Article ST. JOHN AND FREEMASONRY. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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St. John And Freemasonry.
flower of yesterday that bends to every breeze . To hear the voice of God as distinctly in the murmur of the brook , the sighing of the breeze , or in the patter of the rain , as in the whirlwind , the cataract , or the thunder , that , rolling through the dome of Heaven , seems to shake the earth . And amid all , to feel and realize that this Being , Avhose power , majesty , and goodness shine
forth in all these works and doings , is not only the Great Master Builder , the upholder and Governor of all things , but that iu His character of God—merciful , He has provided a way in which Ave , unworthy as we may feel ourselves , can approach and commune Avith Him , as " Our Father in Heaven . " That he not only guides-and controls the orbs that Avheel and career in space ; does
His will and pleasure in the armies of Heaven , and among the nations and inhabitants of the earth ; but equally watches over ancl cares for , the sparrow [ thai , flits from tree to tree , and the angel that flies from Avorld to world ; the meanest insect and the mightiest cherubim . That at peace with Him we are safe ! Enclosed in everlasting arms , and covered with the broad shield of Omnipotence ; Ave can defy even the last enemy ; knowing that he has been conquered , and made the servant of our Great Grand Master .
The bold and lofty eloquence of St . John was the natural out-floAving of a mind and soul thus trained and warned by communion with the Grand Architect of the "Universe , in His own school ; amid the grandeur of His own works aud doings . There , in converse with the angels of the covenant , away from the turmoil and influence of the world , he had learned the will and purpose
of His Maker , " who revealeth His secrets unto His servants , the Prophets . " There he Avaxed strong in spirit , prepared to carry out the purpose of His ministry —to declare and shovr to Israel the truth .
Nothing truly great or noble ever Avas or will be accomplished by human effort , unless commenced aud prosecuted in honest sincerity ; Avith a faith that the object aimed at is right , and a truthful , steadfast purpose to carry it out . Such faith aud purpose , is the grand talisman of success , as well in temporal as in eternal concerns . It is the characteristic of the Hero ,
wherever he has been , or may be found . AVith it , man is a giant ; Avithout it a pigmy . Behold then this youthful , and in the refinements of the polite world , unlearned and unstrained preacher , under the guiding , inspiring and life-giving energy of this principle ; clad in the coarse habiliments of his orderoccupying his pulpit on . the banks of Jordan . His
, church , the great temple of nature ; its pillars of wisdom , strength , and beauty , standing on the world ' s circumference ; its covering , the cloudy canopy or star decked heaven , frescoed by the hand of the Almighty , and illumined with His glory . See him drawing to his ministry , from out of the rich and luxurious cities of
• Judea , the proud , cold and formal Pharisee ; the infidel , philosophic and sneering Sadducee , with vast multitudes of the common people " from Jerusalen and all the region round about Jordan . " Listen to him , as , Avith the one great truth before his prophetic vision— -his mission to prepare the Avay for Him , Avho Avas indeed " the light of the world , " preaching " repentance for remission of sius
with such eloquence and convincing power , " that" all were baptised of him in Jordan confessing their sins . " " Hear him rebuke the multitude , as a generation of vipers ; admonishing them to bring forth fruits meet for repentance , aud no longer to boast of having Abraham for their father ; for that the time had come Avhen appropriate fruit was expected from all who hoped to
escape the fire of God ' s wrath . Especially my brethren let us give heed to his enforcement of the virtues of his order ; exhorting the publicans or taxgatherers to exact no more from the people than had been assessed ; instructing the soldiers not to take advantage of their position and poAver to oppress , or to extort more than Avas due them ; and impressing upon
all men the duties of beneA'olence and charity . And steadily holding to his principles of truth and integrity , forgetting everything but God and duty , see him repudiating the spiritual honours , which a Avonder-stricken and almost worshipping multitude would have conferred upon him ; pointing away from himself and bidding them behold Him " whose shoes he was not worthy to
stoop doAvn and unloose . " " The Lamb . of God who taketh away the sins of the world . " The circumstances attending the close of his short but brilliant life , also exhibit the same unswerving adherence to truth and principle . His fame attracted the notice of Herod , who hearing him , was moved to do many commendable things . But when the
prophettrue to his obligations to rebuke evil—told him that it was not lawful for him to live with Herodias , his brother ' s wife , his ire was roused , and he had him cast into prison , in the tower and castle of Macherus . It is probable that Herod did not intend to take the life of John , as he remained in prison some eighteen months ; but at a birthday entertainmentwhile under the influence of winehe
, , was entrapped by Herodias and her accomplished daughter , to have him beheaded . Eevelation informs us that his disciples took his body and buried it , and went and told Jesus . Tradition says he was buried between Elisha and Obadiah the Prophets . Josephus relates at lavge , the wickedness , both of the marriage of Herod and murder of John ; aud also the dreadful judgments
which soon after fell upon all the parties concerned . Thus ended the earthly career of our brother and patron Saint John the Baptist ; Avhose birthday has ahvays been observed , as well by Ereemasonry as the Church . Like a burning meteor he came from the desert , and for a brief period illumined the wilderness of Judea by his shining . Having finished his mission , he returned to Him Avho sent him , laying aside his raiment of camel's hair and girdle—the regalia of his earthly
lodge—for the robe of purer Avhite , and the palm of victory , in the Grand Lodge above—iu the presence of his Master , whose advent upon earth he was sent to proclaim . The simple virtues he taught , and the plain though comprehensive duties he enjoined upon those who enquired of him , " what shall we do ? " have been the
recognised teachings of Masonry in every age and clime . " Honesty and integrity in all the vocations of lifebenevolence and charity by those who have , to all who have need of this world ' s goods . These teachingsalways right and appropriate—seem to have a peculiar binding force at the present time , Avhen everything connected with mankind appears to be ' -in a state of trouble
and perplexity . The rills of wickedness , hitherto flowing almost unnoticed , gathered into a dark stream , are now overflowing their banks and spreading out in wild disorder . Kingdoms , nations , states ancl families , at war with each other ; sending wailing , misery and death into almost every neighbourhood aud family , causing " hearts to fail for fear and for looking for those things
that are coming on the earth . " At such time it is not only right and proper in all , but especially incumbent upon lis , from whom much is expected , that the bonds of affection and brotherhood be drawn closer together , and the fruit of our teachings be manifest in our work . Not to be seen of men or praised by the outside world , but in the fulfilment of our vows ; in obedience to the
commands of our Master on High . "Wherefore , " said a brother of the past century , " do you carry corn , icwie * and oil in your processions , but to remind you , that in the pilgrimage of human life , you are to impart a portion of your bread to feed the hungry ; to send a cup of your wine to cheer the sorroAvful ; and to pour the healing oil of your consolation , into the wounds Avhich sickness has *
made in the bodies , or affliction rent in the hearts of your fellow-travellers . " Let us then hasten to perform these affectionate services , and to fulfil our law of love : assured that the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
St. John And Freemasonry.
flower of yesterday that bends to every breeze . To hear the voice of God as distinctly in the murmur of the brook , the sighing of the breeze , or in the patter of the rain , as in the whirlwind , the cataract , or the thunder , that , rolling through the dome of Heaven , seems to shake the earth . And amid all , to feel and realize that this Being , Avhose power , majesty , and goodness shine
forth in all these works and doings , is not only the Great Master Builder , the upholder and Governor of all things , but that iu His character of God—merciful , He has provided a way in which Ave , unworthy as we may feel ourselves , can approach and commune Avith Him , as " Our Father in Heaven . " That he not only guides-and controls the orbs that Avheel and career in space ; does
His will and pleasure in the armies of Heaven , and among the nations and inhabitants of the earth ; but equally watches over ancl cares for , the sparrow [ thai , flits from tree to tree , and the angel that flies from Avorld to world ; the meanest insect and the mightiest cherubim . That at peace with Him we are safe ! Enclosed in everlasting arms , and covered with the broad shield of Omnipotence ; Ave can defy even the last enemy ; knowing that he has been conquered , and made the servant of our Great Grand Master .
The bold and lofty eloquence of St . John was the natural out-floAving of a mind and soul thus trained and warned by communion with the Grand Architect of the "Universe , in His own school ; amid the grandeur of His own works aud doings . There , in converse with the angels of the covenant , away from the turmoil and influence of the world , he had learned the will and purpose
of His Maker , " who revealeth His secrets unto His servants , the Prophets . " There he Avaxed strong in spirit , prepared to carry out the purpose of His ministry —to declare and shovr to Israel the truth .
Nothing truly great or noble ever Avas or will be accomplished by human effort , unless commenced aud prosecuted in honest sincerity ; Avith a faith that the object aimed at is right , and a truthful , steadfast purpose to carry it out . Such faith aud purpose , is the grand talisman of success , as well in temporal as in eternal concerns . It is the characteristic of the Hero ,
wherever he has been , or may be found . AVith it , man is a giant ; Avithout it a pigmy . Behold then this youthful , and in the refinements of the polite world , unlearned and unstrained preacher , under the guiding , inspiring and life-giving energy of this principle ; clad in the coarse habiliments of his orderoccupying his pulpit on . the banks of Jordan . His
, church , the great temple of nature ; its pillars of wisdom , strength , and beauty , standing on the world ' s circumference ; its covering , the cloudy canopy or star decked heaven , frescoed by the hand of the Almighty , and illumined with His glory . See him drawing to his ministry , from out of the rich and luxurious cities of
• Judea , the proud , cold and formal Pharisee ; the infidel , philosophic and sneering Sadducee , with vast multitudes of the common people " from Jerusalen and all the region round about Jordan . " Listen to him , as , Avith the one great truth before his prophetic vision— -his mission to prepare the Avay for Him , Avho Avas indeed " the light of the world , " preaching " repentance for remission of sius
with such eloquence and convincing power , " that" all were baptised of him in Jordan confessing their sins . " " Hear him rebuke the multitude , as a generation of vipers ; admonishing them to bring forth fruits meet for repentance , aud no longer to boast of having Abraham for their father ; for that the time had come Avhen appropriate fruit was expected from all who hoped to
escape the fire of God ' s wrath . Especially my brethren let us give heed to his enforcement of the virtues of his order ; exhorting the publicans or taxgatherers to exact no more from the people than had been assessed ; instructing the soldiers not to take advantage of their position and poAver to oppress , or to extort more than Avas due them ; and impressing upon
all men the duties of beneA'olence and charity . And steadily holding to his principles of truth and integrity , forgetting everything but God and duty , see him repudiating the spiritual honours , which a Avonder-stricken and almost worshipping multitude would have conferred upon him ; pointing away from himself and bidding them behold Him " whose shoes he was not worthy to
stoop doAvn and unloose . " " The Lamb . of God who taketh away the sins of the world . " The circumstances attending the close of his short but brilliant life , also exhibit the same unswerving adherence to truth and principle . His fame attracted the notice of Herod , who hearing him , was moved to do many commendable things . But when the
prophettrue to his obligations to rebuke evil—told him that it was not lawful for him to live with Herodias , his brother ' s wife , his ire was roused , and he had him cast into prison , in the tower and castle of Macherus . It is probable that Herod did not intend to take the life of John , as he remained in prison some eighteen months ; but at a birthday entertainmentwhile under the influence of winehe
, , was entrapped by Herodias and her accomplished daughter , to have him beheaded . Eevelation informs us that his disciples took his body and buried it , and went and told Jesus . Tradition says he was buried between Elisha and Obadiah the Prophets . Josephus relates at lavge , the wickedness , both of the marriage of Herod and murder of John ; aud also the dreadful judgments
which soon after fell upon all the parties concerned . Thus ended the earthly career of our brother and patron Saint John the Baptist ; Avhose birthday has ahvays been observed , as well by Ereemasonry as the Church . Like a burning meteor he came from the desert , and for a brief period illumined the wilderness of Judea by his shining . Having finished his mission , he returned to Him Avho sent him , laying aside his raiment of camel's hair and girdle—the regalia of his earthly
lodge—for the robe of purer Avhite , and the palm of victory , in the Grand Lodge above—iu the presence of his Master , whose advent upon earth he was sent to proclaim . The simple virtues he taught , and the plain though comprehensive duties he enjoined upon those who enquired of him , " what shall we do ? " have been the
recognised teachings of Masonry in every age and clime . " Honesty and integrity in all the vocations of lifebenevolence and charity by those who have , to all who have need of this world ' s goods . These teachingsalways right and appropriate—seem to have a peculiar binding force at the present time , Avhen everything connected with mankind appears to be ' -in a state of trouble
and perplexity . The rills of wickedness , hitherto flowing almost unnoticed , gathered into a dark stream , are now overflowing their banks and spreading out in wild disorder . Kingdoms , nations , states ancl families , at war with each other ; sending wailing , misery and death into almost every neighbourhood aud family , causing " hearts to fail for fear and for looking for those things
that are coming on the earth . " At such time it is not only right and proper in all , but especially incumbent upon lis , from whom much is expected , that the bonds of affection and brotherhood be drawn closer together , and the fruit of our teachings be manifest in our work . Not to be seen of men or praised by the outside world , but in the fulfilment of our vows ; in obedience to the
commands of our Master on High . "Wherefore , " said a brother of the past century , " do you carry corn , icwie * and oil in your processions , but to remind you , that in the pilgrimage of human life , you are to impart a portion of your bread to feed the hungry ; to send a cup of your wine to cheer the sorroAvful ; and to pour the healing oil of your consolation , into the wounds Avhich sickness has *
made in the bodies , or affliction rent in the hearts of your fellow-travellers . " Let us then hasten to perform these affectionate services , and to fulfil our law of love : assured that the