Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED MASONS AND THEIR WIDOWS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article GIRLS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Duke of St . Albans is to be installed as Prov . Grand Master of Lincolnshire , at Lincoln , on Tuesday next . At the meeting of the Board of Benevolence , Bro . Hopwood ,
P . G . D ., in the chair , fifteen petitioners ivere relieved with -various sums , amounting to ; S 165 , and one petitioner recommended to Grand Lodge to be relieved ivith £ 30 .
The Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
We again direct the attention of the brethren to the case of MBS . E UZABETU PIPER , AA- ' , in her 77 th year , noiv appeals for the eighth time to be elected on the funds of this Institution , and noiv have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of the folloiving votes : — Votes already announced 1 GS
Bro . Ditchman 28 „ Spencer 120 Lodge No . 141 4 203 S 223 4 Chanter No . 586 4
336 We have also received the male votes of Bro . Cooke , Bro . Gibbons , and Lodge ISTo . 141 . We are sorry to announce that , since the issue ' of the ballotting paper , Mrs . Mary Bethia Baker , So . 11 on the list , has ceased to exist . The votes of our Kentish brethren will ,
consequently , be set at liberty , and we confidently appeal to them , under the circumstances , to transfer them to Bro . Warren , on behalf of Mrs . Piper , feeling assured that they will agree Avith us that she has been too long on the list of candidates . BEEIEKEN - , remember the EIGHTU Ari'HCATios . LET IT BE THE LAST .
Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Henry Or . Warren , at the Office of the FKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , or at 6 , Bed Lion-square , London , W . C . Every 5 s . subscribed will buy four votes .
The Boys' School.
A quarterly general court of governors and subscribers was held on Wednesday at the Preemasons' Tavern , Great Queenstreet , Lincoln ' s-ivm-fields ; Bro . Symonds , G . D . C ., Y . P ., was in the chair . The principal business of the day ivas the consideration of certain neAv laAvs adopted at the quarterly court held in January last . The first question brought under discussion in respect of the
neiv laAvs Avas that " Every donor of fifty guineas , by one or more payments of not less than five guineas each , shall be a Vice-president of the institution . " This neiv IaAV AA'as , after considerable discussion , confirmed . On the second new IaAV , " Any person may place a properly qualified child in the institution , provided such child can be convenientl y admitted , upon payment in one sum of 120 guineas , without
voting in respect of any part thereof . " Bro . Smith , W . M . No . 90 , opposed the resolution as likely to override the rights of the subscribers , and that the sum proposed to be charged ivas not commensurate to the advantages offered . Bro . Sherry , P . M . No . 90 , seconded the amendment that the motion be not confirmed . After some discussion the amendment was carried almost unanimousl y .
The Boys' School.
The third neiv IaAV AA'as as follows : — " Any person subscribing 250 guineas in one payment , and Avithout voting in respect of any part thereof , shall be entitled , during his or her life , to keep one properly qualified child in the institution . " The neiv laiv Avas non-confirmed . Bro . Rowland , P . M . 1090 , moved , " That a committee , to consist of members of the general and house committees , be appointed for the purpose of taking into consideration tho best
means to be adopted with a view to the removal of the Boys ' School from Wood-green to some more convenient locality , and that such committee do report thereon at the earliest opportunity . " He stated that it was admitted the present school Avas inconveniently situated , and the means of access from the metropolis too limited . He believed that the present estate might he sold for -65000 ; they had had a very successful festival , and their funded property IIOAV amounted to about
£ 13 , 000 , so that there could be no difficulty in their obtaining a more appropriate site and building . Bro . Udall , P . J . D ., seconded the motion . The resolution Avas opposed hy Bros . Warren , HoopAvood , Savage , ancl others on the ground that they ought not to touch their funded property for the purposes of building , and that there Avas no case made out to warrant any extraordinary expenditure at present . After the SIAOAV of hands had been taken tAvice , the meeting
divided , Avhen there appeared for the motion 13 ; against it , 15 . It was consequently lost . On the motion of Bro . Symonds , it ivas unanimously resolved that in consideration of the activity and energy displayed by Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary , in promoting the success of the recent festival , to which there Avere no less thad 100 SteAA-ards , Avhose lists produced the nnparalled amount of £ 3640 ( exceeding by £ 2000 the amount received at the previous
festival ) , the court present him with a gratuity of 50 guineas . The court then proceeded to elect tAvo boys for the school from a list of thirteen candidates , ivhich resulted as folloAVS : — Standen , Wm . T 3178 Mariner , J . P 1500 James , Adam A 968 Weeks , W . P 924 Read , ]? . H 819
Parkinson , W . H 362 Noel , Thos 282 Bird , H . G 194 Bid , * , H . ... - 48 Crabtree , B . T 29 Rice , II 27 Tetley , E . H 27 The proceedings closed with votes of thanks to the Chairman and the Secretaries .
Girls' School.
. The quarterly court of the Governors and subscribers was held on Thursday , Bro . Udall in the chair . The minutes of the last court Avere read and confirmed , and minutes of the various Committees read for information . The folloAving brethren being annual subscribers were elected as members of the Audit Committee : — P . Adlard , B . Baker , & . Biggs , G . Bone , D . Davies , H . Empson , S . P . Norris , JE . Mclntyre , W . Paas , E . Roberts , J .
Symonds . J . Udall . 3 ? he following Avere received as members of the House Committee -. — G . Biggs , L . Chandler , Capt . J . Creaton , B . Head , Rev . W . H . Lyall , S . E . Nutt , A . H . Hewlett , W . Paas , C . Robinson , J . R . Sheen , J . Udall , W . Young . Bro . Jas . Symonds , A . G . D . C , gave the folloiving notices of motion : " To amend Rule 33 [ relating to appointment of House
Committee ] , by omitting all the Avords after ' Trustees , ' and substituting the folloiving : — ' and twelve membez-s of the General Committee . Nominations of brethren to serve on the House Committee shall be made at the General Committee iu April , and the election from the brethren so nominated shall take place at the General Committee in May . The names of the brethren nominated shall be piinted , and a list given to
every brother attending the election . ' " To amend Rule 34 by inserting ( at the commencement ) before the Avord 'Lady-day , ' the words 'The House Committee meets ; ' also hy adding after ' half-past tivo o ' clock , ' the words
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Duke of St . Albans is to be installed as Prov . Grand Master of Lincolnshire , at Lincoln , on Tuesday next . At the meeting of the Board of Benevolence , Bro . Hopwood ,
P . G . D ., in the chair , fifteen petitioners ivere relieved with -various sums , amounting to ; S 165 , and one petitioner recommended to Grand Lodge to be relieved ivith £ 30 .
The Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
We again direct the attention of the brethren to the case of MBS . E UZABETU PIPER , AA- ' , in her 77 th year , noiv appeals for the eighth time to be elected on the funds of this Institution , and noiv have the pleasure of acknowledging the receipt of the folloiving votes : — Votes already announced 1 GS
Bro . Ditchman 28 „ Spencer 120 Lodge No . 141 4 203 S 223 4 Chanter No . 586 4
336 We have also received the male votes of Bro . Cooke , Bro . Gibbons , and Lodge ISTo . 141 . We are sorry to announce that , since the issue ' of the ballotting paper , Mrs . Mary Bethia Baker , So . 11 on the list , has ceased to exist . The votes of our Kentish brethren will ,
consequently , be set at liberty , and we confidently appeal to them , under the circumstances , to transfer them to Bro . Warren , on behalf of Mrs . Piper , feeling assured that they will agree Avith us that she has been too long on the list of candidates . BEEIEKEN - , remember the EIGHTU Ari'HCATios . LET IT BE THE LAST .
Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Henry Or . Warren , at the Office of the FKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , or at 6 , Bed Lion-square , London , W . C . Every 5 s . subscribed will buy four votes .
The Boys' School.
A quarterly general court of governors and subscribers was held on Wednesday at the Preemasons' Tavern , Great Queenstreet , Lincoln ' s-ivm-fields ; Bro . Symonds , G . D . C ., Y . P ., was in the chair . The principal business of the day ivas the consideration of certain neAv laAvs adopted at the quarterly court held in January last . The first question brought under discussion in respect of the
neiv laAvs Avas that " Every donor of fifty guineas , by one or more payments of not less than five guineas each , shall be a Vice-president of the institution . " This neiv IaAV AA'as , after considerable discussion , confirmed . On the second new IaAV , " Any person may place a properly qualified child in the institution , provided such child can be convenientl y admitted , upon payment in one sum of 120 guineas , without
voting in respect of any part thereof . " Bro . Smith , W . M . No . 90 , opposed the resolution as likely to override the rights of the subscribers , and that the sum proposed to be charged ivas not commensurate to the advantages offered . Bro . Sherry , P . M . No . 90 , seconded the amendment that the motion be not confirmed . After some discussion the amendment was carried almost unanimousl y .
The Boys' School.
The third neiv IaAV AA'as as follows : — " Any person subscribing 250 guineas in one payment , and Avithout voting in respect of any part thereof , shall be entitled , during his or her life , to keep one properly qualified child in the institution . " The neiv laiv Avas non-confirmed . Bro . Rowland , P . M . 1090 , moved , " That a committee , to consist of members of the general and house committees , be appointed for the purpose of taking into consideration tho best
means to be adopted with a view to the removal of the Boys ' School from Wood-green to some more convenient locality , and that such committee do report thereon at the earliest opportunity . " He stated that it was admitted the present school Avas inconveniently situated , and the means of access from the metropolis too limited . He believed that the present estate might he sold for -65000 ; they had had a very successful festival , and their funded property IIOAV amounted to about
£ 13 , 000 , so that there could be no difficulty in their obtaining a more appropriate site and building . Bro . Udall , P . J . D ., seconded the motion . The resolution Avas opposed hy Bros . Warren , HoopAvood , Savage , ancl others on the ground that they ought not to touch their funded property for the purposes of building , and that there Avas no case made out to warrant any extraordinary expenditure at present . After the SIAOAV of hands had been taken tAvice , the meeting
divided , Avhen there appeared for the motion 13 ; against it , 15 . It was consequently lost . On the motion of Bro . Symonds , it ivas unanimously resolved that in consideration of the activity and energy displayed by Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary , in promoting the success of the recent festival , to which there Avere no less thad 100 SteAA-ards , Avhose lists produced the nnparalled amount of £ 3640 ( exceeding by £ 2000 the amount received at the previous
festival ) , the court present him with a gratuity of 50 guineas . The court then proceeded to elect tAvo boys for the school from a list of thirteen candidates , ivhich resulted as folloAVS : — Standen , Wm . T 3178 Mariner , J . P 1500 James , Adam A 968 Weeks , W . P 924 Read , ]? . H 819
Parkinson , W . H 362 Noel , Thos 282 Bird , H . G 194 Bid , * , H . ... - 48 Crabtree , B . T 29 Rice , II 27 Tetley , E . H 27 The proceedings closed with votes of thanks to the Chairman and the Secretaries .
Girls' School.
. The quarterly court of the Governors and subscribers was held on Thursday , Bro . Udall in the chair . The minutes of the last court Avere read and confirmed , and minutes of the various Committees read for information . The folloAving brethren being annual subscribers were elected as members of the Audit Committee : — P . Adlard , B . Baker , & . Biggs , G . Bone , D . Davies , H . Empson , S . P . Norris , JE . Mclntyre , W . Paas , E . Roberts , J .
Symonds . J . Udall . 3 ? he following Avere received as members of the House Committee -. — G . Biggs , L . Chandler , Capt . J . Creaton , B . Head , Rev . W . H . Lyall , S . E . Nutt , A . H . Hewlett , W . Paas , C . Robinson , J . R . Sheen , J . Udall , W . Young . Bro . Jas . Symonds , A . G . D . C , gave the folloiving notices of motion : " To amend Rule 33 [ relating to appointment of House
Committee ] , by omitting all the Avords after ' Trustees , ' and substituting the folloiving : — ' and twelve membez-s of the General Committee . Nominations of brethren to serve on the House Committee shall be made at the General Committee iu April , and the election from the brethren so nominated shall take place at the General Committee in May . The names of the brethren nominated shall be piinted , and a list given to
every brother attending the election . ' " To amend Rule 34 by inserting ( at the commencement ) before the Avord 'Lady-day , ' the words 'The House Committee meets ; ' also hy adding after ' half-past tivo o ' clock , ' the words