Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
» •MASONIC MEMS . The Quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire will he held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on the 9 th pros . On this occasion , the Grancl Officers of the province for the ensuing year will be appointed , ancl the portrait of the respected
Prov . G . M ., the Earl Howe , which has recently been painted for the brethren by Mr . T . Jones Barker , will be presented to his lordship , together with an illuminated address . A large attendance is expected . The Prov . Grand Lodge of Gloucester will be held at the Masonic Hall , Cheltenham , on Tuesday , the Qth day of October , instead of
'Thursday , the 11 th , as previously announced . At the Meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , on Wednesday last , the V . W . Bro . R . Warner Wheeler , J . G . D ., presiding , six petitions were relieved with different sums , amounting in the aggregate to £ 70 . It is rather curious that three of the eases were connected with the army .
INSTRUCTION . Crystal Palace Lodge ( No . 1014 ) . —This lodge held its weekly meeting on Monday , September 17 th , at Bro . Hill's , City Arms Tavern , West Square , Southwark . The fifteen sections of the three lectures were worked in the following order , under the presidency of Bro . C ' rawley , P . M ., No . l 03 , Worshipful Master : —First lecture : 1 st . . sectionBro . Birch 2 ndBro . Reid 3 rdBro . Hawkins 4 th
, ; , ; , ; , Pro . Sivinnoek ; 5 th , Bro . Stewart ; Gth , Bro . Anslow ; 7 th , Bro . Noke . Second lecture : 1 st section , Bro . Hill ; 2 nd . Bro . Reid ; 3 rd , Bro . Bradley ; 4 th , Bro . Robertson ; 5 th , Bro . Noke . Third lecture : 1 st section , Bro . Lascelles ; 2 nd , Bro . Anslow ; 3 rd , Bro . Stewart . Bros . Cogan ( 12 ) , Flack ( 103 ) , and Trotman ( 10 . 11 ) , were severally proposed , seconded , and unanimously elected members . Bro . Blackburn proposed that this lodge of instruction have its
annual banquet at Bro . Hill ' s on the second Monday in October . A brother exjiressed a wish that another clay could be named , as , being his regular lodge night , himself and several other brethren ivould be prevented from attending . In ansiver to this and some remark of Bro . Blackburn respecting the tickets , Bro . Hill exjiressed his earnest desire that it should be so managed that those brethren who were constant attendants should have an opportunity of being
at the banquet , if it suited their convenience . His premises being small , he was not able to accommodate more than thirty-four comfortably , and he never looked upon the festival as a matter of business , but a convivial meeting of those hrethren who supported the Lodge of Instruction by their attendance . Bro . Handford was elected to preside on the occasion . Bro . Stewart , P . M ., jirojiosed that a vote of thanks he entered on the minutes to Bro . Crawley , AV . M ., for the very able manner in which he had presided , and the easy and
efficient manner in which he had put the questions in the several lectures , which motion was duly seconded , and carried unanimously . Pro . Crawley thanked the brethren for the high compliments they were jileased to pay him , and for the honour of being elected to preside over a lodge so much distinguished for the excellent working •of its members . He also thanked those brethren who had assisted j him in working the sections , for the efficient manner in ivhich they had discharged " their duties , which in his considerable experience he had never seen excelled . i
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . Avi . E 3 in .-KY . —Puckingliam Lodge ( Xo . 8 G 1 ) . —At a regular meeting of this lodge , held at the AVhite Hart Hotel on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., the Rev . Alfred Henry Ferris , B . A ., St . Mary Magdalen Hall , Oxford , and Curate of tring , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The AV . M ., Bro . Rev . Oliver James Graceperformed the in his usual impressive manner
, ceremony . The charge was delivered by Bro . Rev . James Coojier Farnbrough , P . M ., Prov . G . Chaplain of Berks and Bucks . The brethren then proceeded , according to notice , to " consider the tulvisahilitv of attaching a Royal Arch Chajiter to the Buckingham Lodge . " Aftor a somewhat lengthened discussion , it was unanimousl y agreed that it was unadvis lble to petition for a chapter at present .
All business being ended , the lodge was closed ; and the brethren , having partaken of a cold collation , dispersed at an early hour . DEVONSHIRE . DAHTJIOUTU . —Hanley Lodge ( So . 1099 ) , was opened by dispensation on Tuesday last . On the arrival of the river beats from the railway and other public and private conveyancesa goodl
, y number of brethren made their appearance , and amongst them , Bro . 'Henry Bridges , G . S . B ., ( from Bridgeivater ) , the AV . M . of the new lodge . Luncheon was laid in the refreshment-room of Hanley Hall , at 1 . 30 p . m ., after which the brethren assembled in the lodgeroom above , when the warrant and dispensation having been read , the AA . M . proceeded to initiate two candidates in his usual impressive maimer . There was , at the time of labour , an influx of
brethren from Brixham Lodge ( 309 ) . The Officers for the clay were : Bros . T . Lidstone , S . W . ; R . M . Mortimer , J . AV . ; ancl Bros . Rev . J . Powniug , Chap . ; J . R . Davy , Treas . ; R . F . Bin-rough ( P . M . ) , Sec ; J . L . Lidstone , S . D . ; Jolin Heath ( WM ., 309 ) , J . D . ; Captain Ridgway ( P . M ., & c . ) , I . G . ; Mansfield , Org . ; Bros . Fowle and Philliinore , Stewards ; and Bro . Hockey , Tyler . The general arrangements of the lodge were much approved .
NORTHUMBERLAND AND BERWICK- ON-TWEED . PltOVINCIAL GEAND IODGE . The regular meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland , was held on Friday , September 14 , at St . David's Lodge ( No . 551 ) , Berwick . The attendance of Provincial Grand Officers was very numerous , no less than nine Past Grand AVardens being presentat this extreme limit ofthe provinceThe Grand Lod
, . ge was opened in form by the R . AA . Prov . Grand Master , the Rev . E . C . Ogle , of Kirkby Hall , assisted by the following Grand Officers : V . AA . Bro . Mark Lambert Jobling , P . Prov . Sen . G . AV ., acting as Deputy Grancl Master ; George AVeatherhead , Prov . S . G . AV . ; E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . W ., acting as Prov . Jun , G . AV . ; Rev . Samuel Atkinson , acting as Prov . G . Chaplain ; John Barker , G . Treasurer ; B . J . ThompsonP . Prov . J . G . W . as Prov . G . Sec . ; 11 . Saniter
, , Prov . S . G . D . ; Thos . Crawford , Piov . J . G . D . ; George Lambton , acting Prov . G . Suj ) . AVorks ; AVm . Dalziel , Prov . S . G . AV ., as Prov . ' G . Dir . of Cers . ; C . J . Bannister , acting Ass . Prov . Dir . of Cers . ; and the following among other Past Prov . Grand Officers : J . AA . Mayson , Past Prov . S . G . AV . ; AVm . Berkley , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . . 1 . Challoner , P . Prov . S . G . AV . : AVm . Puiishoii , P . Prov . J . G . AV . & e . The minutes of the last regular Provincial Grand Lodge , ancl the
two meetings of emergency , having been read and confirmed , The Grand Secretary read the rejiort of the Committees ofthe Fund of Benevolence and Finance ; by which the following recommendations were made and unanimously adopted . —That £ 10 be paid , from the fund of Benevolence , to the widow of a Bro . —• P . M . J . M . AVinn , —of this province , who died suddenly , four clays previously , when in the apparent enjoyment of health having , iii fact ,
fallen down dead , on his way home after ending the occupations of the day ; and leaving his widow and six children , the eldest of whom is only thirteen years old , totally unjirovicled for . From the brother being well known in the province the case caused much sympathy . The widow of another brother was also recommended to be relieved with £ 5 ; and towards the assistance of a meritorious old brotherwhothough the 'Tler of several lod from his and
in-, , y ges , age firmities , is gradually losing his occupation , the Finance Committee recommended £ 5 from the Funds of General Purposes . Ten guineas were also voted from this fund as a second donation to the Royal Freemason's School for female children , by which the Prov . Grancl Lodge will become perjietual governors .
A very nourishing report was read from the trustees of the Fund of Benevolence which at this moment amounts to over £ IGO , raised within the last ten years . The Provincial Grand Treasurer's rejiort was also read , and shewed the flourishing state of the finances of the province ; notice was given by the Grand Treasurer that at the next Provincial Grand Lodge , or one to be held , as suggested by the Prov . Grand Master , for the purpose , he would submit the following scheme : —1 . To assist
each Lodge in the Province to become jierpetual governors to all tho charities of the Order , by an annual grant from the Provincial Grand Funds for General Purjioses . The \ selectioii to be made , not from minority in the roll of Lodges , but , from the one making the largest return of contributions to the tiro funds of the province ; those not having contributed regularly to the same to he excluded from this jirivilege . 2 . The lodges who shallfrom their own lod contribute in the
, ge , same year a sum equal to the amount voted by the Prov . Grand Lodge for the jiurchase of a goveriiorshiji , shall have the preference in the selection , provided such lodges be on tho roll of fodges that had not yet secured such goveriiorshiji . 3 . That no second governorship be purchased for a lodge , till all the other lodges ( except those disqualified by non-payment of their contributions ) have received one each ; unless such lodge received
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
» •MASONIC MEMS . The Quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Leicestershire will he held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on the 9 th pros . On this occasion , the Grancl Officers of the province for the ensuing year will be appointed , ancl the portrait of the respected
Prov . G . M ., the Earl Howe , which has recently been painted for the brethren by Mr . T . Jones Barker , will be presented to his lordship , together with an illuminated address . A large attendance is expected . The Prov . Grand Lodge of Gloucester will be held at the Masonic Hall , Cheltenham , on Tuesday , the Qth day of October , instead of
'Thursday , the 11 th , as previously announced . At the Meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , on Wednesday last , the V . W . Bro . R . Warner Wheeler , J . G . D ., presiding , six petitions were relieved with different sums , amounting in the aggregate to £ 70 . It is rather curious that three of the eases were connected with the army .
INSTRUCTION . Crystal Palace Lodge ( No . 1014 ) . —This lodge held its weekly meeting on Monday , September 17 th , at Bro . Hill's , City Arms Tavern , West Square , Southwark . The fifteen sections of the three lectures were worked in the following order , under the presidency of Bro . C ' rawley , P . M ., No . l 03 , Worshipful Master : —First lecture : 1 st . . sectionBro . Birch 2 ndBro . Reid 3 rdBro . Hawkins 4 th
, ; , ; , ; , Pro . Sivinnoek ; 5 th , Bro . Stewart ; Gth , Bro . Anslow ; 7 th , Bro . Noke . Second lecture : 1 st section , Bro . Hill ; 2 nd . Bro . Reid ; 3 rd , Bro . Bradley ; 4 th , Bro . Robertson ; 5 th , Bro . Noke . Third lecture : 1 st section , Bro . Lascelles ; 2 nd , Bro . Anslow ; 3 rd , Bro . Stewart . Bros . Cogan ( 12 ) , Flack ( 103 ) , and Trotman ( 10 . 11 ) , were severally proposed , seconded , and unanimously elected members . Bro . Blackburn proposed that this lodge of instruction have its
annual banquet at Bro . Hill ' s on the second Monday in October . A brother exjiressed a wish that another clay could be named , as , being his regular lodge night , himself and several other brethren ivould be prevented from attending . In ansiver to this and some remark of Bro . Blackburn respecting the tickets , Bro . Hill exjiressed his earnest desire that it should be so managed that those brethren who were constant attendants should have an opportunity of being
at the banquet , if it suited their convenience . His premises being small , he was not able to accommodate more than thirty-four comfortably , and he never looked upon the festival as a matter of business , but a convivial meeting of those hrethren who supported the Lodge of Instruction by their attendance . Bro . Handford was elected to preside on the occasion . Bro . Stewart , P . M ., jirojiosed that a vote of thanks he entered on the minutes to Bro . Crawley , AV . M ., for the very able manner in which he had presided , and the easy and
efficient manner in which he had put the questions in the several lectures , which motion was duly seconded , and carried unanimously . Pro . Crawley thanked the brethren for the high compliments they were jileased to pay him , and for the honour of being elected to preside over a lodge so much distinguished for the excellent working •of its members . He also thanked those brethren who had assisted j him in working the sections , for the efficient manner in ivhich they had discharged " their duties , which in his considerable experience he had never seen excelled . i
BUCKINGHAMSHIRE . Avi . E 3 in .-KY . —Puckingliam Lodge ( Xo . 8 G 1 ) . —At a regular meeting of this lodge , held at the AVhite Hart Hotel on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., the Rev . Alfred Henry Ferris , B . A ., St . Mary Magdalen Hall , Oxford , and Curate of tring , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The AV . M ., Bro . Rev . Oliver James Graceperformed the in his usual impressive manner
, ceremony . The charge was delivered by Bro . Rev . James Coojier Farnbrough , P . M ., Prov . G . Chaplain of Berks and Bucks . The brethren then proceeded , according to notice , to " consider the tulvisahilitv of attaching a Royal Arch Chajiter to the Buckingham Lodge . " Aftor a somewhat lengthened discussion , it was unanimousl y agreed that it was unadvis lble to petition for a chapter at present .
All business being ended , the lodge was closed ; and the brethren , having partaken of a cold collation , dispersed at an early hour . DEVONSHIRE . DAHTJIOUTU . —Hanley Lodge ( So . 1099 ) , was opened by dispensation on Tuesday last . On the arrival of the river beats from the railway and other public and private conveyancesa goodl
, y number of brethren made their appearance , and amongst them , Bro . 'Henry Bridges , G . S . B ., ( from Bridgeivater ) , the AV . M . of the new lodge . Luncheon was laid in the refreshment-room of Hanley Hall , at 1 . 30 p . m ., after which the brethren assembled in the lodgeroom above , when the warrant and dispensation having been read , the AA . M . proceeded to initiate two candidates in his usual impressive maimer . There was , at the time of labour , an influx of
brethren from Brixham Lodge ( 309 ) . The Officers for the clay were : Bros . T . Lidstone , S . W . ; R . M . Mortimer , J . AV . ; ancl Bros . Rev . J . Powniug , Chap . ; J . R . Davy , Treas . ; R . F . Bin-rough ( P . M . ) , Sec ; J . L . Lidstone , S . D . ; Jolin Heath ( WM ., 309 ) , J . D . ; Captain Ridgway ( P . M ., & c . ) , I . G . ; Mansfield , Org . ; Bros . Fowle and Philliinore , Stewards ; and Bro . Hockey , Tyler . The general arrangements of the lodge were much approved .
NORTHUMBERLAND AND BERWICK- ON-TWEED . PltOVINCIAL GEAND IODGE . The regular meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland , was held on Friday , September 14 , at St . David's Lodge ( No . 551 ) , Berwick . The attendance of Provincial Grand Officers was very numerous , no less than nine Past Grand AVardens being presentat this extreme limit ofthe provinceThe Grand Lod
, . ge was opened in form by the R . AA . Prov . Grand Master , the Rev . E . C . Ogle , of Kirkby Hall , assisted by the following Grand Officers : V . AA . Bro . Mark Lambert Jobling , P . Prov . Sen . G . AV ., acting as Deputy Grancl Master ; George AVeatherhead , Prov . S . G . AV . ; E . D . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . W ., acting as Prov . Jun , G . AV . ; Rev . Samuel Atkinson , acting as Prov . G . Chaplain ; John Barker , G . Treasurer ; B . J . ThompsonP . Prov . J . G . W . as Prov . G . Sec . ; 11 . Saniter
, , Prov . S . G . D . ; Thos . Crawford , Piov . J . G . D . ; George Lambton , acting Prov . G . Suj ) . AVorks ; AVm . Dalziel , Prov . S . G . AV ., as Prov . ' G . Dir . of Cers . ; C . J . Bannister , acting Ass . Prov . Dir . of Cers . ; and the following among other Past Prov . Grand Officers : J . AA . Mayson , Past Prov . S . G . AV . ; AVm . Berkley , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . . 1 . Challoner , P . Prov . S . G . AV . : AVm . Puiishoii , P . Prov . J . G . AV . & e . The minutes of the last regular Provincial Grand Lodge , ancl the
two meetings of emergency , having been read and confirmed , The Grand Secretary read the rejiort of the Committees ofthe Fund of Benevolence and Finance ; by which the following recommendations were made and unanimously adopted . —That £ 10 be paid , from the fund of Benevolence , to the widow of a Bro . —• P . M . J . M . AVinn , —of this province , who died suddenly , four clays previously , when in the apparent enjoyment of health having , iii fact ,
fallen down dead , on his way home after ending the occupations of the day ; and leaving his widow and six children , the eldest of whom is only thirteen years old , totally unjirovicled for . From the brother being well known in the province the case caused much sympathy . The widow of another brother was also recommended to be relieved with £ 5 ; and towards the assistance of a meritorious old brotherwhothough the 'Tler of several lod from his and
in-, , y ges , age firmities , is gradually losing his occupation , the Finance Committee recommended £ 5 from the Funds of General Purposes . Ten guineas were also voted from this fund as a second donation to the Royal Freemason's School for female children , by which the Prov . Grancl Lodge will become perjietual governors .
A very nourishing report was read from the trustees of the Fund of Benevolence which at this moment amounts to over £ IGO , raised within the last ten years . The Provincial Grand Treasurer's rejiort was also read , and shewed the flourishing state of the finances of the province ; notice was given by the Grand Treasurer that at the next Provincial Grand Lodge , or one to be held , as suggested by the Prov . Grand Master , for the purpose , he would submit the following scheme : —1 . To assist
each Lodge in the Province to become jierpetual governors to all tho charities of the Order , by an annual grant from the Provincial Grand Funds for General Purjioses . The \ selectioii to be made , not from minority in the roll of Lodges , but , from the one making the largest return of contributions to the tiro funds of the province ; those not having contributed regularly to the same to he excluded from this jirivilege . 2 . The lodges who shallfrom their own lod contribute in the
, ge , same year a sum equal to the amount voted by the Prov . Grand Lodge for the jiurchase of a goveriiorshiji , shall have the preference in the selection , provided such lodges be on tho roll of fodges that had not yet secured such goveriiorshiji . 3 . That no second governorship be purchased for a lodge , till all the other lodges ( except those disqualified by non-payment of their contributions ) have received one each ; unless such lodge received