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The Supreme Grand Council Of France And Marshal Magnan.
you into one great family which will receive you with { - ¦ lien arms , which will be honoured to see—thanks to your influence—the schism cease . " I have no need to tell you that all ranks of the Supreme Grand Council will be recognised by me -with great satisfaction . " I have the honour to request you to accept the
¦ assurance , very dear and very illustrious brother and very good ancl old military comrade , of my high esteem and fraternal attachment . " ( Signed ) "THE GRAST ) MASTEE , MAESHAI MAGS " AJT . " ( To be continued . )
Kabbalism , Secret Societies , And Masonry.
( Continued from page 47 . ) AVe must now turn our attention to another phase of Kabbalism , which was apparently developed out of the former , or purely Jewish . AVe mean the Gnostic . Into the origin and history of this remarkable sect we do not mean to enter , excepting as showing its
connexion with the former . Of its extensive existence in the apostolical times we have the universal testimony of the early Fathers , as well as for the frequent allusions , condemnatory of the doctrines , in the New Testament *
Simon Magus is the reputed founder of Gnosticism , About this many erroneous opinions have been held , and many erroneous statements made , most , if not all . arising from writers who , unacquainted with Kabbalism , and not seeing that Gnosticism was only a different p hase of an existing system , imagined that
it was a new heresy , whose founder was Simon Magus . That Gnosticism borrowed much from the teachings of the Apostles there can be no doubt , but it is equally clear that these were only importations , supplementing a previously organized system . AVe shall give a conjectural account of the conversion of Simon Magus
, which , if true , will fully account for the Christ-ain element in Gnosticism . Simon was , we are told in the Acts of the Apostles , a "magician" (/ c-ryeiW ) , calling himself " some great one" ( ¦ " » imnhv ) i . i-ytu > } and that the people esteemed him as "the ( or «) great Power of God ; " for "of a
long time he had bewitched ( astonished , e £ 5 orai « Vai ) them with his sorceries ^ ayelais ' ) . " This man , witnessing tlie miracles done by Philip , especially that of exercising a power of controlling demons , believed , and desired and received baptism . Afterwards , when SS . Peter and John came clown from Jerusalemand
, displayed further acts of power , viz . giving the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands , which was followed by visible proofs that this supernatural influence was actuall y imparted , Simon offered money that this power mi ght be bestowed on him . From this narrative we learn that Simon was a magiciani . e . that
, , he actuall y did , or pretended to , control demons . AVhat these demons were we have stated above . The power of controlling these demons was the art of magic , and magic is a branch of the Kabbala . Simon Magus , then , was a Kabbalist . As such he had been
initiated into the " mystery , " of Kabbalism ; as such he gave himself out to be " some great one , " and was acknowledged by the Samaritans to be " a great Power of God , " or as it is in some MSS . and in the Vulgate , "a Power of God , whieh is called Great " ( SiW / xu Bead 5 ) Ka \ ovf . Uv-rj p-eyate ) , YirtllS Dei qU 03 VOCatur
Magna ) . * This "Power" answers exactly . to the Sepinroth , since the Kabbalists held that God created all things by them . The first of these , as we have mentioned above , is " the Spirit of the living God , " ... the Sp irit , the A oice , the AVord—this is the Holy "Sp irit . " The second is , "the Breath which comes from
the Sp irit . " Another Sephirah is power , Siva , ais , the very word used by S . Luke . f S . Jerome tells us ( in Matt , xxiv . ) that Simon thus describes himself , ' Ego sum Sermo dei , ego speciosus , ego Paracletus . ' He thus seems to have set himself up as a visible manifestation of one of the Sephiroth , perhaps as a sort of
incarnation of it ; ancl that the sorceries he worked were clone by the energising power of those creative attributes of God . J Seeing the miracles of S . Phili p ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Supreme Grand Council Of France And Marshal Magnan.
you into one great family which will receive you with { - ¦ lien arms , which will be honoured to see—thanks to your influence—the schism cease . " I have no need to tell you that all ranks of the Supreme Grand Council will be recognised by me -with great satisfaction . " I have the honour to request you to accept the
¦ assurance , very dear and very illustrious brother and very good ancl old military comrade , of my high esteem and fraternal attachment . " ( Signed ) "THE GRAST ) MASTEE , MAESHAI MAGS " AJT . " ( To be continued . )
Kabbalism , Secret Societies , And Masonry.
( Continued from page 47 . ) AVe must now turn our attention to another phase of Kabbalism , which was apparently developed out of the former , or purely Jewish . AVe mean the Gnostic . Into the origin and history of this remarkable sect we do not mean to enter , excepting as showing its
connexion with the former . Of its extensive existence in the apostolical times we have the universal testimony of the early Fathers , as well as for the frequent allusions , condemnatory of the doctrines , in the New Testament *
Simon Magus is the reputed founder of Gnosticism , About this many erroneous opinions have been held , and many erroneous statements made , most , if not all . arising from writers who , unacquainted with Kabbalism , and not seeing that Gnosticism was only a different p hase of an existing system , imagined that
it was a new heresy , whose founder was Simon Magus . That Gnosticism borrowed much from the teachings of the Apostles there can be no doubt , but it is equally clear that these were only importations , supplementing a previously organized system . AVe shall give a conjectural account of the conversion of Simon Magus
, which , if true , will fully account for the Christ-ain element in Gnosticism . Simon was , we are told in the Acts of the Apostles , a "magician" (/ c-ryeiW ) , calling himself " some great one" ( ¦ " » imnhv ) i . i-ytu > } and that the people esteemed him as "the ( or «) great Power of God ; " for "of a
long time he had bewitched ( astonished , e £ 5 orai « Vai ) them with his sorceries ^ ayelais ' ) . " This man , witnessing tlie miracles done by Philip , especially that of exercising a power of controlling demons , believed , and desired and received baptism . Afterwards , when SS . Peter and John came clown from Jerusalemand
, displayed further acts of power , viz . giving the Holy Spirit by laying on of hands , which was followed by visible proofs that this supernatural influence was actuall y imparted , Simon offered money that this power mi ght be bestowed on him . From this narrative we learn that Simon was a magiciani . e . that
, , he actuall y did , or pretended to , control demons . AVhat these demons were we have stated above . The power of controlling these demons was the art of magic , and magic is a branch of the Kabbala . Simon Magus , then , was a Kabbalist . As such he had been
initiated into the " mystery , " of Kabbalism ; as such he gave himself out to be " some great one , " and was acknowledged by the Samaritans to be " a great Power of God , " or as it is in some MSS . and in the Vulgate , "a Power of God , whieh is called Great " ( SiW / xu Bead 5 ) Ka \ ovf . Uv-rj p-eyate ) , YirtllS Dei qU 03 VOCatur
Magna ) . * This "Power" answers exactly . to the Sepinroth , since the Kabbalists held that God created all things by them . The first of these , as we have mentioned above , is " the Spirit of the living God , " ... the Sp irit , the A oice , the AVord—this is the Holy "Sp irit . " The second is , "the Breath which comes from
the Sp irit . " Another Sephirah is power , Siva , ais , the very word used by S . Luke . f S . Jerome tells us ( in Matt , xxiv . ) that Simon thus describes himself , ' Ego sum Sermo dei , ego speciosus , ego Paracletus . ' He thus seems to have set himself up as a visible manifestation of one of the Sephiroth , perhaps as a sort of
incarnation of it ; ancl that the sorceries he worked were clone by the energising power of those creative attributes of God . J Seeing the miracles of S . Phili p ,