Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
views , as to the place and time of assembly for tho consideration of the matters ivhich they were desirous of submitting to the Craft . Bro . Divpre , thc AVorshipful Alaster , considered this step the better . To take any other at the present time , he thought ivould bo premature , if not indiscreet . He knew that one Loelge had decided , and from its peculiar position , it could not well do otherwise ; but even this Lodge might attend the assembly of the six , whose opinions Avere not yet knoAvn , and be pleased to hear them . It might add its influence by Avay of argument
, although ifc could not now be expected to give its support by AA-ay of cooperative movement ; and its presence ivould therefore be most desirable . He , consequently , felt disposed to second Bro . Cover ' s motionivhich was unanimously carried . The other necessary business of the evening having satisfactorily terminated , the Lodge closeel with accustomed prayer , and the brethren separated at an early hour . KENT .
FAVEHSHAM . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 155 ) . —A meeting' of this long established Lodge , which has been dormant for some few years , and now resuscitated lA-itk fair prospect of strength and vigour , ivas holden on Alonday , February Oth , at the Ship Hotel . There ivere present Bros . S . M . Shrubsole , AA . M . ; Brooke Jones , S . AV ., and S . G . W . of the province ; Stephen Shrubsole , J . AA . ; Keddell , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; How , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Herts . Bros .. C . B . Shrubsole , and Green , of No . 184 , Francis F . Girauel , AVilliam Ataile , and S . B . Sharp , were raised to the
third degree . Bro . Brooke Jones was unanimously elected AV . AI . for tho year ensuing ; and Bro . C . Shrubsole , Treasurer . All business ended , and the Lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the thanks of the members were voted to Bros . How and Keddell for their attendance and aid in the working . LANCASHIRE , EAST . BOLTON . — , S ( . John ' s Lodge 'No . 208 ) . —The annual festival of this
Lodge , and the meeting for installation of AA'orshipful Alaster and investiture of officers , was held on Wednesday , the 18 th of January , 1860 , at the Lodge room , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at four o ' clock iu the afternoon , when there ivas an average attendance of members of the Lodge ; Bros . John Aspinwall , Prov . G . Organist , aud AAR . AL of Anchor aucl Hope Lodge , No . ii ; John Bromley . P . AI . of Sfc . John ' s Loelge , No . -130 ; AVilliam Sharpies , of Lodge No . U . ; and Thomas Glaister , J . AV . of Lodge of Antiquity , No . 170 , being the visitors present . The Lodge
having been opened by Bro . Thomas Eutwisle , AV . AI ., and his officers , and the minutes of fche proceedings ofthe fast regular meeting duly confirmed , Bro . AVilliam Bawden , S . A \ ., was duly presented to Bro . John Atitchell , P . M . and Treasurer , anel a board of installed Masters , and solemnly obligated , installed , and proclaimed according to autienfc form . The following ivere nominated by the AV . AI . as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Thomas Mitchell , S . AV . ; Peter Roscow , J . AV . ; G . P . BrockbankSec ; Robert DeanS . D . ; AVm . Feifcci-oftJ . D . ; Joseph
, , , Howarth , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Richard Barlow , I . G , ; and AVilliam AA'clsb , Steward . Bro . John Atitchell was unanimously reelected Treasurer ' , and Bro . AVilliam Dawson reelected Tyler . The neivly appointed officers were theu duly invested ivith tlie badges and jewels of thcir respective offices and addressed b y Bro . Dawson , I' . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .. on the duties and obligations imposed upon them . The installation ceremony AA-as performed by Bro . Alitchcll in a most eloquent and impressive manner , and gave great satisfaction to tho brethren
assembled . Bro . John Smith , P . AL , proposed , and Bro . John Atitchell , P . AL and Treas ., seconded , a vote of thanks to Bro . Thomas Entwislo , the retiring Alaster , for the very able , efficient , and gentlemanlike manner iu ivhich he had discharged the duties of his high position during tho
past year , and i or the great interest he has at all tunes taken hi the welfare and prosperity Of the Lodge . The resolution haying been unanimously and cordially carried , Bro . SMITH proceeded to address Bro . Entwislo , stating that the brethren who had witnessed his highly efficient manner of conducting the business of the Lodge during tho year just past were desirous to mark their sense of his conduct by presenting him ivifch a small token of their esteem , and lie had great pleasure in attaching to his breast a small silver Past Muster ' s jewel as the most
appropriate way in which their sentiments could be conveyed , and he wished him many years of health aud happiness iu which to wear it with honour to himself and credit to the Lodge . Bro . ENTWISLE , AVIIO was much moved at the presentation anel fche remarks which accompanied ifc , expressed the gratitude he felt at having his humble services so prominently noticed ; he had only endeavoured to do his dutyin the position to ivhich they had been pleased to call him , and he little anticipated airy other roAvard than the satisfaction arising from fche conviction uf having
conscientiously discharged his duty to the best of his ability . The Lod ge then adjourned from labour to refreshment . Bro . Bawden , AV . AI . occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Aspiinvall , Prov . G . Org . and AV . AI No . -. 1-1 ; Sharpies , No . U ; Glaister , J . AA ., No . 170 ; Hugh Jones , AV . AI . No . -J 3 G ; Thomas Beswick , S . AV ., No . 136 ; Daniel Knott , No . I ; hl , ShreAvsbury ; and many of the Past Alasters and members of the Lod ge . After dinner the AVonsnriTUL AIASTEB proposed " The Queen and the Craft" ivhich was given Avith musical honoursfolloived by the "Earl of
, , Zetland , AI . AV . Grand Master of England , " aucl the " Lord Paumure , R . AV . Deputy Grand Alaster , " both of ivhich were received ivith eA-ery demonstration of respect . Bro . John Afrraiir- ' . LL , Treasurer , proposed ' •The health of Stephen Blair , li . AA' " . Prov . Grand Alaster for East Lancashire , " and paid a high compliment tu that gentleman for the dignified
and impartial manner iu AA'hich he acquitted himself in his high station , and congratulated the brethren on his restoration to health , which had for some time been precarious . Bro . Peter Roscow , J . AA " ., next proposed " Bro . Albert Hudson Royds , D . Prov . G . AL , " and " The Prov . Grand Officers past and present . " Bro . Roscow eulogized the D . Prov . Grand Alaster as one of fche mosfc industrious Afasons in the provinces , aud one well calculated , not only by precept but example , to raise the province of Bast Lancashire to the highest possible standard . Many of the
Provincial Officers were known to the brethren assembled , aud no one could doubt that many of them were peculiarly adapted to the positions they occupied , and ifc was pleasing to see , in their own Lodge more than one representative present that evening . The toast was briefly responded to by Bros . Aspimvall , Prov . G . Org ., aud Aiitchell and Fitzneivtom Prov . G . Stewards . Bro . ENTWISLE , P . AL , in a very flattering speech proposed " The health of the AA ' orshipful Alaster , Bro . Baivden , " speaking highly of his diligence and attention as one of his officers during the past year ,
and anticipating , nuclei' his presidency , a unanimous Lodge and a ivell trained staff of officers . Bro . BAIVBJ'N , in reply , thanked the brethren not only for their kindness in drinking this toast , but also for his election in so cordial and pleasing a way to the position he then occupied ; ho said that he bad endeavoured to make himself able to fill every office he had previously filled , in a creditable manner , and hoped , ivith that assistance Avhich he confidently believed he should receive from the officers that day appointedthat at the termination of his year of office
, the brethren would say that Lodge No . 20 S was not impaired in its efficiency , and that he should at least stand as high in their estimation as he did at the present moment . He wished , hoivever , to claim their attention for a moment to propose a toast ivhich eveiy brother ivould be glad to do honour to , and Avliich was never omitted on these annual gatherings , he meant "The Past Alasters—the pillars of the Lodge ;" with this toast he Avould couple the name of Bro . Entwisle , the retiring Alasterwhose conductin discharging the duties of his officethe
, , , brethren had that clay borne tribute to in open Loelge , and , after that , needed no incentive from him to ensure a favourable reception . Bro . ENTWISLE responded , and thanked the brethren for a repetition of tlie kind expression of feeling which had been previously manifested on the occasion referred to by the AVorshipful Master , aud expressed his
readiness to give every assistance to the AVorshipful Master and his officers during the next year , desiring them so to work that this Lodge should continue to hold the high position which it at present enjoys—a really working Lodge . The veteran Bro . DAWSON , senior Past Alaster of the Lodgo , also responded , expressing his satisfaction that as years rolled on and the Lodges in the town increased both iu strength and efficiency , that No . 20 S still maintained and enjoyed a preeminence as a working Lodge , and hoped it would continue to do so when the present members
would be forgotten . Bro . BROCKBANK , the Secretary , as the next senior Pasfc Alaster , humorously responded to the toast , claiming precedence of Bro . Dawson , as thafc brother succeeded him in the chair , the friendly dispute enabling the brethren to relax thc gravity of their countenance and be amused at the Secretary ' s point—the fact being that Bro . Dawson actually filled the office of Master for the first time in the very year the Secretary was born . Bro . John S . iimr , P . AI ' ., in that peculiarly felicitous and cordial way which preeminently render him thc most suitable ¦
exponent of this toasfc , claimed the good offices of the brethren for fcho visitors , and enlarged on the necessity for visiting in order to attain a knowledge of thc working adopted by the various Lodges , and to secure harmony and good fellowship throughout the fraternity . Tho toast having been enthusiastically , drunk , was responded to by Bros . A spinivall , Jones , Glaister , anel Beswick , in brief bufc appropriate terms . The AA on . silIi . 'l ' 'UL AIASTEU then asked tho brethren to pledge the officers of the year , and stated that lie had selected only such brethren for the oflice as he believed ivere not only able but willing to discharge their duties both honourably and creditably ; he had every confidence in them
all , most of them being tried men , and he solicited tor them the attendance and support of the members to encourage them in their labours . Bro . MITCHELL , S . AV ., responded on the part of the officers , and promised , during the year , to be faithful to his trust , punctual in his attendance , and constant iu his duties . The Secretary also responded in a characteristic speech , thanking the brethren for their uniform kindness and partiality toAvards him , and expressing the great satisfaction he felt at having been solicited to fill , for the tenth time , the office
of Secretary of the Lodge . The Treasurer also expressed the pleasure he felt at being thought worthy of reappointment , and his willingness at all times to render all tho assistance that lay in his power to young and aspiring officers . " The Officers of tbe past year " wore duly honoured and responded to by Bros . Kirkham , Aiitchell , and Roscow . Thc Tyler proposed tho last toast , ' •To all poor and distressed Masons round the globe , and a speedy relief to them , " and tlie brethren immediatel y separated .
BURY . —Lodge of XelicfQZo . 50 ) . —The monthly meeting of this old established Lodge ivas hold on Thursday evening , February 9 th , at the Hare and Hounds Inn . The Lodge was opened in clue form b y Bros . John Parks , AV . M . ; Edward BIU'IOAA-, ( in tho absence of Bro . Fishwick ) , S . AA ' . ; aucl George AL 'lVoddoll , J . AV . ; when the minutes of the previous meeting Avere read and confirmed . The Lodge ivas then opened in tho second degree , ivhen Bro . Robert Le , er AA-as passeel to the degree of FelloAi- Craft ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Binns , P . AI . The Lodge being duly closeel , the meeting was adjourned until Thursday nearest the next full moon , emergencies excepted . Amongst the visiting
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
views , as to the place and time of assembly for tho consideration of the matters ivhich they were desirous of submitting to the Craft . Bro . Divpre , thc AVorshipful Alaster , considered this step the better . To take any other at the present time , he thought ivould bo premature , if not indiscreet . He knew that one Loelge had decided , and from its peculiar position , it could not well do otherwise ; but even this Lodge might attend the assembly of the six , whose opinions Avere not yet knoAvn , and be pleased to hear them . It might add its influence by Avay of argument
, although ifc could not now be expected to give its support by AA-ay of cooperative movement ; and its presence ivould therefore be most desirable . He , consequently , felt disposed to second Bro . Cover ' s motionivhich was unanimously carried . The other necessary business of the evening having satisfactorily terminated , the Lodge closeel with accustomed prayer , and the brethren separated at an early hour . KENT .
FAVEHSHAM . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 155 ) . —A meeting' of this long established Lodge , which has been dormant for some few years , and now resuscitated lA-itk fair prospect of strength and vigour , ivas holden on Alonday , February Oth , at the Ship Hotel . There ivere present Bros . S . M . Shrubsole , AA . M . ; Brooke Jones , S . AV ., and S . G . W . of the province ; Stephen Shrubsole , J . AA . ; Keddell , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; How , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., Herts . Bros .. C . B . Shrubsole , and Green , of No . 184 , Francis F . Girauel , AVilliam Ataile , and S . B . Sharp , were raised to the
third degree . Bro . Brooke Jones was unanimously elected AV . AI . for tho year ensuing ; and Bro . C . Shrubsole , Treasurer . All business ended , and the Lodge closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the thanks of the members were voted to Bros . How and Keddell for their attendance and aid in the working . LANCASHIRE , EAST . BOLTON . — , S ( . John ' s Lodge 'No . 208 ) . —The annual festival of this
Lodge , and the meeting for installation of AA'orshipful Alaster and investiture of officers , was held on Wednesday , the 18 th of January , 1860 , at the Lodge room , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at four o ' clock iu the afternoon , when there ivas an average attendance of members of the Lodge ; Bros . John Aspinwall , Prov . G . Organist , aud AAR . AL of Anchor aucl Hope Lodge , No . ii ; John Bromley . P . AI . of Sfc . John ' s Loelge , No . -130 ; AVilliam Sharpies , of Lodge No . U . ; and Thomas Glaister , J . AV . of Lodge of Antiquity , No . 170 , being the visitors present . The Lodge
having been opened by Bro . Thomas Eutwisle , AV . AI ., and his officers , and the minutes of fche proceedings ofthe fast regular meeting duly confirmed , Bro . AVilliam Bawden , S . A \ ., was duly presented to Bro . John Atitchell , P . M . and Treasurer , anel a board of installed Masters , and solemnly obligated , installed , and proclaimed according to autienfc form . The following ivere nominated by the AV . AI . as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Thomas Mitchell , S . AV . ; Peter Roscow , J . AV . ; G . P . BrockbankSec ; Robert DeanS . D . ; AVm . Feifcci-oftJ . D . ; Joseph
, , , Howarth , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; Richard Barlow , I . G , ; and AVilliam AA'clsb , Steward . Bro . John Atitchell was unanimously reelected Treasurer ' , and Bro . AVilliam Dawson reelected Tyler . The neivly appointed officers were theu duly invested ivith tlie badges and jewels of thcir respective offices and addressed b y Bro . Dawson , I' . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers .. on the duties and obligations imposed upon them . The installation ceremony AA-as performed by Bro . Alitchcll in a most eloquent and impressive manner , and gave great satisfaction to tho brethren
assembled . Bro . John Smith , P . AL , proposed , and Bro . John Atitchell , P . AL and Treas ., seconded , a vote of thanks to Bro . Thomas Entwislo , the retiring Alaster , for the very able , efficient , and gentlemanlike manner iu ivhich he had discharged the duties of his high position during tho
past year , and i or the great interest he has at all tunes taken hi the welfare and prosperity Of the Lodge . The resolution haying been unanimously and cordially carried , Bro . SMITH proceeded to address Bro . Entwislo , stating that the brethren who had witnessed his highly efficient manner of conducting the business of the Lodge during tho year just past were desirous to mark their sense of his conduct by presenting him ivifch a small token of their esteem , and lie had great pleasure in attaching to his breast a small silver Past Muster ' s jewel as the most
appropriate way in which their sentiments could be conveyed , and he wished him many years of health aud happiness iu which to wear it with honour to himself and credit to the Lodge . Bro . ENTWISLE , AVIIO was much moved at the presentation anel fche remarks which accompanied ifc , expressed the gratitude he felt at having his humble services so prominently noticed ; he had only endeavoured to do his dutyin the position to ivhich they had been pleased to call him , and he little anticipated airy other roAvard than the satisfaction arising from fche conviction uf having
conscientiously discharged his duty to the best of his ability . The Lod ge then adjourned from labour to refreshment . Bro . Bawden , AV . AI . occupied the chair , supported by Bros . Aspiinvall , Prov . G . Org . and AV . AI No . -. 1-1 ; Sharpies , No . U ; Glaister , J . AA ., No . 170 ; Hugh Jones , AV . AI . No . -J 3 G ; Thomas Beswick , S . AV ., No . 136 ; Daniel Knott , No . I ; hl , ShreAvsbury ; and many of the Past Alasters and members of the Lod ge . After dinner the AVonsnriTUL AIASTEB proposed " The Queen and the Craft" ivhich was given Avith musical honoursfolloived by the "Earl of
, , Zetland , AI . AV . Grand Master of England , " aucl the " Lord Paumure , R . AV . Deputy Grand Alaster , " both of ivhich were received ivith eA-ery demonstration of respect . Bro . John Afrraiir- ' . LL , Treasurer , proposed ' •The health of Stephen Blair , li . AA' " . Prov . Grand Alaster for East Lancashire , " and paid a high compliment tu that gentleman for the dignified
and impartial manner iu AA'hich he acquitted himself in his high station , and congratulated the brethren on his restoration to health , which had for some time been precarious . Bro . Peter Roscow , J . AA " ., next proposed " Bro . Albert Hudson Royds , D . Prov . G . AL , " and " The Prov . Grand Officers past and present . " Bro . Roscow eulogized the D . Prov . Grand Alaster as one of fche mosfc industrious Afasons in the provinces , aud one well calculated , not only by precept but example , to raise the province of Bast Lancashire to the highest possible standard . Many of the
Provincial Officers were known to the brethren assembled , aud no one could doubt that many of them were peculiarly adapted to the positions they occupied , and ifc was pleasing to see , in their own Lodge more than one representative present that evening . The toast was briefly responded to by Bros . Aspimvall , Prov . G . Org ., aud Aiitchell and Fitzneivtom Prov . G . Stewards . Bro . ENTWISLE , P . AL , in a very flattering speech proposed " The health of the AA ' orshipful Alaster , Bro . Baivden , " speaking highly of his diligence and attention as one of his officers during the past year ,
and anticipating , nuclei' his presidency , a unanimous Lodge and a ivell trained staff of officers . Bro . BAIVBJ'N , in reply , thanked the brethren not only for their kindness in drinking this toast , but also for his election in so cordial and pleasing a way to the position he then occupied ; ho said that he bad endeavoured to make himself able to fill every office he had previously filled , in a creditable manner , and hoped , ivith that assistance Avhich he confidently believed he should receive from the officers that day appointedthat at the termination of his year of office
, the brethren would say that Lodge No . 20 S was not impaired in its efficiency , and that he should at least stand as high in their estimation as he did at the present moment . He wished , hoivever , to claim their attention for a moment to propose a toast ivhich eveiy brother ivould be glad to do honour to , and Avliich was never omitted on these annual gatherings , he meant "The Past Alasters—the pillars of the Lodge ;" with this toast he Avould couple the name of Bro . Entwisle , the retiring Alasterwhose conductin discharging the duties of his officethe
, , , brethren had that clay borne tribute to in open Loelge , and , after that , needed no incentive from him to ensure a favourable reception . Bro . ENTWISLE responded , and thanked the brethren for a repetition of tlie kind expression of feeling which had been previously manifested on the occasion referred to by the AVorshipful Master , aud expressed his
readiness to give every assistance to the AVorshipful Master and his officers during the next year , desiring them so to work that this Lodge should continue to hold the high position which it at present enjoys—a really working Lodge . The veteran Bro . DAWSON , senior Past Alaster of the Lodgo , also responded , expressing his satisfaction that as years rolled on and the Lodges in the town increased both iu strength and efficiency , that No . 20 S still maintained and enjoyed a preeminence as a working Lodge , and hoped it would continue to do so when the present members
would be forgotten . Bro . BROCKBANK , the Secretary , as the next senior Pasfc Alaster , humorously responded to the toast , claiming precedence of Bro . Dawson , as thafc brother succeeded him in the chair , the friendly dispute enabling the brethren to relax thc gravity of their countenance and be amused at the Secretary ' s point—the fact being that Bro . Dawson actually filled the office of Master for the first time in the very year the Secretary was born . Bro . John S . iimr , P . AI ' ., in that peculiarly felicitous and cordial way which preeminently render him thc most suitable ¦
exponent of this toasfc , claimed the good offices of the brethren for fcho visitors , and enlarged on the necessity for visiting in order to attain a knowledge of thc working adopted by the various Lodges , and to secure harmony and good fellowship throughout the fraternity . Tho toast having been enthusiastically , drunk , was responded to by Bros . A spinivall , Jones , Glaister , anel Beswick , in brief bufc appropriate terms . The AA on . silIi . 'l ' 'UL AIASTEU then asked tho brethren to pledge the officers of the year , and stated that lie had selected only such brethren for the oflice as he believed ivere not only able but willing to discharge their duties both honourably and creditably ; he had every confidence in them
all , most of them being tried men , and he solicited tor them the attendance and support of the members to encourage them in their labours . Bro . MITCHELL , S . AV ., responded on the part of the officers , and promised , during the year , to be faithful to his trust , punctual in his attendance , and constant iu his duties . The Secretary also responded in a characteristic speech , thanking the brethren for their uniform kindness and partiality toAvards him , and expressing the great satisfaction he felt at having been solicited to fill , for the tenth time , the office
of Secretary of the Lodge . The Treasurer also expressed the pleasure he felt at being thought worthy of reappointment , and his willingness at all times to render all tho assistance that lay in his power to young and aspiring officers . " The Officers of tbe past year " wore duly honoured and responded to by Bros . Kirkham , Aiitchell , and Roscow . Thc Tyler proposed tho last toast , ' •To all poor and distressed Masons round the globe , and a speedy relief to them , " and tlie brethren immediatel y separated .
BURY . —Lodge of XelicfQZo . 50 ) . —The monthly meeting of this old established Lodge ivas hold on Thursday evening , February 9 th , at the Hare and Hounds Inn . The Lodge was opened in clue form b y Bros . John Parks , AV . M . ; Edward BIU'IOAA-, ( in tho absence of Bro . Fishwick ) , S . AA ' . ; aucl George AL 'lVoddoll , J . AV . ; when the minutes of the previous meeting Avere read and confirmed . The Lodge ivas then opened in tho second degree , ivhen Bro . Robert Le , er AA-as passeel to the degree of FelloAi- Craft ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Binns , P . AI . The Lodge being duly closeel , the meeting was adjourned until Thursday nearest the next full moon , emergencies excepted . Amongst the visiting