Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
( From the "Freemasons Magazine , " August 10 th , 1 SG 2 . ) " We have been requested to call attention to the case of the widow of the late Bro . J . K . Defeher , a Hungarian by birth , but a naturalised British subject , who was initiated , passed , and raised , in the Thistle and Rose Lodge ( So . 73 ) , Glasgow , ou the 2 nd of May , 1856 . Bro . Defeher was a twine and linen
merchant of Vienna , and also resided at Devonshire-terrace , Hyde Park , but , through unforseen circumstances , was suddenly reduced to great distress , and at the same time stricken down by illness . Being clever at his pencil , Bro . Defeher produced the curious drawing called "Blossom audDecay , " printed by Day ancl Son , in chvomo-lithograph , and published by Bro . Defeher to help
to eke out an existence for his family . This picture , when closely-viewed , represents two blooming children looking out of a window , whilst , at a distance , it shows only a death's head , and has been favourably spoken of by the Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , the Duke of Newcastle , and the Duke of Cambridge , in acknowledging the receipt of the copies sent them . Bro . Defeher was suddenltaken much worseancl some three
y , weeks back he entered the German Hospital j : t Dalston , ancl died the following day of disease of the heart , leaving a widow and four young children totally unprovided for , and whose existence has only been maintained , both before and after Bro . Defeher's death , through the kindness of Masons and other neighbours , who knew the circumstances of the case . A great injustice has been done to the widow and familyhy a
, tradesman in the City , who , without any permission or authority , has published a photograph from the chroino , and which is , of course , sold at a reduced price . Brethren disposed to assist the widow and fatherless can do so by donations , or purchasing copies of the chroino lithograph , price 3 * . 6 c ? ., and which may be obtained from Bro . James Stevenson , at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The
residence of Mrs . Defeher is 4 , Singer Terrace , Sydenham ; ancl references may be made to Mr . Kemp , the Tivo Ashes , Sydenham ; Dr . Wilkinson , Sydenham , ' or Dr . Sutro , 37 A , Finsbury Square , E . C .
Masonic Mems.
The Prov . Grand Lodge of Devonshire , will be holden at Dartmouth an ancient seaport on the South coast of that province , on Tuesday , the 12 th clay of August ,-when there will he a procession to the town church , and a sermon on fche behalf of the Fortescue Annuitant Fund ( a charitable memorial offering to the memory of the late G . M . of the province ) by the Rev .
James Powning , Prov . [ G . Chap ., and the new lodge Hauley ( Kb . 1099 ) , will bo consecrated according to ancient form . Hauley Hall , the new lodge premises , are the most unique in the province—fche production of Bro . Lklstons , architect and P . Prov . G . Dir . of Works , Devon . The clay ' s programme includes a trip down the picturesque Dart , the queen of English
rivers . An unusually large gathering is anticipated . The Prov . Grancl Lodge for Warwickshire is to bo held at Kenilwortli , ou Tuesday , the 12 th of August . The brethren will , after transacting the business , attend divine service at the parish church ; the sermon will be preached by the W . Bro , the Eev . Edward H . Kifctoe , W . M . 1096 , Provincial
Grancl Chaplain of Warwickshire , ancl a collection made in aid of the Benevolent Fund . A banquet will be provided by the Stewards of the Stoneleigh Lodge ( So . 1027 ) , in the Assembly Room , King's Arms Hotel , at four o'clock . At the meeting of tho Lodge of Benevolence on Wednesday nine petitioners were relieved with £ 107 .
COSMOPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1219 . )—Success having attended the application of several earnest and zealous brethren , possessed also of influence ancl position , a warrant of constitution under the above title has been granted by the M . W . Grand Master for a lodge to be held at the Great Western Hotel , Paddington , in which locality there appears to be every probability that it will achieve a reputation such as is enjoyed hy but few of the younger , or recently constituted lodges . Accommodation ,
unfortunately , could not be provided at the Hotel on Thurday , 17 th , the day fixed for the opening ceremony , and therefore the brethren met , by dispensation , at the Bayswater Athenceum , Westbourne Grove , where Bro . Jno . Savage , P . G . D ., the officer nominated to consecrate the lodge , was in attendance punctually at the hour appointed , supported hy a good array of brethren ,, the number of whom , however , was sadly curtailed in consequenceof the paramount attractions of that " Marplot" of all festive
gatherings just now , the International Exhibition . The ceremony of Consecration was performed by Bro . Savage iu his usual able and efficent manner , Bro . Capt . Creaton , G . S . D ., acting as S . W . ; Bro . Fredk . Binckes , as J . W . ; Bro . Rev . D . Shaboe , M . A ., as Chaplain . There were also present " , in addition to the members of the new lodge , Bro . R . G . Ledger , P . M ., 109 ; Ware ,. No . 12 ; G . Tedder , 11 ; Borani , 33 . The music was under thedirection of Bro . Tedder , who had secured the services of Bros .
Borani and Edney , while the duties of Dir . of Cers . was most admirably discharged by Bro . H . , T . Thompson , W . M ., No . 227 . On the completion of the ceremony Bro . Savage expressed the pleasure he felt at having been nominated to fulfil the important post assigned to him that day by the G . M ., and the regret he experienced at being compelled so soou to bid them adieu . The exigencies of private friendship , however , left him no alternative ; ancl all that lie could hope was that he might soon have the pleasure of seeing the brethren of 1219 again . —Bro . Savage took his departure ,
having previously requested Bro . Binckes to discharge the remaining portion of the duty which would have devolved upon him . Bro . Hutton , the W . M . designate , was installed as W . M . by Bro . Binckes ; the Wardens nominated being Bro . G . Dromtia ,. Sen ., and E . S . Stillwell , Jun . The other officers invested were Bros . J . D . Porta , Treas . ; L . Stean Sec *; Spack , S . D . ; Frederick Haas , J . D . ; H . J . Thompson , Dir . of Cers . ; Albisper ,. I . G . ; ancl Hoare , Tyler . The furniture , jewels , and regalia
generally are neat , substantial , and in good taste . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , an elegant cold collation taking the xilace of the customary banquet , which the change of venue would not admit of . Viands , wines , and dessert were abundant in quantity , and mos t excellent hi quality , leaving nothing to be desired . The loyal ancl other toasts were given in concise terms , some of the brethren waxing really eloquent in response , ancl Bro . Binckes
forcibly appealing to the newly-constituted lodge to aid him with a brick for a new school-house for the boys of the institution with which ho was connected , on tho erection of which to accommodate 100 children he hacl set his heart , and to the task of obtaining the necessary funds for which he hacl devoted himself . To justify the observation in the commencement oi this brief report , be it lecorded for the honour of the lodge , that the alms-box produced £ 2 14 s . which was supplemented to
, £ 3 3 s ., one guinea being voted to each of the Masonic charities ; ancl half the materials for the "brick" for the new boys' school were furnished in the subscription of twenty-five guineas , which will speedily be made up to fifty guineas , the lodge thereby becoming a vice-president of the institution . The kindness and courtesy of the Worshipful Master , ancl his officers generally , will long dwell in the memory of those present on so delightful and
auspicious an occasion , ar . d with the remembrance of the " good deeds " clone , so fresh and vivid , we would say to each " Cosmopolite , " esto perpeiiia ! whieh being interpreted , shall mean " May thy shadow never be less . "
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . —Lodge of Instruction ( No . 389 . )—This lodge held a meeting on Tuesday evening , loth inst ., when there was a respectable assemblage ofthe brethren , the officers appointedbeiug P . M . F . W . Hayward , Lecture Master ; Bros . Fisher , W . M . ; Ititsor ., S / W . ; Pratchett , J . W . ; Morray , S . D . ; Gregory , J . D . ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
( From the "Freemasons Magazine , " August 10 th , 1 SG 2 . ) " We have been requested to call attention to the case of the widow of the late Bro . J . K . Defeher , a Hungarian by birth , but a naturalised British subject , who was initiated , passed , and raised , in the Thistle and Rose Lodge ( So . 73 ) , Glasgow , ou the 2 nd of May , 1856 . Bro . Defeher was a twine and linen
merchant of Vienna , and also resided at Devonshire-terrace , Hyde Park , but , through unforseen circumstances , was suddenly reduced to great distress , and at the same time stricken down by illness . Being clever at his pencil , Bro . Defeher produced the curious drawing called "Blossom audDecay , " printed by Day ancl Son , in chvomo-lithograph , and published by Bro . Defeher to help
to eke out an existence for his family . This picture , when closely-viewed , represents two blooming children looking out of a window , whilst , at a distance , it shows only a death's head , and has been favourably spoken of by the Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , the Duke of Newcastle , and the Duke of Cambridge , in acknowledging the receipt of the copies sent them . Bro . Defeher was suddenltaken much worseancl some three
y , weeks back he entered the German Hospital j : t Dalston , ancl died the following day of disease of the heart , leaving a widow and four young children totally unprovided for , and whose existence has only been maintained , both before and after Bro . Defeher's death , through the kindness of Masons and other neighbours , who knew the circumstances of the case . A great injustice has been done to the widow and familyhy a
, tradesman in the City , who , without any permission or authority , has published a photograph from the chroino , and which is , of course , sold at a reduced price . Brethren disposed to assist the widow and fatherless can do so by donations , or purchasing copies of the chroino lithograph , price 3 * . 6 c ? ., and which may be obtained from Bro . James Stevenson , at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The
residence of Mrs . Defeher is 4 , Singer Terrace , Sydenham ; ancl references may be made to Mr . Kemp , the Tivo Ashes , Sydenham ; Dr . Wilkinson , Sydenham , ' or Dr . Sutro , 37 A , Finsbury Square , E . C .
Masonic Mems.
The Prov . Grand Lodge of Devonshire , will be holden at Dartmouth an ancient seaport on the South coast of that province , on Tuesday , the 12 th clay of August ,-when there will he a procession to the town church , and a sermon on fche behalf of the Fortescue Annuitant Fund ( a charitable memorial offering to the memory of the late G . M . of the province ) by the Rev .
James Powning , Prov . [ G . Chap ., and the new lodge Hauley ( Kb . 1099 ) , will bo consecrated according to ancient form . Hauley Hall , the new lodge premises , are the most unique in the province—fche production of Bro . Lklstons , architect and P . Prov . G . Dir . of Works , Devon . The clay ' s programme includes a trip down the picturesque Dart , the queen of English
rivers . An unusually large gathering is anticipated . The Prov . Grancl Lodge for Warwickshire is to bo held at Kenilwortli , ou Tuesday , the 12 th of August . The brethren will , after transacting the business , attend divine service at the parish church ; the sermon will be preached by the W . Bro , the Eev . Edward H . Kifctoe , W . M . 1096 , Provincial
Grancl Chaplain of Warwickshire , ancl a collection made in aid of the Benevolent Fund . A banquet will be provided by the Stewards of the Stoneleigh Lodge ( So . 1027 ) , in the Assembly Room , King's Arms Hotel , at four o'clock . At the meeting of tho Lodge of Benevolence on Wednesday nine petitioners were relieved with £ 107 .
COSMOPOLITAN LODGE ( No . 1219 . )—Success having attended the application of several earnest and zealous brethren , possessed also of influence ancl position , a warrant of constitution under the above title has been granted by the M . W . Grand Master for a lodge to be held at the Great Western Hotel , Paddington , in which locality there appears to be every probability that it will achieve a reputation such as is enjoyed hy but few of the younger , or recently constituted lodges . Accommodation ,
unfortunately , could not be provided at the Hotel on Thurday , 17 th , the day fixed for the opening ceremony , and therefore the brethren met , by dispensation , at the Bayswater Athenceum , Westbourne Grove , where Bro . Jno . Savage , P . G . D ., the officer nominated to consecrate the lodge , was in attendance punctually at the hour appointed , supported hy a good array of brethren ,, the number of whom , however , was sadly curtailed in consequenceof the paramount attractions of that " Marplot" of all festive
gatherings just now , the International Exhibition . The ceremony of Consecration was performed by Bro . Savage iu his usual able and efficent manner , Bro . Capt . Creaton , G . S . D ., acting as S . W . ; Bro . Fredk . Binckes , as J . W . ; Bro . Rev . D . Shaboe , M . A ., as Chaplain . There were also present " , in addition to the members of the new lodge , Bro . R . G . Ledger , P . M ., 109 ; Ware ,. No . 12 ; G . Tedder , 11 ; Borani , 33 . The music was under thedirection of Bro . Tedder , who had secured the services of Bros .
Borani and Edney , while the duties of Dir . of Cers . was most admirably discharged by Bro . H . , T . Thompson , W . M ., No . 227 . On the completion of the ceremony Bro . Savage expressed the pleasure he felt at having been nominated to fulfil the important post assigned to him that day by the G . M ., and the regret he experienced at being compelled so soou to bid them adieu . The exigencies of private friendship , however , left him no alternative ; ancl all that lie could hope was that he might soon have the pleasure of seeing the brethren of 1219 again . —Bro . Savage took his departure ,
having previously requested Bro . Binckes to discharge the remaining portion of the duty which would have devolved upon him . Bro . Hutton , the W . M . designate , was installed as W . M . by Bro . Binckes ; the Wardens nominated being Bro . G . Dromtia ,. Sen ., and E . S . Stillwell , Jun . The other officers invested were Bros . J . D . Porta , Treas . ; L . Stean Sec *; Spack , S . D . ; Frederick Haas , J . D . ; H . J . Thompson , Dir . of Cers . ; Albisper ,. I . G . ; ancl Hoare , Tyler . The furniture , jewels , and regalia
generally are neat , substantial , and in good taste . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , an elegant cold collation taking the xilace of the customary banquet , which the change of venue would not admit of . Viands , wines , and dessert were abundant in quantity , and mos t excellent hi quality , leaving nothing to be desired . The loyal ancl other toasts were given in concise terms , some of the brethren waxing really eloquent in response , ancl Bro . Binckes
forcibly appealing to the newly-constituted lodge to aid him with a brick for a new school-house for the boys of the institution with which ho was connected , on tho erection of which to accommodate 100 children he hacl set his heart , and to the task of obtaining the necessary funds for which he hacl devoted himself . To justify the observation in the commencement oi this brief report , be it lecorded for the honour of the lodge , that the alms-box produced £ 2 14 s . which was supplemented to
, £ 3 3 s ., one guinea being voted to each of the Masonic charities ; ancl half the materials for the "brick" for the new boys' school were furnished in the subscription of twenty-five guineas , which will speedily be made up to fifty guineas , the lodge thereby becoming a vice-president of the institution . The kindness and courtesy of the Worshipful Master , ancl his officers generally , will long dwell in the memory of those present on so delightful and
auspicious an occasion , ar . d with the remembrance of the " good deeds " clone , so fresh and vivid , we would say to each " Cosmopolite , " esto perpeiiia ! whieh being interpreted , shall mean " May thy shadow never be less . "
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . —Lodge of Instruction ( No . 389 . )—This lodge held a meeting on Tuesday evening , loth inst ., when there was a respectable assemblage ofthe brethren , the officers appointedbeiug P . M . F . W . Hayward , Lecture Master ; Bros . Fisher , W . M . ; Ititsor ., S / W . ; Pratchett , J . W . ; Morray , S . D . ; Gregory , J . D . ;