Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
and melancholy accident took place at Halifax on Monday , resulting in the death of a lad 13 years o : age , the son of the Rei-. AA Reynolds . The poor boy was sent up stairs to open thc library window , and , his prolonged absence exciting- suspicion , his sister ivas directed to call him . She accordingly repaired to the library , to find Xier brother suspended by his silk necktie from a hook on tbe side of the window . He AA-as quite dead . It is supposed that he slipped off
the box on AA'hich he AA * as standing to open the sash , and Avas caught in the book as he fell . The good people of Lh-erpool Avere not a little excited on Monday by the announcement that the Emilie St . Pierre , knoAvn to have been taken as a prize off Charleston somo weeks ago , had arrived in their harbour . On inquiry , it appeared that thoy were indebted for the presence of this adventurous craft to the fact that the crew of the vessel had snatched an opportunity
of overpowering the prize creAV in charge of their vessel , on her way , to Philadelphia , and , liaving , by a combination of adroitness and daring , regained command of the ship , had put her helm about for Liverpool . On Good Friday a sad accident occarreel to Bombadier John Aside }* , senior drill instructor to the 21 st Lancashire Artillery Volunteers . The corps , Avith a considerable number of excursionists , made a trip to the Guide House Batteries , at AA ' arton , near Lytham ,
for the purpose of target practice . A body of artillerymen AA'ere in the act of firing a salute , in honour of the arrh-al of a field officer , AA'hen a gun , AA-hich was being re-loaded by Ashley , suddenly exploded . The unfortunate man was blown away from the gun , and was taken up in a dreadfully mutilated and apparently lifeless condition . The accident was said to have arisen from his neglecting to sponge out the gun , and from his not allowing a sufficient time to
elapse betAveen the firing . He has seen 16 years of service , and has ahvays been reputed a most careful and steady officer . There is no hope of his recovery . The recent boiler explosion at Bilston has caused much desolation in the neighbourhood . It has been ascertained that 27 deaths have hitherto taken place ; but there are several men still missing , and it is supposed they are either amongst the debris or in the adjoining canal . Bj * this calamity 58 persons ,
including widows , orphans , and otner relatives , have been left utterly destitute . The majority of the deceased ivere interred yesterday in the Bilston Cemetery , the scene being very touching . Numerous projects have been set on foot to raise subscription for tho distressed . A very tragical affair happened at Castledawson , Londonderry , on Good Friday . Two cousins—Charles and John M'Erlane—quarrelled about a trespass which bad been committed by some cattle . The
dispute ran high , and Charles M- 'Eiiane , levelling his gun , shot his companion dead upon the spot . Thc deceased man ' s friends rushed fonvard to revenge his death , and a terrific melee ensued . In a short time , however , the murderer was beaten to death by a brother and two sisters of John M'Erlane . One of the sisters has been apprehended . On Wednesday week an American seaman , named Brituell , stabbed a waiter at a public-house in Ratcliffe Highway , in a most
ferocious and coivardly manner . A concert had taken place in the bouse , and a quarrel arose between Britnell and bis companions and tivo Germans . A waiter , named Lucas , assisted the landlord to put the American out of doors , and the fellow seized the opportunity to unsheath his knife , and plunge it into the Avaiter ' s shoulder , tivo and a half inches deep . The wound , fortunately , is not of a dangerous character . Britnell has been committed to Nc-. vgate for trial . A
strange story has been told by a correspondent to the Shipping Gazette . The purport of the tale is that on the 2 nd inst . the ship Omega , hailing from London , sailed from Cardiff Roads on a voyage to Singapore , having on board a foreign sailor , named Bremen , AA-IIO confessed that he murdered a boarding-housekeeper in Ratcliffe Higlnvay , about a month ago . AA'hile the vessel Avas oil' Ilfracombe , the man , Avho had shipped at Cardiff , suddenly disappeared , and w-as supposed
to baA-e fallen overboard . After fifty hours' absence he again presented himself on deck , representing that an evil conscience had compelled him to hide himself below , ancl that he had been guilty of the murder referred to . The captain of the ship signalled for a pilot , ivho refused to bring the man en shore , and the vessel proceeded on her way . In one of the London police courts , on Thursday , a man who Avas in custody , on his oivn confession , for murdering his Avife , was discharged , the woman herself anpeavinar to contradict the state-
The Week.
ment . An inquest has been held by the Middlesex coroner on the the bodies of four cliildrren , who have died within tbe last six weeks under A'ery peculiar circumstances . The children resided ivith their parents in the Commercial-road , Limehouse , and their deaths , Avithin so short a time , and with such a marked similarity of symptoms , induced the attention of Dr . Orton , AA'I IO , upon hiA-estigation , discovered that the deaths resulted from poison . The poor children had
been in the habit of tearing the paper from the bed ro ' om Avail , and licking off the green colour upon it . This paper contained immense quantities of arsenic , and it speedily exercised its fatal effects upon the unsuspecting children . A raihvay accident , causing the death of one person , and injury to several others , occurred on Saturday afternoon to the express train from Milford to London . The train , AA'hich consisted of one first and tivo second-class carriages , was
approaching the Lyduey station , about 20 miles from Gloucester , when the engine , from an unknown cause , got off the rails . The coupling chains AA'ere snapped , the engine turned completely" over outside tbe rails , while the tiA-o carriages nearest the engine rushed away in an opposite direction . The foremost crossed the line , and Avas ultimately stopped by coming into A'iolent collision ivith the corner of a goods shed . Mr . Bennett , tea merchant , of Bath , was
seated in the first compartment of the carriage , and he received injuries AA-hich resulted in speedy death . The engine driver aud stoker Avero taken from under the engine and tender ; they AA'ere badly , but it is hoped not fatally , hurt . Several passengers were cut and bruised , but not seriously . The train was running along at the rate of fifty miles an hour when tbe accident took place . An inquest has been held on Mr . Bennett . The only witness examined
Avas the housekeeper to the deceased gentleman , AA-IIO Avas with him in the train , and who , though herself severely injured , waited on him till be expired . Her evidence Avent to the effect that the train shook , or jumped , more than she had ever felt it before , all the way from Cardiff to the scene of the accident ; that her master was much alarmed ; that he spoke to the guard about it at Chepstow ; and , finding it still continue , expressed bis intention , only a few minutes
before the accident , to leave the train at the next station . The result of the inquiry is a verdict of " Accidental Death , " ivith a recommendation that the raihvay company should endeavour to induce the Severn and AVyo Railway Company to make such concessions as Ai-ould enable the gradients to be lowered near the wooden bridge . ——The Premier and the Chancellor of tbe Exchequer Avere on AVedncsday very similarly occupied . Lord Palmerston opened an Art Exhibition
at Romsey ; Mr . Gladstone presided at the annual meeting of the Associated Lancashire and Cheshire Mechanics' Institutes , at Manchester . The noble lord's speech had mainly reference to the locality in which the exhibition ivas held , but he did not fail to insist on the advantage of periodical displays of works of genius . In distributing prizes to the successful candidates at recent examinations in connection AA'ith the Lancashire and Cheshire Mechanics'Institutes ,
Mr . Gladstone made touching allusion to the death of the Prince Consort , and enforced the necessity of mental culture . Tho depression in the manufacturing districts bad also fitting notice , and AA-as made the text for a good deal of advice . The right lion , gentleman Avas loudly cheered . The sub-committee of the Prince Consort Memorial Fund met on AA ednesday . An interesting communication Avas made by the Lord Mayor . He stated that an American
gentleman , AA-bose name did not transpire , had called upon him with the offer of a block of grey granite 150 feet in length and 12 feet square , which Avas now- lying in America , Avithin tivelve feet of the water ' s edge . Of course his lordship had to inform the gentleman that the idea of a monolithic obelisk bad been given up . The total amount of contributions to the fund is £ 16 , 070 . FOEEIGIT INTELLIG-E-ICE . —Tho sentence of the court of Paris ,
against M . Mirus has been entirely reversed by the Court of Appeal , and M . Mires has been reinstalled and set at liberty . The appeal of M . Simeon has been rejected . The King of Italy has left Turin , on his long-looked for journey to Naples . It is announced that squadrons from both the English and French fleets will be ready at Genoa , to escort His Majesty to Naples , where they will add eclat to his reception , and SIIOAV a friendly recognition of his dignity . An address from the clergy of Lucca has been sent to the Pope , praying
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
and melancholy accident took place at Halifax on Monday , resulting in the death of a lad 13 years o : age , the son of the Rei-. AA Reynolds . The poor boy was sent up stairs to open thc library window , and , his prolonged absence exciting- suspicion , his sister ivas directed to call him . She accordingly repaired to the library , to find Xier brother suspended by his silk necktie from a hook on tbe side of the window . He AA-as quite dead . It is supposed that he slipped off
the box on AA'hich he AA * as standing to open the sash , and Avas caught in the book as he fell . The good people of Lh-erpool Avere not a little excited on Monday by the announcement that the Emilie St . Pierre , knoAvn to have been taken as a prize off Charleston somo weeks ago , had arrived in their harbour . On inquiry , it appeared that thoy were indebted for the presence of this adventurous craft to the fact that the crew of the vessel had snatched an opportunity
of overpowering the prize creAV in charge of their vessel , on her way , to Philadelphia , and , liaving , by a combination of adroitness and daring , regained command of the ship , had put her helm about for Liverpool . On Good Friday a sad accident occarreel to Bombadier John Aside }* , senior drill instructor to the 21 st Lancashire Artillery Volunteers . The corps , Avith a considerable number of excursionists , made a trip to the Guide House Batteries , at AA ' arton , near Lytham ,
for the purpose of target practice . A body of artillerymen AA'ere in the act of firing a salute , in honour of the arrh-al of a field officer , AA'hen a gun , AA-hich was being re-loaded by Ashley , suddenly exploded . The unfortunate man was blown away from the gun , and was taken up in a dreadfully mutilated and apparently lifeless condition . The accident was said to have arisen from his neglecting to sponge out the gun , and from his not allowing a sufficient time to
elapse betAveen the firing . He has seen 16 years of service , and has ahvays been reputed a most careful and steady officer . There is no hope of his recovery . The recent boiler explosion at Bilston has caused much desolation in the neighbourhood . It has been ascertained that 27 deaths have hitherto taken place ; but there are several men still missing , and it is supposed they are either amongst the debris or in the adjoining canal . Bj * this calamity 58 persons ,
including widows , orphans , and otner relatives , have been left utterly destitute . The majority of the deceased ivere interred yesterday in the Bilston Cemetery , the scene being very touching . Numerous projects have been set on foot to raise subscription for tho distressed . A very tragical affair happened at Castledawson , Londonderry , on Good Friday . Two cousins—Charles and John M'Erlane—quarrelled about a trespass which bad been committed by some cattle . The
dispute ran high , and Charles M- 'Eiiane , levelling his gun , shot his companion dead upon the spot . Thc deceased man ' s friends rushed fonvard to revenge his death , and a terrific melee ensued . In a short time , however , the murderer was beaten to death by a brother and two sisters of John M'Erlane . One of the sisters has been apprehended . On Wednesday week an American seaman , named Brituell , stabbed a waiter at a public-house in Ratcliffe Highway , in a most
ferocious and coivardly manner . A concert had taken place in the bouse , and a quarrel arose between Britnell and bis companions and tivo Germans . A waiter , named Lucas , assisted the landlord to put the American out of doors , and the fellow seized the opportunity to unsheath his knife , and plunge it into the Avaiter ' s shoulder , tivo and a half inches deep . The wound , fortunately , is not of a dangerous character . Britnell has been committed to Nc-. vgate for trial . A
strange story has been told by a correspondent to the Shipping Gazette . The purport of the tale is that on the 2 nd inst . the ship Omega , hailing from London , sailed from Cardiff Roads on a voyage to Singapore , having on board a foreign sailor , named Bremen , AA-IIO confessed that he murdered a boarding-housekeeper in Ratcliffe Higlnvay , about a month ago . AA'hile the vessel Avas oil' Ilfracombe , the man , Avho had shipped at Cardiff , suddenly disappeared , and w-as supposed
to baA-e fallen overboard . After fifty hours' absence he again presented himself on deck , representing that an evil conscience had compelled him to hide himself below , ancl that he had been guilty of the murder referred to . The captain of the ship signalled for a pilot , ivho refused to bring the man en shore , and the vessel proceeded on her way . In one of the London police courts , on Thursday , a man who Avas in custody , on his oivn confession , for murdering his Avife , was discharged , the woman herself anpeavinar to contradict the state-
The Week.
ment . An inquest has been held by the Middlesex coroner on the the bodies of four cliildrren , who have died within tbe last six weeks under A'ery peculiar circumstances . The children resided ivith their parents in the Commercial-road , Limehouse , and their deaths , Avithin so short a time , and with such a marked similarity of symptoms , induced the attention of Dr . Orton , AA'I IO , upon hiA-estigation , discovered that the deaths resulted from poison . The poor children had
been in the habit of tearing the paper from the bed ro ' om Avail , and licking off the green colour upon it . This paper contained immense quantities of arsenic , and it speedily exercised its fatal effects upon the unsuspecting children . A raihvay accident , causing the death of one person , and injury to several others , occurred on Saturday afternoon to the express train from Milford to London . The train , AA'hich consisted of one first and tivo second-class carriages , was
approaching the Lyduey station , about 20 miles from Gloucester , when the engine , from an unknown cause , got off the rails . The coupling chains AA'ere snapped , the engine turned completely" over outside tbe rails , while the tiA-o carriages nearest the engine rushed away in an opposite direction . The foremost crossed the line , and Avas ultimately stopped by coming into A'iolent collision ivith the corner of a goods shed . Mr . Bennett , tea merchant , of Bath , was
seated in the first compartment of the carriage , and he received injuries AA-hich resulted in speedy death . The engine driver aud stoker Avero taken from under the engine and tender ; they AA'ere badly , but it is hoped not fatally , hurt . Several passengers were cut and bruised , but not seriously . The train was running along at the rate of fifty miles an hour when tbe accident took place . An inquest has been held on Mr . Bennett . The only witness examined
Avas the housekeeper to the deceased gentleman , AA-IIO Avas with him in the train , and who , though herself severely injured , waited on him till be expired . Her evidence Avent to the effect that the train shook , or jumped , more than she had ever felt it before , all the way from Cardiff to the scene of the accident ; that her master was much alarmed ; that he spoke to the guard about it at Chepstow ; and , finding it still continue , expressed bis intention , only a few minutes
before the accident , to leave the train at the next station . The result of the inquiry is a verdict of " Accidental Death , " ivith a recommendation that the raihvay company should endeavour to induce the Severn and AVyo Railway Company to make such concessions as Ai-ould enable the gradients to be lowered near the wooden bridge . ——The Premier and the Chancellor of tbe Exchequer Avere on AVedncsday very similarly occupied . Lord Palmerston opened an Art Exhibition
at Romsey ; Mr . Gladstone presided at the annual meeting of the Associated Lancashire and Cheshire Mechanics' Institutes , at Manchester . The noble lord's speech had mainly reference to the locality in which the exhibition ivas held , but he did not fail to insist on the advantage of periodical displays of works of genius . In distributing prizes to the successful candidates at recent examinations in connection AA'ith the Lancashire and Cheshire Mechanics'Institutes ,
Mr . Gladstone made touching allusion to the death of the Prince Consort , and enforced the necessity of mental culture . Tho depression in the manufacturing districts bad also fitting notice , and AA-as made the text for a good deal of advice . The right lion , gentleman Avas loudly cheered . The sub-committee of the Prince Consort Memorial Fund met on AA ednesday . An interesting communication Avas made by the Lord Mayor . He stated that an American
gentleman , AA-bose name did not transpire , had called upon him with the offer of a block of grey granite 150 feet in length and 12 feet square , which Avas now- lying in America , Avithin tivelve feet of the water ' s edge . Of course his lordship had to inform the gentleman that the idea of a monolithic obelisk bad been given up . The total amount of contributions to the fund is £ 16 , 070 . FOEEIGIT INTELLIG-E-ICE . —Tho sentence of the court of Paris ,
against M . Mirus has been entirely reversed by the Court of Appeal , and M . Mires has been reinstalled and set at liberty . The appeal of M . Simeon has been rejected . The King of Italy has left Turin , on his long-looked for journey to Naples . It is announced that squadrons from both the English and French fleets will be ready at Genoa , to escort His Majesty to Naples , where they will add eclat to his reception , and SIIOAV a friendly recognition of his dignity . An address from the clergy of Lucca has been sent to the Pope , praying