Article GIRLS' SCHOOL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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Girls' School.
' or at such other time , during either term , as the Committee may appoint . ' "To amend Rule 49 [ relating to appointment of Audit Committee ] by inserting the AVOI-CI 'April' in the second paragraph , and substituting the ivord ' May ; ' also by inserting after the AA-ords ' General Committee , ' in same paragraph , the words ' from brethren AVIIO have been nominated in Aprilin like
, manner as for the House Committees . '" In thc event of the proposed amendments of Rules 33 , 34 , and -19 being adopted , " That the House and Audit Committee , elected in April , 1 SG 2 , be continued in office until their successors arc appointed in May , 18 G 3 .
PRUDENT BRETHREN LODGE ( NO . 169 ) . —A meeting of this lodge , Avhich is now rapidly rising in prosperity , was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday , Bro . Graygoose , AV . M ., presiding , supported by his officers and a full muster of the brethren . Messrs . Sharpe and Wilson ivere initiated into the Order—Bro . Young passed , and Bro . Waddell raised—the ceremonies being impressively performed by Bro . Boyd , P . M ., and Bro . Kirby , P . M . After the transaction of some formal business , the brethren adjourned to a handsome banquet , the pleasures of the evening being much enhanced by the exertions of Bros . Slater , 202 , Robinson , 237 , Exall , Hart , Gravgoose , and others .
, DEVONSHIRE . EAST STOREHOUSE . —Lodge Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —Tho usual monthly meeting ivas held on the evening of the 14 th April , under the presidency of the WM . Rev . Geo . Knowling , M . A . "We felt very much surprised to see so numerous a company present , the weather being so exceedingly boisterous . After the minutes had been confirmedthe AA ' . M . presented tho collar of J . D . to
, Bro . Radford , and that of I . G . to Bro . Maddock , OAving to a brother being called aAvay from the neighbourhood . The AV . M . then proceeded to initiate Mr . Turner ; after ivhich , in a style rarely surpassed , he raised Bro . Pool to the sublime degree of a M . M . Considerable interest -was excited during the evening by the consecration of Lodge Meridian at Millbroolc , and the laying of the foundation stone of the Devonport Hospital by
the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe . At both these ceremonies it AA-IIS agreed that Lodge Sincerity should be duly represented . PiTiroiiTU . — -Lodge Charity ( No . 277 ) . —At the meeting on the 15 th inst ., there appeared on the notice paper tivo brothers for the degree of M . M ., and one for that of E . C . Owing to some cause AVO have never had so slack an attendance . The same resolution Avas agreed to with regard to Lodge Meridian and the la vine ; of the foundation stone , as at Lodge Sincerity .
HEREFORDSHIRE . LEOMINSTER—CONSECRATION or THE EOYAU EDAVAI-D LODGE , Members of the Craft in all parts of the ivorld will be delighted to hear of the resuscitation and reconsccratiou , under most auspicious circumstances , of one of the most ancient lodges in the kingdomformerlheld at Leominsterbut which
, y , , yielding to the mutations of time , had been alloAved to lapse into a state of inexistence for nearly half-a-contury . This imposing ceremony , conducted in solemn ami ancient form by the esteemed and learned the Right AVorshipful Grand Master of the Province , Dr . Bowles . D ' . D . LL . D ., and assisted by tho highly popular the Right AVorshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the A ' encrablo Archdeacon Lane Freer , D . D ., and the
rest of the past and present Provincial Grand Officers of Herefordshire and neighbouring provinces , vras performed on Thursday , thej ^ rtiist . in the presence of one oftlie most distinguished gatherings of brethren that has honoured the IICAV masonic era in this province . 3 'In the forenoon a lodge of emergency was held , in accordance Avith the summons of the Right Worshipful Muster , for the purpose of imitating , ; ix i-er . ileineii into tho mysteries oftlie
Craft , in AA-hich he was most ablv assisted by ilro . E . S . Cossens , AV . M ., 1202 , P . M . 1097 , Prov . G . Registrar Perks and Hants ; P . G . Steward , R . A . 25 , & e . ; the Right AVorshipful P . W . G . M . performing his arduous duties in the most approved and perfect manlier . At tAA-o o ' clock the imposing ceremony of consecration commenced and proceeded in strict accordance with the programme ..
The Consecration beincr completed , the D . Prov . G . III . presented the W . Master , the Rev . J . H . Blnck , to the P . G . M . for Installation , and the Right Worshful Provincial Grand Master called upon Brother E . S . Cossens to undertake that honourable * duty , which he did in the most perfect and ample manner , delivering the several charges and proclamation ? , according to ancient form , and evincing a thorough acquaintance with the
genuine tenets and landmarks oftlie order . At four for five the grand banquet ivas served in a style of elegance and excellence Avhich left nothing to be desired . The Rev . , T . Bowles , D . D ., L . L . D ., the R . W . G . M . of the province , presided , liaving the R . AA ' . D . Prov . G . M ., the A enerable Archdeacon Lane Freer upon his right , and the W . M . of tho Royal EdAvard Lodge , the Rev . J . H . Bluck , upon his left . Bro . Captain T . G . PeytonProv . G . J . AV " . of the Royal Eastnor
, Lodge , and Bro . H . Clarkson , the P . Prov . G . Secretary of Palladian , occupied tbe opposite posts of honour . There Avere also present , Bros . W . H . Gretton , the Provincial Grand Chaplain and J . D . 141 ; AV . J . Sawyer , Provincial Grand Chaplain ; J . AVilliams , Prov . G . T . ; J . W . Lacy , P . G . D . C . and AV . M . 141 ; J . Cheese , Prov . G . Organist ; Captain . 1 . H . Arkwriaht , S . AV . 1194 ; L . S . Demay , , T . W . 1194 ; AV . J . MorrishP . P . G . Chaplain ; E . S . CossensAV . M . 1202 P . Af .
, , , 1097 , Prov . G . R . Berks and Hants , R . A . 25 ; J . Gardiner , A . Prov . G . Secretary and J . W . 141 ; E . George , P . G . P . and S . D . 141 ; 0 . Shelierd , I . G . 141 ; C . Allen , P . P . G . C . ; A . Alycr . Ill ; J . T . Baker , 141 ; J . P . Crowe , 111 ; J . Russell , 141 ; C . G . Hill , 141 ; W . Prosser , 141 ; S . Partridge , Secretary ,
1194 ; H . Moore , 1194 ; E- Chadwick , 1194 ; T . Turner , 1194 ; J . Bradford , 1194 ; AV . Gikes , 1194 ; AV . J . AVovmingfcon , 1194 ; AV . S . Bovce , 1194 ; S . Sampson , 1191- ; W . Daffgs , 1194 , ; J . Reynolds , " 1194 ; G . Tomkins , 1194 ; S . Havwavd , " 724 and 722 : G . II . Piper , , T . AV 1053 ; AV . Sokes ; E . P . Weilings ; P . Neivman ; . 1 . Kilvert ; C . Turner ; and J . HayAvard , 72 . Brother C . Allen , the P . Prov . G . C , invoked the divine blessing on the proceedings , and subsequently offered thanks to the
Great Architect of the Universe for the bountiful provision vouchsafed to his creatures . .. The R . AV . GRAND MASTER of the province then rose amidst greatjapplause to paesent the first toast on the list for the evening , and said : —Right AVorshipful Dep . G . M ., Grand AVardens , Officers , and brethren—The social duty AVC have to fulfil is to drink in solemn silence to the health of our beloved and widowed Sovereignand to express our heartfelt compassion for
, her suli'erings under that afllictir . g and affecting dispensation of God ' s providence Avhich has torn her heart ivith bereavement , ancl awakened universal sympathy . ( Hear , hear . ) Brethren , let it be our consolation to knoAv that the fountain of all goodness has a greater good in stove for Queen \ 1 ctovia than mere enjoyment , and that in order that she may obtain His greater ifts He has AvithdraAvn a lesser one . ( Alause . ) His greatest
g pp gifts are moral and spiritual excellence ; and the pious resignation , the meek endurance , thc profound submission ivith ivhich Her Majesty bears the burden of her great sorrow , are o . themselves sufficient vindication of her s-. iti'ci-ings , inasmuch as they prove that those suli'erings are God ' s messengers to ca forth the poiycr of her virtue , to sanctity those feelings , to nourish the purest sympathies of her natureto perfect that
, excellence which is the end of our being , and to prepare her for a nearer access to our Great Father . ( Immense , but siidned applause . ) Thus , all of you ivho observed the tracing board in in our lodge this morning , in which you saiv the symbol of progression , will bear me out in
saying'Tis sorrow builds the shining ladder up , AVliose golden rounds avo our calamities . Whereon our ih-m feet planting , nearer God The spirit climbs , and hath its eyes unsealed . ( Great applause . ) Brethren , I am sure yon will unite with me in the expression of a . heartfelt prayer that that uncreated light , towards which , AVO Masons reverendly wend our way , may penetrate our Sovereign's soul , disperse the ( lark SOITOAV that dims ihe eye of faith , and inspire her with principles and hopes stronger than death . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Girls' School.
' or at such other time , during either term , as the Committee may appoint . ' "To amend Rule 49 [ relating to appointment of Audit Committee ] by inserting the AVOI-CI 'April' in the second paragraph , and substituting the ivord ' May ; ' also by inserting after the AA-ords ' General Committee , ' in same paragraph , the words ' from brethren AVIIO have been nominated in Aprilin like
, manner as for the House Committees . '" In thc event of the proposed amendments of Rules 33 , 34 , and -19 being adopted , " That the House and Audit Committee , elected in April , 1 SG 2 , be continued in office until their successors arc appointed in May , 18 G 3 .
PRUDENT BRETHREN LODGE ( NO . 169 ) . —A meeting of this lodge , Avhich is now rapidly rising in prosperity , was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday , Bro . Graygoose , AV . M ., presiding , supported by his officers and a full muster of the brethren . Messrs . Sharpe and Wilson ivere initiated into the Order—Bro . Young passed , and Bro . Waddell raised—the ceremonies being impressively performed by Bro . Boyd , P . M ., and Bro . Kirby , P . M . After the transaction of some formal business , the brethren adjourned to a handsome banquet , the pleasures of the evening being much enhanced by the exertions of Bros . Slater , 202 , Robinson , 237 , Exall , Hart , Gravgoose , and others .
, DEVONSHIRE . EAST STOREHOUSE . —Lodge Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —Tho usual monthly meeting ivas held on the evening of the 14 th April , under the presidency of the WM . Rev . Geo . Knowling , M . A . "We felt very much surprised to see so numerous a company present , the weather being so exceedingly boisterous . After the minutes had been confirmedthe AA ' . M . presented tho collar of J . D . to
, Bro . Radford , and that of I . G . to Bro . Maddock , OAving to a brother being called aAvay from the neighbourhood . The AV . M . then proceeded to initiate Mr . Turner ; after ivhich , in a style rarely surpassed , he raised Bro . Pool to the sublime degree of a M . M . Considerable interest -was excited during the evening by the consecration of Lodge Meridian at Millbroolc , and the laying of the foundation stone of the Devonport Hospital by
the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe . At both these ceremonies it AA-IIS agreed that Lodge Sincerity should be duly represented . PiTiroiiTU . — -Lodge Charity ( No . 277 ) . —At the meeting on the 15 th inst ., there appeared on the notice paper tivo brothers for the degree of M . M ., and one for that of E . C . Owing to some cause AVO have never had so slack an attendance . The same resolution Avas agreed to with regard to Lodge Meridian and the la vine ; of the foundation stone , as at Lodge Sincerity .
HEREFORDSHIRE . LEOMINSTER—CONSECRATION or THE EOYAU EDAVAI-D LODGE , Members of the Craft in all parts of the ivorld will be delighted to hear of the resuscitation and reconsccratiou , under most auspicious circumstances , of one of the most ancient lodges in the kingdomformerlheld at Leominsterbut which
, y , , yielding to the mutations of time , had been alloAved to lapse into a state of inexistence for nearly half-a-contury . This imposing ceremony , conducted in solemn ami ancient form by the esteemed and learned the Right AVorshipful Grand Master of the Province , Dr . Bowles . D ' . D . LL . D ., and assisted by tho highly popular the Right AVorshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the A ' encrablo Archdeacon Lane Freer , D . D ., and the
rest of the past and present Provincial Grand Officers of Herefordshire and neighbouring provinces , vras performed on Thursday , thej ^ rtiist . in the presence of one oftlie most distinguished gatherings of brethren that has honoured the IICAV masonic era in this province . 3 'In the forenoon a lodge of emergency was held , in accordance Avith the summons of the Right Worshipful Muster , for the purpose of imitating , ; ix i-er . ileineii into tho mysteries oftlie
Craft , in AA-hich he was most ablv assisted by ilro . E . S . Cossens , AV . M ., 1202 , P . M . 1097 , Prov . G . Registrar Perks and Hants ; P . G . Steward , R . A . 25 , & e . ; the Right AVorshipful P . W . G . M . performing his arduous duties in the most approved and perfect manlier . At tAA-o o ' clock the imposing ceremony of consecration commenced and proceeded in strict accordance with the programme ..
The Consecration beincr completed , the D . Prov . G . III . presented the W . Master , the Rev . J . H . Blnck , to the P . G . M . for Installation , and the Right Worshful Provincial Grand Master called upon Brother E . S . Cossens to undertake that honourable * duty , which he did in the most perfect and ample manner , delivering the several charges and proclamation ? , according to ancient form , and evincing a thorough acquaintance with the
genuine tenets and landmarks oftlie order . At four for five the grand banquet ivas served in a style of elegance and excellence Avhich left nothing to be desired . The Rev . , T . Bowles , D . D ., L . L . D ., the R . W . G . M . of the province , presided , liaving the R . AA ' . D . Prov . G . M ., the A enerable Archdeacon Lane Freer upon his right , and the W . M . of tho Royal EdAvard Lodge , the Rev . J . H . Bluck , upon his left . Bro . Captain T . G . PeytonProv . G . J . AV " . of the Royal Eastnor
, Lodge , and Bro . H . Clarkson , the P . Prov . G . Secretary of Palladian , occupied tbe opposite posts of honour . There Avere also present , Bros . W . H . Gretton , the Provincial Grand Chaplain and J . D . 141 ; AV . J . Sawyer , Provincial Grand Chaplain ; J . AVilliams , Prov . G . T . ; J . W . Lacy , P . G . D . C . and AV . M . 141 ; J . Cheese , Prov . G . Organist ; Captain . 1 . H . Arkwriaht , S . AV . 1194 ; L . S . Demay , , T . W . 1194 ; AV . J . MorrishP . P . G . Chaplain ; E . S . CossensAV . M . 1202 P . Af .
, , , 1097 , Prov . G . R . Berks and Hants , R . A . 25 ; J . Gardiner , A . Prov . G . Secretary and J . W . 141 ; E . George , P . G . P . and S . D . 141 ; 0 . Shelierd , I . G . 141 ; C . Allen , P . P . G . C . ; A . Alycr . Ill ; J . T . Baker , 141 ; J . P . Crowe , 111 ; J . Russell , 141 ; C . G . Hill , 141 ; W . Prosser , 141 ; S . Partridge , Secretary ,
1194 ; H . Moore , 1194 ; E- Chadwick , 1194 ; T . Turner , 1194 ; J . Bradford , 1194 ; AV . Gikes , 1194 ; AV . J . AVovmingfcon , 1194 ; AV . S . Bovce , 1194 ; S . Sampson , 1191- ; W . Daffgs , 1194 , ; J . Reynolds , " 1194 ; G . Tomkins , 1194 ; S . Havwavd , " 724 and 722 : G . II . Piper , , T . AV 1053 ; AV . Sokes ; E . P . Weilings ; P . Neivman ; . 1 . Kilvert ; C . Turner ; and J . HayAvard , 72 . Brother C . Allen , the P . Prov . G . C , invoked the divine blessing on the proceedings , and subsequently offered thanks to the
Great Architect of the Universe for the bountiful provision vouchsafed to his creatures . .. The R . AV . GRAND MASTER of the province then rose amidst greatjapplause to paesent the first toast on the list for the evening , and said : —Right AVorshipful Dep . G . M ., Grand AVardens , Officers , and brethren—The social duty AVC have to fulfil is to drink in solemn silence to the health of our beloved and widowed Sovereignand to express our heartfelt compassion for
, her suli'erings under that afllictir . g and affecting dispensation of God ' s providence Avhich has torn her heart ivith bereavement , ancl awakened universal sympathy . ( Hear , hear . ) Brethren , let it be our consolation to knoAv that the fountain of all goodness has a greater good in stove for Queen \ 1 ctovia than mere enjoyment , and that in order that she may obtain His greater ifts He has AvithdraAvn a lesser one . ( Alause . ) His greatest
g pp gifts are moral and spiritual excellence ; and the pious resignation , the meek endurance , thc profound submission ivith ivhich Her Majesty bears the burden of her great sorrow , are o . themselves sufficient vindication of her s-. iti'ci-ings , inasmuch as they prove that those suli'erings are God ' s messengers to ca forth the poiycr of her virtue , to sanctity those feelings , to nourish the purest sympathies of her natureto perfect that
, excellence which is the end of our being , and to prepare her for a nearer access to our Great Father . ( Immense , but siidned applause . ) Thus , all of you ivho observed the tracing board in in our lodge this morning , in which you saiv the symbol of progression , will bear me out in
saying'Tis sorrow builds the shining ladder up , AVliose golden rounds avo our calamities . Whereon our ih-m feet planting , nearer God The spirit climbs , and hath its eyes unsealed . ( Great applause . ) Brethren , I am sure yon will unite with me in the expression of a . heartfelt prayer that that uncreated light , towards which , AVO Masons reverendly wend our way , may penetrate our Sovereign's soul , disperse the ( lark SOITOAV that dims ihe eye of faith , and inspire her with principles and hopes stronger than death . '