Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 6 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1
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P . M ., seconded by Bro . L . Goldstein , P . M . That the lodge subscribe the sum of £ 1 Is . annually to the Bradford Homeopathic Dispensary , proposed by Bro . A . [ Engelmann , P . M ., seconded by Bro . J . Dewhirst , J . W . That the lodge subscribe the sum of £ 1 Is . annually to the Bradford School of Industry , proposed by Bro . J . AA ard , P . M ., seconded by Bro . T . Peel , S . D . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , ancl separated at their usual hour of eleven , after spending the evening in the most agreeable manner .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 310 ) . —This chapter was opened in due form on the 11 th of July , by P . M . E . Z . James Hamer as Z . ; P . M . E . Z . Peter Maddox as II .: ancl Comp . John Pepper , T . ; assisted by P . M . E . Z . Thomas AA ylie , P . M . E . Z . C . I . Banister , P . M . E . H . AVilliam Laidlow ; Comps . W . AVoods , T . MarshS . E . ; II . AVilliamsS . N . ; R . LangleyP . S . ; D . AV .
, , , AVinstanley , H . Gopel , & c . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . J . Whitehead , of Lodge 1125 , and found unanimous . All Comps . retired below the rank of 1 st Principal , ancl Comp . James Hamer was installed into the chair of Z . by P . M . E . Z . T . AVylie . The M . E . Z . then installed Comp . P . Madcloxinto the chair of H ., ancl Comp . J . Pepper to that of J ., each ' . being presented hy Comp . C . J .
Banister . The Companions were then admitted , and also the candidate properly presented and exalted by the M . E . Z . in his usual excellent manner , Comp . R . Langley being a very effective P . S . ; Comp . John Pepper delivered the first lecture , Comp . Hamer the second ancl fourth , Comp . Thomas AA ylie the third ; in fact , the whole ceremony was beautifully and impressively delivered . This Chapter , which has laid dormant for so many years , is now in first-rate working order . Another candidate was
proposed for next meeting ; business of the Chapter over , it was closed in clue form ancl with solemn prayer . At refreshment the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded , and the Companions separated at an early hour .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . STUART ExCAirpirEXT . —The annual meeting for installation of the B . C . elect , and appointment of officers , was held on Monday , July 14 th , in Freemasons Hall , AVatford . There were present the M . E . ancl Supreme Grand Master , Sir Knt . AVilliam Stuart ; the V . E . Sir Knt . George Francis , Prov . G . Com . of Herts ; E . Sir Knt . Burchell Heme , Prov . G . Capt . ; and Sir
Knts . J . A . AVard , Thos . Rogers , Rev . J . Branson , George Lambert , James Burton , H . C . Finch , John Goodyear , J . How aud others . Sir Knt . Capt . C . M . Layton , was inducted into the chair , and appointed the following Sir Knts . his officers : — George Lambert , 1 st Capt . ; H . C . Finch , 2 nd Capt . ; Edward Burrell , Expert ; 11 . Birchill , Capt . of Lines ; Thos . Thomas , Equerry ; Sir Knt . Thomas Rogers was re-elected Treasurer . Afc the conclusion of the business the Prov . G . Com . referred to
an irregularity in the summons of the G . Conclave in May , in which appeared certain degrees that hadbeen formally abandoned by Grand Conclave some years ago . Sir Knight Francis said that when the Duke of Sussex assumed authority over the Templars as Grand Master , the only action he took in the order was to issue warrants . All control and interest was vested in the Grancl Priorancl the degrees of St . John of JerusalemKniht
, , g of Malta , the Mediterranean Pass , Rose Croix , etc ., were given as steps to the degree of Templar , but on the death of His Royal Highness , before the election of his successor , a committee , of which he , Sir Knt . Francis , was one , was appointed , to investigate all matters and prepare statutes for the future government of the Order . In accordance with the recommendations of that committee , tho Grand Conclave solemnly resolved to confine
itself to the degree of Masonic Knights Templar , and promulgated the code of laws that now governed ihe Order . At the same time a body of Masons took' up the other Christian degrees , — viz . Rose Croix , K . H . etc . He therefore considered it ex-
Knights Templar.
ceedingly indiscreet of the Grand Vice Chancellor to place the degrees in question on the summons , and in calling attention of their venerated chief and the other members tothe circumstance , he trusted this irregularity would not be repeated . Observations were offered by othar brethren present , every one concurring in desiring that the present order of affairs should not be disturbed . The brethren banquetfced together in their noble hall , the M . E . Grand Master presiding .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Tourists who care for the scenery and the clear hill ah * of Baden-Baden , or for its gaieties ( as distinct from the so-called delights of its terrible gambling tables ) , may like to know that the neiv theatre just built there is to be opened on the 6 th of August , with an opera commissioned from M . Reyer , of Paris . The admirers of M . Berlioz will be glad to read that his new opera , founded on Shakspeare's Alls Well that Ends Well , is to
follow next in order , later in the month . Mdlle Orvil , pupil to Madame AHarclofc , has been singing at Baden with success . There will be more good music , unless a rainy summer ( and rain -makes the banks of the Oos uncomfortably resemble a reeking sponge ) shall flood all the company out of the town to drier ancl more sunny quarters . Mr . Laurie , late M . P . for Barnstaple , and one ofthe directors
ofthe Royal Academy of Music , intends to offer annually two silver prize medals to the two most proficient students in vocal music—the examination to be taken and the prizes awarded by the body of Professors—to be called " The Laurie Medals . "
Lord Dundreary continues to attract crowds to the Haymarket . AVe read in the Liverpool Albion that Mr . Sothern is a native of thafc town ; that he was originally intended for the ministry , but , acquiring a taste for the drama , he formed a theatrical company , called the Liverpool Sheridan Society , wherein he achieved a success as an amateur , which induced him , after his father ' s death , to try his fortune as an actor in America . There he acquired a hih reputation during
g engage ments at various theatres , including AA ' allaek ' s and Laura Keene's in New York , at the latter of ivhich houses he made his great hit in Lord Dundreary . The misunderstanding between Mr . Boueicault and Mr . AVebster , we regret to find stiil continues . The former supplied the Adelphi with the manuscript and music of " The Colleen Bawn , " when Mr . AA ebster had announced it for performance at the
Adelphi on the same evening with its representation at Drury Lane ; but the latter refuses admission , either to Mr . or Mrs . Boueicault , to the Adelphi Theatre , notwithstanding the continuance of the partnership . The Alce-Chancellor , it is stated , will be again appealed to ; Mr . Boueicault having amended his bill , which is now in Court . It is said that Mr . Telbin , the eminent scene painter , is about to proceed to Egypt , to paint a panorama of the late route of the Prince of Wales , for the enterprising manager of the Haymarket Theatre .
Public Amusements.
POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION . A very interesting soiree was given last week , when there wore some most beautiful illustrations of the powers ancl properties of electricity , by Mr . Pepper and Mr . King , with a very powerful battery , said to have been made for the 1 st Napoleon . Mr . Buckland gave his laughable entertainment of Blue Beard ,
and a very excellent concert contributed to the enjoyment of a very fashionable audience . In the course of the evening , telegraphic messages were sent to Paris , Vienna , Sfc . Petersburg !! , Stockholm , and other places , ancl answers received .- The large hall was for a . considerable period illuminated with the electric light .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
P . M ., seconded by Bro . L . Goldstein , P . M . That the lodge subscribe the sum of £ 1 Is . annually to the Bradford Homeopathic Dispensary , proposed by Bro . A . [ Engelmann , P . M ., seconded by Bro . J . Dewhirst , J . W . That the lodge subscribe the sum of £ 1 Is . annually to the Bradford School of Industry , proposed by Bro . J . AA ard , P . M ., seconded by Bro . T . Peel , S . D . The lodge was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment , ancl separated at their usual hour of eleven , after spending the evening in the most agreeable manner .
Royal Arch.
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —Mariners' Chapter ( No . 310 ) . —This chapter was opened in due form on the 11 th of July , by P . M . E . Z . James Hamer as Z . ; P . M . E . Z . Peter Maddox as II .: ancl Comp . John Pepper , T . ; assisted by P . M . E . Z . Thomas AA ylie , P . M . E . Z . C . I . Banister , P . M . E . H . AVilliam Laidlow ; Comps . W . AVoods , T . MarshS . E . ; II . AVilliamsS . N . ; R . LangleyP . S . ; D . AV .
, , , AVinstanley , H . Gopel , & c . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Bro . J . Whitehead , of Lodge 1125 , and found unanimous . All Comps . retired below the rank of 1 st Principal , ancl Comp . James Hamer was installed into the chair of Z . by P . M . E . Z . T . AVylie . The M . E . Z . then installed Comp . P . Madcloxinto the chair of H ., ancl Comp . J . Pepper to that of J ., each ' . being presented hy Comp . C . J .
Banister . The Companions were then admitted , and also the candidate properly presented and exalted by the M . E . Z . in his usual excellent manner , Comp . R . Langley being a very effective P . S . ; Comp . John Pepper delivered the first lecture , Comp . Hamer the second ancl fourth , Comp . Thomas AA ylie the third ; in fact , the whole ceremony was beautifully and impressively delivered . This Chapter , which has laid dormant for so many years , is now in first-rate working order . Another candidate was
proposed for next meeting ; business of the Chapter over , it was closed in clue form ancl with solemn prayer . At refreshment the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and responded , and the Companions separated at an early hour .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . STUART ExCAirpirEXT . —The annual meeting for installation of the B . C . elect , and appointment of officers , was held on Monday , July 14 th , in Freemasons Hall , AVatford . There were present the M . E . ancl Supreme Grand Master , Sir Knt . AVilliam Stuart ; the V . E . Sir Knt . George Francis , Prov . G . Com . of Herts ; E . Sir Knt . Burchell Heme , Prov . G . Capt . ; and Sir
Knts . J . A . AVard , Thos . Rogers , Rev . J . Branson , George Lambert , James Burton , H . C . Finch , John Goodyear , J . How aud others . Sir Knt . Capt . C . M . Layton , was inducted into the chair , and appointed the following Sir Knts . his officers : — George Lambert , 1 st Capt . ; H . C . Finch , 2 nd Capt . ; Edward Burrell , Expert ; 11 . Birchill , Capt . of Lines ; Thos . Thomas , Equerry ; Sir Knt . Thomas Rogers was re-elected Treasurer . Afc the conclusion of the business the Prov . G . Com . referred to
an irregularity in the summons of the G . Conclave in May , in which appeared certain degrees that hadbeen formally abandoned by Grand Conclave some years ago . Sir Knight Francis said that when the Duke of Sussex assumed authority over the Templars as Grand Master , the only action he took in the order was to issue warrants . All control and interest was vested in the Grancl Priorancl the degrees of St . John of JerusalemKniht
, , g of Malta , the Mediterranean Pass , Rose Croix , etc ., were given as steps to the degree of Templar , but on the death of His Royal Highness , before the election of his successor , a committee , of which he , Sir Knt . Francis , was one , was appointed , to investigate all matters and prepare statutes for the future government of the Order . In accordance with the recommendations of that committee , tho Grand Conclave solemnly resolved to confine
itself to the degree of Masonic Knights Templar , and promulgated the code of laws that now governed ihe Order . At the same time a body of Masons took' up the other Christian degrees , — viz . Rose Croix , K . H . etc . He therefore considered it ex-
Knights Templar.
ceedingly indiscreet of the Grand Vice Chancellor to place the degrees in question on the summons , and in calling attention of their venerated chief and the other members tothe circumstance , he trusted this irregularity would not be repeated . Observations were offered by othar brethren present , every one concurring in desiring that the present order of affairs should not be disturbed . The brethren banquetfced together in their noble hall , the M . E . Grand Master presiding .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Tourists who care for the scenery and the clear hill ah * of Baden-Baden , or for its gaieties ( as distinct from the so-called delights of its terrible gambling tables ) , may like to know that the neiv theatre just built there is to be opened on the 6 th of August , with an opera commissioned from M . Reyer , of Paris . The admirers of M . Berlioz will be glad to read that his new opera , founded on Shakspeare's Alls Well that Ends Well , is to
follow next in order , later in the month . Mdlle Orvil , pupil to Madame AHarclofc , has been singing at Baden with success . There will be more good music , unless a rainy summer ( and rain -makes the banks of the Oos uncomfortably resemble a reeking sponge ) shall flood all the company out of the town to drier ancl more sunny quarters . Mr . Laurie , late M . P . for Barnstaple , and one ofthe directors
ofthe Royal Academy of Music , intends to offer annually two silver prize medals to the two most proficient students in vocal music—the examination to be taken and the prizes awarded by the body of Professors—to be called " The Laurie Medals . "
Lord Dundreary continues to attract crowds to the Haymarket . AVe read in the Liverpool Albion that Mr . Sothern is a native of thafc town ; that he was originally intended for the ministry , but , acquiring a taste for the drama , he formed a theatrical company , called the Liverpool Sheridan Society , wherein he achieved a success as an amateur , which induced him , after his father ' s death , to try his fortune as an actor in America . There he acquired a hih reputation during
g engage ments at various theatres , including AA ' allaek ' s and Laura Keene's in New York , at the latter of ivhich houses he made his great hit in Lord Dundreary . The misunderstanding between Mr . Boueicault and Mr . AVebster , we regret to find stiil continues . The former supplied the Adelphi with the manuscript and music of " The Colleen Bawn , " when Mr . AA ebster had announced it for performance at the
Adelphi on the same evening with its representation at Drury Lane ; but the latter refuses admission , either to Mr . or Mrs . Boueicault , to the Adelphi Theatre , notwithstanding the continuance of the partnership . The Alce-Chancellor , it is stated , will be again appealed to ; Mr . Boueicault having amended his bill , which is now in Court . It is said that Mr . Telbin , the eminent scene painter , is about to proceed to Egypt , to paint a panorama of the late route of the Prince of Wales , for the enterprising manager of the Haymarket Theatre .
Public Amusements.
POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION . A very interesting soiree was given last week , when there wore some most beautiful illustrations of the powers ancl properties of electricity , by Mr . Pepper and Mr . King , with a very powerful battery , said to have been made for the 1 st Napoleon . Mr . Buckland gave his laughable entertainment of Blue Beard ,
and a very excellent concert contributed to the enjoyment of a very fashionable audience . In the course of the evening , telegraphic messages were sent to Paris , Vienna , Sfc . Petersburg !! , Stockholm , and other places , ancl answers received .- The large hall was for a . considerable period illuminated with the electric light .