Article CANADIAN MEDAL. Page 1 of 1
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Canadian Medal.
It was broached , sonic time since , amongst the Canadian lodges to strike a medal commemorative of their being formed into an Independent G-rand Lodgo . Has this been done , or is any description of the medal yet issued ?—A COIN COLLECTOR . MASONIC FORMS . Is there any collection of the forms of warrants , charters ,
patents , certificates , & c , available for reference?—0 . —[ None other than those to be found at the end of the " Book of Constitutions , " Eoyal Arch , Templar , ancl other statute books . ] GRAND IODGE OE nilLADELrilES . What has become of the Grand Lodge of Philadclpheswho can tell ? Did it die out aftor the caution issued by 0 rand Lodge , or is it still lingering , and verging towards decay ?—SENEX .
BIlO . GILLUAY , TIIE CARICATURIST . Iii what lodge , and in what year , was Bro . Gillray , tho first and most eminent of English caricaturists , initiated?—A BROTHSR OI- THE BLUISH . THE ACTORS' LODGE . What lodge was it , in the palmy days of the drama , that numbered the most theatrical celebrities amongst its
members ?—HENRY WILD . THE RIGHT HON . GEORGE CAXXIXO . From certain scraps that I have read of this celebrated statesman ' s life , I am inclined to think he was a Mason—is there any means of ascertaining ?—V . OLD LODGEIURXITU 1 U 3
. . I have often been perplexed to imagine what becomes of the old furniture of a lodge , when some munificent members undertake to start it with new . Does it , like the old moons , which arc said to be chopped up to make stars of , re-appear in other shapes under new coats of paint and varnish ?—Ax ANTIQUARY JX SEARCH OE OLD WOOD-WORK .
REPORTED SPEECHES . For some years I have made regular notes of tbe speeches which have been made at tho banquets in my lodge , and in reading them over the other day , I thought they might bo suitable to your "Notes ancl Queries , " as they touch upon subjects long forgotten . Ifyou think so , I shall have great pleasure in sending them . —A SEPTUACEXAIUAX —[ Don't
. . We arc much obliged by the offer , but after-dinner speeches , especially at meetings long since past , aro not iu our line . Cull any curious remarks from them and sends us , and you will oblige , but don ' t send what Bro . thought of his officers , and the next AV . M . of his , and so on . Ad iufudlum , wc want to give and receive information , not talk . J
MASONIC ETIQUETTE . Is there any book published " that contains rules for Masonic etiquette?—Puxc't'iLLious . —[ None that wc know of . True Masonic etiquette is the behaviour of a brother , a man , and a gentleman . Though Masonry smooths all differences of rank , yet no well-bred man would presume upon it . Be courteous aud firm in office , respectful to your superiors in Masonic rank , reverence your elders , assist your equals , and lead your juniors in the right path . "Fear God , love the brotherhood , honour the Queen . " ]
HODGES' MASONIC FRAGMENTS . "Where is a copy of " Hodges' Masonic Fragments " to be obtained ? —EXCELSIOR . THE SILVER CRESCENT . At one of our charity dinners last season I saw a brother wearing a silver crescent , the horns , as they arc called , being turned down instead of up . What Order does it belong to?—C . T . P .
GRAND OFFICERS' CLOTHING . What regulations have , from time to time , been made about tho pattern and ornaments of the Grand Officers clothing ?—COSTUME . MASONIC ; SEAL . [ Our correspondent who writes about a Masonic seal should send us the same , or take an impression in broad or wax , ivhich will answer as ivell . On the receipt of such a copy , wc will do our best to trace its orisrin . ]
TRUSTEES OP THE MASONIC PROPERTY . I was astounded the other day to hear tho freehold property of the Hall , & c , was held by trustees for the Graft . What is the nature of the trust , and who are tho trustees ? —PEPPERCORN * . LODGES IN THE POSTAL DISTRICTS . How can I find out the relative numbers of the London
lodges meeting in each of the postal districts ?—QIL-ESTOK . [ By referring to the " Kalendar" and the " British Postal Guide , " and seeing in which district tho different streets in which lodges are held are situated . ]
THE GRAND TYLER , A POET . It may be worth your while to enter as a note , that Thomas Johnson , Clerk of Charlotte Street Chapel , Pimlico , Tyler to tho Grand Lodge of England , and Senior Janitor to the Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter published , in 1788 , No 1 of " Summer Productions , or Progressive Miscellanies ? "A RHYMER . ARMED BRETHREN .
On the ticket issued for the admission of tho brethren to the Moira Festival , in 1813 , is the following , — "The brethren to attend unarmed and clothed agreable to the laws of the Grand Lodge . "—Was it ever the custom for brethren to bo armed while in the lodge ?—CHARLES TURNER .
THE DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE . Why is the double-headed Eagle worn by tho members of the higher degrees ?—B . GRAXT . —[ To shew that they derive their powers from Frederick II . of Prussia . The doubleheaded Eagle is the Prussian symbol , just as the Lion is that of England . ]
WHAT IS A DEMIT . Iii American periodicals we constantly find the word •' - ' Demit , " what docs it allude to?—PLUS . —[ The permission to leave the lodge to enable the brother to join another . Thus , if a brother is about to leave tho locality in which he resides , lie obtains a demit , to show that he is legally relieved from his obligations to the lodge of which he has , up to that time , been a member . ]
IS THE PRIXCE CONSORT A . MASON ? xl German brother , with whom I was speaking this morning , said— " Prince Albert is a member of one of our German loclges . " I should be glad to know whether this statement is correct , as my German friend I found was only speaking from hear-say . —J . C . F . —[ The Prince Consort is not ti Mason . He was once proposed for initiation , but
the Duke of Sussex , the then G . M ., died before the ceremony could take place ; and , acting- under advice , H . R . H . did not afterwards think it desirable to join the Order . ]
PEPSECUTIOXS IN TURKEY . An illustration of the hatred propagated against Masons in Turkey is found in the Eev . Mr . Dwight ' s " Christianity in the East , " in the year 18-1-0 , wheii , speaking of the persecutions of the Armenian Converts to Protestantism , ]) . 112 , he says , "The words Frainason ( Freemason ) , Lutian ( Lutheran ) , Voltor ( Voltaire ) , and Proteslan ( Protestant ) , were freeland indiscriminatel lied to nsall of them
y y app , being considered by the common pcojilc as synonymous , and the meaning being rather indefinite , but yet implying an atheist of the most wicked and dangerous description . To the emissaries of Eome in tho East , undoubtedly belongs the first paternity of this falsehood , and to their humble ancl sycophantic imitator among the clergy and laity of the Armenian Church must be yielded the honour of its second
parentage . " It may hence be well conceived what are the difficulties with ivhich wc have to contend , and how wide spread are the prejudices against our Order . By the Armenians the prejudice has been propagated among the Turks . It is worthy of note that now several enlightened and zealous Armenian brethren are to be found at Constantinople and Smyrna . —HYDE CLARKE . —Constantinople , 1 st
Sept ., 1800 . SYNONYMES . In Polish the words for Freemason are Farmason , Franmason , Fraiikmason , and Wolny Mularz ; the latter word being a literal translation of Free and Mason . For Freemasonry the words arc Farmasoncrya , Fraiikmasonia , Frankmasonerya , ' Vfolny Mularstwo ; and for Lodge , Loza . —HYDE CLARKE .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Canadian Medal.
It was broached , sonic time since , amongst the Canadian lodges to strike a medal commemorative of their being formed into an Independent G-rand Lodgo . Has this been done , or is any description of the medal yet issued ?—A COIN COLLECTOR . MASONIC FORMS . Is there any collection of the forms of warrants , charters ,
patents , certificates , & c , available for reference?—0 . —[ None other than those to be found at the end of the " Book of Constitutions , " Eoyal Arch , Templar , ancl other statute books . ] GRAND IODGE OE nilLADELrilES . What has become of the Grand Lodge of Philadclpheswho can tell ? Did it die out aftor the caution issued by 0 rand Lodge , or is it still lingering , and verging towards decay ?—SENEX .
BIlO . GILLUAY , TIIE CARICATURIST . Iii what lodge , and in what year , was Bro . Gillray , tho first and most eminent of English caricaturists , initiated?—A BROTHSR OI- THE BLUISH . THE ACTORS' LODGE . What lodge was it , in the palmy days of the drama , that numbered the most theatrical celebrities amongst its
members ?—HENRY WILD . THE RIGHT HON . GEORGE CAXXIXO . From certain scraps that I have read of this celebrated statesman ' s life , I am inclined to think he was a Mason—is there any means of ascertaining ?—V . OLD LODGEIURXITU 1 U 3
. . I have often been perplexed to imagine what becomes of the old furniture of a lodge , when some munificent members undertake to start it with new . Does it , like the old moons , which arc said to be chopped up to make stars of , re-appear in other shapes under new coats of paint and varnish ?—Ax ANTIQUARY JX SEARCH OE OLD WOOD-WORK .
REPORTED SPEECHES . For some years I have made regular notes of tbe speeches which have been made at tho banquets in my lodge , and in reading them over the other day , I thought they might bo suitable to your "Notes ancl Queries , " as they touch upon subjects long forgotten . Ifyou think so , I shall have great pleasure in sending them . —A SEPTUACEXAIUAX —[ Don't
. . We arc much obliged by the offer , but after-dinner speeches , especially at meetings long since past , aro not iu our line . Cull any curious remarks from them and sends us , and you will oblige , but don ' t send what Bro . thought of his officers , and the next AV . M . of his , and so on . Ad iufudlum , wc want to give and receive information , not talk . J
MASONIC ETIQUETTE . Is there any book published " that contains rules for Masonic etiquette?—Puxc't'iLLious . —[ None that wc know of . True Masonic etiquette is the behaviour of a brother , a man , and a gentleman . Though Masonry smooths all differences of rank , yet no well-bred man would presume upon it . Be courteous aud firm in office , respectful to your superiors in Masonic rank , reverence your elders , assist your equals , and lead your juniors in the right path . "Fear God , love the brotherhood , honour the Queen . " ]
HODGES' MASONIC FRAGMENTS . "Where is a copy of " Hodges' Masonic Fragments " to be obtained ? —EXCELSIOR . THE SILVER CRESCENT . At one of our charity dinners last season I saw a brother wearing a silver crescent , the horns , as they arc called , being turned down instead of up . What Order does it belong to?—C . T . P .
GRAND OFFICERS' CLOTHING . What regulations have , from time to time , been made about tho pattern and ornaments of the Grand Officers clothing ?—COSTUME . MASONIC ; SEAL . [ Our correspondent who writes about a Masonic seal should send us the same , or take an impression in broad or wax , ivhich will answer as ivell . On the receipt of such a copy , wc will do our best to trace its orisrin . ]
TRUSTEES OP THE MASONIC PROPERTY . I was astounded the other day to hear tho freehold property of the Hall , & c , was held by trustees for the Graft . What is the nature of the trust , and who are tho trustees ? —PEPPERCORN * . LODGES IN THE POSTAL DISTRICTS . How can I find out the relative numbers of the London
lodges meeting in each of the postal districts ?—QIL-ESTOK . [ By referring to the " Kalendar" and the " British Postal Guide , " and seeing in which district tho different streets in which lodges are held are situated . ]
THE GRAND TYLER , A POET . It may be worth your while to enter as a note , that Thomas Johnson , Clerk of Charlotte Street Chapel , Pimlico , Tyler to tho Grand Lodge of England , and Senior Janitor to the Grand Eoyal Arch Chapter published , in 1788 , No 1 of " Summer Productions , or Progressive Miscellanies ? "A RHYMER . ARMED BRETHREN .
On the ticket issued for the admission of tho brethren to the Moira Festival , in 1813 , is the following , — "The brethren to attend unarmed and clothed agreable to the laws of the Grand Lodge . "—Was it ever the custom for brethren to bo armed while in the lodge ?—CHARLES TURNER .
THE DOUBLE-HEADED EAGLE . Why is the double-headed Eagle worn by tho members of the higher degrees ?—B . GRAXT . —[ To shew that they derive their powers from Frederick II . of Prussia . The doubleheaded Eagle is the Prussian symbol , just as the Lion is that of England . ]
WHAT IS A DEMIT . Iii American periodicals we constantly find the word •' - ' Demit , " what docs it allude to?—PLUS . —[ The permission to leave the lodge to enable the brother to join another . Thus , if a brother is about to leave tho locality in which he resides , lie obtains a demit , to show that he is legally relieved from his obligations to the lodge of which he has , up to that time , been a member . ]
IS THE PRIXCE CONSORT A . MASON ? xl German brother , with whom I was speaking this morning , said— " Prince Albert is a member of one of our German loclges . " I should be glad to know whether this statement is correct , as my German friend I found was only speaking from hear-say . —J . C . F . —[ The Prince Consort is not ti Mason . He was once proposed for initiation , but
the Duke of Sussex , the then G . M ., died before the ceremony could take place ; and , acting- under advice , H . R . H . did not afterwards think it desirable to join the Order . ]
PEPSECUTIOXS IN TURKEY . An illustration of the hatred propagated against Masons in Turkey is found in the Eev . Mr . Dwight ' s " Christianity in the East , " in the year 18-1-0 , wheii , speaking of the persecutions of the Armenian Converts to Protestantism , ]) . 112 , he says , "The words Frainason ( Freemason ) , Lutian ( Lutheran ) , Voltor ( Voltaire ) , and Proteslan ( Protestant ) , were freeland indiscriminatel lied to nsall of them
y y app , being considered by the common pcojilc as synonymous , and the meaning being rather indefinite , but yet implying an atheist of the most wicked and dangerous description . To the emissaries of Eome in tho East , undoubtedly belongs the first paternity of this falsehood , and to their humble ancl sycophantic imitator among the clergy and laity of the Armenian Church must be yielded the honour of its second
parentage . " It may hence be well conceived what are the difficulties with ivhich wc have to contend , and how wide spread are the prejudices against our Order . By the Armenians the prejudice has been propagated among the Turks . It is worthy of note that now several enlightened and zealous Armenian brethren are to be found at Constantinople and Smyrna . —HYDE CLARKE . —Constantinople , 1 st
Sept ., 1800 . SYNONYMES . In Polish the words for Freemason are Farmason , Franmason , Fraiikmason , and Wolny Mularz ; the latter word being a literal translation of Free and Mason . For Freemasonry the words arc Farmasoncrya , Fraiikmasonia , Frankmasonerya , ' Vfolny Mularstwo ; and for Lodge , Loza . —HYDE CLARKE .