Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
day . Two men who were cleaning out a deep well , cut into an old coal working , from which a strong volume of " choke damp " issued with deadly efi'eet . The two poor fellows were at once overpowered , and a workman who observed from the mouth of the well what hacl taken place , perished in a vain attempt to rescue them . A boiler exploded on AA ednesday in the lucifei * - match manufactory of Messrs . Letchford & Co ., of Three Colts LaneBethnal Green . Very considerable damage was clone .
, Several persons were bruised by tbe falling of the roofj ancl two were so severely hurt that they hacl to be removed to the London Hospital . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The secret society trial at Paris has been brought to a conclusion . Of the fifty-four persons who were arraigned sixteen were acquitted . On Saturday sentence was passed on tbe remainder ; Vassel , Miet , and three others
were condemned to three years' confinement , three more to two years' imprisonment , ancl the rest to imprisonment for shorter periods . -Rumours of an intended mediation between the American belligerents are again rife in Paris . It is now asserted , according to tbe Indepetulance Beige , that the Emperor of Russia , in an autograph letter to President Lincoln , will strenuously advise the conclusion of a peace ; and it is affirmed thatin the event of a rejection of the Emperor's counsels by
, the Federal Cabinet , a joint mediation will be undertaken by Franee and England . One thing is clear , the Independence Beige does not and cannot know anything of the intentions entertained hy the British Cabinet . AVe learn from A ienna that the Austrian Finance Minister has laid the Budget before the Chamber of Deputies . The total expenditure for the year 1863 is estimated at 362 , 000 , 000 florins , and the income at
304 , 000 , 000 . It is proposed to cover the deficit of 58 , 000 , 000 florins by the receipts from the lottery of I 860 , and an increase in the taxes . The official announcement that an ambassador . of "the King of Italy " has been received at Berlin , shows that a formal and official recognition of the kingdom of Italy has at length been made by the Prussian Cabinet . It is reported by the St . Petersburg !! correspondent of the Independence that the Emperor of Russia , besides recognising the King of Italy , has further consented to give the young Princess Maria Maximilienewa , daughter- of the Grand
Duchess Marie and of tlie late Duke of Leuehtenberg , in marriage to Prince Humbert , the heir-of Alcfcor Emmanuel . —•—Spain , it is reported , is about to follow in tbe wake of other and larger powers , ancl recognise Italy .- The prospects of Poland are brightening . According to a telegram from Cracow the administrative separation of the kingdom from fche Russian empire is decided on . The determination is attributed to the Emperor , and the Grand Duke Constantine has been appointed to carry
out tbe plan . A general amnesty is also shortly expected at Warsaw . A despatch from Berlin announces that Prussia has , upon the part of the Zollverein , rejected the proposal of Austria to become a member of that body , under the conditions for which the Cabinet of Vienna had stipulated . The reason for the ejection is assumed to be , mainly , beeausePrussia is determined to carry through her , commercial engagements with France , against
which Austria—in her proposal—had set her face . The Danes have given a most enthusiastic welcome to the King of Sweden , to whose visit to their Sovereign they seem to attach great importance , They have seized every occasion to testify their sense of the honour he has paid their . Sovereign ancl country , and on Saturday the many rejoicings were brought to a conclusion by a grand banquet given by the corporation in the Exchange at Copenhagen . The two Kings repaired on foot to the banquet
, accompanied by the Princes . In the evening there was a public demonstration before the Castle , and their Majesties appeared hand-in-hand on the 'balcony , and testified their acknowledgments . The King of Sweden was to leave Elsineur for his own dominions on Monday . INDIA AND CHINA . —The Bombay mail brings intelligence of average importance . Among the items of news we learn that
in Affghanistan a battle was imminent between the Ameer's forces and those of Ahmed Jan ; that the good ship PilHngton , 1350 tons , from Liverpool , was totally wrecked on the 17 th of June , near Bombay ; that in the north-west provinces securityhas succeeded to forebodings of evil ; that the general health of the country is good ; that the man who was arrested as the Nana turns out to be a professional beggar ; that the Rao Sahib is to
be tried at Delhi on charges of treason and murder ; and that the Government of Bombay has received a telegram of a battle between Dost Mahomed and the Heratees , the Ameer , it is believed , having lost several chiefs of note . The Bombay Times
The Week.
says that au urgent demand has been made upon the Indian Government for troops to be sent to China . About £ 5000 , of which nearly £ 2000 has been contributed by native merchants , had been collected in Bombay for the relief of the distressed operatives in Lancashire . The Gazette publishes certain dispatches from Brigadier Stanely ancl A'ice Admiral ! Sir James Hope giving the official accounts of the capture of the fortresses from which the Taep ' mgs were driven out in accordance with the
resolution come to by the allies , that the insurgents should not come within 30 miles of Shanghae . At each place great gallantry was shown ; for though the Taepings are " braves " only in the Chinese sense , yet their stockades were strong and the attacking force ivas small . The only melancholy incident in the affair , was the death of the French Admiral Protet , who was shot through the heart as he was leading on his men to the attack of tlie last captured fort . There have
been reports in town of reverses to the English aud French forces at Shanghae , but they want confirmation . AMERICA . —The latest news from America is to the 11 th . There did not appear to have been any fighting on the James river after tbe 4 th . General M'Clellan ' s position was well intrenched ; and the latest despatch affirms that he hacl advanced seven miles up James river , and that a reconnoitring party found the
Confederate pickets one mile from the Federal pickets . It was supposed , we are told , that another battle was close at hand ; but nothing is said of any indications of a fresh Confederate attack on the position now occupied by the Northern army , and General M'Clellan and his troops were not likely to be disposed to undertake offensive operations . The losses sustained by the Federal army during the various battles and the retreat were estimated at 25 , 000 men in killed , wounded , and prisoners .
The Federal General Curtis had been compelled to retire from Arkansas into Missouri . The bombardment of Vicksburg was still continued , and the Federals were , it is said , still actively employed in cutting the canal intended to divert the course of the Mississippi near that town . Recruiting for the Federal army was apparently slack , in spite of the efforts of the state and municipal authorities ; and it was supposed , we are told hythe latest despatches , that , in order to raise the 300 , 000 men
required by President Lincoln , " recourse will be had to drafting , " or , in other words , to compulsory levies of men . In Tennessee a large body of Confederates had entered Murfreesboro , a place some thirty miles from Nashville , and had captured a Federal regiment ; and it was supposed that Nashville itself would be attacked . The Confederates were likewise reported to be "in force" near Frankfort , in Kentucky , and " considerable excitement" was said to prevail in Louisville . According to
Southern reports , the Confederate General Van Dorn had captured Baton Rouge , in Louisiana , and had taken 1500 Federal prisoners—though it may be presumed that , if the reports be true , the Federal gunboats will speedily drive him out again . The Zfera York Ecening Post says that the Republican members of Congress were about to issue a manifesto urging . " a most energetic action in prosecution of the war , and using all means
against the rebellion , and foreign intervention especially . " The same journal declares that President Lincoln ' s scheme of gradual emancipation and expulsion of the slaves would be opposed by a majority of the members of Congress from the . Border States . President Lincoln , during a visit to General M'CIlellan . ' s camp , hacl declared his confidence in the army and its Commander , adding that " he knew the men around him would prove equal to the task before them , and would never give up without going into Richmond . "
To Correspondents.
ARTUS . —AVe are not in a position to do as you desire . S , ( Wolverhampton . )—AVrite again after you have been to yournext meeting . CABLE-TOW . —Refer to the MAGAZINE for the 25 th of January , of the present year . A . —The _ Deputy Grand Secretary of Ireland is Bro . Charles T . AA almisley . Address a letter to him at Freemasons' Hall ,
Dame-street , Dublin , and you will receive an . early and courteous reply . No . AA e never interfere . BRITISH OAK . —You may wear all your jewels , but it is questionable taste . A P . PROV . G . D . — See your Prov . G . Sec . on the subject .. . you are too far distant for us to visit yon .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
day . Two men who were cleaning out a deep well , cut into an old coal working , from which a strong volume of " choke damp " issued with deadly efi'eet . The two poor fellows were at once overpowered , and a workman who observed from the mouth of the well what hacl taken place , perished in a vain attempt to rescue them . A boiler exploded on AA ednesday in the lucifei * - match manufactory of Messrs . Letchford & Co ., of Three Colts LaneBethnal Green . Very considerable damage was clone .
, Several persons were bruised by tbe falling of the roofj ancl two were so severely hurt that they hacl to be removed to the London Hospital . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The secret society trial at Paris has been brought to a conclusion . Of the fifty-four persons who were arraigned sixteen were acquitted . On Saturday sentence was passed on tbe remainder ; Vassel , Miet , and three others
were condemned to three years' confinement , three more to two years' imprisonment , ancl the rest to imprisonment for shorter periods . -Rumours of an intended mediation between the American belligerents are again rife in Paris . It is now asserted , according to tbe Indepetulance Beige , that the Emperor of Russia , in an autograph letter to President Lincoln , will strenuously advise the conclusion of a peace ; and it is affirmed thatin the event of a rejection of the Emperor's counsels by
, the Federal Cabinet , a joint mediation will be undertaken by Franee and England . One thing is clear , the Independence Beige does not and cannot know anything of the intentions entertained hy the British Cabinet . AVe learn from A ienna that the Austrian Finance Minister has laid the Budget before the Chamber of Deputies . The total expenditure for the year 1863 is estimated at 362 , 000 , 000 florins , and the income at
304 , 000 , 000 . It is proposed to cover the deficit of 58 , 000 , 000 florins by the receipts from the lottery of I 860 , and an increase in the taxes . The official announcement that an ambassador . of "the King of Italy " has been received at Berlin , shows that a formal and official recognition of the kingdom of Italy has at length been made by the Prussian Cabinet . It is reported by the St . Petersburg !! correspondent of the Independence that the Emperor of Russia , besides recognising the King of Italy , has further consented to give the young Princess Maria Maximilienewa , daughter- of the Grand
Duchess Marie and of tlie late Duke of Leuehtenberg , in marriage to Prince Humbert , the heir-of Alcfcor Emmanuel . —•—Spain , it is reported , is about to follow in tbe wake of other and larger powers , ancl recognise Italy .- The prospects of Poland are brightening . According to a telegram from Cracow the administrative separation of the kingdom from fche Russian empire is decided on . The determination is attributed to the Emperor , and the Grand Duke Constantine has been appointed to carry
out tbe plan . A general amnesty is also shortly expected at Warsaw . A despatch from Berlin announces that Prussia has , upon the part of the Zollverein , rejected the proposal of Austria to become a member of that body , under the conditions for which the Cabinet of Vienna had stipulated . The reason for the ejection is assumed to be , mainly , beeausePrussia is determined to carry through her , commercial engagements with France , against
which Austria—in her proposal—had set her face . The Danes have given a most enthusiastic welcome to the King of Sweden , to whose visit to their Sovereign they seem to attach great importance , They have seized every occasion to testify their sense of the honour he has paid their . Sovereign ancl country , and on Saturday the many rejoicings were brought to a conclusion by a grand banquet given by the corporation in the Exchange at Copenhagen . The two Kings repaired on foot to the banquet
, accompanied by the Princes . In the evening there was a public demonstration before the Castle , and their Majesties appeared hand-in-hand on the 'balcony , and testified their acknowledgments . The King of Sweden was to leave Elsineur for his own dominions on Monday . INDIA AND CHINA . —The Bombay mail brings intelligence of average importance . Among the items of news we learn that
in Affghanistan a battle was imminent between the Ameer's forces and those of Ahmed Jan ; that the good ship PilHngton , 1350 tons , from Liverpool , was totally wrecked on the 17 th of June , near Bombay ; that in the north-west provinces securityhas succeeded to forebodings of evil ; that the general health of the country is good ; that the man who was arrested as the Nana turns out to be a professional beggar ; that the Rao Sahib is to
be tried at Delhi on charges of treason and murder ; and that the Government of Bombay has received a telegram of a battle between Dost Mahomed and the Heratees , the Ameer , it is believed , having lost several chiefs of note . The Bombay Times
The Week.
says that au urgent demand has been made upon the Indian Government for troops to be sent to China . About £ 5000 , of which nearly £ 2000 has been contributed by native merchants , had been collected in Bombay for the relief of the distressed operatives in Lancashire . The Gazette publishes certain dispatches from Brigadier Stanely ancl A'ice Admiral ! Sir James Hope giving the official accounts of the capture of the fortresses from which the Taep ' mgs were driven out in accordance with the
resolution come to by the allies , that the insurgents should not come within 30 miles of Shanghae . At each place great gallantry was shown ; for though the Taepings are " braves " only in the Chinese sense , yet their stockades were strong and the attacking force ivas small . The only melancholy incident in the affair , was the death of the French Admiral Protet , who was shot through the heart as he was leading on his men to the attack of tlie last captured fort . There have
been reports in town of reverses to the English aud French forces at Shanghae , but they want confirmation . AMERICA . —The latest news from America is to the 11 th . There did not appear to have been any fighting on the James river after tbe 4 th . General M'Clellan ' s position was well intrenched ; and the latest despatch affirms that he hacl advanced seven miles up James river , and that a reconnoitring party found the
Confederate pickets one mile from the Federal pickets . It was supposed , we are told , that another battle was close at hand ; but nothing is said of any indications of a fresh Confederate attack on the position now occupied by the Northern army , and General M'Clellan and his troops were not likely to be disposed to undertake offensive operations . The losses sustained by the Federal army during the various battles and the retreat were estimated at 25 , 000 men in killed , wounded , and prisoners .
The Federal General Curtis had been compelled to retire from Arkansas into Missouri . The bombardment of Vicksburg was still continued , and the Federals were , it is said , still actively employed in cutting the canal intended to divert the course of the Mississippi near that town . Recruiting for the Federal army was apparently slack , in spite of the efforts of the state and municipal authorities ; and it was supposed , we are told hythe latest despatches , that , in order to raise the 300 , 000 men
required by President Lincoln , " recourse will be had to drafting , " or , in other words , to compulsory levies of men . In Tennessee a large body of Confederates had entered Murfreesboro , a place some thirty miles from Nashville , and had captured a Federal regiment ; and it was supposed that Nashville itself would be attacked . The Confederates were likewise reported to be "in force" near Frankfort , in Kentucky , and " considerable excitement" was said to prevail in Louisville . According to
Southern reports , the Confederate General Van Dorn had captured Baton Rouge , in Louisiana , and had taken 1500 Federal prisoners—though it may be presumed that , if the reports be true , the Federal gunboats will speedily drive him out again . The Zfera York Ecening Post says that the Republican members of Congress were about to issue a manifesto urging . " a most energetic action in prosecution of the war , and using all means
against the rebellion , and foreign intervention especially . " The same journal declares that President Lincoln ' s scheme of gradual emancipation and expulsion of the slaves would be opposed by a majority of the members of Congress from the . Border States . President Lincoln , during a visit to General M'CIlellan . ' s camp , hacl declared his confidence in the army and its Commander , adding that " he knew the men around him would prove equal to the task before them , and would never give up without going into Richmond . "
To Correspondents.
ARTUS . —AVe are not in a position to do as you desire . S , ( Wolverhampton . )—AVrite again after you have been to yournext meeting . CABLE-TOW . —Refer to the MAGAZINE for the 25 th of January , of the present year . A . —The _ Deputy Grand Secretary of Ireland is Bro . Charles T . AA almisley . Address a letter to him at Freemasons' Hall ,
Dame-street , Dublin , and you will receive an . early and courteous reply . No . AA e never interfere . BRITISH OAK . —You may wear all your jewels , but it is questionable taste . A P . PROV . G . D . — See your Prov . G . Sec . on the subject .. . you are too far distant for us to visit yon .