Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 6 of 6 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
deserving of their thanks , hut if they successfully carried that matter to an issue , and delivered to the brethren a temple worthy of their Order , and they should then think them Avorthy of their thanks , they would then feely deeply grateful . ( Cheers . ) The G . MASTEE said , —I now propose success to "The Masonic Charities . " In proposing that toast , I may say that it is one which must the sympathgood feelingsand hearty
engage y , , wishes , for success of every good Mason . I am happy to know that for some years your Masonic Charities have increased in prosperity . There was a large sum subscribed for new schools for the boys ; the Girls' Scheol was enlarged to accommodate move girls , and the funds for the Aged and Decayed Freemasons are also rapidly increasing , so as to carry out more fully the objects than was anticipated . AVhen we look at the large sums
collected for the advancement of our three great Charities , we ought to be proud of the Order to which we all belong . I beg to remind you of the festival for the Girls' School on the 11 th of May , ancl I trust it will be well supported . Bro . TOMKIH"S , Grand Treasurer , responded to the toast . The toast of the Grand Stewards for the year was acknowledged by Bro . Leigh .
The G . MASTER gave "The Ladies who have honoured us with their presence , " 'which Avas drank Avith loud cheering , and this toast terminated the proceedings . The vocalists were Madame Parepa , Miss Jane "Wells , Miss Eyles , Bros . Montetn Smith , AValker , Stimpson , Theodore Distin , and AVinn , the music being under the direction of Bro . Jas . Stimpson . Mr . J . Ward performed on the cornet . Bro . Spencer was a most efficient toast-master , and the whole arrangements gave entire satisfaction .
EASTEEN STAE LODGE ! ( No . 95 . )—The last meeting of tlie season was held on Tuesday , April 19 th , at tho Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; present , the AV . M ., Bro . F . L . Goode ; Bro . J . How , P . M ., as S . W . ; Bro . Wilkinson , J . W . ; Bros . E . AV . Davis , P . M . ancl Treas ., AV . AV . Daws , H . Gray , J- Marriott , P . Edinge , P . M . 's , and several other brethren . Bro . AA oodhridge was raised to the third degree ; Bros . Ayves and Norway were passed to the second degree ; Mr . Thomas Graves and Mr .
Gerard Hessing were initiated . The business of the loclge having been disposed of , the AV . M . rose and said he had the pleasing duty of presenting to Bro . E . W . Davis the testimonial subscribed for by the members of the Eastern Star Lodge as a memorial of gratitude for the great services he had rendered to the lodge . The present , an elegant silver salver , bearing a suitable inscription , was then handed to Bro . Davis , who , in acknowledgmentsaidalthough he had received on a former
, , occasion the customary jewel presented to the Past Masters , the testimonial of that evening coming from the individual members of the lodge , would ever be preserved by his family . All business being ended , the loclge was closed till October , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The following brethren visitors were present : —Bros . D . Law , P . G . S . and P . M . No . 58 ;
C . S . Osborn , P . M . No . 22 ; T . Beard , P . M . No . 172 ; J . Emmens , P . M . ; Alfred How , F . Hooper , AV . G . Drew , A . E . Harris , J . G . Denyer , & c . PRUDENT BEEEHEEN LODGE ( NO . 145 ) . —The last meeting of the season of this flourishing lodge , Avas held on Tuesday , Bro . Carter , W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . Boyd , Graygoose ^ Exall , Hart , Blackburn , and H . G . Warren , P . M . ' s , and a large number of brethren , including several visitors . Two
gentlemen Avere initiated into the Order , the AV . M . performing the ceremony in a most admirable manner . Two brethren were also raised to the third degree . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , and passed a most agreeable evening , enlivened by the vocal exertions of Bros . Exall , Graygoose , Taylor , ancl others . JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . —This lodge held its last meeting for tbe season at the Freemasons' Tavern on the 15 th instant .
There was a numerous attendance of the members , and the lodge Avas favoured with the company of the following visitors : — Bros . Lerien , No . 4 , Scotland ; Burton , P . M . ; Albert and Nell , of No . 9 ; Blake , 191 ; Owen , 875 ; aud Colclough and Penson , of 1059 ( Bombay ) . The ceremonies , Avhich consisted of passing and raising , Avere performed with the usual accuracy ; the raisings by Bro . Goldsbro ' , P . M . Among the toasts given at
the banquet , that of the Visitors occupied a conspicuous place . In proposing this toast , the AV . M ., Bro . AVm . Hammond , expressed the great gratification lie felt at having among them Bros . Colclough ancl Penson , Avho had only arrived a clay or two before from India , ancl who could give them some information respecting their old and highly esteemed friend and brother the Rev . J . J . Farnham ; he trusted that those brethren on their return to Bombay would assure Bro . Farnham that the Jordan
Lodge continued to feel a lively interest in his welfare , and earnestly desired that the blessings of the G . A . O . T . U . would accompany him in his important undertakings . Their loclge , ever ready and glad to receive the visits of brethren from other lodges , extended more than au ordinary welcome to Bros . Penson ancl Colclough , heartily congratulated them on their safe voyage to England , and thanked them for paying the Jordan
Loclge so early a visit . It Avas also somewhat singular that the loclge should be favoured that evening with the company of Bro . Nell , Avho , after a residence of some years in this country for the purpose of studying the noble art of healing , was now on the eve of returning '_ to Bengal , to consecrate his great talents and extensive attainments to the benefit of his fellowcountrymen . In the name of the loclge he bade Bro . Nell God
Speed . The AV . M . having spoken of the other visitors in appropriate terms , called upon the members of the Jordan Loclge to do honour to the toast . —Bro . Colclough returned thanks on behalf of Bro . Penson and himself . He was very grateful for the kind aud hospitable reception he had met with from the Jordan Lodge , and glad of the opportunity of witnessing the beautiful working of that evening . Ho Avas not much
surprised , after Avhat he had just seen , that Bro . Farnham should he so strongly attached to his mother loclge , and on the other hand he considered that the Jordan Lodge had just reason to be proud of having amongst its members such a talented and genuine Mason . He had met Bro . Farnham on his landing in Bombay five years ago , and had ever since been on the most intimate terms with him , and regarded him as one of the ablest and most enthusiastic Masons in the colony . On their return
to Bombay , in the fall of the year , they should make such a report of what they had seen and heard that evening , as would be highly gratifying to Bro . Farnham and to the Concord Lodge . —Bro . Nell , and the other visitors , also returned thanks . Later in the evening , in speaking to a toast , Bro . Robinson , P . M ., said he could not allow the opportunity to pass without expressing the great pleasure he felt at seeing among them two brethren who had so recently left their esteemed friend Bro .
Farnham in Bombay . He felt a special interest in Bro . Farnham . He was W . M . when their esteemed brother took his departure for India , and had therefore summoned a lodge of emergency to bid him God speed . He had very quickly perceived that Bro . Farnham possessed in an eminent degree the essential qualifications of a good Mason , and had watched his career in India with much interest , ancl with groat gratification to himself . He thanked the AV . M . for the opportunity of
testifying his high esteem for Bro . Farnham , to whom he , in common with the whole lodge , heartily wished success in all his undertakings , and a safe return to his native country . The proceedings were enlivened by some excellent singing , the most interesting being a Singalese song by Bro . Nell , with a running commentarv and translation .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWS , DETONPOET . —Lodge St . Aubgn ( No . 954 ) . — An emergent meeting of this lodge Avas held on the evening of Monday last , to ballot for an officer of the navy , noAv serving on board of a ship in port likely to go away . The ballot proving unanimous he Avas duly entered into Freemasonry . The ceremonial Avas performed in that efficient Avay peculiar to the AA . M ., assisted by his Wardens . The brethren adjourned , when a very
interesting conversation took place , and several excellent speeches Avere made . Bro . Rae , a member of the lodge , and S . W . of Loclge Sincerity , saying that the successor of the AV . M . would have a difficult task , folloAving as he Avould upon the footsteps of one of the most accomplished Masters in the Province . Bro . Kent , S . AV ., in proposing the health of the AV . M . followed up the remarks of Bro . Rae . In replying to the toast Bro . Chappiesaid he Avas very pleased to hear such kindly expressions from the brethren , especially as he would so soon vacate that chair ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
deserving of their thanks , hut if they successfully carried that matter to an issue , and delivered to the brethren a temple worthy of their Order , and they should then think them Avorthy of their thanks , they would then feely deeply grateful . ( Cheers . ) The G . MASTEE said , —I now propose success to "The Masonic Charities . " In proposing that toast , I may say that it is one which must the sympathgood feelingsand hearty
engage y , , wishes , for success of every good Mason . I am happy to know that for some years your Masonic Charities have increased in prosperity . There was a large sum subscribed for new schools for the boys ; the Girls' Scheol was enlarged to accommodate move girls , and the funds for the Aged and Decayed Freemasons are also rapidly increasing , so as to carry out more fully the objects than was anticipated . AVhen we look at the large sums
collected for the advancement of our three great Charities , we ought to be proud of the Order to which we all belong . I beg to remind you of the festival for the Girls' School on the 11 th of May , ancl I trust it will be well supported . Bro . TOMKIH"S , Grand Treasurer , responded to the toast . The toast of the Grand Stewards for the year was acknowledged by Bro . Leigh .
The G . MASTER gave "The Ladies who have honoured us with their presence , " 'which Avas drank Avith loud cheering , and this toast terminated the proceedings . The vocalists were Madame Parepa , Miss Jane "Wells , Miss Eyles , Bros . Montetn Smith , AValker , Stimpson , Theodore Distin , and AVinn , the music being under the direction of Bro . Jas . Stimpson . Mr . J . Ward performed on the cornet . Bro . Spencer was a most efficient toast-master , and the whole arrangements gave entire satisfaction .
EASTEEN STAE LODGE ! ( No . 95 . )—The last meeting of tlie season was held on Tuesday , April 19 th , at tho Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street ; present , the AV . M ., Bro . F . L . Goode ; Bro . J . How , P . M ., as S . W . ; Bro . Wilkinson , J . W . ; Bros . E . AV . Davis , P . M . ancl Treas ., AV . AV . Daws , H . Gray , J- Marriott , P . Edinge , P . M . 's , and several other brethren . Bro . AA oodhridge was raised to the third degree ; Bros . Ayves and Norway were passed to the second degree ; Mr . Thomas Graves and Mr .
Gerard Hessing were initiated . The business of the loclge having been disposed of , the AV . M . rose and said he had the pleasing duty of presenting to Bro . E . W . Davis the testimonial subscribed for by the members of the Eastern Star Lodge as a memorial of gratitude for the great services he had rendered to the lodge . The present , an elegant silver salver , bearing a suitable inscription , was then handed to Bro . Davis , who , in acknowledgmentsaidalthough he had received on a former
, , occasion the customary jewel presented to the Past Masters , the testimonial of that evening coming from the individual members of the lodge , would ever be preserved by his family . All business being ended , the loclge was closed till October , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet . The following brethren visitors were present : —Bros . D . Law , P . G . S . and P . M . No . 58 ;
C . S . Osborn , P . M . No . 22 ; T . Beard , P . M . No . 172 ; J . Emmens , P . M . ; Alfred How , F . Hooper , AV . G . Drew , A . E . Harris , J . G . Denyer , & c . PRUDENT BEEEHEEN LODGE ( NO . 145 ) . —The last meeting of the season of this flourishing lodge , Avas held on Tuesday , Bro . Carter , W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . Boyd , Graygoose ^ Exall , Hart , Blackburn , and H . G . Warren , P . M . ' s , and a large number of brethren , including several visitors . Two
gentlemen Avere initiated into the Order , the AV . M . performing the ceremony in a most admirable manner . Two brethren were also raised to the third degree . At the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to an elegant banquet , and passed a most agreeable evening , enlivened by the vocal exertions of Bros . Exall , Graygoose , Taylor , ancl others . JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . —This lodge held its last meeting for tbe season at the Freemasons' Tavern on the 15 th instant .
There was a numerous attendance of the members , and the lodge Avas favoured with the company of the following visitors : — Bros . Lerien , No . 4 , Scotland ; Burton , P . M . ; Albert and Nell , of No . 9 ; Blake , 191 ; Owen , 875 ; aud Colclough and Penson , of 1059 ( Bombay ) . The ceremonies , Avhich consisted of passing and raising , Avere performed with the usual accuracy ; the raisings by Bro . Goldsbro ' , P . M . Among the toasts given at
the banquet , that of the Visitors occupied a conspicuous place . In proposing this toast , the AV . M ., Bro . AVm . Hammond , expressed the great gratification lie felt at having among them Bros . Colclough ancl Penson , Avho had only arrived a clay or two before from India , ancl who could give them some information respecting their old and highly esteemed friend and brother the Rev . J . J . Farnham ; he trusted that those brethren on their return to Bombay would assure Bro . Farnham that the Jordan
Lodge continued to feel a lively interest in his welfare , and earnestly desired that the blessings of the G . A . O . T . U . would accompany him in his important undertakings . Their loclge , ever ready and glad to receive the visits of brethren from other lodges , extended more than au ordinary welcome to Bros . Penson ancl Colclough , heartily congratulated them on their safe voyage to England , and thanked them for paying the Jordan
Loclge so early a visit . It Avas also somewhat singular that the loclge should be favoured that evening with the company of Bro . Nell , Avho , after a residence of some years in this country for the purpose of studying the noble art of healing , was now on the eve of returning '_ to Bengal , to consecrate his great talents and extensive attainments to the benefit of his fellowcountrymen . In the name of the loclge he bade Bro . Nell God
Speed . The AV . M . having spoken of the other visitors in appropriate terms , called upon the members of the Jordan Loclge to do honour to the toast . —Bro . Colclough returned thanks on behalf of Bro . Penson and himself . He was very grateful for the kind aud hospitable reception he had met with from the Jordan Lodge , and glad of the opportunity of witnessing the beautiful working of that evening . Ho Avas not much
surprised , after Avhat he had just seen , that Bro . Farnham should he so strongly attached to his mother loclge , and on the other hand he considered that the Jordan Lodge had just reason to be proud of having amongst its members such a talented and genuine Mason . He had met Bro . Farnham on his landing in Bombay five years ago , and had ever since been on the most intimate terms with him , and regarded him as one of the ablest and most enthusiastic Masons in the colony . On their return
to Bombay , in the fall of the year , they should make such a report of what they had seen and heard that evening , as would be highly gratifying to Bro . Farnham and to the Concord Lodge . —Bro . Nell , and the other visitors , also returned thanks . Later in the evening , in speaking to a toast , Bro . Robinson , P . M ., said he could not allow the opportunity to pass without expressing the great pleasure he felt at seeing among them two brethren who had so recently left their esteemed friend Bro .
Farnham in Bombay . He felt a special interest in Bro . Farnham . He was W . M . when their esteemed brother took his departure for India , and had therefore summoned a lodge of emergency to bid him God speed . He had very quickly perceived that Bro . Farnham possessed in an eminent degree the essential qualifications of a good Mason , and had watched his career in India with much interest , ancl with groat gratification to himself . He thanked the AV . M . for the opportunity of
testifying his high esteem for Bro . Farnham , to whom he , in common with the whole lodge , heartily wished success in all his undertakings , and a safe return to his native country . The proceedings were enlivened by some excellent singing , the most interesting being a Singalese song by Bro . Nell , with a running commentarv and translation .
DEVONSHIRE . MOEICE TOWS , DETONPOET . —Lodge St . Aubgn ( No . 954 ) . — An emergent meeting of this lodge Avas held on the evening of Monday last , to ballot for an officer of the navy , noAv serving on board of a ship in port likely to go away . The ballot proving unanimous he Avas duly entered into Freemasonry . The ceremonial Avas performed in that efficient Avay peculiar to the AA . M ., assisted by his Wardens . The brethren adjourned , when a very
interesting conversation took place , and several excellent speeches Avere made . Bro . Rae , a member of the lodge , and S . W . of Loclge Sincerity , saying that the successor of the AV . M . would have a difficult task , folloAving as he Avould upon the footsteps of one of the most accomplished Masters in the Province . Bro . Kent , S . AV ., in proposing the health of the AV . M . followed up the remarks of Bro . Rae . In replying to the toast Bro . Chappiesaid he Avas very pleased to hear such kindly expressions from the brethren , especially as he would so soon vacate that chair ,