Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
brethren was Bro . McKean Buchanan , the celebrated actor who was fulfilling a short engagement with Bro . AVardhaugh , of the Bury Theatre . BURY . —Prince Edwin ' s L , odge ( No . 150 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge ivas held at the Bridge Inn , on AA ' ednesday , February Sth , when two brothers were raised to the sublime degree of AI . AL , fche ceremony being performed by Bros . John Redfern and W . Binns , both P . AIs . of the Lodge of Belief , No . 50 .
STAFFORDSHIRE . BURTON-ON-TKENT . — Abbey Lodge ( No . 907 ) . —¦ On Tuesday , February 7 th , the fifth anniversary of the aboi-e Lodge Avas celebrated ivith unusual eclat . The occasion AA'as peculiarly interesting in consequence of its being the inauguration of tho new and handsome Lodge room , built by the Burton Brewery Company , at tho rear of their premises in Highstreet , for the use ofthe board of directors , and by them kindly allowed to be used by the Alasonic Lodge of Burton . The Lodge was opened at
one , p . m ., and wo AA'ere glad to observe so large an attendance of the Craft . Bro . AVhifctingham , the newly installed AV . AI ., opened the Lodge , after which Bro . AVard , of Newcastle , D . Prov . G . AL of Staffordshire , entered the Lodge , accompanied by a number of present and past provincial Grand Officers of Staffordshire , Derbyshire , and AA-breestershire . The Deputy Grand Alaster then took the chair , and was saluted by the brethren present with the usual honours . He then expressed the pleasure he had in meeting so many brethren , and congratulated them upon
having possession of so large , handsome , and commodious a Loelge room . He then resigned the chair to Bro . Stone , P . ProA-. S . G . W . of Staffordshire , who proceeded to initiate All-. Michael Arthur Bass ( son of Air . AI . T . Bass , M . P . ) into the mysteries of Freemasonry in ancient and solemn form . AVe may here remark thafc Bro . R . Forman presided at the harmonium , and during the ceremonies played several appropriate pieces , ivhich tended materially to enhance the solemnity of the mystic proceedings ; whilst Bros . Sheriviu , Bobart , and others , on the introduction
of each candidate into the Lodge , chanted the appropriate piece , " Guardian genius of our art divine . " After Bro . Bass had been initiated , the chair was taken by Bro . IAButel , P . Prois S . G . AA . of Derbyshire , who initiated Mr . Frederic James Formau , of Derby , into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Afterwards Bro . AVhittingham , AV . AI ., initiated Air . Lewis F . Day , of Burton . Air . AVm . Richard Holland , of Ashbourn , AA-as also balloted for and elected , but he ivas not present to be initiated . During tho time fche Loelwas sittingBroSMITH rose andaddressing
ge , . , Bro . AA m . Bowley ( Sec , and last year AV . AI . ) , said—Bro . Bowley , I have been deputed by the brethren of the Lodge to present to you a Past Master ' s apron and a Past Master ' s jewel as a small recognition of the valuable services you have rendered tho Lodge during the past two years . It is a trifling gift , but I urn sure you will value it all tbe more ivhen I tell you that it AA-HS raised by the small contributions of every member of tho Lodge , and by not a few visiting brethren . Bro . BOAVLET made a
leeiing reply , m the course of ivhich he remarked that the Lodge had met on eighty-four nights , and he had attended it eighty-three nights out of tho eighty-four , officiating as an officer for eighty nights . He could assure the brethren he highly appreciated the compliment they had just paid him , and he should continue to render all the assistance he could to the Abbey Lodge . Before the Lodge was closed , the D . Prov . GRAND AIASTEII of Staffordshire expressed the satisfaction it had given him to be present , and he considered the Lodge iu as satisfactory a state
as any in Staffordshire . Amongst those present were Bros . AA'hittiugham , AV . AI . ; Stone , P . AL ; AV . Smith , P . AL ; . 1 . Bloor , P . AL ; AV . J . Gothard , S . AV . ; T . S . AVhittein , J . AA ' . ; AV . Bowley , P . AL , Sec ; J . Alatthews , S . D . ; J . Anderson , J . D . ; H . T . Bobart , I . G . ; J . Lane , Tyler ; It . R . Bellamy , Ii Noon , R . Forniau , F . Forman , A . Bass , L . Day , W . Coxon , E . Allcock , If . Goodger , T . AV . Bindley , AV . Stanley , T . H . Bobart , E . Smith , jun ., F . J . Thompson , T . Peaoh , jun ., J . Sherwin , R . AVarner , F . Butel , AV . AI . No . 981 H . BirchAV . ClarkeE . Lowe & cATsitors : —BrosAVard
, , , , . . , D . Proi-. G . AI , Staffordshire ; E . Giles , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., AVorcestcrshiro-J . Hancock , P . AL and AV . M ., aucl P . Prov . G . Purs , of Staffordshire ; AV . Giles , AV . AI . No . 31 . 5 ; H . Carson , AV . At . No . 11 ( 1 ; J . Smith , No . 1033 ; Alonzo Thorpe , No . 1033 ; Jas . Crossloy , No . 315 ; J . German , No . 315 ; T . R . Evans , No . 85 ; G . Cooper , iio . 570 : J . Jobson , No . 315 ; F . G . Martin , No . 981 ; Charles Haslam , No . ' irSl : William Cautrell , No . 315 ; Felix Butel , No . 315 . Afc half-past four o ' clock the banquet AA'as served up in the Lodge room , and reflected great eveelifc upon Bro .
AVhifctingham . The AVorshipful Alaster presided , aucl in succession gave the toasts " The Queen and the Craft ; " " Earl . Zetland , G . AI . of England ; " "Lord Panmure , D . G . AL , and the other Officers of the Grand Lodge ; " and "Col . Vernon , Prov . G . AL of Staffordshire . " Bro . STONE gave the health of " Bro . "Ward , D . Prov . G . AI . of Staffordshire , " whom he described as one of the worthiest Afasons ofthe present day ; and remarked that Col . Vernon attributed thc high position to which his province had attained mainlto the exertions of BroAVardwho
y . , made a point of personally visiting and inspecting every Lodge in the province . _ Bro . Butel gave "The Past and Present Grand Officers of Staffordshire , " ivhich was acknowledged by Bro . STONE , ivho proposed "The neivly initiated brethren , Bros . Bass , Forman , and Day . " Bro . DAY returned thanks . Bro . GEMIAN gave "The Alaster of the Abbey Bodge , Bro . AVhifctingham , " remarking thafc he understood tho W . M . was one of the first that had been initiated into the Loelge ; he had gone through all the subordinate offices ivith zeal , aud he ( Bro , German )
had no doubt he would fulfil the duties of his high office with credit to himself , and with tho approbation of the brethren . The AV . AI . made an appropriate reply , expressing his determination to fulfil the duties of bis office to the best of his ability , and expressing a hope that he should bo well supported by his officers . Bro . ANDERSON gave " The Past Alasters of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . Bowley . " The Past and Present Officers ofthe Prov . Grand Lodge of Derbyshire , " was next ivenand responded to bBro . German . Bro . BLOOI * . gave "The
g , y Alasters of other Lodges present , " coupling with ifc the names of Bros . Carson , Giles , and Butel . Bro . Butel responded . " The Visitors ;" " Tho P . Prov . J . G . AA " . of AVorcester ; " and -several other toasts were given , and a most pleasant evening was spent , the honours of the Craft being accorded to each toast , whilst several brethren displayed their vocal abilities to the satisfaction all present .
AVOLVEBHAJIPTON . —SI . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —A meeting * of this Lodge ivas recently held at the Star and Garter Hotel , in this town , for the purpose of the installation of the AV . M ., Bro . Josiah . Betts , and officers for the year 1860 , AA'hen there ivas a strong muster of members and visitors . Bro . King , P . AL , presided . The Lodge being openeel , and tbe mimites oi the last meeting confirmed , the Tieasuvev's balance sheet was read , showing a credit of . £ 35 is . Sd . A letter from Bro . T . Clear ( who hael been a Freemason a quarter of a century ) , tendering his
resignation , ivas read , and it was resolved that the same be received with regret , and recorded in the minute book of the Lodge , and that the feeling of the Lodge be conveyed to Bro . Clear . The Lodge was openeel in the second and third degrees . The AV . M . resigned the chair to Bro . Foster Gougli , P . AL , who had been invited to undertake the ceremony , aud the AV . M . elect Avas then duly installed , saluted , and proclaimed . The AVAL appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . T . AA " . CooperS . AV . ; TurtonJ . AA " . ; CookeS . D . ; PartridgeJ . D . ; C . H .
, , , , King , Treas . ; AVarner , Sec ; Purnell , I . G . ; Jones , Tyler ; Cartwright and AVallace , Stewards ; lies , Chaplain ; and Corke , Dir . of Cers . It ivas proposed by Bro . Col . Vernon , R . AA " . Prov . G . AL , seconded by Bro . King , P . AL , that a subscription of two guineas be presented the Royal Benevolent Association for Aged and Decayed Freemasons , which was carried unanimously . It was proposed , by Bro . ' King , P . AL , seconded by Bro . T . AV . Cooper , S . AA " ., and carried nem . con ., that a donation of live guineas be presented from St . Peter ' s Lodge to the funds of the
AA'blverhampton Rifle Volunteer Corps . It was proposed by Bro . Col . Vernon , R . AA " . Prov . G . AL , seconded by Bro . King , and carried , that the thanks of the Lodge be presented to Bro . Gough , as installing Alaster , for the admirable and impressive manner in AA'hich he had performed that beautiful ceremony . The Lodgo was then closeel in due form and with solemn prayer , and at four o ' clock tho brethren adjourned to dinner , when upivarcls of thirty sat down , and tho efforts of Bro . Trigger to cater for the brethren iVere well appreciated . After the cloth ivas drawn ,
thc usual loyal and preliminary toasts were proposed and honoured . The health ofthe R . AA . Grancl Alaster of the province , Bro . Vernon , was proposed by the AV . AI ., and drunk ivith full Lodge honours and much enthusiasm . In responding , the R . AV . Prov . Grancl Alaster also congratulated the members of the Lodge on tbe satisfactory state of tho funds and the continued prosperity of the Lodge ; he also spoke in graceful language of the cordiality and happy and proper spirit of emulation which pervaded the two only Lodges in the town , anel he rejoiced to sco
it , aud trusted that that noble rivalry might long exist , to the perpetuation of kindness aucl brotherly love ; he also , in the course of his speech adverted to his attachment to St . Peter ' s Lodge by a double tie , for ifc AA'as that Lodge that had given Mm . bis first chair . Tho health of the AV . M . was pledged heartily , and he responded in a brief manner , aucl assured thc brethren that he felt deeply the importance of the position he occupied , that he ivould endeavour to discharge his duty to tho Lodgo with promptness anel sincerity , and he hoped to be able to merit their
approval of the selection of him as AA' . AI . Tho health of " The P . AIs . of the Lodge" ivas proposed by the AV . AI ., and aekuoAA-leclgedby Bros . King , Caswell , Corke , and Vernon . He also proposed the health of "The Officers of the Lodge , " iiliich was duly acknowledged . The health of " Thc Visiting Brethren" was proposed by the R . AV . Prov . Grand Alaster , and ' responded to by them , including Bro . Lloyd ( Bristol ) , who alluded in gratifying terms to the very impressive manner in which tho installation ceremony was performed , and particularly ( in concluding )
urged upon the members the value and great benefit of attending Lodges of Instruction and practice . The R . AA . Prov . Grand Master very eloquently and feelingly proposed the health of : ' * Bro . Gough , P . AL , No . 7 < i 9 , " which was appropriately acknowledged . During the evening tho subscription list in behalf of the Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution , was passed round , and several brethren , headed by the R . AA " . Prov . Grand Alaster , subscribed to the fund . Bros . Gomersal , Fenton , Sollom , and others , agreeably enlivened tho evening with songs , and after the last usual toast , this annual meeting pleasantly terminated .
SUSSEX . BniGUTON . —lie-i / af York Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The monthly meeting of . this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , tlie 7 th instant , at the Ofel Ship Hotel . In consequence of the previously intimated visit of tho D . Prov . Grand Alaster ( Bro . Captain Dalbiac ) , there was an unusually strong attendance of thc members of the Lodge , who were likewise honoured with the attendance of several provincial officers and brethren of the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 338 , and Royal BrunsAviek Lodge , No . 1 , 031 ; including Bros . G . E . Pocoek , G . S . B . and Prov . G . See .
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The Masonic Mirror.
brethren was Bro . McKean Buchanan , the celebrated actor who was fulfilling a short engagement with Bro . AVardhaugh , of the Bury Theatre . BURY . —Prince Edwin ' s L , odge ( No . 150 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge ivas held at the Bridge Inn , on AA ' ednesday , February Sth , when two brothers were raised to the sublime degree of AI . AL , fche ceremony being performed by Bros . John Redfern and W . Binns , both P . AIs . of the Lodge of Belief , No . 50 .
STAFFORDSHIRE . BURTON-ON-TKENT . — Abbey Lodge ( No . 907 ) . —¦ On Tuesday , February 7 th , the fifth anniversary of the aboi-e Lodge Avas celebrated ivith unusual eclat . The occasion AA'as peculiarly interesting in consequence of its being the inauguration of tho new and handsome Lodge room , built by the Burton Brewery Company , at tho rear of their premises in Highstreet , for the use ofthe board of directors , and by them kindly allowed to be used by the Alasonic Lodge of Burton . The Lodge was opened at
one , p . m ., and wo AA'ere glad to observe so large an attendance of the Craft . Bro . AVhifctingham , the newly installed AV . AI ., opened the Lodge , after which Bro . AVard , of Newcastle , D . Prov . G . AL of Staffordshire , entered the Lodge , accompanied by a number of present and past provincial Grand Officers of Staffordshire , Derbyshire , and AA-breestershire . The Deputy Grand Alaster then took the chair , and was saluted by the brethren present with the usual honours . He then expressed the pleasure he had in meeting so many brethren , and congratulated them upon
having possession of so large , handsome , and commodious a Loelge room . He then resigned the chair to Bro . Stone , P . ProA-. S . G . W . of Staffordshire , who proceeded to initiate All-. Michael Arthur Bass ( son of Air . AI . T . Bass , M . P . ) into the mysteries of Freemasonry in ancient and solemn form . AVe may here remark thafc Bro . R . Forman presided at the harmonium , and during the ceremonies played several appropriate pieces , ivhich tended materially to enhance the solemnity of the mystic proceedings ; whilst Bros . Sheriviu , Bobart , and others , on the introduction
of each candidate into the Lodge , chanted the appropriate piece , " Guardian genius of our art divine . " After Bro . Bass had been initiated , the chair was taken by Bro . IAButel , P . Prois S . G . AA . of Derbyshire , who initiated Mr . Frederic James Formau , of Derby , into the mysteries of Freemasonry . Afterwards Bro . AVhittingham , AV . AI ., initiated Air . Lewis F . Day , of Burton . Air . AVm . Richard Holland , of Ashbourn , AA-as also balloted for and elected , but he ivas not present to be initiated . During tho time fche Loelwas sittingBroSMITH rose andaddressing
ge , . , Bro . AA m . Bowley ( Sec , and last year AV . AI . ) , said—Bro . Bowley , I have been deputed by the brethren of the Lodge to present to you a Past Master ' s apron and a Past Master ' s jewel as a small recognition of the valuable services you have rendered tho Lodge during the past two years . It is a trifling gift , but I urn sure you will value it all tbe more ivhen I tell you that it AA-HS raised by the small contributions of every member of tho Lodge , and by not a few visiting brethren . Bro . BOAVLET made a
leeiing reply , m the course of ivhich he remarked that the Lodge had met on eighty-four nights , and he had attended it eighty-three nights out of tho eighty-four , officiating as an officer for eighty nights . He could assure the brethren he highly appreciated the compliment they had just paid him , and he should continue to render all the assistance he could to the Abbey Lodge . Before the Lodge was closed , the D . Prov . GRAND AIASTEII of Staffordshire expressed the satisfaction it had given him to be present , and he considered the Lodge iu as satisfactory a state
as any in Staffordshire . Amongst those present were Bros . AA'hittiugham , AV . AI . ; Stone , P . AL ; AV . Smith , P . AL ; . 1 . Bloor , P . AL ; AV . J . Gothard , S . AV . ; T . S . AVhittein , J . AA ' . ; AV . Bowley , P . AL , Sec ; J . Alatthews , S . D . ; J . Anderson , J . D . ; H . T . Bobart , I . G . ; J . Lane , Tyler ; It . R . Bellamy , Ii Noon , R . Forniau , F . Forman , A . Bass , L . Day , W . Coxon , E . Allcock , If . Goodger , T . AV . Bindley , AV . Stanley , T . H . Bobart , E . Smith , jun ., F . J . Thompson , T . Peaoh , jun ., J . Sherwin , R . AVarner , F . Butel , AV . AI . No . 981 H . BirchAV . ClarkeE . Lowe & cATsitors : —BrosAVard
, , , , . . , D . Proi-. G . AI , Staffordshire ; E . Giles , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., AVorcestcrshiro-J . Hancock , P . AL and AV . M ., aucl P . Prov . G . Purs , of Staffordshire ; AV . Giles , AV . AI . No . 31 . 5 ; H . Carson , AV . At . No . 11 ( 1 ; J . Smith , No . 1033 ; Alonzo Thorpe , No . 1033 ; Jas . Crossloy , No . 315 ; J . German , No . 315 ; T . R . Evans , No . 85 ; G . Cooper , iio . 570 : J . Jobson , No . 315 ; F . G . Martin , No . 981 ; Charles Haslam , No . ' irSl : William Cautrell , No . 315 ; Felix Butel , No . 315 . Afc half-past four o ' clock the banquet AA'as served up in the Lodge room , and reflected great eveelifc upon Bro .
AVhifctingham . The AVorshipful Alaster presided , aucl in succession gave the toasts " The Queen and the Craft ; " " Earl . Zetland , G . AI . of England ; " "Lord Panmure , D . G . AL , and the other Officers of the Grand Lodge ; " and "Col . Vernon , Prov . G . AL of Staffordshire . " Bro . STONE gave the health of " Bro . "Ward , D . Prov . G . AI . of Staffordshire , " whom he described as one of the worthiest Afasons ofthe present day ; and remarked that Col . Vernon attributed thc high position to which his province had attained mainlto the exertions of BroAVardwho
y . , made a point of personally visiting and inspecting every Lodge in the province . _ Bro . Butel gave "The Past and Present Grand Officers of Staffordshire , " ivhich was acknowledged by Bro . STONE , ivho proposed "The neivly initiated brethren , Bros . Bass , Forman , and Day . " Bro . DAY returned thanks . Bro . GEMIAN gave "The Alaster of the Abbey Bodge , Bro . AVhifctingham , " remarking thafc he understood tho W . M . was one of the first that had been initiated into the Loelge ; he had gone through all the subordinate offices ivith zeal , aud he ( Bro , German )
had no doubt he would fulfil the duties of his high office with credit to himself , and with tho approbation of the brethren . The AV . AI . made an appropriate reply , expressing his determination to fulfil the duties of bis office to the best of his ability , and expressing a hope that he should bo well supported by his officers . Bro . ANDERSON gave " The Past Alasters of the Lodge , " which was responded to by Bro . Bowley . " The Past and Present Officers ofthe Prov . Grand Lodge of Derbyshire , " was next ivenand responded to bBro . German . Bro . BLOOI * . gave "The
g , y Alasters of other Lodges present , " coupling with ifc the names of Bros . Carson , Giles , and Butel . Bro . Butel responded . " The Visitors ;" " Tho P . Prov . J . G . AA " . of AVorcester ; " and -several other toasts were given , and a most pleasant evening was spent , the honours of the Craft being accorded to each toast , whilst several brethren displayed their vocal abilities to the satisfaction all present .
AVOLVEBHAJIPTON . —SI . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —A meeting * of this Lodge ivas recently held at the Star and Garter Hotel , in this town , for the purpose of the installation of the AV . M ., Bro . Josiah . Betts , and officers for the year 1860 , AA'hen there ivas a strong muster of members and visitors . Bro . King , P . AL , presided . The Lodge being openeel , and tbe mimites oi the last meeting confirmed , the Tieasuvev's balance sheet was read , showing a credit of . £ 35 is . Sd . A letter from Bro . T . Clear ( who hael been a Freemason a quarter of a century ) , tendering his
resignation , ivas read , and it was resolved that the same be received with regret , and recorded in the minute book of the Lodge , and that the feeling of the Lodge be conveyed to Bro . Clear . The Lodge was openeel in the second and third degrees . The AV . M . resigned the chair to Bro . Foster Gougli , P . AL , who had been invited to undertake the ceremony , aud the AV . M . elect Avas then duly installed , saluted , and proclaimed . The AVAL appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , viz ., Bros . T . AA " . CooperS . AV . ; TurtonJ . AA " . ; CookeS . D . ; PartridgeJ . D . ; C . H .
, , , , King , Treas . ; AVarner , Sec ; Purnell , I . G . ; Jones , Tyler ; Cartwright and AVallace , Stewards ; lies , Chaplain ; and Corke , Dir . of Cers . It ivas proposed by Bro . Col . Vernon , R . AA " . Prov . G . AL , seconded by Bro . King , P . AL , that a subscription of two guineas be presented the Royal Benevolent Association for Aged and Decayed Freemasons , which was carried unanimously . It was proposed , by Bro . ' King , P . AL , seconded by Bro . T . AV . Cooper , S . AA " ., and carried nem . con ., that a donation of live guineas be presented from St . Peter ' s Lodge to the funds of the
AA'blverhampton Rifle Volunteer Corps . It was proposed by Bro . Col . Vernon , R . AA " . Prov . G . AL , seconded by Bro . King , and carried , that the thanks of the Lodge be presented to Bro . Gough , as installing Alaster , for the admirable and impressive manner in AA'hich he had performed that beautiful ceremony . The Lodgo was then closeel in due form and with solemn prayer , and at four o ' clock tho brethren adjourned to dinner , when upivarcls of thirty sat down , and tho efforts of Bro . Trigger to cater for the brethren iVere well appreciated . After the cloth ivas drawn ,
thc usual loyal and preliminary toasts were proposed and honoured . The health ofthe R . AA . Grancl Alaster of the province , Bro . Vernon , was proposed by the AV . AI ., and drunk ivith full Lodge honours and much enthusiasm . In responding , the R . AV . Prov . Grancl Alaster also congratulated the members of the Lodge on tbe satisfactory state of tho funds and the continued prosperity of the Lodge ; he also spoke in graceful language of the cordiality and happy and proper spirit of emulation which pervaded the two only Lodges in the town , anel he rejoiced to sco
it , aud trusted that that noble rivalry might long exist , to the perpetuation of kindness aucl brotherly love ; he also , in the course of his speech adverted to his attachment to St . Peter ' s Lodge by a double tie , for ifc AA'as that Lodge that had given Mm . bis first chair . Tho health of the AV . M . was pledged heartily , and he responded in a brief manner , aucl assured thc brethren that he felt deeply the importance of the position he occupied , that he ivould endeavour to discharge his duty to tho Lodgo with promptness anel sincerity , and he hoped to be able to merit their
approval of the selection of him as AA' . AI . Tho health of " The P . AIs . of the Lodge" ivas proposed by the AV . AI ., and aekuoAA-leclgedby Bros . King , Caswell , Corke , and Vernon . He also proposed the health of "The Officers of the Lodge , " iiliich was duly acknowledged . The health of " Thc Visiting Brethren" was proposed by the R . AV . Prov . Grand Alaster , and ' responded to by them , including Bro . Lloyd ( Bristol ) , who alluded in gratifying terms to the very impressive manner in which tho installation ceremony was performed , and particularly ( in concluding )
urged upon the members the value and great benefit of attending Lodges of Instruction and practice . The R . AA . Prov . Grand Master very eloquently and feelingly proposed the health of : ' * Bro . Gough , P . AL , No . 7 < i 9 , " which was appropriately acknowledged . During the evening tho subscription list in behalf of the Royal Alasonic Benevolent Institution , was passed round , and several brethren , headed by the R . AA " . Prov . Grand Alaster , subscribed to the fund . Bros . Gomersal , Fenton , Sollom , and others , agreeably enlivened tho evening with songs , and after the last usual toast , this annual meeting pleasantly terminated .
SUSSEX . BniGUTON . —lie-i / af York Lodge ( No . 391 ) . —The monthly meeting of . this Lodge was held on Tuesday evening , tlie 7 th instant , at the Ofel Ship Hotel . In consequence of the previously intimated visit of tho D . Prov . Grand Alaster ( Bro . Captain Dalbiac ) , there was an unusually strong attendance of thc members of the Lodge , who were likewise honoured with the attendance of several provincial officers and brethren of the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 338 , and Royal BrunsAviek Lodge , No . 1 , 031 ; including Bros . G . E . Pocoek , G . S . B . and Prov . G . See .