Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Hall , on Thursday tbe 17 th inst ., the AVAL , Bro . T . Sheppard in the chair . There ivere also present P . M's . AA . Kelley , ( D . Prov . G . M . ) , Capt . Brewin , Capt . Baurait , Kinton , and Millican , and Bros . Sutton Covkvan , Green , Barwell , Knight , Bithrey and Lewin . Ansitors , Bros . Jackson and L . A . Clarke , of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 348 . ) The lodge having been opened in the first degree and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . J . T . Blaekwell ,
auctioneer , who was unanimously elected . A F . C . Lodge having been opened , Bro . John Adams Bolton passed a satisfactory examination in that degree , and was subsequently raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being performed by the D . Prov . G . M . The lodge having been lowered to the first degree , Mr . John Thompson Blackivell AA-as initiated into our mysteries by the I . P . M . Bro . Brewin . After some routine business the lodge closed and the brethren adjourned to
refreshment . At the next monthly meting the election of W . M . will take place , and it is worthy of mention that during the present AA . M . 's tenure of office there has not been a blank evening—a considerable accession of new members having taken place .
STAFFORDSHIRE . AVOLYERUAJIPTON . —Lodgs of Honour ( No . 7 fi 9 ) . —The AA . M . of this lodge , Bro . C . Matthews , was , on its monthly meeting on the 11 th inst ., not only supported by all his officers and P . Ms . Humphrey , Leivis , and King , hut by an unusually large attendance of members and visitors ; amongst the latter being Bros . Haseler , P . M ., and Cooper , AA . M . of the Sister Lodge of St . Peter ' s ( No . 607 ) . The first business was to ballot for Bro . Job
Stanway , of No . 607 , as a joining member , which was unanimous , and the brethren then proceeded to ballot for Messrs . Alfred Pnddieombe , surgeon , and Francis Paul Lutz , both of AYolvcrhampton , candidates for initiation . These gentlemen , being duly elected , were properly introduced into lodge , ancl were initiated to the degree of E . A . by the AA' . M . Bro . Mattheivs . The charge was delivered by Bro . Kifcson , J . D . On account of the lateness of the proceedings the motion of the AV . P . M . Humphrey with
respect to the Masonic charities to which the lodge subscribes , a notice of which was on the circular , Avas , at the suggestion of some brethren , postponed to the May meeting , when we trust we have to report that some more definite , and ive may add , liberal principle , has become a bye law of the lodge . WOLVERHAMPTON . — St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —The brethren thislodgeheldameetingontheSi-dApi-ilattheaceustomed place . There was a full attendance of brethren , and the
appearance of the lodge ivas much improved by the introduction of the various banners of the lodge AA-hich have been recently restored and were noiv disposed about the room . A new Book case has also been added to the property ofthe lodge forming iin object alike ornamental and useful . It is intended to commence a masonic library for the instruction of brethren , ancl the first booksplaced in it are the A ols . oftlie Freemason ' s Magazine commencing some years back and brought down to the last
half-year . Bro . T . AV . Cooper AV . M . occupied the chair , and was supported by the regular officers except by the J " . AY . who is removing to a distance ; however Bro . Neivnham ably filled the vacancy . Bro . AVild ivas raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . Haseler , at the request of the AV . M ., gave thc lecture . An invitation to attend the installation of Bro . B-. uT . ett of St . Matheiv's Lodge , AA'alsall , was received and read . A gentleman for initiation Avas next proposed and the samo duly
seconded . A -. vote of thanks ivas given to Bro . Letts for a present of a pair of glass doors for the book case . The AV . M . tendered the gift of Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , as an item in the starting ofthe library and appealed to the brethren to contribute books of a masonic character towards thc furnishing of the book case . The gift was fully appreciated . The lodge being closed and all buss ' mess matters ended , the brethren adjourned to banquet and a pleasant evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Eoyal Kent Encampment . — Good Friday being the anniversary for the installation of the E . C . of this encampment—it was convened for tivo o ' clock . Tiie encampment was opened by the E . C , Sir Knight 11 . E . Ludwig , assisted by the folloiving Sir Knights and Frs . AVm . punsheon , Prov . Grand Prior ; AAhn . Berkley , P . G . Hospitaller and Prov
Knights Templar.
Grand Chancellor ; John Barker , P . Grand , 1 st Captain of Eno-. land ; C . J . Bannister , Grand Aid-De-Camp ; and AA . Gillespie Grand Herald ; Henry Hotham , P . E . C . ; Henry Bell , P . E . C . H . A . Hammevboi-n , Capt . of L . ; —Rosenberg ; J . T . Hovle-AV . J . Harding , & c ., & c . TAVO candidates previously ballotted being in attendance for installation , viz ., Messrs . Echvin Mithenbank and Duncan , they were respectively installed knights of the H . T . of J . The installation of the E . Com . elect , Sir Knight
C . J . Bannister , P . E . C . of the Jacques de Molay encampment , was then performed by Sir Knight John Barker , who , after making homage , congratulated the E . C . on occupying the throne of this ancient encampment , being the mother encampment of the E . C . and all present , and w-hich had been filled by many Avorthy and illustrious masons , among whom the late Earl of Durham , Sir AVm . Levaine , & c . — -The E . G . having thanked the brethren for the high honour conferred on him , and which it
was his ambition to occupy , being that of his mother encampment , promised to use his best endeavours to conduct our ancient rites ancl ceremonies to the best of his ability . He then proceeded to install the folloiving Sir Knights as his officers for the ensuing year : —Sir Knight H . G . Ludwig as P . E . C , ; AVm . Punsheon , Prior ; AA ' m . Dalziel , Sub-Prior ; AA'm . Berkley , Prelate ; John Barker , Chancellor ; Rev . Sa-nl . Atkinson , 1 st Captain ; John T . Hoyle , 2 nd Captain ; II . A . Hammerborii ,
Vicechancellor and Registrar ; Henry Hotham ( elected ) Treasurer ; John Popplewell , Almoner ; Edward Shotten , Expert ; —¦ Rosenberg , Captain of Lines ; AA " . J . Harding , Standard Bearer ; Edwin Merthenbaiik and Duncan , Heralds ; J . S . Potter , Equerry . The Chancellor read the circular sent by the A " . E . Sir Knight Shuttleworth , Grand V . Chancellor , and the Eminent Commander , and the Chancellor announced their intention of becoming subscribing members . Sir Kniht Punsheon ,
g tho father of Templai-ism in the North , and there is not a more learned mason in the degrees of knighthood , intimated his readiness to communicate to the Grand Encampment of Instruction all the information in his power , which he would do when called upon , his time being his oivn he had ample leisure to do so . The alms being collected , and a deserving Sir Knight assisted , the Encampment was closed Avith prayer . At the closing of the encampment the Council of Knight Grand Crosses
met , under the presidency of the Grand Master of Grand Crosses , Sir Knight AVm . Berkley ; AA ' m . Punsheon , Past Grand M . John Barker , Registrar ; Henry Bell , Henry Hotham , C . J . Bannister , and Andrew * Gillespie , being also present . The only business before the Council Avas the appointment by the G . Master , wlio had filled the office for the last three years , of his successor , and he named to that office Sir Knight S . C . Henry BellAvith the full consent of the next in rotationSir Kniht
, , g E . C . John Barker , AA- ' in a very kind manner gave ivay for that worthy and much esteemed frater Sir Kni ght II . Boll . Sir Knight G . C . Henry Bell AA'as then duly installed Grand Master of the Grand Crosses by his predecessor . The following officers were then confirmed to their previous appointments : —Sir Knight G . C . John Barker as Registrar , and Henry Hotham as Treasurer . The Council was then dissolved . The Knights
Templars and Grand Crossess dined together in the Hall under the presidency of the E . C . Charles J . Bannister . On the removal of tho cloth , the Queen avid Royal family's healths ivere drunk with the usual loyalty of Templars to the Family of the Royal Duke , who was a Grand Master of their order , and whose name honoured this Encampment ivith his name . The health of the Grand Master , Dejiuty Grand Master of the T . of England , present and past Grand Officers , was then proposed by the
Eminent Commander , coupling this toast with the health of Sir Knight John Barker , Past Grand Captain . —Sir Knight Barker responded by thanking the Sir Knights in the name of the M . E . and Supreme G . M . and tho A . E . D . G . M ., and in lieu of a speech read to the meeting a lecture on the origin of the order , which Avas one of the last Avorks of that worthy Sir Knight J . Masson , late Grand Chancellor of our order . The health of the Prov . Grand Commander , Sir Knight tlio Rev . E . C . Ogle , and
his Deputy Sir Knight George Haivks , was then given . This toast was coupled with Sir Knight AVm . Pnnsheon ' s health as Prov . Grand Prior , and he responded in appropriate terms . — Sir Knight AA m . Berkley then gave , the health of the Eminent Commander , which was responded to by him , and in concluding , proposed the health of his worthy predecessor , P . E . C . Henry C . Ludwig , which ivas responded to hy him . —Sir Knight Barker then proposed the Grand Master of the Grand Cross , an order that , though nominally conferred on hi g h office bearers in the Grand Conclave of Scotland , they had not got it as a degree ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Hall , on Thursday tbe 17 th inst ., the AVAL , Bro . T . Sheppard in the chair . There ivere also present P . M's . AA . Kelley , ( D . Prov . G . M . ) , Capt . Brewin , Capt . Baurait , Kinton , and Millican , and Bros . Sutton Covkvan , Green , Barwell , Knight , Bithrey and Lewin . Ansitors , Bros . Jackson and L . A . Clarke , of St . John ' s Lodge ( No . 348 . ) The lodge having been opened in the first degree and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . J . T . Blaekwell ,
auctioneer , who was unanimously elected . A F . C . Lodge having been opened , Bro . John Adams Bolton passed a satisfactory examination in that degree , and was subsequently raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being performed by the D . Prov . G . M . The lodge having been lowered to the first degree , Mr . John Thompson Blackivell AA-as initiated into our mysteries by the I . P . M . Bro . Brewin . After some routine business the lodge closed and the brethren adjourned to
refreshment . At the next monthly meting the election of W . M . will take place , and it is worthy of mention that during the present AA . M . 's tenure of office there has not been a blank evening—a considerable accession of new members having taken place .
STAFFORDSHIRE . AVOLYERUAJIPTON . —Lodgs of Honour ( No . 7 fi 9 ) . —The AA . M . of this lodge , Bro . C . Matthews , was , on its monthly meeting on the 11 th inst ., not only supported by all his officers and P . Ms . Humphrey , Leivis , and King , hut by an unusually large attendance of members and visitors ; amongst the latter being Bros . Haseler , P . M ., and Cooper , AA . M . of the Sister Lodge of St . Peter ' s ( No . 607 ) . The first business was to ballot for Bro . Job
Stanway , of No . 607 , as a joining member , which was unanimous , and the brethren then proceeded to ballot for Messrs . Alfred Pnddieombe , surgeon , and Francis Paul Lutz , both of AYolvcrhampton , candidates for initiation . These gentlemen , being duly elected , were properly introduced into lodge , ancl were initiated to the degree of E . A . by the AA' . M . Bro . Mattheivs . The charge was delivered by Bro . Kifcson , J . D . On account of the lateness of the proceedings the motion of the AV . P . M . Humphrey with
respect to the Masonic charities to which the lodge subscribes , a notice of which was on the circular , Avas , at the suggestion of some brethren , postponed to the May meeting , when we trust we have to report that some more definite , and ive may add , liberal principle , has become a bye law of the lodge . WOLVERHAMPTON . — St . Peter ' s Lodge ( No . 607 ) . —The brethren thislodgeheldameetingontheSi-dApi-ilattheaceustomed place . There was a full attendance of brethren , and the
appearance of the lodge ivas much improved by the introduction of the various banners of the lodge AA-hich have been recently restored and were noiv disposed about the room . A new Book case has also been added to the property ofthe lodge forming iin object alike ornamental and useful . It is intended to commence a masonic library for the instruction of brethren , ancl the first booksplaced in it are the A ols . oftlie Freemason ' s Magazine commencing some years back and brought down to the last
half-year . Bro . T . AV . Cooper AV . M . occupied the chair , and was supported by the regular officers except by the J " . AY . who is removing to a distance ; however Bro . Neivnham ably filled the vacancy . Bro . AVild ivas raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., and Bro . Haseler , at the request of the AV . M ., gave thc lecture . An invitation to attend the installation of Bro . B-. uT . ett of St . Matheiv's Lodge , AA'alsall , was received and read . A gentleman for initiation Avas next proposed and the samo duly
seconded . A -. vote of thanks ivas given to Bro . Letts for a present of a pair of glass doors for the book case . The AV . M . tendered the gift of Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry , as an item in the starting ofthe library and appealed to the brethren to contribute books of a masonic character towards thc furnishing of the book case . The gift was fully appreciated . The lodge being closed and all buss ' mess matters ended , the brethren adjourned to banquet and a pleasant evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEAVCASTLE-ON-TYNE . —Eoyal Kent Encampment . — Good Friday being the anniversary for the installation of the E . C . of this encampment—it was convened for tivo o ' clock . Tiie encampment was opened by the E . C , Sir Knight 11 . E . Ludwig , assisted by the folloiving Sir Knights and Frs . AVm . punsheon , Prov . Grand Prior ; AAhn . Berkley , P . G . Hospitaller and Prov
Knights Templar.
Grand Chancellor ; John Barker , P . Grand , 1 st Captain of Eno-. land ; C . J . Bannister , Grand Aid-De-Camp ; and AA . Gillespie Grand Herald ; Henry Hotham , P . E . C . ; Henry Bell , P . E . C . H . A . Hammevboi-n , Capt . of L . ; —Rosenberg ; J . T . Hovle-AV . J . Harding , & c ., & c . TAVO candidates previously ballotted being in attendance for installation , viz ., Messrs . Echvin Mithenbank and Duncan , they were respectively installed knights of the H . T . of J . The installation of the E . Com . elect , Sir Knight
C . J . Bannister , P . E . C . of the Jacques de Molay encampment , was then performed by Sir Knight John Barker , who , after making homage , congratulated the E . C . on occupying the throne of this ancient encampment , being the mother encampment of the E . C . and all present , and w-hich had been filled by many Avorthy and illustrious masons , among whom the late Earl of Durham , Sir AVm . Levaine , & c . — -The E . G . having thanked the brethren for the high honour conferred on him , and which it
was his ambition to occupy , being that of his mother encampment , promised to use his best endeavours to conduct our ancient rites ancl ceremonies to the best of his ability . He then proceeded to install the folloiving Sir Knights as his officers for the ensuing year : —Sir Knight H . G . Ludwig as P . E . C , ; AVm . Punsheon , Prior ; AA ' m . Dalziel , Sub-Prior ; AA'm . Berkley , Prelate ; John Barker , Chancellor ; Rev . Sa-nl . Atkinson , 1 st Captain ; John T . Hoyle , 2 nd Captain ; II . A . Hammerborii ,
Vicechancellor and Registrar ; Henry Hotham ( elected ) Treasurer ; John Popplewell , Almoner ; Edward Shotten , Expert ; —¦ Rosenberg , Captain of Lines ; AA " . J . Harding , Standard Bearer ; Edwin Merthenbaiik and Duncan , Heralds ; J . S . Potter , Equerry . The Chancellor read the circular sent by the A " . E . Sir Knight Shuttleworth , Grand V . Chancellor , and the Eminent Commander , and the Chancellor announced their intention of becoming subscribing members . Sir Kniht Punsheon ,
g tho father of Templai-ism in the North , and there is not a more learned mason in the degrees of knighthood , intimated his readiness to communicate to the Grand Encampment of Instruction all the information in his power , which he would do when called upon , his time being his oivn he had ample leisure to do so . The alms being collected , and a deserving Sir Knight assisted , the Encampment was closed Avith prayer . At the closing of the encampment the Council of Knight Grand Crosses
met , under the presidency of the Grand Master of Grand Crosses , Sir Knight AVm . Berkley ; AA ' m . Punsheon , Past Grand M . John Barker , Registrar ; Henry Bell , Henry Hotham , C . J . Bannister , and Andrew * Gillespie , being also present . The only business before the Council Avas the appointment by the G . Master , wlio had filled the office for the last three years , of his successor , and he named to that office Sir Knight S . C . Henry BellAvith the full consent of the next in rotationSir Kniht
, , g E . C . John Barker , AA- ' in a very kind manner gave ivay for that worthy and much esteemed frater Sir Kni ght II . Boll . Sir Knight G . C . Henry Bell AA'as then duly installed Grand Master of the Grand Crosses by his predecessor . The following officers were then confirmed to their previous appointments : —Sir Knight G . C . John Barker as Registrar , and Henry Hotham as Treasurer . The Council was then dissolved . The Knights
Templars and Grand Crossess dined together in the Hall under the presidency of the E . C . Charles J . Bannister . On the removal of tho cloth , the Queen avid Royal family's healths ivere drunk with the usual loyalty of Templars to the Family of the Royal Duke , who was a Grand Master of their order , and whose name honoured this Encampment ivith his name . The health of the Grand Master , Dejiuty Grand Master of the T . of England , present and past Grand Officers , was then proposed by the
Eminent Commander , coupling this toast with the health of Sir Knight John Barker , Past Grand Captain . —Sir Knight Barker responded by thanking the Sir Knights in the name of the M . E . and Supreme G . M . and tho A . E . D . G . M ., and in lieu of a speech read to the meeting a lecture on the origin of the order , which Avas one of the last Avorks of that worthy Sir Knight J . Masson , late Grand Chancellor of our order . The health of the Prov . Grand Commander , Sir Knight tlio Rev . E . C . Ogle , and
his Deputy Sir Knight George Haivks , was then given . This toast was coupled with Sir Knight AVm . Pnnsheon ' s health as Prov . Grand Prior , and he responded in appropriate terms . — Sir Knight AA m . Berkley then gave , the health of the Eminent Commander , which was responded to by him , and in concluding , proposed the health of his worthy predecessor , P . E . C . Henry C . Ludwig , which ivas responded to hy him . —Sir Knight Barker then proposed the Grand Master of the Grand Cross , an order that , though nominally conferred on hi g h office bearers in the Grand Conclave of Scotland , they had not got it as a degree ,