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Kabbalism , Secret Societies , And Masonry.
resurrection of Christ . S . Irenams tells us that they held that , unknowingly to the Jews , Simon of Gyrene was crucified instead of Christ , who then went to heaven . Believing , as they did , that matter was evil , they looked only for the redemption of the soul ; accordingly they held that Christ did not take flesh , but only assumed an apparent body . Two opposite
schools arose from this denial of the resurrection , one which mortified the body as something hopelessly corrupt ; the other , which allowed every carnal excess , on the plea that when the body died , it perished , and set the soul free , being only a temporary prison-house , with which all connection ceased at death , ( To be continued . )
Masonic Notes And Queries.
CLOSING UP OP THE LIST OF LODGES IN THE TEARS 1740 AUD 1756 . The Warrant of the Eoyal Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) having , "by some accident , been lost or destroyed , " a Warrant of Confirmation was granted by the M . W . G . M ., the Duke of Sussex , in 1820 , from a copy of which , forming part , of a collection , that I have been permitted to present to Lineoln ' s-inn Librarythe ensuing
, recital is taken . It is the only account of the closing up of the list of lodges that I remember to have met with , in the course of my , not inconsiderable , Masonic lucubrations , mostly at Denton Court , and in the years that I was Prov . G . M . Kent , 1853-1860 : — " Whereas , it appears by the records of the Grand Lodge , that a Warrant , hearing date 2 Stli Mavch , 1723 , was issued
under the seal of Masonry , enabling certain brethren , therein named , to open and hold a lodge of Freemasons , at the Crown , Cripplegate , London , to be called or known by the No . 13 ; and , whereas , hy the general closing up of the list of lodges in the year 1740 , the said lodge became No . 12 ; and in the year 1748 the said lodge was removed to Chatham , in the County of Kent , and , by the closing up of the list of lodges , in the year 1756 , it hecanie No . 10 ; and which lodge , in consequence of the union
of the two fraternities of Freemasons , on the 27 th day of December , 1813 , became , ancl is now registered in the books of the United Grand Lodge , No . 20 , & c . " " —CHAELES PUETON COOPEE , Ohcdeau Frampas .
soa . E . MOMS s PATENT FOR AIIEEICA . At this time , when the proceedings of the Supreme Council of Prance are in danger of being suspended by the State , it may be desirable to show by what powers the Ancient and Accepted Eite was established in America . Bro . Morin ' s patent is as follows : — TO THE GLOBY 03 ? THE GllAXD AECHITEOT OE TIIE TTXIVERSE .
At the Grand East of -France , and under the good will of his Serene Highness and Most Illustrious Brother Louis de Eou-rbon , Count of Clermont , Erince of the Blood , Grand Master and Protector of all Regular Lodges : at tlie East of an , Enlightened Place where reigns Peace , Silence , and Concord ; A . L . 5765 .
LUX EX TEXEBEIS . TJnitas , Concordia , Eratrum . AVe , the undersigned , Substitutes General of the Eoyal Art , Grancl Wardens , ancl officers of the Grand ancl Sovereign Lodge of St . John of Jerusalem , established at the east of Paris ; ancl we , Puissant Grand Master of the Grancl Councils of the regular lodges under the protection of the Grand ancl Sovereign Lodge , by the sacred and mysterious
Numbers—Declare , certify , ancl order , to all the brethren , Knights , and Princes , over the surface of the two hemispheres , that having assembled by order of the Substitute General , President of the Grand Council , a request was communicated to us by the respectable brother La Come , substitute of our Illustrious Grand Master , Knight , ancl Prince Mason , was read at the sitting—That the Mason Knight Bro . Etienne Morin , Grand and Perfect Sublime Master , Prince Mason , Knisht and Sublime Prince of
Masonic Notes And Queries.
all the Orders of Perfect Masonry , Member of the Koyal Lodge La Trinite . & c , being on his departure for America , aud wishing to be able to work regularly for the advantage and increase of the Royal Art , in all its perfection , that it may please the Sovereign Grand Council , ancl Grand Lodge , to grant him Letters Patent for Constitutions . On the report being made to us , and knowing the eminent qualities of the Bro . Knight , Etienne Morinwe havewithout hesitationgranted him that
satisfac-, , , tion for services , which he has rendered to the order , ancl of which his zeal warrants the continuation . To that end , and for other good reasons , in approving and satisfying our clear Brother Etienne Morin in his views , and willing to give testimonials of our gratitude , wo have constituted him , by unanimous consent , ancl by these presents constitute , institute , and give full and entire poiver to the said
Bro . Etienne Morin , whose signature is in the margin of these presents , to form ancl establish a lodge , to receive ancl multiply the Eoyal Order of Freemasons , in all the perfect and sublime degrees , to take eare that the statutes and regulations , general ancl particular , of the Sovereign Grand Lodge be kept and observed , and never to admit in it but true and legitimate brethren of sublime Masonry . To regulate and govern all the nieuiters which shall compose the said lod which he may
ge , establish in any of the four quarters of the world at which he shall arrive or reside , under the title of the Sovereign Lodge , of Perfect Harmony ; and to choose such officers to govern ; the said lodge as he may think proper , to which officers we order and enjoin to obey and respect him . We order and command , to all Masters of regular lodges , of whatever dignities they may be , diffused over the surface of the two' hemispheres , aud of the seas—we pray and enjoin them , in the name of the Eoyal
Order , and in the presence of our Most Illustrious Grand Master , to acknowledge him as such , and as ive acknowledge our Illustrious Bro . Etienne -Morin , as the respectable Master of the Lodge of Perfect Harmony ; and we depute him , in quality of our Grancl Inspector in all parts of the new world , to reinforce the observance of our laws in general , & c . ; and by these presents constitute our dear Bro . Etienne Morin , our Grand Master Inspector , authorise and give him power to establish , in every part of the world , the perfect anct sublime
Masonry , & c . We pray , therefore , the brethren in general to give the said Bro . Etienne Morin all the assistance ancl succour that may be in their power , promising to do as much towards all the brethren who shall be members of the lodge , and those whom he may or shall have admitted and constituted hereafter to the sublime degrees of high perfection . That we give him full and entire power to multiply and to create Inspectors in every place where those sublime degrees are not established ,
knowing perfectly his great knowledge . In testimony whereof , we have delivered to him these presents , signed by the Substitute General of the Order , Grand Commander of the White and Black Eagle , Sovereign Sublime Prince of the Eoyal Secret , ancl Chief of the Eminent Degree of the Eoyal Art ; ancl by us , Grancl Inspectors , Sublime Officers of the Grand Council , and of the Grand Lodge , established in
this capital ; and have sealed them with the Grand Seal of our Illustrious Grand Master his serene Highness , and with that of our Grand Lodge and Sovereign Grand Council , at the Grand East of Paris . The year of light 5765—or of the vulgar era , the 27 th of August , 1765 . Chalon de . Tonville , Substitute General of the Order , Venerable Master of the First Lodge in France , called St . Anthony ' s ,
Chief of the Grand and Eminent Commanders , and Sublime Prince of the Eoyal Secret , & c . Sovereign Prince de Rohan , Master ofthe Grand Intelligence Lodge , Sovereign Prince of Masonry , etc . La Corne , Substitute of the Grancl Master , Right Worshipful Master of Trinity Lodge , Grancl Elect , Perfect , Knight aud Prince of Masons , & c . Maximillian de St . SimonSenior WardenGrand Elect
Per-, , fect , Knight ancl Prince of Masons , & c . Savalette de Buchelay , Grand Keeper of the Seals , Grand Elect Perfect Knight ancl Prince of Masons , etc . Topin , Grand Ambassador from hia Serene Highness , Grand Elect Perfect Master , Knight and Prince of Masons , & c . Count de Choiseuil , Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge , The Children of Glory , Grand Elect Perfect Master , Knight and
Prince of Masons , & c . Boucher de Lenoncour , Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Virtue , Grand Elect Perfect Master , Knig ht aud Prince of Masons , & c .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Kabbalism , Secret Societies , And Masonry.
resurrection of Christ . S . Irenams tells us that they held that , unknowingly to the Jews , Simon of Gyrene was crucified instead of Christ , who then went to heaven . Believing , as they did , that matter was evil , they looked only for the redemption of the soul ; accordingly they held that Christ did not take flesh , but only assumed an apparent body . Two opposite
schools arose from this denial of the resurrection , one which mortified the body as something hopelessly corrupt ; the other , which allowed every carnal excess , on the plea that when the body died , it perished , and set the soul free , being only a temporary prison-house , with which all connection ceased at death , ( To be continued . )
Masonic Notes And Queries.
CLOSING UP OP THE LIST OF LODGES IN THE TEARS 1740 AUD 1756 . The Warrant of the Eoyal Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) having , "by some accident , been lost or destroyed , " a Warrant of Confirmation was granted by the M . W . G . M ., the Duke of Sussex , in 1820 , from a copy of which , forming part , of a collection , that I have been permitted to present to Lineoln ' s-inn Librarythe ensuing
, recital is taken . It is the only account of the closing up of the list of lodges that I remember to have met with , in the course of my , not inconsiderable , Masonic lucubrations , mostly at Denton Court , and in the years that I was Prov . G . M . Kent , 1853-1860 : — " Whereas , it appears by the records of the Grand Lodge , that a Warrant , hearing date 2 Stli Mavch , 1723 , was issued
under the seal of Masonry , enabling certain brethren , therein named , to open and hold a lodge of Freemasons , at the Crown , Cripplegate , London , to be called or known by the No . 13 ; and , whereas , hy the general closing up of the list of lodges in the year 1740 , the said lodge became No . 12 ; and in the year 1748 the said lodge was removed to Chatham , in the County of Kent , and , by the closing up of the list of lodges , in the year 1756 , it hecanie No . 10 ; and which lodge , in consequence of the union
of the two fraternities of Freemasons , on the 27 th day of December , 1813 , became , ancl is now registered in the books of the United Grand Lodge , No . 20 , & c . " " —CHAELES PUETON COOPEE , Ohcdeau Frampas .
soa . E . MOMS s PATENT FOR AIIEEICA . At this time , when the proceedings of the Supreme Council of Prance are in danger of being suspended by the State , it may be desirable to show by what powers the Ancient and Accepted Eite was established in America . Bro . Morin ' s patent is as follows : — TO THE GLOBY 03 ? THE GllAXD AECHITEOT OE TIIE TTXIVERSE .
At the Grand East of -France , and under the good will of his Serene Highness and Most Illustrious Brother Louis de Eou-rbon , Count of Clermont , Erince of the Blood , Grand Master and Protector of all Regular Lodges : at tlie East of an , Enlightened Place where reigns Peace , Silence , and Concord ; A . L . 5765 .
LUX EX TEXEBEIS . TJnitas , Concordia , Eratrum . AVe , the undersigned , Substitutes General of the Eoyal Art , Grancl Wardens , ancl officers of the Grand ancl Sovereign Lodge of St . John of Jerusalem , established at the east of Paris ; ancl we , Puissant Grand Master of the Grancl Councils of the regular lodges under the protection of the Grand ancl Sovereign Lodge , by the sacred and mysterious
Numbers—Declare , certify , ancl order , to all the brethren , Knights , and Princes , over the surface of the two hemispheres , that having assembled by order of the Substitute General , President of the Grand Council , a request was communicated to us by the respectable brother La Come , substitute of our Illustrious Grand Master , Knight , ancl Prince Mason , was read at the sitting—That the Mason Knight Bro . Etienne Morin , Grand and Perfect Sublime Master , Prince Mason , Knisht and Sublime Prince of
Masonic Notes And Queries.
all the Orders of Perfect Masonry , Member of the Koyal Lodge La Trinite . & c , being on his departure for America , aud wishing to be able to work regularly for the advantage and increase of the Royal Art , in all its perfection , that it may please the Sovereign Grand Council , ancl Grand Lodge , to grant him Letters Patent for Constitutions . On the report being made to us , and knowing the eminent qualities of the Bro . Knight , Etienne Morinwe havewithout hesitationgranted him that
satisfac-, , , tion for services , which he has rendered to the order , ancl of which his zeal warrants the continuation . To that end , and for other good reasons , in approving and satisfying our clear Brother Etienne Morin in his views , and willing to give testimonials of our gratitude , wo have constituted him , by unanimous consent , ancl by these presents constitute , institute , and give full and entire poiver to the said
Bro . Etienne Morin , whose signature is in the margin of these presents , to form ancl establish a lodge , to receive ancl multiply the Eoyal Order of Freemasons , in all the perfect and sublime degrees , to take eare that the statutes and regulations , general ancl particular , of the Sovereign Grand Lodge be kept and observed , and never to admit in it but true and legitimate brethren of sublime Masonry . To regulate and govern all the nieuiters which shall compose the said lod which he may
ge , establish in any of the four quarters of the world at which he shall arrive or reside , under the title of the Sovereign Lodge , of Perfect Harmony ; and to choose such officers to govern ; the said lodge as he may think proper , to which officers we order and enjoin to obey and respect him . We order and command , to all Masters of regular lodges , of whatever dignities they may be , diffused over the surface of the two' hemispheres , aud of the seas—we pray and enjoin them , in the name of the Eoyal
Order , and in the presence of our Most Illustrious Grand Master , to acknowledge him as such , and as ive acknowledge our Illustrious Bro . Etienne -Morin , as the respectable Master of the Lodge of Perfect Harmony ; and we depute him , in quality of our Grancl Inspector in all parts of the new world , to reinforce the observance of our laws in general , & c . ; and by these presents constitute our dear Bro . Etienne Morin , our Grand Master Inspector , authorise and give him power to establish , in every part of the world , the perfect anct sublime
Masonry , & c . We pray , therefore , the brethren in general to give the said Bro . Etienne Morin all the assistance ancl succour that may be in their power , promising to do as much towards all the brethren who shall be members of the lodge , and those whom he may or shall have admitted and constituted hereafter to the sublime degrees of high perfection . That we give him full and entire power to multiply and to create Inspectors in every place where those sublime degrees are not established ,
knowing perfectly his great knowledge . In testimony whereof , we have delivered to him these presents , signed by the Substitute General of the Order , Grand Commander of the White and Black Eagle , Sovereign Sublime Prince of the Eoyal Secret , ancl Chief of the Eminent Degree of the Eoyal Art ; ancl by us , Grancl Inspectors , Sublime Officers of the Grand Council , and of the Grand Lodge , established in
this capital ; and have sealed them with the Grand Seal of our Illustrious Grand Master his serene Highness , and with that of our Grand Lodge and Sovereign Grand Council , at the Grand East of Paris . The year of light 5765—or of the vulgar era , the 27 th of August , 1765 . Chalon de . Tonville , Substitute General of the Order , Venerable Master of the First Lodge in France , called St . Anthony ' s ,
Chief of the Grand and Eminent Commanders , and Sublime Prince of the Eoyal Secret , & c . Sovereign Prince de Rohan , Master ofthe Grand Intelligence Lodge , Sovereign Prince of Masonry , etc . La Corne , Substitute of the Grancl Master , Right Worshipful Master of Trinity Lodge , Grancl Elect , Perfect , Knight aud Prince of Masons , & c . Maximillian de St . SimonSenior WardenGrand Elect
Per-, , fect , Knight ancl Prince of Masons , & c . Savalette de Buchelay , Grand Keeper of the Seals , Grand Elect Perfect Knight ancl Prince of Masons , etc . Topin , Grand Ambassador from hia Serene Highness , Grand Elect Perfect Master , Knight and Prince of Masons , & c . Count de Choiseuil , Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge , The Children of Glory , Grand Elect Perfect Master , Knight and
Prince of Masons , & c . Boucher de Lenoncour , Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge of Virtue , Grand Elect Perfect Master , Knig ht aud Prince of Masons , & c .