Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ought to be so amended that the several state grand chapters may have full authority to grant charters for the institution of newchapters within their respective jurisdictions without requiring the approbation or recommendation of any other subordinate chapter , " which resolution was laid over to next session . The following A-esolutions were also submitted , the first by Comp . Asa Smith , and the last by Comp . Win . Storer : — " Besolced—That the General Grand Chapter be and is hereby
requested to restore to the several State Grand Chapters the powers which they have received from them . " Fesolved—That the Grand Secretary be ancl is hereby instructed . to communicate to the Secretary of the General Grancl Chapter of the United States the wish of the Grand Chapter of Connecticut to withdraw from all [ connection with that body ; ancl that the . General Grand Secretary be respectfully requested to lay this resolution before the General Grancl Chapter at its next triennial
convocation . " These resolutions were laid over until the next annual convocation . The returns of 19 out of the 21 chapters in Connecticut give the number of members , 1531 ; the number of exaltations , 172 ; the number of deaths , 16 ; and the amount of dues paid to the Grand Chapter , 309 dollars .
GRAND CHAPTER OP JIISSISSIPPI . The Grand Chapter of Jlississippi held its fourteenth animal convocation in January last . Thirty-six chajiters were represented . The JI . E . G . High Priest JI . S . AVard , in his address remarks " that never hefore was Royal Arch JIasonry in this jurisdiction in a more prosperous and happy condition . " He icfers to his course ancl that of Comp . Hillyer , as representatives to the G . G . Chapter , which
was in opposition to the action ofthe Grand Chajiter of Jlississippi . He issued three disjiensations for new chapters . The R . E . Grand Secretary presented the report on correspondence . He notices the proceedings of twenty-six grand chajiters and the G . G . Chajiter . R . E . Comp . Hillyer , in behalf of himself and the JI . E . G . High Priest presented a report , giving their reasons for disobeying ancl acting contrary to the expressed voice of the Grand Chapter which they represented .
The following resolutions , submitted by Comp . Gray , were adopted : — " Pesolved—That Royal Arch Chajiters have no right to confer the Past Master's Degree on a JIaster Mason , merely for the purpose of qualifying him to preside as JIaster of a Blue Lodge . " Sesolced—That no chapter subordinate to this Grand Chapter , shall confer the degree of Past JIaster on any person , unless he shall have regularly petitioned for the Chapter Degree of Royal Arch
Masonry , and been duly elected to receive the same by the chapter opened on the Royal Arch degree , and shall have previously received the degree of Mark JIaster . "llesohed—That no person shall be recognised by thisG . ' . Chapter , as a regular Chapter Past JIaster , or be admitted to visit or be present in any chapter under the jurisdiction of this Gr . Chapter when opened on the degree of Past JIasterwho has not
, regularly received the Jlark JIaster's and Past Master ' s degrees . " Fifty-eight chapters only made returns , which gave a total of 2152 members , and eight chapters which made no returns , estimated at 21-5 , making in all 2397 , affiliated , andiion-affiliated in the State estimated 500 , making a total of 2 S 97 Eoyal Arch JIasons in Mississippi .
GRAND CHAPTER OF TEXAS . The Grand Chapter of Texas held its annual convocation in June last . Forty-four chapters were represented . The annual address ofthe JI . E . G . High Priest A . Neill , represents the Order to be "in a highly satisfactory condition ; not advancing with rapid strides by increase of numbers , but gradually pressing forward in the practice of the ts taught in the symbolism and lecturesof
precep . the Order . " He issued dispensations for eight new chapters . Ho recommended the annulling the charters of three chapters . He recommends the chapters " to avoid , us far as possible , the encouragement of receiving petitions for the chajiter degrees from non-affiliated JIaster JIasons . " The following resolution , submitted by the committee , was referred to the subordinate chapters for ratification or rejection , at the next annual convocation of the
Grand Chapter . "Be it resolved— -That , since it would be for tho benefit of Royal Arch JIasonry in this State , that all future connection between the General Grand Chapter and this Grand Chapter be dissolved , t'iiat the delegates to the next General Grand Convocation be and are hereb y instructed to respectfully and fraternally request of the General Grand Chapter of the U . S ., an acquiesence in the dissolution of this connection , and in the peaceful withdrawal of this Grand Chapter from their Grancl Body . " The returns of sixty-two Chapters , report 2131 members ; 337
exaltations ; affiliated , 28 ; demitted , 100 ; rejected , 24 ; suspended , 13 ; expelled , 4 ; reinstated , 6 ; and paid dues to Grand Chapter , 1 . 8 SG dollars . Total amount received by Grancl Secretary , 2 , 151 dollars .
A LUTHERAX JIUSEUM . —The Lllustrirte Zeilung states that an interesting museum of articles relating to Luther , collected by an inhabitant of Halberstadt , has recently been purchased by the Prince Regent and removed to AVittenburg , were it will be preserved in the house once occupied hy the great Reformer . Though the collection is extensive ancl valuable , the collector's heirs sold it for the moderate sum of 3 , 000 thalers , knowing that its late owner was most anxious that it should be preserved at AAlttenburg for the
benefit of posterity . The collection comprises a number of paintings , thirty- four of which are portraits of Luther and his family , of the Elector of Saxony , Jlelancthon , Erasmus , Pontanus , Ulrieh von Hutton , ancl other eminent men of the time . The second section consists of thirty-four portfolios , containing about 7 , 000 portraits of Luther and his contemporaries , both friends and oj . ponents , representations of many scenes of his lifeancl caricatures relating
, to him . Next comes a collection of 2 , 000 autographs of Luther and eminent men of his day , besides numerous manuscripts of the same period . Another section consists of a most valuable collection of 291 medals in gold , silver , & c ., struck in honour of Luther and his rivals , and a remarkable series of busts , statuettes , and medallions , in bronze ancl terra-cotta , of the 16 th century . The sixth section is composed entirely of Luther ' s writings or works relating to the
Reformation , forming , in all , a total of 2 , 000 volumes . It is intended to add to this collection a copy of all books or works of art relating to Luther ; and the directors ofthe museum will publish an annual report , in which all donors' names are to bo inserted .
The Week.
THE COVET . —ITer Majesty and suite have returned from Scotland , and are now at Osborne . Preparations are making for Her Majesty's visit to Germany . The Nova Scotian , from Quebec , brings news of a magnificent reception accorded to the Prince of AVaics at Toronto . The preparations aro said to havo surpassed thoso of all other cities . G'EXKRAL HOME NEWS . —A sub-committee has been appointed at Newcastlc-oii-Tyne to answer the letter of the French
Government with respect to the admission of French "Vessels to exeejitional jirivilcges . The rumour of \ li : Lindsay's mission to tho United States has received an authoritative contradiction . Lord J . Russell gives a distinct denial to the report . A large steam screw lineof-bat tic ship , the Anson , 9 . 1 guns , and S 00-horso power engines , was launched on Saturday at Woolwich . The ceremony of christening was performed by Lady Sydney . The committee appointed
to examine into the circumstances which caused the alleged defective state in her Majesty ' s gun and mortar boats , & c , have published their report . Thirteen witnesses have been examined . The committee report that many defects were discovered which reflect discredit on those who were responsible for the construction of the vessels—viz ., the presence of sappy timber , of unclenched bolts , and bolts too short for their respective positions , all these being breaches of the contract . With resjiect to the sajijiy wood , they consider that any description of saji ought to be rejected in the
Royal dock-yards . The use of short bolts , & c , is condemned with unsparing severity , and the evidence shows that there was not , in many cases , a sufficiency of foremen to see that the work was properly done .- In a speech , at Atherstone , Jfr . Newdogato denied that the House of Commons had done nothing during the past session . It had made provision for the national defences ; it had accepted , with good temper , the rebuke administered by the Upper House ; it had discussed wtth clue deliberation the question
of parliamentary reform ; it hacl sifted public opinion ; and , in short , maintained its character as the model representative assembl y ofthe world . The Post Office employes have had an interview with the Postmaster General , Lord Stanley of Alderley . His lordship promised to pay every attention to the report of the commissioners , and expressed his belief that he would bo able to make arrangements which would give satisfaction . Another of our
metropolitan police magistrates is dead , Jlr . Jardinc , who died at his country residence , near Wcybridgc . Jfr . Jarclino was called to the bar in 1823 , and had been a magistrate for more than 20 years . In the beginning of August fast , an explosion took place in a pit at Winstanloy , near Wigan , by which somo men were killed Tho inquest , which hacl been adjourned in order apparently to allow time for a thorough examination of the pit , was only resumed on AVednesday last , when " a verdict of " Accidental death" was returned , but the jury added that , in their opinion , the ventilation of the mine ought to be rendered more efficient . Mullins , tho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ought to be so amended that the several state grand chapters may have full authority to grant charters for the institution of newchapters within their respective jurisdictions without requiring the approbation or recommendation of any other subordinate chapter , " which resolution was laid over to next session . The following A-esolutions were also submitted , the first by Comp . Asa Smith , and the last by Comp . Win . Storer : — " Besolced—That the General Grand Chapter be and is hereby
requested to restore to the several State Grand Chapters the powers which they have received from them . " Fesolved—That the Grand Secretary be ancl is hereby instructed . to communicate to the Secretary of the General Grancl Chapter of the United States the wish of the Grand Chapter of Connecticut to withdraw from all [ connection with that body ; ancl that the . General Grand Secretary be respectfully requested to lay this resolution before the General Grancl Chapter at its next triennial
convocation . " These resolutions were laid over until the next annual convocation . The returns of 19 out of the 21 chapters in Connecticut give the number of members , 1531 ; the number of exaltations , 172 ; the number of deaths , 16 ; and the amount of dues paid to the Grand Chapter , 309 dollars .
GRAND CHAPTER OP JIISSISSIPPI . The Grand Chapter of Jlississippi held its fourteenth animal convocation in January last . Thirty-six chajiters were represented . The JI . E . G . High Priest JI . S . AVard , in his address remarks " that never hefore was Royal Arch JIasonry in this jurisdiction in a more prosperous and happy condition . " He icfers to his course ancl that of Comp . Hillyer , as representatives to the G . G . Chapter , which
was in opposition to the action ofthe Grand Chajiter of Jlississippi . He issued three disjiensations for new chapters . The R . E . Grand Secretary presented the report on correspondence . He notices the proceedings of twenty-six grand chajiters and the G . G . Chajiter . R . E . Comp . Hillyer , in behalf of himself and the JI . E . G . High Priest presented a report , giving their reasons for disobeying ancl acting contrary to the expressed voice of the Grand Chapter which they represented .
The following resolutions , submitted by Comp . Gray , were adopted : — " Pesolved—That Royal Arch Chajiters have no right to confer the Past Master's Degree on a JIaster Mason , merely for the purpose of qualifying him to preside as JIaster of a Blue Lodge . " Sesolced—That no chapter subordinate to this Grand Chapter , shall confer the degree of Past JIaster on any person , unless he shall have regularly petitioned for the Chapter Degree of Royal Arch
Masonry , and been duly elected to receive the same by the chapter opened on the Royal Arch degree , and shall have previously received the degree of Mark JIaster . "llesohed—That no person shall be recognised by thisG . ' . Chapter , as a regular Chapter Past JIaster , or be admitted to visit or be present in any chapter under the jurisdiction of this Gr . Chapter when opened on the degree of Past JIasterwho has not
, regularly received the Jlark JIaster's and Past Master ' s degrees . " Fifty-eight chapters only made returns , which gave a total of 2152 members , and eight chapters which made no returns , estimated at 21-5 , making in all 2397 , affiliated , andiion-affiliated in the State estimated 500 , making a total of 2 S 97 Eoyal Arch JIasons in Mississippi .
GRAND CHAPTER OF TEXAS . The Grand Chapter of Texas held its annual convocation in June last . Forty-four chapters were represented . The annual address ofthe JI . E . G . High Priest A . Neill , represents the Order to be "in a highly satisfactory condition ; not advancing with rapid strides by increase of numbers , but gradually pressing forward in the practice of the ts taught in the symbolism and lecturesof
precep . the Order . " He issued dispensations for eight new chapters . Ho recommended the annulling the charters of three chapters . He recommends the chapters " to avoid , us far as possible , the encouragement of receiving petitions for the chajiter degrees from non-affiliated JIaster JIasons . " The following resolution , submitted by the committee , was referred to the subordinate chapters for ratification or rejection , at the next annual convocation of the
Grand Chapter . "Be it resolved— -That , since it would be for tho benefit of Royal Arch JIasonry in this State , that all future connection between the General Grand Chapter and this Grand Chapter be dissolved , t'iiat the delegates to the next General Grand Convocation be and are hereb y instructed to respectfully and fraternally request of the General Grand Chapter of the U . S ., an acquiesence in the dissolution of this connection , and in the peaceful withdrawal of this Grand Chapter from their Grancl Body . " The returns of sixty-two Chapters , report 2131 members ; 337
exaltations ; affiliated , 28 ; demitted , 100 ; rejected , 24 ; suspended , 13 ; expelled , 4 ; reinstated , 6 ; and paid dues to Grand Chapter , 1 . 8 SG dollars . Total amount received by Grancl Secretary , 2 , 151 dollars .
A LUTHERAX JIUSEUM . —The Lllustrirte Zeilung states that an interesting museum of articles relating to Luther , collected by an inhabitant of Halberstadt , has recently been purchased by the Prince Regent and removed to AVittenburg , were it will be preserved in the house once occupied hy the great Reformer . Though the collection is extensive ancl valuable , the collector's heirs sold it for the moderate sum of 3 , 000 thalers , knowing that its late owner was most anxious that it should be preserved at AAlttenburg for the
benefit of posterity . The collection comprises a number of paintings , thirty- four of which are portraits of Luther and his family , of the Elector of Saxony , Jlelancthon , Erasmus , Pontanus , Ulrieh von Hutton , ancl other eminent men of the time . The second section consists of thirty-four portfolios , containing about 7 , 000 portraits of Luther and his contemporaries , both friends and oj . ponents , representations of many scenes of his lifeancl caricatures relating
, to him . Next comes a collection of 2 , 000 autographs of Luther and eminent men of his day , besides numerous manuscripts of the same period . Another section consists of a most valuable collection of 291 medals in gold , silver , & c ., struck in honour of Luther and his rivals , and a remarkable series of busts , statuettes , and medallions , in bronze ancl terra-cotta , of the 16 th century . The sixth section is composed entirely of Luther ' s writings or works relating to the
Reformation , forming , in all , a total of 2 , 000 volumes . It is intended to add to this collection a copy of all books or works of art relating to Luther ; and the directors ofthe museum will publish an annual report , in which all donors' names are to bo inserted .
The Week.
THE COVET . —ITer Majesty and suite have returned from Scotland , and are now at Osborne . Preparations are making for Her Majesty's visit to Germany . The Nova Scotian , from Quebec , brings news of a magnificent reception accorded to the Prince of AVaics at Toronto . The preparations aro said to havo surpassed thoso of all other cities . G'EXKRAL HOME NEWS . —A sub-committee has been appointed at Newcastlc-oii-Tyne to answer the letter of the French
Government with respect to the admission of French "Vessels to exeejitional jirivilcges . The rumour of \ li : Lindsay's mission to tho United States has received an authoritative contradiction . Lord J . Russell gives a distinct denial to the report . A large steam screw lineof-bat tic ship , the Anson , 9 . 1 guns , and S 00-horso power engines , was launched on Saturday at Woolwich . The ceremony of christening was performed by Lady Sydney . The committee appointed
to examine into the circumstances which caused the alleged defective state in her Majesty ' s gun and mortar boats , & c , have published their report . Thirteen witnesses have been examined . The committee report that many defects were discovered which reflect discredit on those who were responsible for the construction of the vessels—viz ., the presence of sappy timber , of unclenched bolts , and bolts too short for their respective positions , all these being breaches of the contract . With resjiect to the sajijiy wood , they consider that any description of saji ought to be rejected in the
Royal dock-yards . The use of short bolts , & c , is condemned with unsparing severity , and the evidence shows that there was not , in many cases , a sufficiency of foremen to see that the work was properly done .- In a speech , at Atherstone , Jfr . Newdogato denied that the House of Commons had done nothing during the past session . It had made provision for the national defences ; it had accepted , with good temper , the rebuke administered by the Upper House ; it had discussed wtth clue deliberation the question
of parliamentary reform ; it hacl sifted public opinion ; and , in short , maintained its character as the model representative assembl y ofthe world . The Post Office employes have had an interview with the Postmaster General , Lord Stanley of Alderley . His lordship promised to pay every attention to the report of the commissioners , and expressed his belief that he would bo able to make arrangements which would give satisfaction . Another of our
metropolitan police magistrates is dead , Jlr . Jardinc , who died at his country residence , near Wcybridgc . Jfr . Jarclino was called to the bar in 1823 , and had been a magistrate for more than 20 years . In the beginning of August fast , an explosion took place in a pit at Winstanloy , near Wigan , by which somo men were killed Tho inquest , which hacl been adjourned in order apparently to allow time for a thorough examination of the pit , was only resumed on AVednesday last , when " a verdict of " Accidental death" was returned , but the jury added that , in their opinion , the ventilation of the mine ought to be rendered more efficient . Mullins , tho