Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 6 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 3 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
chortissccl liy the brethren present with a right good will . Bro . STOCKH'I ' LL , the initiate , would not attempt to say much about what lie did not properly yet understand , but could only express regret that he had not been made a Mason years ago ; still he hoped he was not too old to be found a willing and happy contributor in behalf of those poorer brethren who might reipiirc his aid ; aud for the honour they bad done him be begged to return them his warmest thanks . Tho AA ' . AI . next
bogged leave to propose a toast ivhich could not fail of being received with tlie utmost enthusiasm . The Lodge had specially requested , and Hro . J . Savage had as readily complied ivith their request , that he would perform the ceremony of installation . How that ceremony had been performed it was needless for bim to say , as they had seen for themselves ; be should therefore ask them to give a good fire after drinking Bro . Sai-ago ' s health , and a cordial Avelcomc to him whenever he did them the honour to visit tho Canonbury Lodge . '' Bro . SAVAGE , S . G . D ., in
reply , said he should be one of the most ungrateful of men if he did not express his fullest thanks to them for the very kind way iu which the mention of his name had been made aucl responded to . He ivas no stranger to their generosity of sentiment , as this was not the first or second time lie had experienced such a welcome at their hands ; but of late it had been his annual good fortune to be present at their installations , and instead of thc honour flowing from him , ifc was he who was the recipeufc , for it ivas an honour conferred upon him , and a mark of
respect very flattering to him , ivhen they called upon him to perform the Canonbury installation , and so long as they did so so long he should feel it a privilege , duty , and happiness to obey their ua . ll , and ivlion the time came round , to renew his visit . He was particularly proud of being there , for he thought there was great credit due to the promoters iu getting up such a Lodge in Islington , and for the spirit with ivhich it was maintained—such being a matter of special gratification to him as a resident and one connected AA'ith the parish . Iu conclusion he begged to
drink " Prosperity to the Canonbury Lodge , and health and happiness to its members , both individually and collectively . " The health of * ' The Alsitors" was the next toast , for which Bro . BLACKBURN returned thanks . Bvo . FILER ., P . M ., said that it fell to his lot to perform a very pleasing duty , anel complimented the AA . Al . on attaining the position he now occupied . It must bo remembered that the AV . M . was achiklof tlie Canonbury Lodgo , and it seemed but yesterday since he himself had tho pleasure to initiate Bro . Eusom their worthy and excellent AV . AI . Ho ivas glad to be able to bear testimony to the assiduity ofthe W . AI ., he was always punctual , unci had been popular in all the offices he had held , owing to tbe pains
he had invariably bestowed on making himself thoroughly acquainted with the duties of each , and he felt certain that though he had noiv attained the summit of Lodge eminence he ivould still be found a persevering and worthy Alaster , aucl lie ( Bro . Filer ) was happy it had fallen to his lot to see him in that position and to be enabled to call upon the brethren present to drink to the health of their newly installed AV . M . The AVousiuri-ULMASTV . il iu reply stated ho had always done his best , to the best of his ability , to carry out his duties though he
could not take to himself all the credit Bro . Filer had bestowed upon him , yet as far as he could follow out the example of Bros . Filer , . Bohn , and Hill , ho should consider himself bound to do , and he hoped to hand over thc Lodge to his successor noway dimished iu effectiveness , number , aud respectability . With those hopes and promises , he had to express to fche brethren his obligation for their very kind reception of the toast . The next toast iveis the health of "The P . AIs . of the Lodge , " and the WM said he should not otter many words as an introduction of the names of
Bros . Filer , Bohn , Hill , and tbe absent immediate P . AL , Bro . AV . Cox . The first three were ALisons of repute and standing , anel it was a subject of congratulation to himself that he had such experienced guides to fall back upon as a council of reserve . Their value to the Lodge the members well know , and hoped they would testify in the way they received tbe health of the P . AIs . of the Canonbury Lodge . Bro . F ' JLEII , P . M . found himself in his usual position , that of wanting a varied form of words to express their thanks . The P . AIs . of a Lod always had one
ge set duty , and it seemed ou him devolved that duty , so that he could onl y reiterate the thanks he had often before tendered them . This mi ght appear a bold way of returning thanks ; but they must remember the P . AIti . ivere not in the condition of officers that changed every twelve mouth , and could find something new to say for themselves , but they ivere stationary bodies and that must be their excuse , if excuse Avere needed , for travelling so often iu the beaten track . For the compliment paid them he , for himself and his brother P . AIs ., begged to return their
thanks . The AVousniri'UL MASTEB then gave "The Wardens and Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . EDWARD COX , S . AV ., returned thanks iu his own name , and as S . AV . accepted the compliment paid him , hoped that with their favour he might be enabled to do his duty to the satisfaction of tho Lodge , iu which he assured them no attempts should be spared on his part , either iu time of labour or refreshment . The other ollicers haviug each expressed their intention to go and do likewise , the Tyler ' s toast brought to a conclusion the installation meeting of the Canonbury Lodge for 1 S 60 .
INSTRUCTION . GLOBE LODGE ( No . 23 ) . —On Thiirsdav , Afarch 1 st , this Lodge ivill meet at seven o ' clock , at the Red Horse , " No . 10 , Old Bond-street . The ceremonies of consecration and installation of W . AI . will be rehearsed , aucl also the four last sections of the first lecture . Tho musical portion
The Masonic Mirror.
of the ceremonies will be under the direction of Bro . M . Cooke , Honorary Alusic Alaster to the Girls' School . A very numerous attendance of brethren is expected .
PEOVINCIAL . BERKSHIRE . MAIDENHEAD . —St . John ' s Loelge ( No . 1097 ) . —The third meeting of this new Lodge took place at the Orkney Arms Hotel , on Alonday , the 13 th instant , when Bro . AViii . Brooks of tho Middlesex Lodge , No . 167 ,
was admitted a joining member . Bros . AA'illiams , Boyer , Alerritfc , Hodges , and Skindle passeel a must satisfactory examination , and ivere advanced to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Bros . AVarel and Durraufc also passeel through their examination with much credit and wore duly promoted to the degree of F . C . Four carrdidatcs were then proposed , balloted for , and approved as initiates . Three being absent , tho fourth , Air . Frederick Henry Cooper , was initiated into the mysteries of pure and antieut Freemasonry . The manner of delivering the
ceremonies by the AV . AI . ( Bro . Ii . S . Cossens , ) was exceedingly gratifying to a full Lodge . He AA'as evidently in ill health , but he commenced soon after high twelve and continued his duties up to six o ' clock , when labour ceased and all retired to refreshment , ivhich was furnished , as Bro . Skindle always does , most excellently . The only thing wanting was a more numerous attendance at the banquet , the absence of several was unavoidable , several travelling many miles before they slept . The AV . M . appointed his zealous S . AV . ( Bro . Venables , ) as Organist to the Lodge ,
lie also appointed Bro . Hodges as the Secretary of the Lodge , and Bro . AVilliams as thc Director of Ceremonies . Amongst the visitors wo noticed Bros . 11 . E . Jordan , P . Prov . G . Reg ., and P . AI . No . 597 ; Piatt , P . AL , & e .
BRISTOL . BRISTOL . —Royal Sussex Lodge of Hospitality ( No . 221 ) . —The annual festival of this Lod go was held on the 27 th ultimo , at the Victoria Rooms , Clifton , under tho presidency of the AV . AI . Bro . E . AI . Hai-wooel . The large number of one hundred anel twelve brethren dined at the Guildhall Hotel . The dining room , which is itself beautifully painted in tlie " Owen Jones " style , AA- ; IS further decorated with two brilliant gas pillars ( kindly leuf , by Bro . Butcherof Clare Street ) , each
, about ten feet high , placed at the back of the AV . AI . ' s seat . The dinner Avas honoured by the presence of the R . AV . the Prov . G . AL of Bristol , Bro . Henry Sbute ; the R . AV . the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . AV . Powell ; and several Officers of tho Provincial Grancl Lodge , as ivell as the AA . AIs ., officers and brethren of various Lodges of IBafcli , Glastonbury , & c . Several brethren , officers in the line , militia aud Bristol Corps of Volunteer Artillery and Rifles , were also present , nearly all of whom , together with a large number of brethren , members of those bodies ,
appeared hi uniform , and greatly added to the gaiety of the scene . The band of tho Royal Antrim Rifles was , by the kind permission of the commanding officer of that regiment , [ stationed in the gallery , and during the evening delighted the brethren by playing a fine selection of operatic and other music , alternately ivith the talented family of Bro . "W . Alaby . Tho usual Alasonic , loyal , and other toasts having been given by the AV . AI ., and duly responded to , the festivities of the evening were brought to a close at rather a late hour , and the brethren departed in peace and harmony .
DEVON . PLYMOUTH . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . S 3 ) . —This Lodge assembled on Tuesday , the 7 th of February , at the Masonic Hall , iu the Union Road , in Plymouth , at six o ' clock iu the evening , it being' its first meeting for the new year . Present : John Dupre , A \ . M . ; J . IS . Gover , P . AL ; F . B . Holmes , S . AV . ; Thomas Harfoot , J . AV . ; J . R . Brewer , P . AL , See . ; B . Phillips , S . D . ; Bro . Alartiu , J . D . pro tern . ; Bro . Fiuemore , I . G . ; V . AA " . BroAlaynardPProvGTreasAVBroThomasPProvGSupt
. , . . . . ; . . , . . . . of AA orks ; AV . Bro . Ash , A . Prov . G . D . C . ; Bro . ' Walton ( visiting ) , No . 387 , Alalia ; Bro . Alay , No . 185 ; Bro . James , No . 185 ; Bro . Taylor , No . 185 ; Bros . Avery , Tarrafct , Sen . Steward ; Trono , Jim . Steward ; Bros . Hawke , Stephens , and Ryder . At this meeting , Bros . Hawko and Stephens were advanced to the third degree , and Bros . Ry der and Trone to the second . A letter was received from Lodge Friendship , No . 238 , Devonport , calling upon this , as tho senior Local Lodge , in number , to
convene a meeting of the seven Lodges of the neighbourhood , to entertain the propriety of " raising structures for the accommodation of tho Craft in some central part of these towns ; " and noticing " that tho greater part assemble at the houses of licensed A'ictuallers or inns , " The AVorshipful Bro . Thomas , P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks considered the letter entitled to notice . It ivas remarked , that as a copy of this letter had also been forwarded to ei-ory local Lodge , aud one had already given publicity to its decision , Lodgo Friendship , might now fall short of its
full expectation . The subject was , however , more particularly directed to the attention of this Lodge , and whatever opinion ifc might form , ifc ought , in fraternal courtesy , to meet tho request of Lodge Friendship , than ivhich no Lodge in the neighbourhood was better enabled to enhance its own comforts , nor more ready to promote those of other Loelges . Here was a proof manifest . It had in all it did or anticipated hearty good wishes . Bro . Gover , P . AL , moved that a letter should bo forthwith sont the Alaster and Secretary of Loelge Friendship , acknoivlcdging the receipt of their circular , stating the cause of not answering curlier , and assuring fcheui of the readiest fraternal compliance with their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
chortissccl liy the brethren present with a right good will . Bro . STOCKH'I ' LL , the initiate , would not attempt to say much about what lie did not properly yet understand , but could only express regret that he had not been made a Mason years ago ; still he hoped he was not too old to be found a willing and happy contributor in behalf of those poorer brethren who might reipiirc his aid ; aud for the honour they bad done him be begged to return them his warmest thanks . Tho AA ' . AI . next
bogged leave to propose a toast ivhich could not fail of being received with tlie utmost enthusiasm . The Lodge had specially requested , and Hro . J . Savage had as readily complied ivith their request , that he would perform the ceremony of installation . How that ceremony had been performed it was needless for bim to say , as they had seen for themselves ; be should therefore ask them to give a good fire after drinking Bro . Sai-ago ' s health , and a cordial Avelcomc to him whenever he did them the honour to visit tho Canonbury Lodge . '' Bro . SAVAGE , S . G . D ., in
reply , said he should be one of the most ungrateful of men if he did not express his fullest thanks to them for the very kind way iu which the mention of his name had been made aucl responded to . He ivas no stranger to their generosity of sentiment , as this was not the first or second time lie had experienced such a welcome at their hands ; but of late it had been his annual good fortune to be present at their installations , and instead of thc honour flowing from him , ifc was he who was the recipeufc , for it ivas an honour conferred upon him , and a mark of
respect very flattering to him , ivhen they called upon him to perform the Canonbury installation , and so long as they did so so long he should feel it a privilege , duty , and happiness to obey their ua . ll , and ivlion the time came round , to renew his visit . He was particularly proud of being there , for he thought there was great credit due to the promoters iu getting up such a Lodge in Islington , and for the spirit with ivhich it was maintained—such being a matter of special gratification to him as a resident and one connected AA'ith the parish . Iu conclusion he begged to
drink " Prosperity to the Canonbury Lodge , and health and happiness to its members , both individually and collectively . " The health of * ' The Alsitors" was the next toast , for which Bro . BLACKBURN returned thanks . Bvo . FILER ., P . M ., said that it fell to his lot to perform a very pleasing duty , anel complimented the AA . Al . on attaining the position he now occupied . It must bo remembered that the AV . M . was achiklof tlie Canonbury Lodgo , and it seemed but yesterday since he himself had tho pleasure to initiate Bro . Eusom their worthy and excellent AV . AI . Ho ivas glad to be able to bear testimony to the assiduity ofthe W . AI ., he was always punctual , unci had been popular in all the offices he had held , owing to tbe pains
he had invariably bestowed on making himself thoroughly acquainted with the duties of each , and he felt certain that though he had noiv attained the summit of Lodge eminence he ivould still be found a persevering and worthy Alaster , aucl lie ( Bro . Filer ) was happy it had fallen to his lot to see him in that position and to be enabled to call upon the brethren present to drink to the health of their newly installed AV . M . The AVousiuri-ULMASTV . il iu reply stated ho had always done his best , to the best of his ability , to carry out his duties though he
could not take to himself all the credit Bro . Filer had bestowed upon him , yet as far as he could follow out the example of Bros . Filer , . Bohn , and Hill , ho should consider himself bound to do , and he hoped to hand over thc Lodge to his successor noway dimished iu effectiveness , number , aud respectability . With those hopes and promises , he had to express to fche brethren his obligation for their very kind reception of the toast . The next toast iveis the health of "The P . AIs . of the Lodge , " and the WM said he should not otter many words as an introduction of the names of
Bros . Filer , Bohn , Hill , and tbe absent immediate P . AL , Bro . AV . Cox . The first three were ALisons of repute and standing , anel it was a subject of congratulation to himself that he had such experienced guides to fall back upon as a council of reserve . Their value to the Lodge the members well know , and hoped they would testify in the way they received tbe health of the P . AIs . of the Canonbury Lodge . Bro . F ' JLEII , P . M . found himself in his usual position , that of wanting a varied form of words to express their thanks . The P . AIs . of a Lod always had one
ge set duty , and it seemed ou him devolved that duty , so that he could onl y reiterate the thanks he had often before tendered them . This mi ght appear a bold way of returning thanks ; but they must remember the P . AIti . ivere not in the condition of officers that changed every twelve mouth , and could find something new to say for themselves , but they ivere stationary bodies and that must be their excuse , if excuse Avere needed , for travelling so often iu the beaten track . For the compliment paid them he , for himself and his brother P . AIs ., begged to return their
thanks . The AVousniri'UL MASTEB then gave "The Wardens and Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . EDWARD COX , S . AV ., returned thanks iu his own name , and as S . AV . accepted the compliment paid him , hoped that with their favour he might be enabled to do his duty to the satisfaction of tho Lodge , iu which he assured them no attempts should be spared on his part , either iu time of labour or refreshment . The other ollicers haviug each expressed their intention to go and do likewise , the Tyler ' s toast brought to a conclusion the installation meeting of the Canonbury Lodge for 1 S 60 .
INSTRUCTION . GLOBE LODGE ( No . 23 ) . —On Thiirsdav , Afarch 1 st , this Lodge ivill meet at seven o ' clock , at the Red Horse , " No . 10 , Old Bond-street . The ceremonies of consecration and installation of W . AI . will be rehearsed , aucl also the four last sections of the first lecture . Tho musical portion
The Masonic Mirror.
of the ceremonies will be under the direction of Bro . M . Cooke , Honorary Alusic Alaster to the Girls' School . A very numerous attendance of brethren is expected .
PEOVINCIAL . BERKSHIRE . MAIDENHEAD . —St . John ' s Loelge ( No . 1097 ) . —The third meeting of this new Lodge took place at the Orkney Arms Hotel , on Alonday , the 13 th instant , when Bro . AViii . Brooks of tho Middlesex Lodge , No . 167 ,
was admitted a joining member . Bros . AA'illiams , Boyer , Alerritfc , Hodges , and Skindle passeel a must satisfactory examination , and ivere advanced to the sublime degree of Master Mason . Bros . AVarel and Durraufc also passeel through their examination with much credit and wore duly promoted to the degree of F . C . Four carrdidatcs were then proposed , balloted for , and approved as initiates . Three being absent , tho fourth , Air . Frederick Henry Cooper , was initiated into the mysteries of pure and antieut Freemasonry . The manner of delivering the
ceremonies by the AV . AI . ( Bro . Ii . S . Cossens , ) was exceedingly gratifying to a full Lodge . He AA'as evidently in ill health , but he commenced soon after high twelve and continued his duties up to six o ' clock , when labour ceased and all retired to refreshment , ivhich was furnished , as Bro . Skindle always does , most excellently . The only thing wanting was a more numerous attendance at the banquet , the absence of several was unavoidable , several travelling many miles before they slept . The AV . M . appointed his zealous S . AV . ( Bro . Venables , ) as Organist to the Lodge ,
lie also appointed Bro . Hodges as the Secretary of the Lodge , and Bro . AVilliams as thc Director of Ceremonies . Amongst the visitors wo noticed Bros . 11 . E . Jordan , P . Prov . G . Reg ., and P . AI . No . 597 ; Piatt , P . AL , & e .
BRISTOL . BRISTOL . —Royal Sussex Lodge of Hospitality ( No . 221 ) . —The annual festival of this Lod go was held on the 27 th ultimo , at the Victoria Rooms , Clifton , under tho presidency of the AV . AI . Bro . E . AI . Hai-wooel . The large number of one hundred anel twelve brethren dined at the Guildhall Hotel . The dining room , which is itself beautifully painted in tlie " Owen Jones " style , AA- ; IS further decorated with two brilliant gas pillars ( kindly leuf , by Bro . Butcherof Clare Street ) , each
, about ten feet high , placed at the back of the AV . AI . ' s seat . The dinner Avas honoured by the presence of the R . AV . the Prov . G . AL of Bristol , Bro . Henry Sbute ; the R . AV . the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . AV . Powell ; and several Officers of tho Provincial Grancl Lodge , as ivell as the AA . AIs ., officers and brethren of various Lodges of IBafcli , Glastonbury , & c . Several brethren , officers in the line , militia aud Bristol Corps of Volunteer Artillery and Rifles , were also present , nearly all of whom , together with a large number of brethren , members of those bodies ,
appeared hi uniform , and greatly added to the gaiety of the scene . The band of tho Royal Antrim Rifles was , by the kind permission of the commanding officer of that regiment , [ stationed in the gallery , and during the evening delighted the brethren by playing a fine selection of operatic and other music , alternately ivith the talented family of Bro . "W . Alaby . Tho usual Alasonic , loyal , and other toasts having been given by the AV . AI ., and duly responded to , the festivities of the evening were brought to a close at rather a late hour , and the brethren departed in peace and harmony .
DEVON . PLYMOUTH . —St . John ' s Lodge ( No . S 3 ) . —This Lodge assembled on Tuesday , the 7 th of February , at the Masonic Hall , iu the Union Road , in Plymouth , at six o ' clock iu the evening , it being' its first meeting for the new year . Present : John Dupre , A \ . M . ; J . IS . Gover , P . AL ; F . B . Holmes , S . AV . ; Thomas Harfoot , J . AV . ; J . R . Brewer , P . AL , See . ; B . Phillips , S . D . ; Bro . Alartiu , J . D . pro tern . ; Bro . Fiuemore , I . G . ; V . AA " . BroAlaynardPProvGTreasAVBroThomasPProvGSupt
. , . . . . ; . . , . . . . of AA orks ; AV . Bro . Ash , A . Prov . G . D . C . ; Bro . ' Walton ( visiting ) , No . 387 , Alalia ; Bro . Alay , No . 185 ; Bro . James , No . 185 ; Bro . Taylor , No . 185 ; Bros . Avery , Tarrafct , Sen . Steward ; Trono , Jim . Steward ; Bros . Hawke , Stephens , and Ryder . At this meeting , Bros . Hawko and Stephens were advanced to the third degree , and Bros . Ry der and Trone to the second . A letter was received from Lodge Friendship , No . 238 , Devonport , calling upon this , as tho senior Local Lodge , in number , to
convene a meeting of the seven Lodges of the neighbourhood , to entertain the propriety of " raising structures for the accommodation of tho Craft in some central part of these towns ; " and noticing " that tho greater part assemble at the houses of licensed A'ictuallers or inns , " The AVorshipful Bro . Thomas , P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks considered the letter entitled to notice . It ivas remarked , that as a copy of this letter had also been forwarded to ei-ory local Lodge , aud one had already given publicity to its decision , Lodgo Friendship , might now fall short of its
full expectation . The subject was , however , more particularly directed to the attention of this Lodge , and whatever opinion ifc might form , ifc ought , in fraternal courtesy , to meet tho request of Lodge Friendship , than ivhich no Lodge in the neighbourhood was better enabled to enhance its own comforts , nor more ready to promote those of other Loelges . Here was a proof manifest . It had in all it did or anticipated hearty good wishes . Bro . Gover , P . AL , moved that a letter should bo forthwith sont the Alaster and Secretary of Loelge Friendship , acknoivlcdging the receipt of their circular , stating the cause of not answering curlier , and assuring fcheui of the readiest fraternal compliance with their