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proposition having been seconded by Bro . E . Parker , was put to the vote and carried . Bro . Prescott rose and said he was taken by surprise at so much praise being bestowed on him by such an able Past Master as Bro . King ancl the brethren ; he hoped be was not out of place by saying that when he took the Secretary ' s post he did not look for a reward , he merely did his duty , indeed poor were bis efforts ; however he ivas grateful to find thafc those poor efforts gave satisfaction ; he was indeed a
happy man to have been associated with such amiable and worthy Past Masters as Bros . King and Diver ; ifc was a source of happiness to work with such able Past Masters ; he was more than thankful to tlie brethren for the kind proposition ; be bad not the heart to say more than that if life , health , and strength Avere spared him , he would still do his duty as a Mason . It was . fchen resolved that the white letters on the back of the harmonium be removed , and that a brass plate be placed instead , Bro . Rev . J . J ; Farnham having very kindly promised to present the brass plate . There being no other ivork before the lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at S p . m .
ROYAL ARCH . DISTEICT GRAND CHAPTER OE BENGAL . ( From the Indian Freemason's Friend . ) The annual convocation of fche District Grand Chapter of Bengal was held at . the Ereemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Thursday , the 2 nd November , 1865 . The Grand Superintendent , M . E . C . Hugh D . Sandeman ,
presided , and the following companions ivere present : —John B . Roberts , John AA . Brown , James B . Knight , James H . Linton , John Besemeres , William Swinhoe , Thomas Dickson , Samuel Penn , AVilliam B . Farr , J . G . Boiverman , David J . Daniel , I . L . Taylor . The GEAND STTPEEINTENDE-JT addressed the District Grand Chapter . He informed the companions that since the last annual convocation an application for a warrant had been made for a
Royal Arch Chapter at Rangoon , to be attached to Lodge Victoria in Burmah ( No . 832 ) , and the warrant ivas expected out immediately , while an attempt was being made to establish a chapter at the station of Fyzabad , in Oude . On the other hand , it was to be regretted thafc the Chapter of Sfc . John the Baptist at Mussoorie had paid no attention to the calls of the Grand Scribe E ., and the principals had been called upon to show immediate cause ivhy their chapter should nofc be erasedand
, their charter of constitution recalled . The chapter had not rendered any returns since 1859 , so that no charge of harshness could be brought against the District Grand Chapter in taking steps for its erasure . The list of Royal Arch Chapters working under the District Grand Chapter now stood as follows : —Hope , 109 , Calcutta ;
Holy Zion , 392 , Calcutta ; Firm Hope , 413 , Meerufc ; Dalhousie , 459 , Simla ; Mount Zion , 519 , Benares ( in abeyance ) ; Ramsay , 552 , Lucknow ; Umballa , 563 , Umballa ; Border , 582 , Peshawur ; Morning Star , 614 , Rangoon ; St . John the Baptist . 646 , Mussoorie ( in abeyance ); Punjab , 782 , Lahore ; Royal Burmah , 832 , Rangoon . It was to be regretted that the chapter at Benares , which had worked well for so many years , bad fallen into a state of
abeyance , bufc this was unavoidable , owing to tbe departure of all its members from the station . The establishment of the new chapter at Rangoon was entirely due to the exertions of Col . Greenlaw , E . G ., who had used great and successful endeavours to establish many branches of Freemasonry at that station . As a contrast to some chapters which were in arrears of returns ,-the Grand Superintendent thought it right to notice prominently the exertions of Comp . Cooke , of the Dalhousie Chapter
at Simla , in bringing up all arrears of the chapter , and in preparing and submitting returns to the close of the current year as soon as the chapter ivas closed for the season . Such punctuality was well worthy of imitation by all Masonic bodies . The Prov . G . Treasurer has been instructed from the beginning of the present year to debit to the District Grand Chapter 20 per cent , of the expenses of the offices of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurerin conformity with a resolution of the District
, Grand Lodge on the 21 sb March , 1864 The resolution was unfortunately lost sight of at the last convocation , and the Grand Superintendent now hoped that tbe members of Grand Chapters should sanction the allowance . Ifc was but fair that the District Grand Chapter should defray a portion of the expenses of tha Secretary ' s office ancl of that of the Grand Treasurer , the Dis-
trict Grand Lodge still paying SO per cent ., as it had been determined that no such tax should be laid upon the fund of benevolence . The report of the Finance Committee was read . The disbursements during the year amounted to Rs . 1 , 755 , and the balance in hand to Rs . 89 . The Grand Superintendent ' s proposition to debit the District Grand Chapter with 20 per cent , of tbe cost of the offices of the
Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer was adopted . The following companions were appointed to office for the ensuing twelve months by the Grand Superintendent , each investiture being accompanied by a short address : — John B . Roberts Prov . G . Prim H . James H . Linton Prov . G . Prin . J . John Besemeres Prov . G . Scribe E . T . Bruce LaneC . S Prov . G . Scribe N .
, George Cbisbolme Prov . G . Prin Soj . Thomas Alcock Prov . G . 1 st Assist . Soj . Francis AV . Baker Piw . G . 2 nd Assist . Soj . Samuel Fenn Prov . G . Registrar . AA iJ ] iam Swinhoe Prov . G . Sword Bearer . AVilliam B . Farr Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . John G . Boiverman Prov . G . Org . David J . Daniel Prov . G . Janitor .
Comp . T . Dickson was re-elected Prov . G . Treasurer for fche ensuing twelve months . M . E . Comp . Roberts regretted the existence of two chapters at Rangoon . He remembered the time when there ivas but one chapter in Calcutta , and he thought that Royal Arch Masonry Avorked better then than now . He hoped sincerely thafc Rangoon Avould not suffer from this ; bufc be was inclined to fear that the station ivas too small for the support of two chapters .
M . E . Comp . BBOWN was of opinion that Royal Arch Masonry AVUS Avorking Avell in Calcutta , and M . E . BOWEEMAK remarked that there were really three chapters in the city , there being one cliapter under the Scotch constitution . ¦ The GEAND SuPEEiNTESDENr made a few remarks on the general question , saying that he preferred a few well-manned lod or chapters to a multilicity of weak onesand explained
ges p , the circumstances under which a second chapter had been petitioned for in Rangoon . He thought ancl be hoped that both would work well-The Grand Superintendent announced that the next meeting of District Grand Chapter ivould be held on Thursday , the 1 st November , 1866 . There being no further business before the District Grand Chapter , it was closed in due form .
Poetry .
SILENCE , KEEP . If a storm of sudden rage Meet thee on thy pilgrimage , Move on calmly ' neath the strife , Silence keep for death or life , Silence keep ! Let no words thtongue
escape y , Though bad hearts thy heart would wrong , Peace ! tbe trial is not long ; Silence keep ! Better be misunderstood , Though thy cause to thee seem good , Than to speak in angry mood ; Silence keep 1
Of unruly ivords beivave , Else thy thoughts shall prove thy snare ; Then , till then , has thought a prayer j Silence keep ! In the field of human deeds , Plowers may groAV as Avell as Avee ' ds , Eor their sake sweet Mercy pleads : Silence keep !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
proposition having been seconded by Bro . E . Parker , was put to the vote and carried . Bro . Prescott rose and said he was taken by surprise at so much praise being bestowed on him by such an able Past Master as Bro . King ancl the brethren ; he hoped be was not out of place by saying that when he took the Secretary ' s post he did not look for a reward , he merely did his duty , indeed poor were bis efforts ; however he ivas grateful to find thafc those poor efforts gave satisfaction ; he was indeed a
happy man to have been associated with such amiable and worthy Past Masters as Bros . King and Diver ; ifc was a source of happiness to work with such able Past Masters ; he was more than thankful to tlie brethren for the kind proposition ; be bad not the heart to say more than that if life , health , and strength Avere spared him , he would still do his duty as a Mason . It was . fchen resolved that the white letters on the back of the harmonium be removed , and that a brass plate be placed instead , Bro . Rev . J . J ; Farnham having very kindly promised to present the brass plate . There being no other ivork before the lodge , it was closed in peace and harmony at S p . m .
ROYAL ARCH . DISTEICT GRAND CHAPTER OE BENGAL . ( From the Indian Freemason's Friend . ) The annual convocation of fche District Grand Chapter of Bengal was held at . the Ereemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Thursday , the 2 nd November , 1865 . The Grand Superintendent , M . E . C . Hugh D . Sandeman ,
presided , and the following companions ivere present : —John B . Roberts , John AA . Brown , James B . Knight , James H . Linton , John Besemeres , William Swinhoe , Thomas Dickson , Samuel Penn , AVilliam B . Farr , J . G . Boiverman , David J . Daniel , I . L . Taylor . The GEAND STTPEEINTENDE-JT addressed the District Grand Chapter . He informed the companions that since the last annual convocation an application for a warrant had been made for a
Royal Arch Chapter at Rangoon , to be attached to Lodge Victoria in Burmah ( No . 832 ) , and the warrant ivas expected out immediately , while an attempt was being made to establish a chapter at the station of Fyzabad , in Oude . On the other hand , it was to be regretted thafc the Chapter of Sfc . John the Baptist at Mussoorie had paid no attention to the calls of the Grand Scribe E ., and the principals had been called upon to show immediate cause ivhy their chapter should nofc be erasedand
, their charter of constitution recalled . The chapter had not rendered any returns since 1859 , so that no charge of harshness could be brought against the District Grand Chapter in taking steps for its erasure . The list of Royal Arch Chapters working under the District Grand Chapter now stood as follows : —Hope , 109 , Calcutta ;
Holy Zion , 392 , Calcutta ; Firm Hope , 413 , Meerufc ; Dalhousie , 459 , Simla ; Mount Zion , 519 , Benares ( in abeyance ) ; Ramsay , 552 , Lucknow ; Umballa , 563 , Umballa ; Border , 582 , Peshawur ; Morning Star , 614 , Rangoon ; St . John the Baptist . 646 , Mussoorie ( in abeyance ); Punjab , 782 , Lahore ; Royal Burmah , 832 , Rangoon . It was to be regretted that the chapter at Benares , which had worked well for so many years , bad fallen into a state of
abeyance , bufc this was unavoidable , owing to tbe departure of all its members from the station . The establishment of the new chapter at Rangoon was entirely due to the exertions of Col . Greenlaw , E . G ., who had used great and successful endeavours to establish many branches of Freemasonry at that station . As a contrast to some chapters which were in arrears of returns ,-the Grand Superintendent thought it right to notice prominently the exertions of Comp . Cooke , of the Dalhousie Chapter
at Simla , in bringing up all arrears of the chapter , and in preparing and submitting returns to the close of the current year as soon as the chapter ivas closed for the season . Such punctuality was well worthy of imitation by all Masonic bodies . The Prov . G . Treasurer has been instructed from the beginning of the present year to debit to the District Grand Chapter 20 per cent , of the expenses of the offices of the Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurerin conformity with a resolution of the District
, Grand Lodge on the 21 sb March , 1864 The resolution was unfortunately lost sight of at the last convocation , and the Grand Superintendent now hoped that tbe members of Grand Chapters should sanction the allowance . Ifc was but fair that the District Grand Chapter should defray a portion of the expenses of tha Secretary ' s office ancl of that of the Grand Treasurer , the Dis-
trict Grand Lodge still paying SO per cent ., as it had been determined that no such tax should be laid upon the fund of benevolence . The report of the Finance Committee was read . The disbursements during the year amounted to Rs . 1 , 755 , and the balance in hand to Rs . 89 . The Grand Superintendent ' s proposition to debit the District Grand Chapter with 20 per cent , of tbe cost of the offices of the
Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer was adopted . The following companions were appointed to office for the ensuing twelve months by the Grand Superintendent , each investiture being accompanied by a short address : — John B . Roberts Prov . G . Prim H . James H . Linton Prov . G . Prin . J . John Besemeres Prov . G . Scribe E . T . Bruce LaneC . S Prov . G . Scribe N .
, George Cbisbolme Prov . G . Prin Soj . Thomas Alcock Prov . G . 1 st Assist . Soj . Francis AV . Baker Piw . G . 2 nd Assist . Soj . Samuel Fenn Prov . G . Registrar . AA iJ ] iam Swinhoe Prov . G . Sword Bearer . AVilliam B . Farr Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . John G . Boiverman Prov . G . Org . David J . Daniel Prov . G . Janitor .
Comp . T . Dickson was re-elected Prov . G . Treasurer for fche ensuing twelve months . M . E . Comp . Roberts regretted the existence of two chapters at Rangoon . He remembered the time when there ivas but one chapter in Calcutta , and he thought that Royal Arch Masonry Avorked better then than now . He hoped sincerely thafc Rangoon Avould not suffer from this ; bufc be was inclined to fear that the station ivas too small for the support of two chapters .
M . E . Comp . BBOWN was of opinion that Royal Arch Masonry AVUS Avorking Avell in Calcutta , and M . E . BOWEEMAK remarked that there were really three chapters in the city , there being one cliapter under the Scotch constitution . ¦ The GEAND SuPEEiNTESDENr made a few remarks on the general question , saying that he preferred a few well-manned lod or chapters to a multilicity of weak onesand explained
ges p , the circumstances under which a second chapter had been petitioned for in Rangoon . He thought ancl be hoped that both would work well-The Grand Superintendent announced that the next meeting of District Grand Chapter ivould be held on Thursday , the 1 st November , 1866 . There being no further business before the District Grand Chapter , it was closed in due form .
Poetry .
SILENCE , KEEP . If a storm of sudden rage Meet thee on thy pilgrimage , Move on calmly ' neath the strife , Silence keep for death or life , Silence keep ! Let no words thtongue
escape y , Though bad hearts thy heart would wrong , Peace ! tbe trial is not long ; Silence keep ! Better be misunderstood , Though thy cause to thee seem good , Than to speak in angry mood ; Silence keep 1
Of unruly ivords beivave , Else thy thoughts shall prove thy snare ; Then , till then , has thought a prayer j Silence keep ! In the field of human deeds , Plowers may groAV as Avell as Avee ' ds , Eor their sake sweet Mercy pleads : Silence keep !