Article INAUGURATION OF THE EOS LODGE AT CREFELD.* ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METRO POLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METRO POLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Inauguration Of The Eos Lodge At Crefeld.*
propounded . A cheerful spirit of brotherly love , emanating from and over centring in the highly venerable and amiable Bro . di Dio , pervaded not only the festal day , but several successive clays , during which I hacl full opportunity of observing both tho resident ancl visiting Brothers . To Bro . di Dio , I think might be applied the
description , " a man aftor God ' s own heart , " and atrao Mason ; eminently pious , he is in the highest degree affable towards every one that approaches him ; in a word , he is a man that has no need to win the hearts of brethren , because they spontaneously ancl irresistibly pulsate in his favour . Bro . di Diois a man capable of . making the greatest sacrifices
, , not onl y for the Lodges specially intrusted to his care , but , who , with the same earnestness , is equally anxious for the welfare of Lodges working under other systems . Whenever it is in his power to help , his aid is given , as I hacl an opportunity of inferring from the expressions of thanks addressed to hini in my hearing . May the Great Architect of the
universe preserve him to Masonry for many years to come , ancl may the Eos Lodge by such a prototype grow more ancl more strong , and vigorously proceed in the path upon which it has entered . Let us hope , also , that these Lodges which have not as yet succeeded in welcoming their fraternal guests m their own proper Halls , may be incited by the exemplary efforts of the Crefeld brethren , to strive to erect to themselves an altar in their own Temple .
The Masonic Mirror.
*—_ MASONIC MEMS . THE Right Hon . Viscount Holmesdale , M . P .. has beeu appointed Prov . G . M . for Kent . THE Crescent Lodge , No . 1090 , now meets at the Eyot Tavern , Twickenham , ou the third Wednesday in the month .
Metro Politan.
CAMDEN LODGE ( NO . 1006 ) . —The installation meeting of the above Lodge took place at the York and Albany Tavern , Regent ' s Park , on Tuesday last . In the absence of the AY . M ., Bro . Jones , the chair was taken b y Bro . Tyrrell , P . M ., who , after opening the Lodge in the three degrees , raised Bros . Inglis aud Cupps to the sublime degree of M . M . The installation of W . M . was next taken , and Bro . Tyrrell most ably inducted Bro . Best , the late S . AV ., into the chair of K . S . The new AA . M . then 7
appointed and invested his officers , as follows : —Bro . Olver , S . AA . ; Moore , J . AV . ; Hains , S . D . ; Frost , J . D . ; Helps , I . G-. ; Leach , Sec ; Tyrrell , Treas . ; and Beckett , Tyler . After which the AY . M . carefully initiated three gentlemen , Messrs . Edwards , Tilley , and Burns , into the Order . The visitors present were Bros . Harris , E . D . Cooke , AVm . Piatt , aud Matthew Cooke . The Lodge having been closed in ancient form and the dinner disposed of , the now W . M . in brief but appropriate terms gave the usual routine toastswhich were received with all the
, loyalty and good fellowship that always characterize tho Masonic fraternity . The AV . M . next gave the health of tho initiates , hoping that thoy would never regret the . step they had taken , but be ambitious to do their duty for which thoy would be suitably rewarded by the highest honours the Craft could confer , which wero open to them ecpially with every other brother that worked his way to win them . Bro . Edwards said he had long entertained the highest respect for the Order , and his of that
experience day strengthened him in his opinion . Ho hoped to prove a true and faithful brother ; and knowing the high position o £ Alasons in this country and abroad , many oE them moving in tho most exalted circles , he was obliged to thorn for admitting him among their number , and felt it an honour to be enrolled in their society . Tho other two brethren ( Bros . Tilley and Burns ) acknowledged the compliment paid them , ancl bogged to endorse Bro . Edwards ' s remarks . The AV . M , then proposed the health of the visitors , remarking that ho had beeu
disappointed by the absence ^ of many , but ho ' presumcd their non-appoar-_ ancc must bo attributed to the bad weather . " To those present ho bid a cordial welcome , and as they were all ivell known , he would say that the Camden Lodgo would always bo happy to sec them . Bro . Harris and E . D . Cooke returned thanks . Bro . Soaper , P . M ., then said it had been somo time since ho was able to be in his place at the Camden Lodge , but it was a source of gratification to see that tho Lodge was duly and properly electing its officers in rotation , and ho was pleased to see its prosperity was greatly extended . Their new AV . M . was well worthy of his recently acquired honours , and he had every hope that the Master of the Camden Lodge , for the ensuing year , would do his duty . He would
Metro Politan.
remind the officers that it was their duty to rally round their AA ' . M ., and in the strongest confidence of Bro . Best ' s abilities he bogged to propose his health . Tho AV . AI . thou gave the health of the P . Ms ., ivithout whoso aid the working of the Lodge could not proceed . . Owing to the unavoidable absence of their immediate P . M ., the installation was kindly undertaken by Bro . Tyrrell , and the AV . M . said lie knew no Mason moro ready or efficient to do any part than Bro . Tyrrell . Bro . Soaper had not been latterly amongst them , yet he trusted that this was tho first of
a renewed series of attendances on his part , and with those remarks ho proposed the health of the P . AIs . of the Camden Lodge . Bro . Soaper returned thanks , and stated that his absence had been caused by lawsuits and other annoyances of that kind , but he had never relaxed in his wishes for the prosperity of the Lodge , and hoped to be a more regular attendant in future . The AA . M . then proceeded to propose the health of his officers , paying them individually a compliment for their ability and assistance . It washo saidgratifing to him to say they were all
, , y foundation members of the Lodge , and he never saw in any Lodge a greater aptitude for business , or officers who were more complete masters of the details of their work . The S . AA . on behalf of himself and the officers begged to return their thanks . Their object was to do their duty and make the Lodge second to none in its ivorking , aud in the names of his brethren and himself he promised to continue to discharge the trust committed to them in the same way . Bro Leach , Sec , not being included by the S . AV ., said he undertook his office with the
desire of carrying out his share of the duties of the Lodge as fully as possible , and he intended to proceed iu that spirit that all might be managed with propriety and order . Bro . Tyrrell , Treas ., coulcl not let this opportunity pass—as it was the first time he had been invested as Treasurer , and elected unanimously—to thank them for that mark of their confidence , aud to assure them , that with the aid of their Bro , Secretary , he would carefully look after the financial department of the Lodge ivhich hacl done him the honour to place him in that post of trust . The AY . M . said there was also another toast which he would
submit to them . It was one that bore considerable influence in every part of the world . It was " The Masonic Press , " ivhich iu this country was conducted with the truest Masonic views , and he thought it was incumbent on the brethren to render it a larger support than it now met with . He would , therefore , propose success to the Freemasons' Magazine , coupling the same with the name of Bro . Matthew Cooke . Bro . Matthew Cooke returned thanks for the good intentions of the Master , and several brethren handed in to him their names as subscribers to this Magazine .
The Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to au end , which had been enlivened by the singing of Bros . Hains , Piatt , and Matthew Cooke , who also presided at the piano forte , specially lent for the occasion by tho retiring AA . M . Bro . Jones . CRESCENT LODQE ( NO . 1090 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Eyot Tavern , Twickenham , on AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., Bro . H . Garrod , AV . M . There were five initiates and several joining
members elected , there now being only some five or sis vacancies to fill up before the Lodge will have completed the number intended to limit it to . Mr . Josh . Grieves being the only initiate present at the time appointed , was very ably and impressively initiated into Masonry by the AV . M ., and Bro . Trewhella passed to the second degree , when the installation of the new AA . M . ( Bro . Frederick Binckes ) , took place , the ceremony being performed by the AV . M . in a very masterly maimer , and mueh to the satisfaction and admiration of Bros , de Sella , AV . M ., No . 257 ; Valentine , S . W ., No . 78 ; and several visiting brothers from other Lodges . Bro . C . Rowland was invested as S . AV . and Treasurer ; Bros .
Dr . O'Connor , J . AA . ; C . AA ' atsou , Dir . of Cers . ; Garrod , Sec . ; Goggiu , S . D . ; E . Abrahams , J . D . ; and Larecombe , I . G . The Lodge was then closed by the new AA . M . and officers in due form and solemn prayer ; after which about twenty brethren adjourned to dinner , ivhich was enlivened between the toasts by the excellent singing of Bros . C . AA ' atsou , Garrod , Trewhella , & c , & c . In proposing the health of the officers , Bro . Binckes , AV . M ., eulogized them for the great exertions they had made in establishing the Lodge on the firm basis upon
which it now stood . To them ( but more particularly to Bro . Rowland , their indefatigable Treasurer and S . AV . ) ,- they owed their great prosperity , which , he had no doubt would continue voider his and their guidance . The S . W . and Treasurer , in returning thanks , after stating the satisfactory state of the cash account of the Lodge , and the fact of their being comparatively speaking free from debt , alluded to the Lodge having beeu for some short period under a cloud ; they had now overcome their diflicutties , and he trusted as the ship was well built , and the shores
of envy and j slander knocked away , she had glided off the stocks into smooth water , taking the " flood , " had floated up with the tide to Twickenham Eyot , where she is now moored safely and securely ; and he trusted far distant mig ht bo the day . when she would trip her anchor , being assured tho members of the Lodge would find her with ample stores and keoj . her there , ivell officered and well manned . The other officers returned thanks in rotation , and the evening was concluded in a manner which should always character ! . e a meeting of Freemasons in good fooling and congratulations .
BRISTOL . BRISTOL . —Colston Loclye ( So . 88 G ) . —This Lodge met in the Freemasons' Hull , Bridge-street , on Wednesday last . Bro , C , Fryer , AY . M .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Inauguration Of The Eos Lodge At Crefeld.*
propounded . A cheerful spirit of brotherly love , emanating from and over centring in the highly venerable and amiable Bro . di Dio , pervaded not only the festal day , but several successive clays , during which I hacl full opportunity of observing both tho resident ancl visiting Brothers . To Bro . di Dio , I think might be applied the
description , " a man aftor God ' s own heart , " and atrao Mason ; eminently pious , he is in the highest degree affable towards every one that approaches him ; in a word , he is a man that has no need to win the hearts of brethren , because they spontaneously ancl irresistibly pulsate in his favour . Bro . di Diois a man capable of . making the greatest sacrifices
, , not onl y for the Lodges specially intrusted to his care , but , who , with the same earnestness , is equally anxious for the welfare of Lodges working under other systems . Whenever it is in his power to help , his aid is given , as I hacl an opportunity of inferring from the expressions of thanks addressed to hini in my hearing . May the Great Architect of the
universe preserve him to Masonry for many years to come , ancl may the Eos Lodge by such a prototype grow more ancl more strong , and vigorously proceed in the path upon which it has entered . Let us hope , also , that these Lodges which have not as yet succeeded in welcoming their fraternal guests m their own proper Halls , may be incited by the exemplary efforts of the Crefeld brethren , to strive to erect to themselves an altar in their own Temple .
The Masonic Mirror.
*—_ MASONIC MEMS . THE Right Hon . Viscount Holmesdale , M . P .. has beeu appointed Prov . G . M . for Kent . THE Crescent Lodge , No . 1090 , now meets at the Eyot Tavern , Twickenham , ou the third Wednesday in the month .
Metro Politan.
CAMDEN LODGE ( NO . 1006 ) . —The installation meeting of the above Lodge took place at the York and Albany Tavern , Regent ' s Park , on Tuesday last . In the absence of the AY . M ., Bro . Jones , the chair was taken b y Bro . Tyrrell , P . M ., who , after opening the Lodge in the three degrees , raised Bros . Inglis aud Cupps to the sublime degree of M . M . The installation of W . M . was next taken , and Bro . Tyrrell most ably inducted Bro . Best , the late S . AV ., into the chair of K . S . The new AA . M . then 7
appointed and invested his officers , as follows : —Bro . Olver , S . AA . ; Moore , J . AV . ; Hains , S . D . ; Frost , J . D . ; Helps , I . G-. ; Leach , Sec ; Tyrrell , Treas . ; and Beckett , Tyler . After which the AY . M . carefully initiated three gentlemen , Messrs . Edwards , Tilley , and Burns , into the Order . The visitors present were Bros . Harris , E . D . Cooke , AVm . Piatt , aud Matthew Cooke . The Lodge having been closed in ancient form and the dinner disposed of , the now W . M . in brief but appropriate terms gave the usual routine toastswhich were received with all the
, loyalty and good fellowship that always characterize tho Masonic fraternity . The AV . M . next gave the health of tho initiates , hoping that thoy would never regret the . step they had taken , but be ambitious to do their duty for which thoy would be suitably rewarded by the highest honours the Craft could confer , which wero open to them ecpially with every other brother that worked his way to win them . Bro . Edwards said he had long entertained the highest respect for the Order , and his of that
experience day strengthened him in his opinion . Ho hoped to prove a true and faithful brother ; and knowing the high position o £ Alasons in this country and abroad , many oE them moving in tho most exalted circles , he was obliged to thorn for admitting him among their number , and felt it an honour to be enrolled in their society . Tho other two brethren ( Bros . Tilley and Burns ) acknowledged the compliment paid them , ancl bogged to endorse Bro . Edwards ' s remarks . The AV . M , then proposed the health of the visitors , remarking that ho had beeu
disappointed by the absence ^ of many , but ho ' presumcd their non-appoar-_ ancc must bo attributed to the bad weather . " To those present ho bid a cordial welcome , and as they were all ivell known , he would say that the Camden Lodgo would always bo happy to sec them . Bro . Harris and E . D . Cooke returned thanks . Bro . Soaper , P . M ., then said it had been somo time since ho was able to be in his place at the Camden Lodge , but it was a source of gratification to see that tho Lodge was duly and properly electing its officers in rotation , and ho was pleased to see its prosperity was greatly extended . Their new AV . M . was well worthy of his recently acquired honours , and he had every hope that the Master of the Camden Lodge , for the ensuing year , would do his duty . He would
Metro Politan.
remind the officers that it was their duty to rally round their AA ' . M ., and in the strongest confidence of Bro . Best ' s abilities he bogged to propose his health . Tho AV . AI . thou gave the health of the P . Ms ., ivithout whoso aid the working of the Lodge could not proceed . . Owing to the unavoidable absence of their immediate P . M ., the installation was kindly undertaken by Bro . Tyrrell , and the AV . M . said lie knew no Mason moro ready or efficient to do any part than Bro . Tyrrell . Bro . Soaper had not been latterly amongst them , yet he trusted that this was tho first of
a renewed series of attendances on his part , and with those remarks ho proposed the health of the P . AIs . of the Camden Lodge . Bro . Soaper returned thanks , and stated that his absence had been caused by lawsuits and other annoyances of that kind , but he had never relaxed in his wishes for the prosperity of the Lodge , and hoped to be a more regular attendant in future . The AA . M . then proceeded to propose the health of his officers , paying them individually a compliment for their ability and assistance . It washo saidgratifing to him to say they were all
, , y foundation members of the Lodge , and he never saw in any Lodge a greater aptitude for business , or officers who were more complete masters of the details of their work . The S . AA . on behalf of himself and the officers begged to return their thanks . Their object was to do their duty and make the Lodge second to none in its ivorking , aud in the names of his brethren and himself he promised to continue to discharge the trust committed to them in the same way . Bro Leach , Sec , not being included by the S . AV ., said he undertook his office with the
desire of carrying out his share of the duties of the Lodge as fully as possible , and he intended to proceed iu that spirit that all might be managed with propriety and order . Bro . Tyrrell , Treas ., coulcl not let this opportunity pass—as it was the first time he had been invested as Treasurer , and elected unanimously—to thank them for that mark of their confidence , aud to assure them , that with the aid of their Bro , Secretary , he would carefully look after the financial department of the Lodge ivhich hacl done him the honour to place him in that post of trust . The AY . M . said there was also another toast which he would
submit to them . It was one that bore considerable influence in every part of the world . It was " The Masonic Press , " ivhich iu this country was conducted with the truest Masonic views , and he thought it was incumbent on the brethren to render it a larger support than it now met with . He would , therefore , propose success to the Freemasons' Magazine , coupling the same with the name of Bro . Matthew Cooke . Bro . Matthew Cooke returned thanks for the good intentions of the Master , and several brethren handed in to him their names as subscribers to this Magazine .
The Tyler ' s toast brought the meeting to au end , which had been enlivened by the singing of Bros . Hains , Piatt , and Matthew Cooke , who also presided at the piano forte , specially lent for the occasion by tho retiring AA . M . Bro . Jones . CRESCENT LODQE ( NO . 1090 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Eyot Tavern , Twickenham , on AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., Bro . H . Garrod , AV . M . There were five initiates and several joining
members elected , there now being only some five or sis vacancies to fill up before the Lodge will have completed the number intended to limit it to . Mr . Josh . Grieves being the only initiate present at the time appointed , was very ably and impressively initiated into Masonry by the AV . M ., and Bro . Trewhella passed to the second degree , when the installation of the new AA . M . ( Bro . Frederick Binckes ) , took place , the ceremony being performed by the AV . M . in a very masterly maimer , and mueh to the satisfaction and admiration of Bros , de Sella , AV . M ., No . 257 ; Valentine , S . W ., No . 78 ; and several visiting brothers from other Lodges . Bro . C . Rowland was invested as S . AV . and Treasurer ; Bros .
Dr . O'Connor , J . AA . ; C . AA ' atsou , Dir . of Cers . ; Garrod , Sec . ; Goggiu , S . D . ; E . Abrahams , J . D . ; and Larecombe , I . G . The Lodge was then closed by the new AA . M . and officers in due form and solemn prayer ; after which about twenty brethren adjourned to dinner , ivhich was enlivened between the toasts by the excellent singing of Bros . C . AA ' atsou , Garrod , Trewhella , & c , & c . In proposing the health of the officers , Bro . Binckes , AV . M ., eulogized them for the great exertions they had made in establishing the Lodge on the firm basis upon
which it now stood . To them ( but more particularly to Bro . Rowland , their indefatigable Treasurer and S . AV . ) ,- they owed their great prosperity , which , he had no doubt would continue voider his and their guidance . The S . W . and Treasurer , in returning thanks , after stating the satisfactory state of the cash account of the Lodge , and the fact of their being comparatively speaking free from debt , alluded to the Lodge having beeu for some short period under a cloud ; they had now overcome their diflicutties , and he trusted as the ship was well built , and the shores
of envy and j slander knocked away , she had glided off the stocks into smooth water , taking the " flood , " had floated up with the tide to Twickenham Eyot , where she is now moored safely and securely ; and he trusted far distant mig ht bo the day . when she would trip her anchor , being assured tho members of the Lodge would find her with ample stores and keoj . her there , ivell officered and well manned . The other officers returned thanks in rotation , and the evening was concluded in a manner which should always character ! . e a meeting of Freemasons in good fooling and congratulations .
BRISTOL . BRISTOL . —Colston Loclye ( So . 88 G ) . —This Lodge met in the Freemasons' Hull , Bridge-street , on Wednesday last . Bro , C , Fryer , AY . M .,