Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 6 of 6 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 6 of 6 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTH AMERICA. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Taylor , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Scott , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks and P . M . No . 33 S ; Tafcli .-iiu , AV . AI . No . 338 ; Jones , Chittenden , aud Geere , No . 338 ; and W . H . Foakes , No . 1 , 03-1 , The D . Prov . Grand Alaster , on his entrance , was received in tire accustomed manner . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , the accounts for the year ivei-e read , which Avere deemed of the most satisfactory nature , showing that fifteen initiations had taken place and that there was a balance of £ 35 ( against
a deficiency of £ 21 the previous year ) in tbe Treasurer ' s hands . A ballot was then tidcen for- AVorshi pful Alaster and Treasurer , ivhen the unanimous choice of the Lodge fell upon Bro . V . J . Freeman , S . AV ., and Bro . II . Saunders , reelected Treasurer . Bro . G . Ancock ivas reelected Tyler . The Lod ge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Bottiug and S . Saunders were passeel to the degree of Fellow Craft . Thc Lodge was then opened in tlie third degree and closed down to the second . Prior to the closing in the first , it was proposed by Bro . AA ^
oollven , P . M ., and seconded b y Bro . Jones P . AL , that a Past Alaster ' s mcclal bo presented to Bro . Aloppctt , AV . AL ; aucl Bro . Ado , P . AL , Sec ; totho former for his constant attendance , efficient working , anel general interest , and to tlie latter for his great exertions in bringing the accounts , ivhich previously had fallen into sad neglect , into a proper state . The proposition was unanimously adopted . Bro . Wood , P . AL , was elected Steward to tho charities . The D . Prov . Grand Master then addressed tho AVorshipful Alastercongratulating him his excellent
, upon working on this occasion and throughout his year of office , and his efficient bod y of officers ; and expressed bis pleasure at witnessing , that evening , a deserved mark of recognition afc tlie hands of those over whom he presided . The Loelge ivas then closed in tiro usual form . At the next meeting the AVorshipful Alaster elect will bo installed .
hniv . mox . —Lodge of Masonic Instruction . —On Tuesday evening , the Uth inst , the report of the Committee of Gerieral ! . Purposes was read , showing a balance of a few pounds in favour of the Lodge , and liabilities ( after the payment for tho whole of tbe furniture and regalia ) nil . Bro . Simthers , P . M ., was reelected Treasurer ; Bro . W . H . Chittenden elected Secretary ; Bro . G . Ancock reelected Tyler ; and a General Purposes Committee appointed . Thc Bri ghton Lodgo ot Alasonic Instruction has boon of maternal assistance to the members , and its present position is most satisfactory . A unanimous vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Pocoek , the retiring Secretary , for tho zeal and interest displayed by him since tho establishment of the Lodge .
AAHLTSHIRE . SWINDON . — Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation ( No . 153 ) . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge , held at the Goddard Arms , iu January , Bro . ihos . Chandler ivas installed as AA . AL , the ceremony being admirably performed by Bro . Gooch , D . Prov . G . AL Thc new AV . M . having appointed his officers , proceeded to initiate his ' son into the Order in a very masterly manner-. At the conclusion of " business , tho brethren adjourned to a , banquet , very admirably served by Bro . AVcstmacott ; . ind . 'if tor various appropriate toasts had been drunk , interspersed with music , the brethren parted in the utmost harmony .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . STOKESLEY . —Clceclaml Lodge ( No . 795 ) . —The monthly mooting of tins Lodge was held on Alonday evening , Feb . Gth , at the Golden Lion Irm . Bi'os . George Alanvood , D . Prov . G . AI ., officiating as AV . M . in opening the Lodge ; Cooper , S . AV . ; and John Martin , J . AV . Tho minutes of the previous meeting being read aucl confirmed , two candidates were balloted for and approved . Mr . Peter Stewart anel Air . AA'illiam Turner , were then initiated iuto antient
Freemasonry ; the former by Bro . Alarwood •the latter by Bro . J . H . Handyside , P . M ., and P . Prov . J . G . W . Bro ' . the Rev . AVilliam Croft was then passeel to the degree of F . C . by Bro . Marwood . The ceremony of installing the W . AI . elect , Bro . William Martin , and investing the AA'ardens , ivas then performed in an able and impressive manner b y the R . AV . Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster , who is v / oioi the most active aucl energetic members of the Lodge . This beautiful ceremony being completed , Bro . Hunter , P . M ., raised Bro . to the
Simpson sublime degree ' . of M . M . ; after ivhich the Lodge was closed in all the degrees , and the meeting declared adjourned until the brut Monday m March , emergencies excepted . The following is a list of the officers for the ensuing twelve months .- —Bros . AVilliam Afartin AV AI •John Jackson , S . AV . ; AVatson , J . AA " . ; J . H . . Hauelysr ' dc , P . AL , Sec •' li ' R . Burgess , I'M ., Treas . ; AV . R . AVilstrop , S . D . ; — Gr .-iv , J . D . ; John Rowfcrce , I . G . ; and AVilliam Harrison , Tyler . Tho only visitim- brother present was Geo . AL Tweddell , J . AV . of the Loelge of Relief , No . 50 , who expressed himself much leased with the '
p excellent working of tire Lodge in his native place , as ivell as to find its members carefull y ¦ preserving their funds for Alasonic purposes , instead of spending the principal portion in festivit y , as is done in some Lodges , whose members seem not to have yet seen tlie light so far as the real meaning and liHi object of Frcernasomy is concerned . With a , single Lodge in every market town , and more Avhere necessary , to faithfully adhere to the ancient landmarks of Freemasonry both in precept and iu practice
, what an immense amount of good might be accomplished in the real elevation of the people . Incorrigible character's ivould occasionall y creep into the holiest places ; but few men would fail to lie benefited by attending and listening to their beautiful ritual , especially in such Lodges as that at Stokesley , in which the members seem determined to carefully guard it from the danger of falling into a sort of respectable Iree und easy , ' - ivliero refreshment was more cared for than labour :
The Masonic Mirror.
and for that reason thoy very properly rented their OAVII Lodge room . AVe hope soon to hear that the brethren of fchis Lodge are thinking of building a Alasonic hall .
Royal Arch.
| METROPOLITAN CHAPTER . Mount iSrox G ' lTAi'TKtt ( No . 169 ) . —A convocation wns held on Alonday , Feb . 13 th , at Radley ' s Hotel , Neiv Bridge-street . The Chapter was opened by Comps . John Johnstone , AI . E . Z . ; Edward Spooncr , H- ; Henry Parr , J . ; and others . A conclave of installed Principals was formed , and Comp . Jeremiah AA . Loir" -, AI . E . Z . elect , ivas presented by Comp . Hon- , and installed in the First Principal's chair , by Comp . Aluggeridge ; thc other two Principals had been installed at the convocation in January . The
other officers are Comps . Partridge , Treas . ; Goocliviu , Scribe E . ; Famm , N . ; Taylor , P . S . ; Bougheyand Pratt , Assist . S . After the completion of the routine business , tho Chapter was closed , and the Companions adjourned to dinner . The AI . E . Z ., in proposing the Past and Present Grand Officers , included the name of Comp . P . Alatthews , P . Z ., No . 11 , anel P . G . Dir . of Cers ., who that evening had honoured fche Alouut Siou Chapter hy his presence ; and Comp . Matthews iu responding referred to the Alasonie attainments of his friend Comp . Long , who lie
was pleased to see presiding over so excellent a Chapter , a post he would fill with honour to the body , with credit to himself , and pleasure to all around . The Fitzroy Lodge had eloue him tho honour of electing him to fche chair , having for many years filled tho responsible office of Secretary . From his own personal knowledge he was sure the Companions would find that Comp . Long would discharge the duties of his high station with the same zeal and ability that had characterized bis Alasonic career . Comp . Alatthews , in allusion to tfie body of which
himself and Comp . Long AA-ere members—the ancient Hon . Artillery Company—mentioned that so highly were his services appreciated in that corps , that afc an early day Comp . Long would receive her Majesty ' s commission as lieutenant . ( Cheers ) . Comp . Johnstone in a few words proposed the health of the AI . E . Z ., to whom , as a most able Alasou , ho had much pleasure in resigning the chair ; and . Comp . Long in reply assured the Companions he would elo all in his power to promote the honour and well being of the Chapter , and without referring to his
performance of previous duties , feeling he had great responsibility noiv thrown upon him , no efforts should bo wanting ou his part to conduct the affairs of tho Chapter to tho satisfaction of all its members . Comp . Long then proposed " Thc Visitors , " coupling with it the name of Comp . Capt . Rough , ii-honi he had the honour to succeed as Master of No . 830 , from whom in Lodge he had received liiany kindnesses , and for whom he then asked a cordial greeting . Capt . Rough , in true soldierlike spirit , tendered his thanks , anel referring to tho volunteers said bo could not better show the pleasure he felt afc tho movement than hy expressing a wish that all were members of tho Hon . Artillery Company .
South America.
P E R U . THE following documents have just been issued , under date of -20 th November last : — " To the glory of tho Givuid Architect of tho Universe . Francis J . Alariatigeui ( Pablo ) , President of the Constituent Assembly of Alasons . " Tho General Assembl y , in session this clay , have agreed to the following : — " The General Assembl y of Afasons , who are in this Orient and that
of Callao , having convened with thc vieiv of providing the means whereby to reestablish the Alasonic' institution in Peru and its dependencies , are of opinion" 1 st . That the hi gh functions entrusted for the government of Masonry havo uiiquestiooaWy exceeded hitherto tlie limits assigned by thc laivs . " -2 nd . That these same laws , far from accomplishing the object of our institution , by promoting the spread of the principles it professeshave
, occasioned tlie secession of one portion of Alasons , and the oppression of another portion , who ivould continue to abide by them . " 3 rd . That the state of anarchy to which Alasonry has been reduced since July , 1856 , must draw upon itself the reproach of all our brethren scattered throughout the world , while it , threatens the elownfall of the institution , by the extinction of confidence and enthusiasm among its votaries . " -lth . That under circumstances so I'ressing , it becomes needful to
remove all the obstacles ivhich impede the advancement of the institution , by forming a reunion ; by complying solely with tho law , which is based on reason and justice ; by adopting , under such principles , the means calculated to preserve it . And in order to bring about the designed reorganization , they resolve" 1 st . That thc means employed to save the Alasonic association , from the 7 th instant to this date , be approved . " 2 nd . That the general statutes and by-laws of the Grand Orient , as
ivell as those passed liy the Grand Lodge , be rescinded . " 3 rd . That a Constituent Assembly , composed of the three principal ofiicers of each Lodge established iu Lima mid Callao , together with the three delegates selected by those ivhich Avork at present iu other Orients
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Taylor , Prov . G . Chaplain ; Scott , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks and P . M . No . 33 S ; Tafcli .-iiu , AV . AI . No . 338 ; Jones , Chittenden , aud Geere , No . 338 ; and W . H . Foakes , No . 1 , 03-1 , The D . Prov . Grand Alaster , on his entrance , was received in tire accustomed manner . The Lodge having been opened in the first degree , the accounts for the year ivei-e read , which Avere deemed of the most satisfactory nature , showing that fifteen initiations had taken place and that there was a balance of £ 35 ( against
a deficiency of £ 21 the previous year ) in tbe Treasurer ' s hands . A ballot was then tidcen for- AVorshi pful Alaster and Treasurer , ivhen the unanimous choice of the Lodge fell upon Bro . V . J . Freeman , S . AV ., and Bro . II . Saunders , reelected Treasurer . Bro . G . Ancock ivas reelected Tyler . The Lod ge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Bottiug and S . Saunders were passeel to the degree of Fellow Craft . Thc Lodge was then opened in tlie third degree and closed down to the second . Prior to the closing in the first , it was proposed by Bro . AA ^
oollven , P . M ., and seconded b y Bro . Jones P . AL , that a Past Alaster ' s mcclal bo presented to Bro . Aloppctt , AV . AL ; aucl Bro . Ado , P . AL , Sec ; totho former for his constant attendance , efficient working , anel general interest , and to tlie latter for his great exertions in bringing the accounts , ivhich previously had fallen into sad neglect , into a proper state . The proposition was unanimously adopted . Bro . Wood , P . AL , was elected Steward to tho charities . The D . Prov . Grand Master then addressed tho AVorshipful Alastercongratulating him his excellent
, upon working on this occasion and throughout his year of office , and his efficient bod y of officers ; and expressed bis pleasure at witnessing , that evening , a deserved mark of recognition afc tlie hands of those over whom he presided . The Loelge ivas then closed in tiro usual form . At the next meeting the AVorshipful Alaster elect will bo installed .
hniv . mox . —Lodge of Masonic Instruction . —On Tuesday evening , the Uth inst , the report of the Committee of Gerieral ! . Purposes was read , showing a balance of a few pounds in favour of the Lodge , and liabilities ( after the payment for tho whole of tbe furniture and regalia ) nil . Bro . Simthers , P . M ., was reelected Treasurer ; Bro . W . H . Chittenden elected Secretary ; Bro . G . Ancock reelected Tyler ; and a General Purposes Committee appointed . Thc Bri ghton Lodgo ot Alasonic Instruction has boon of maternal assistance to the members , and its present position is most satisfactory . A unanimous vote of thanks was awarded to Bro . Pocoek , the retiring Secretary , for tho zeal and interest displayed by him since tho establishment of the Lodge .
AAHLTSHIRE . SWINDON . — Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation ( No . 153 ) . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge , held at the Goddard Arms , iu January , Bro . ihos . Chandler ivas installed as AA . AL , the ceremony being admirably performed by Bro . Gooch , D . Prov . G . AL Thc new AV . M . having appointed his officers , proceeded to initiate his ' son into the Order in a very masterly manner-. At the conclusion of " business , tho brethren adjourned to a , banquet , very admirably served by Bro . AVcstmacott ; . ind . 'if tor various appropriate toasts had been drunk , interspersed with music , the brethren parted in the utmost harmony .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . STOKESLEY . —Clceclaml Lodge ( No . 795 ) . —The monthly mooting of tins Lodge was held on Alonday evening , Feb . Gth , at the Golden Lion Irm . Bi'os . George Alanvood , D . Prov . G . AI ., officiating as AV . M . in opening the Lodge ; Cooper , S . AV . ; and John Martin , J . AV . Tho minutes of the previous meeting being read aucl confirmed , two candidates were balloted for and approved . Mr . Peter Stewart anel Air . AA'illiam Turner , were then initiated iuto antient
Freemasonry ; the former by Bro . Alarwood •the latter by Bro . J . H . Handyside , P . M ., and P . Prov . J . G . W . Bro ' . the Rev . AVilliam Croft was then passeel to the degree of F . C . by Bro . Marwood . The ceremony of installing the W . AI . elect , Bro . William Martin , and investing the AA'ardens , ivas then performed in an able and impressive manner b y the R . AV . Deputy Prov . Grand Alaster , who is v / oioi the most active aucl energetic members of the Lodge . This beautiful ceremony being completed , Bro . Hunter , P . M ., raised Bro . to the
Simpson sublime degree ' . of M . M . ; after ivhich the Lodge was closed in all the degrees , and the meeting declared adjourned until the brut Monday m March , emergencies excepted . The following is a list of the officers for the ensuing twelve months .- —Bros . AVilliam Afartin AV AI •John Jackson , S . AV . ; AVatson , J . AA " . ; J . H . . Hauelysr ' dc , P . AL , Sec •' li ' R . Burgess , I'M ., Treas . ; AV . R . AVilstrop , S . D . ; — Gr .-iv , J . D . ; John Rowfcrce , I . G . ; and AVilliam Harrison , Tyler . Tho only visitim- brother present was Geo . AL Tweddell , J . AV . of the Loelge of Relief , No . 50 , who expressed himself much leased with the '
p excellent working of tire Lodge in his native place , as ivell as to find its members carefull y ¦ preserving their funds for Alasonic purposes , instead of spending the principal portion in festivit y , as is done in some Lodges , whose members seem not to have yet seen tlie light so far as the real meaning and liHi object of Frcernasomy is concerned . With a , single Lodge in every market town , and more Avhere necessary , to faithfully adhere to the ancient landmarks of Freemasonry both in precept and iu practice
, what an immense amount of good might be accomplished in the real elevation of the people . Incorrigible character's ivould occasionall y creep into the holiest places ; but few men would fail to lie benefited by attending and listening to their beautiful ritual , especially in such Lodges as that at Stokesley , in which the members seem determined to carefully guard it from the danger of falling into a sort of respectable Iree und easy , ' - ivliero refreshment was more cared for than labour :
The Masonic Mirror.
and for that reason thoy very properly rented their OAVII Lodge room . AVe hope soon to hear that the brethren of fchis Lodge are thinking of building a Alasonic hall .
Royal Arch.
| METROPOLITAN CHAPTER . Mount iSrox G ' lTAi'TKtt ( No . 169 ) . —A convocation wns held on Alonday , Feb . 13 th , at Radley ' s Hotel , Neiv Bridge-street . The Chapter was opened by Comps . John Johnstone , AI . E . Z . ; Edward Spooncr , H- ; Henry Parr , J . ; and others . A conclave of installed Principals was formed , and Comp . Jeremiah AA . Loir" -, AI . E . Z . elect , ivas presented by Comp . Hon- , and installed in the First Principal's chair , by Comp . Aluggeridge ; thc other two Principals had been installed at the convocation in January . The
other officers are Comps . Partridge , Treas . ; Goocliviu , Scribe E . ; Famm , N . ; Taylor , P . S . ; Bougheyand Pratt , Assist . S . After the completion of the routine business , tho Chapter was closed , and the Companions adjourned to dinner . The AI . E . Z ., in proposing the Past and Present Grand Officers , included the name of Comp . P . Alatthews , P . Z ., No . 11 , anel P . G . Dir . of Cers ., who that evening had honoured fche Alouut Siou Chapter hy his presence ; and Comp . Matthews iu responding referred to the Alasonie attainments of his friend Comp . Long , who lie
was pleased to see presiding over so excellent a Chapter , a post he would fill with honour to the body , with credit to himself , and pleasure to all around . The Fitzroy Lodge had eloue him tho honour of electing him to fche chair , having for many years filled tho responsible office of Secretary . From his own personal knowledge he was sure the Companions would find that Comp . Long would discharge the duties of his high station with the same zeal and ability that had characterized bis Alasonic career . Comp . Alatthews , in allusion to tfie body of which
himself and Comp . Long AA-ere members—the ancient Hon . Artillery Company—mentioned that so highly were his services appreciated in that corps , that afc an early day Comp . Long would receive her Majesty ' s commission as lieutenant . ( Cheers ) . Comp . Johnstone in a few words proposed the health of the AI . E . Z ., to whom , as a most able Alasou , ho had much pleasure in resigning the chair ; and . Comp . Long in reply assured the Companions he would elo all in his power to promote the honour and well being of the Chapter , and without referring to his
performance of previous duties , feeling he had great responsibility noiv thrown upon him , no efforts should bo wanting ou his part to conduct the affairs of tho Chapter to tho satisfaction of all its members . Comp . Long then proposed " Thc Visitors , " coupling with it the name of Comp . Capt . Rough , ii-honi he had the honour to succeed as Master of No . 830 , from whom in Lodge he had received liiany kindnesses , and for whom he then asked a cordial greeting . Capt . Rough , in true soldierlike spirit , tendered his thanks , anel referring to tho volunteers said bo could not better show the pleasure he felt afc tho movement than hy expressing a wish that all were members of tho Hon . Artillery Company .
South America.
P E R U . THE following documents have just been issued , under date of -20 th November last : — " To the glory of tho Givuid Architect of tho Universe . Francis J . Alariatigeui ( Pablo ) , President of the Constituent Assembly of Alasons . " Tho General Assembl y , in session this clay , have agreed to the following : — " The General Assembl y of Afasons , who are in this Orient and that
of Callao , having convened with thc vieiv of providing the means whereby to reestablish the Alasonic' institution in Peru and its dependencies , are of opinion" 1 st . That the hi gh functions entrusted for the government of Masonry havo uiiquestiooaWy exceeded hitherto tlie limits assigned by thc laivs . " -2 nd . That these same laws , far from accomplishing the object of our institution , by promoting the spread of the principles it professeshave
, occasioned tlie secession of one portion of Alasons , and the oppression of another portion , who ivould continue to abide by them . " 3 rd . That the state of anarchy to which Alasonry has been reduced since July , 1856 , must draw upon itself the reproach of all our brethren scattered throughout the world , while it , threatens the elownfall of the institution , by the extinction of confidence and enthusiasm among its votaries . " -lth . That under circumstances so I'ressing , it becomes needful to
remove all the obstacles ivhich impede the advancement of the institution , by forming a reunion ; by complying solely with tho law , which is based on reason and justice ; by adopting , under such principles , the means calculated to preserve it . And in order to bring about the designed reorganization , they resolve" 1 st . That thc means employed to save the Alasonic association , from the 7 th instant to this date , be approved . " 2 nd . That the general statutes and by-laws of the Grand Orient , as
ivell as those passed liy the Grand Lodge , be rescinded . " 3 rd . That a Constituent Assembly , composed of the three principal ofiicers of each Lodge established iu Lima mid Callao , together with the three delegates selected by those ivhich Avork at present iu other Orients