . Potts , Sec ; Curry S . D . ; Joseph Pattriclc . J . D . ; Edinger , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Goocle , I . G . ; AV . AV . Davis , P . M ., Treas . ; and Bro . Speight , Tyler , were also invested . The AA ' orshipful Alaster said he had a most pleasing duty to discharge in presenting - to his predecessor tlie jewel unanimously voted at the previous meeting' in recognition of his punctual and zealous attention to thc business of the Lodge .
Ifc is a P . Al . ' s jeivel of elegant design , bearing this inscription , "Presented by the brethren of the Eastern Star Lodge , NY > . 112 , to tho AV . Bro . Henry J , "Vousloy , P . AL , as a mark of esteem for the zeal and ability displayed by him as AV . AI . during the past year . ^ February 8 , I 860 . " Bro . VOUSLEY , in grateful terms , accepted the testimonialjof good feeling on the part of the brethren , and expressed a hope that for many years to come he should continue a member of Lodge No . 112 . All business ended and the Lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to dinner , ivhich
ivas well served , with every attention to the comfort of tho brethren ; and the kindness of the AVorshipful Master , aided by the attention and Wbanity of the worthy Treasurer , rendered the meeting one of the most $ 4 fsW character . The visitors , among whom ivere Bros . Osborne , P . M ^ m 22 : Muggeridge , P . AL No . 227 ; Alaney , P . M . No . 201 ; Snow , # § . 3 § p 20 li ; and How , Prov . G . lAir . of . Cers ., Herts—through Hie latter , w ^ orivp-f ailed on by the AVorshipful Alaster to return thanks for the y ijjitorsV ^ fnost gratefully acknowledged the happy evening thoy had