Article THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE WEEK. Page 2 of 2 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
man now in custody with reference to tho Stepney murder , was on Tuesday brought before the coroner's court . Evidence was given bv different witnesses , but the coroner finally decided on adjourning the inquest until the 10 th of next month . At a later hour in the clay , the prisoner was brought before the magistrates at the Thames Police Court , when he was remanded . The inquest ou the hody ef Emma King , of Willenhall , Staffordshire , who is supposed to have been poisoned by her husbandan old man 77 years of age ,
, was resumed on 3 Ion clay . Dr . Hill , lecturer ou practical chemistry and toxicology at Sydenham , had analysed ( he contents of the stomach , but came to the conclusion that death was occasioned by drunkenness . The jury , however , did not seem satisfied with this decision , and dcmaiidc ' d that another analyst should be called in . The coroner acceded to this demand , and flic inquiry was adjourned for a week . At the Central Criminal Court a man called Williams
and another called Davis have been found guilty of haying been engaged in causing the death of George Mitchell in a pugilistic encounter at Battcrsea . Davis acted as second to Williams . Sentence was deferred . The " London Reformatory for Adult Male Criminals , '' Smith-street , AVestminster , has just closed . This admirable institution , which has been the meansunder the blessing of the G . A . O . T . U . of reclaiming a large
, , percentage of those ivho have sought shelter within its wallsinmates taken from a class whose evil courses have been too generally considered as well nig h hopeless of reform—has been compelled to close its doors , thus depriving many a poor outcast of his only hope for leading a better life . In the words of the committee . " the sympathy ofthe public towards adult reformatories does not exist in sufficient force to enable them to-kcep open the Institution . "
Wealthy , luxurious London , which can contribute its tens of thousands in aid of foreign objects of charity , could or rather would not raise two or three thousand a year to reclaim those who learn their vices and jiursuc ( heir wicked lives in the midst of her palaces , parks , ancl storehouses . False economy ; negation of Christian duty . FOREIGN IXXEIXIGEXCI ; . — The Emperor and Empress of the French arrived at Aiders on the 17 th instant . The sea jiassage
was longer than usual on account of bad weather . Tho Bey of Tunis arrived at noon , and was received by their Majesties . One of the brothers of ( he Emperor of Morocco was expected to arrive in the course of the clay . An individual , said to bo insane , fired a pistol at flic Emperor during his stay at Toulon . The arm of the assassin was , however , struck by a woman at ihe moment of his discharging the pistol , and his aim was ilius frustrated . The Duchess of Alba , ( ho Empress ' s sister , has just died .
Letters from Beyvowt furnish authentic evidence of Puad Pacha ' s energy . Arrests are going on continually , and it is believed that a great blow is about to be struck . The Druses , on their part , hacl drawn up an address in ivhich they endeavour to exculpate themselves from the horrible crimes they have recently committed . Garibaldi has been making his arrangements for the Government of Naples until the whole of Italy is free . Meanwhilethe Sardinian troops are rapidly making their ivay
, in Central Italy . On Friday , last week , General Fanti entered Perugia , after a severe contest . General Schmidt , by whose orders ihe massacre of last year look jilace , was made a j'l-isoiier , with 1 , 800 troops , COO of whom are said to be Irishmen . On the eastern coast , General Cialdini had jnu'sued the Papal troops in ( he direction of Aneona , and had then re-entered Sinigaglia . The Turin newspapers express their regret at the departure of the French ambassador , but insist that the peojile must now rally round their
king , and deny that the Sardinian Government requires to shelter itself under the responsibility of Eranee . Advices from Jesi , ol the 18 th , states that General Lamoriciere , with 11 , 000 men , had attacked the position lately taken by General Cialdini , near Castelfidardo . The fight , which was short but drsjierafc , gives the following results ;—The junction of General Lsiuorieicre ' s corps with the remainder of his troops at Aneona was prevented . Six hundred prisoners were made . Six pieces of artillery and a flag taken .
The Pajial army's wounded , among whom was General Pimodan ( since dead ) fell in to the hands of General Cialdini . The losses of the papal troojis were considerable . A column of 4000 men , who made a sortie from Aneona and took part in tho fight , were compelled to retire , it being pursued by the Sardinian troops . The large number of the troops | IiareJcapi ( ulatcd , bii ! jGencral Lamoriciere , with his stall ' , have made their way into Aneona . ——All
doubt as to tbe approaching interview between the Czar and the Emperor of Auslria has now been set at rest by ( lie arrival of Count de Toll , Aide-dc-Camp General of the Emperor of Russia , at Tienna , with an invitation to the meeting of Sovereigns at " Warsaw . The cause of this reconciliation between Austria anil Russia is said to be the ccrlainfy that the designs of the revolutionary parfy in all the Danubian countries in Hungary and elsewhere have alread y assumed formidiable proportions , and ' it is believed that the two emperors will enter info reciprocal engagements for ( be prescrva'ion of their rcsjiectiTC territories . Another fatal accident
The Week.
has occured in the Tyrol . Tho Rev . AV . Gr . AA ' atsou , chaplain of Gray ' s-inn , in company with a friend , was attempting to cross tho steeji snow slope of the AATndacher glacier . The guide , seems to have given his consent to their passing across the snow , instead of jiassing over the ridges of rock by which these slopes are intersected . At one point , the . snow overlaid an abyss of ice , and the unfortunate gentlemen fell through this , and must have been killed almost instantaneously . It is said tint the responsibility of this disaster
rests on the guide , who will probably be put upon his trial for his conduct . IXBIA . — -Wo learn , by the Overland Mail , that a public meeting hacl been held at Jladras , for the purpose of petitioning her Majesty to njipoint Jlr . Jlorehcad to the government of that presidency . Jfr . Jlorchead has acquired a great reputation in India . He was , wo believe , strongly opposed to the late Jlr . Wilson ' s views on the income tux ; but he disapproved of the publication of the
proceedings of the Jladras Government . The merchants at Bombay had jietitionecl against the threatened increase iu the tax on opium , partly in consequence of the competition they have to contend with in the China-grown opium . The only other piece of Indian news of public interest is that the Nirzam is to be rewarded for his fidelity to the British Government , by the restoration of a portion of his dominions , and by a magnficcnt jiresent of British merchandize . The deaths of Jlr , Joseph Jackson , the eminent railway contractor , and of Rao Daissuljee , a faithful ally of the British Govcvemcnt , are also announced .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The English Opera seasons are about to commence forthwiththat of Jliss Pyne and Jlr . Harrison on the 1 st , that of Jlr . Smith on the Sth of next month . It is now fixed that the first opera to be given at Her Jlajesty ' s Theatre is to be the "Robin Hood" of Jlr . JIacfarren . Among the ladies of the company ( the principal gentlemen having been mentioned ) will be Jfadame Lemmens-. Sherrington , Jlcilie . Purejm , and Jliss Alexander , who has sung , we are informed , in continental opera-houses . On tho " off-nights "
Italian operas are to be given , conducted by Signor Arditi . A glimpse at Paris has afforded the ojijiortunity of seeing Signor Rossini's " Semiraiuide " in its French attire . Opera must always lose by translation of its text ; but many causes conjointly seem to have extracted the spirit out of this Italian ivork ( at best tending towards prolixity , if not heaviness ) in no common degree . Much of the music sounds fadedif not feebleas now given in Paris .
, , This , however , is more largely the fault of the execution than of the jitirajihrase ; including though that does some commonplace ballet-music , interpolated , it is said , by Signor Caraffii . The name of Sigiiora Galctti , an Italian lady with , it is said , a magnificent voice , is beginning to make the tour of the foreign journals , even as did that of Signora Favanti , some years ago ; tho donna
new prima , like the former one , having beon secured by Jir . Lumley , unless ive are mistaken . Jfadame CV . ill . ig has gone to America for six months , to sing , wo imagine , in German ojici-a . Signor Braga is engaged on a new opera , to be sung by Madame Borghi-JIanio , af Balogna or Milan , during her engagement there . Signer Botfesim ' s " Assedio di Pirenze " has been given as the first opera of the season at La ScalaMilan .
, The JfS . opera by Glack , presumed by Herr Schmid to be lost , mentioned some weeks ago as having turned uji in the library at Berlin , is described by Herr Lindner as under . "Lo Cinesi" was written in 175-1 , on the occasion of a visit paid by Francis the First to Field-JIarshal Saxe Hiiclburghausen at Schlosshof . The text is by Jfetasttisio . A revival is about to take place at Weimarivhichunder the
, , circumstances , is very curious . This is none other than the disinterment of M . Chelard ' s " Macbeth , "—an opera in which there is effective and well-made music , after the mixed manner of Spoutini . Jf . Chelard has long had a court appointment at Weimar ; but was ' shelved" ( as the stage-phrase runs ) years ago . This makes a return to his only successful opera , laid by a quarter of a century since , curious , to say the least of it .
To Correspondents.
J C . —AA e will inquire , Ni-Jio . — Attend a Lodge of Instruction . EIHIATA . —In our Report of the Yarborough Lodge , Brighton , last week , wc made tho Rev . Bro . Tayler , Prov . G . JI ., stale that he was " an unlearned man , " whereas it should have been , " unlearned mason . " In ( he sixth line from the bottom of the first column , in the same address , " themes " should read " theories , " and in the fwenfy-lliird line from the bottom ofthe second column , " sacred " should read " sacredly . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
man now in custody with reference to tho Stepney murder , was on Tuesday brought before the coroner's court . Evidence was given bv different witnesses , but the coroner finally decided on adjourning the inquest until the 10 th of next month . At a later hour in the clay , the prisoner was brought before the magistrates at the Thames Police Court , when he was remanded . The inquest ou the hody ef Emma King , of Willenhall , Staffordshire , who is supposed to have been poisoned by her husbandan old man 77 years of age ,
, was resumed on 3 Ion clay . Dr . Hill , lecturer ou practical chemistry and toxicology at Sydenham , had analysed ( he contents of the stomach , but came to the conclusion that death was occasioned by drunkenness . The jury , however , did not seem satisfied with this decision , and dcmaiidc ' d that another analyst should be called in . The coroner acceded to this demand , and flic inquiry was adjourned for a week . At the Central Criminal Court a man called Williams
and another called Davis have been found guilty of haying been engaged in causing the death of George Mitchell in a pugilistic encounter at Battcrsea . Davis acted as second to Williams . Sentence was deferred . The " London Reformatory for Adult Male Criminals , '' Smith-street , AVestminster , has just closed . This admirable institution , which has been the meansunder the blessing of the G . A . O . T . U . of reclaiming a large
, , percentage of those ivho have sought shelter within its wallsinmates taken from a class whose evil courses have been too generally considered as well nig h hopeless of reform—has been compelled to close its doors , thus depriving many a poor outcast of his only hope for leading a better life . In the words of the committee . " the sympathy ofthe public towards adult reformatories does not exist in sufficient force to enable them to-kcep open the Institution . "
Wealthy , luxurious London , which can contribute its tens of thousands in aid of foreign objects of charity , could or rather would not raise two or three thousand a year to reclaim those who learn their vices and jiursuc ( heir wicked lives in the midst of her palaces , parks , ancl storehouses . False economy ; negation of Christian duty . FOREIGN IXXEIXIGEXCI ; . — The Emperor and Empress of the French arrived at Aiders on the 17 th instant . The sea jiassage
was longer than usual on account of bad weather . Tho Bey of Tunis arrived at noon , and was received by their Majesties . One of the brothers of ( he Emperor of Morocco was expected to arrive in the course of the clay . An individual , said to bo insane , fired a pistol at flic Emperor during his stay at Toulon . The arm of the assassin was , however , struck by a woman at ihe moment of his discharging the pistol , and his aim was ilius frustrated . The Duchess of Alba , ( ho Empress ' s sister , has just died .
Letters from Beyvowt furnish authentic evidence of Puad Pacha ' s energy . Arrests are going on continually , and it is believed that a great blow is about to be struck . The Druses , on their part , hacl drawn up an address in ivhich they endeavour to exculpate themselves from the horrible crimes they have recently committed . Garibaldi has been making his arrangements for the Government of Naples until the whole of Italy is free . Meanwhilethe Sardinian troops are rapidly making their ivay
, in Central Italy . On Friday , last week , General Fanti entered Perugia , after a severe contest . General Schmidt , by whose orders ihe massacre of last year look jilace , was made a j'l-isoiier , with 1 , 800 troops , COO of whom are said to be Irishmen . On the eastern coast , General Cialdini had jnu'sued the Papal troops in ( he direction of Aneona , and had then re-entered Sinigaglia . The Turin newspapers express their regret at the departure of the French ambassador , but insist that the peojile must now rally round their
king , and deny that the Sardinian Government requires to shelter itself under the responsibility of Eranee . Advices from Jesi , ol the 18 th , states that General Lamoriciere , with 11 , 000 men , had attacked the position lately taken by General Cialdini , near Castelfidardo . The fight , which was short but drsjierafc , gives the following results ;—The junction of General Lsiuorieicre ' s corps with the remainder of his troops at Aneona was prevented . Six hundred prisoners were made . Six pieces of artillery and a flag taken .
The Pajial army's wounded , among whom was General Pimodan ( since dead ) fell in to the hands of General Cialdini . The losses of the papal troojis were considerable . A column of 4000 men , who made a sortie from Aneona and took part in tho fight , were compelled to retire , it being pursued by the Sardinian troops . The large number of the troops | IiareJcapi ( ulatcd , bii ! jGencral Lamoriciere , with his stall ' , have made their way into Aneona . ——All
doubt as to tbe approaching interview between the Czar and the Emperor of Auslria has now been set at rest by ( lie arrival of Count de Toll , Aide-dc-Camp General of the Emperor of Russia , at Tienna , with an invitation to the meeting of Sovereigns at " Warsaw . The cause of this reconciliation between Austria anil Russia is said to be the ccrlainfy that the designs of the revolutionary parfy in all the Danubian countries in Hungary and elsewhere have alread y assumed formidiable proportions , and ' it is believed that the two emperors will enter info reciprocal engagements for ( be prescrva'ion of their rcsjiectiTC territories . Another fatal accident
The Week.
has occured in the Tyrol . Tho Rev . AV . Gr . AA ' atsou , chaplain of Gray ' s-inn , in company with a friend , was attempting to cross tho steeji snow slope of the AATndacher glacier . The guide , seems to have given his consent to their passing across the snow , instead of jiassing over the ridges of rock by which these slopes are intersected . At one point , the . snow overlaid an abyss of ice , and the unfortunate gentlemen fell through this , and must have been killed almost instantaneously . It is said tint the responsibility of this disaster
rests on the guide , who will probably be put upon his trial for his conduct . IXBIA . — -Wo learn , by the Overland Mail , that a public meeting hacl been held at Jladras , for the purpose of petitioning her Majesty to njipoint Jlr . Jlorehcad to the government of that presidency . Jfr . Jlorchead has acquired a great reputation in India . He was , wo believe , strongly opposed to the late Jlr . Wilson ' s views on the income tux ; but he disapproved of the publication of the
proceedings of the Jladras Government . The merchants at Bombay had jietitionecl against the threatened increase iu the tax on opium , partly in consequence of the competition they have to contend with in the China-grown opium . The only other piece of Indian news of public interest is that the Nirzam is to be rewarded for his fidelity to the British Government , by the restoration of a portion of his dominions , and by a magnficcnt jiresent of British merchandize . The deaths of Jlr , Joseph Jackson , the eminent railway contractor , and of Rao Daissuljee , a faithful ally of the British Govcvemcnt , are also announced .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
The English Opera seasons are about to commence forthwiththat of Jliss Pyne and Jlr . Harrison on the 1 st , that of Jlr . Smith on the Sth of next month . It is now fixed that the first opera to be given at Her Jlajesty ' s Theatre is to be the "Robin Hood" of Jlr . JIacfarren . Among the ladies of the company ( the principal gentlemen having been mentioned ) will be Jfadame Lemmens-. Sherrington , Jlcilie . Purejm , and Jliss Alexander , who has sung , we are informed , in continental opera-houses . On tho " off-nights "
Italian operas are to be given , conducted by Signor Arditi . A glimpse at Paris has afforded the ojijiortunity of seeing Signor Rossini's " Semiraiuide " in its French attire . Opera must always lose by translation of its text ; but many causes conjointly seem to have extracted the spirit out of this Italian ivork ( at best tending towards prolixity , if not heaviness ) in no common degree . Much of the music sounds fadedif not feebleas now given in Paris .
, , This , however , is more largely the fault of the execution than of the jitirajihrase ; including though that does some commonplace ballet-music , interpolated , it is said , by Signor Caraffii . The name of Sigiiora Galctti , an Italian lady with , it is said , a magnificent voice , is beginning to make the tour of the foreign journals , even as did that of Signora Favanti , some years ago ; tho donna
new prima , like the former one , having beon secured by Jir . Lumley , unless ive are mistaken . Jfadame CV . ill . ig has gone to America for six months , to sing , wo imagine , in German ojici-a . Signor Braga is engaged on a new opera , to be sung by Madame Borghi-JIanio , af Balogna or Milan , during her engagement there . Signer Botfesim ' s " Assedio di Pirenze " has been given as the first opera of the season at La ScalaMilan .
, The JfS . opera by Glack , presumed by Herr Schmid to be lost , mentioned some weeks ago as having turned uji in the library at Berlin , is described by Herr Lindner as under . "Lo Cinesi" was written in 175-1 , on the occasion of a visit paid by Francis the First to Field-JIarshal Saxe Hiiclburghausen at Schlosshof . The text is by Jfetasttisio . A revival is about to take place at Weimarivhichunder the
, , circumstances , is very curious . This is none other than the disinterment of M . Chelard ' s " Macbeth , "—an opera in which there is effective and well-made music , after the mixed manner of Spoutini . Jf . Chelard has long had a court appointment at Weimar ; but was ' shelved" ( as the stage-phrase runs ) years ago . This makes a return to his only successful opera , laid by a quarter of a century since , curious , to say the least of it .
To Correspondents.
J C . —AA e will inquire , Ni-Jio . — Attend a Lodge of Instruction . EIHIATA . —In our Report of the Yarborough Lodge , Brighton , last week , wc made tho Rev . Bro . Tayler , Prov . G . JI ., stale that he was " an unlearned man , " whereas it should have been , " unlearned mason . " In ( he sixth line from the bottom of the first column , in the same address , " themes " should read " theories , " and in the fwenfy-lliird line from the bottom ofthe second column , " sacred " should read " sacredly . "