Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Grand Treasurer , in the cavity of the lower stone . The following are tho inscriptions : — United Grand Lodge Of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . At a Graud Loilge holden at Freemasons' Hall , on AA ednesday , 27 th April , 1 S 64 , in the 27 th year of the reign of Her Gracious Majesty Queen Alctoria .
This the Foundation-stone of the New Buildings intended to complete FREEAIASONS' HALL , and to be for ever devoted to the purposes of Masonry , was laid in Solemn Form and according to Ancient Usage , hy the Right Hon . Thomas Dundas , Earl of Zetland , Baron Dundas , of Aske , in the county of York , Lord-Lieutenant and Gustos Kotulorum of the North Riding of Yorkshire , K . T ., & c ,
MOST WOESHIFEOT GEAND MASTEE ,-assisted hy The Right Hon . George Frederick Samuel Earl de Grey and Earl of Ripon , A iscount Goderich of Nocton , Baron Grantham of Grantham , in the county of Lincoln , Her Majesty ' s principal Secretary of State for War , DEPUTY GRAND MASTEE ; The Loi'd Skelmersdale , Senior Grand Warden ; Geo . Cornwall Legh , Esq ., M . P ., Junior Grand AVarden ; the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., and the Rev . A . F . A . AVoodford ,
Grand Chaplains ; and in the presence of a numerous body of Grand Officers and Brethren . Bro . Frederick P . Cockerell , Architect , Grand Supt . of Works . Bro . Tliomas Rider , Builder . Building Committee : John Havers , P . J . G . AV ., Chairman . J . Llewellyn Evans , Pres . of Board of General Purposes .
3 oAm Hervey , P . S . & . D . John Savage , P . S . G . D . Joseph Rankin Stebbins-, Vice-Pres . Board of General Purposes . George Plucknett , P . MT , NO . 59 , late 70 . Henry Grissell , AV . M ., No . 2 . William Gray Clarke , Grand Secretary .
Concilio Solenni I Sodalitatis Antiqucc Latomorum Anglian In curia habito V Kal Mail Regnante jam annum xxvii . Regina Victoria , Anno Salutis MDCCCLXIV ., Fvmdamenta hoc lapide posito auspicata Novissimai structura Ad compleraentum harum oedhim destinata ?
, Et studio occulta ; artis Architectonica ; Fratrumque congregationibus in perpetuum dicatic More Majorum et ritibus prescripts jecit Honoratissimus Thomas Comes Zetlandice , Summus Magister . assistentibus Honoratissimo Thoma Frederico Samuole
Comite de Grey et de Ripon , Pro-Magisti'O . Honoratissimo Eclwardo Bootle , Barone de Skelmersdale et Georgio Cornwall Legh , Curatoribus . Reverendo Jobanne'Huyshe , et Reverendo Adolpho Frederico
Alexandre AVoodford , Pontificibus . Neenon plurimo Fratrum concursn , Tve & erico Pepys Cockerell , Architecto . Thoma Rider , Officinatove . Gnl . Gray Clarke , Sodalitati ah Epistolis , VII . viri CEdefieatione prafuere . Fr . Johannes Havers , Curator Emeritus , YI . rirorom prieses .
Fr . Johannes Llewellyn Evans , Syndicatus de-ritus communibus gerendis prefectus . Fr . Johannes Hervey , Diaconus Emeritus . Fr . Johannes Savage , Diaconus Emeritus . Fr . Josephus Rankin Stebbing , Syndicatus supradicti proprefectus . Fr . Georgius Plucknett , Ccetus Numerati LIX olhn LXX - Magister Emeritus . Fr . Henricus Grissell , Ccetus Numerati II . Magister .
The builder then delivered to the Grand Master a most beautiful troAvel , with which the cement was spread and the stone . Avas gradually lowered to its final resting place . The GEAXD MASTEE having proved the stone hy the plumbrule , level , and square , which were successively handed to him by the Junior Grand AVarden , the Senior Grand AVarden , and the
Deputy Grand Master , 5 [ Bro . COCKEEEII , the architect , delivered to the Grand Master the mallet , which Avas the one used by Sir Christopher Wren in laying the foundation-stone of St . Paul ' s Cathedral , and which has since then been preserved by the Lodge of Antiquity , who struck the stone with it three times , and then said— " I pronounce this stone Aveil and truly laid ( which
Avasfollowed by a loud burst of cheering ) , may the Great Architect of the Universe prosper this and all our virtuous undertakings ,, and may he bestow on AAS the blessings of peace , harmony , and plenty , " at tbe same time strewing corn , and pouring wine and . oil over the stone . *
The folloAving ode was then sung by the choir : — Bounteous Creator , from on high direct us , Seeking to raise a temple to thy praise ; May thy good Spirit govern and protect us , "While to thy glory a structure we raise , Thus then combining , hand and heart joining ,. Sing Ave in harmony our Maker ' s praise . Here each fraternal sentiment exciting
, Order promotes our unity and joy : All social bliss receiving and requiting , Peace and affection our hours employ , Thus then combining , hand and heart joining , Long may continue our unity and joy . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . WOODEOED , Grand Chaplain , there amidst the most profound silence delivered the following : —
OEATIOH . Most AVorshipful Grand Master and Grand Wardens , inaccordance with the Avonted order of our ceremonies , proper on such occasions as the present , it becomes my high priA'ilege to address you to-day . AVe are met , as has been most wisely arranged , on our annual festival to lay the foundation ™ stone of that new building for Masonic purposes , which the great increase of our Order has rendered necessaryand
, the ^ exi gencies of our lodge assemblies have for some time imperatively demanded . Eighty-nine years have passed aAvay , since our Masonic forefathers were gathered together , as we are this clay , to lay the foundation-stone of that older Masonic Hall , with Avhich is bound up so much of the past history of Freemasonry in this country , and which must be associated in all our minds with so leasant and happy memories . And when ,
many p , to-day , we are assembled in ] such unusual numbers , to begin this neAV and most important undertaking , it is impossible hut that our thoughts must gratefully revert , Most AVorsliiplul Grand Master , to that wondrous prosperity , which , by Goct ' s blessing , the Craft has enjoyed during the last twenty years under your
wise and able rule . The voice of controversy has long since been hushed , opposing interests have been happily reconciled ,, and our Order , united in the bonds of fraternal union and concord , hails Avith simultaneous gladness , this seasonableopportunity of avowing its unchanged and unchanging fealty to its Grand Master , wh o , representing the vast body of Freemasons ; under the English Constitution , lays this foundation-stone , withfitting to the honour of God Almihty and the
ceremony , g welfare of our ancient Craft . It might , perhaps , he expected that on an occcasion like the present , so interesting in itself , and so important as regards the future Avelfare and interest of our brethren , that I should briefly remind you , both of the dignity we claim for our Order , and of the principles we professas Freemasons . It would , indeed , be impossible for me to enter to-day into a detailed history of Freemasonryto unfold the
, long roll of Masonic antiquity , or to open out the arcana of our time-honoured traditions . Even if time allowed me , Avhich ifc . does not , the task would be rendered more difficult , from the Avell-knoAvn fact that while of late years our attention has _ been Avisely directed to the long-neglected study of Masonic history and archceology , three opposing systems are to be found , amongst Masonic writers , or rather three explanations have been
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Grand Treasurer , in the cavity of the lower stone . The following are tho inscriptions : — United Grand Lodge Of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . At a Graud Loilge holden at Freemasons' Hall , on AA ednesday , 27 th April , 1 S 64 , in the 27 th year of the reign of Her Gracious Majesty Queen Alctoria .
This the Foundation-stone of the New Buildings intended to complete FREEAIASONS' HALL , and to be for ever devoted to the purposes of Masonry , was laid in Solemn Form and according to Ancient Usage , hy the Right Hon . Thomas Dundas , Earl of Zetland , Baron Dundas , of Aske , in the county of York , Lord-Lieutenant and Gustos Kotulorum of the North Riding of Yorkshire , K . T ., & c ,
MOST WOESHIFEOT GEAND MASTEE ,-assisted hy The Right Hon . George Frederick Samuel Earl de Grey and Earl of Ripon , A iscount Goderich of Nocton , Baron Grantham of Grantham , in the county of Lincoln , Her Majesty ' s principal Secretary of State for War , DEPUTY GRAND MASTEE ; The Loi'd Skelmersdale , Senior Grand Warden ; Geo . Cornwall Legh , Esq ., M . P ., Junior Grand AVarden ; the Rev . John Huyshe , M . A ., and the Rev . A . F . A . AVoodford ,
Grand Chaplains ; and in the presence of a numerous body of Grand Officers and Brethren . Bro . Frederick P . Cockerell , Architect , Grand Supt . of Works . Bro . Tliomas Rider , Builder . Building Committee : John Havers , P . J . G . AV ., Chairman . J . Llewellyn Evans , Pres . of Board of General Purposes .
3 oAm Hervey , P . S . & . D . John Savage , P . S . G . D . Joseph Rankin Stebbins-, Vice-Pres . Board of General Purposes . George Plucknett , P . MT , NO . 59 , late 70 . Henry Grissell , AV . M ., No . 2 . William Gray Clarke , Grand Secretary .
Concilio Solenni I Sodalitatis Antiqucc Latomorum Anglian In curia habito V Kal Mail Regnante jam annum xxvii . Regina Victoria , Anno Salutis MDCCCLXIV ., Fvmdamenta hoc lapide posito auspicata Novissimai structura Ad compleraentum harum oedhim destinata ?
, Et studio occulta ; artis Architectonica ; Fratrumque congregationibus in perpetuum dicatic More Majorum et ritibus prescripts jecit Honoratissimus Thomas Comes Zetlandice , Summus Magister . assistentibus Honoratissimo Thoma Frederico Samuole
Comite de Grey et de Ripon , Pro-Magisti'O . Honoratissimo Eclwardo Bootle , Barone de Skelmersdale et Georgio Cornwall Legh , Curatoribus . Reverendo Jobanne'Huyshe , et Reverendo Adolpho Frederico
Alexandre AVoodford , Pontificibus . Neenon plurimo Fratrum concursn , Tve & erico Pepys Cockerell , Architecto . Thoma Rider , Officinatove . Gnl . Gray Clarke , Sodalitati ah Epistolis , VII . viri CEdefieatione prafuere . Fr . Johannes Havers , Curator Emeritus , YI . rirorom prieses .
Fr . Johannes Llewellyn Evans , Syndicatus de-ritus communibus gerendis prefectus . Fr . Johannes Hervey , Diaconus Emeritus . Fr . Johannes Savage , Diaconus Emeritus . Fr . Josephus Rankin Stebbing , Syndicatus supradicti proprefectus . Fr . Georgius Plucknett , Ccetus Numerati LIX olhn LXX - Magister Emeritus . Fr . Henricus Grissell , Ccetus Numerati II . Magister .
The builder then delivered to the Grand Master a most beautiful troAvel , with which the cement was spread and the stone . Avas gradually lowered to its final resting place . The GEAXD MASTEE having proved the stone hy the plumbrule , level , and square , which were successively handed to him by the Junior Grand AVarden , the Senior Grand AVarden , and the
Deputy Grand Master , 5 [ Bro . COCKEEEII , the architect , delivered to the Grand Master the mallet , which Avas the one used by Sir Christopher Wren in laying the foundation-stone of St . Paul ' s Cathedral , and which has since then been preserved by the Lodge of Antiquity , who struck the stone with it three times , and then said— " I pronounce this stone Aveil and truly laid ( which
Avasfollowed by a loud burst of cheering ) , may the Great Architect of the Universe prosper this and all our virtuous undertakings ,, and may he bestow on AAS the blessings of peace , harmony , and plenty , " at tbe same time strewing corn , and pouring wine and . oil over the stone . *
The folloAving ode was then sung by the choir : — Bounteous Creator , from on high direct us , Seeking to raise a temple to thy praise ; May thy good Spirit govern and protect us , "While to thy glory a structure we raise , Thus then combining , hand and heart joining ,. Sing Ave in harmony our Maker ' s praise . Here each fraternal sentiment exciting
, Order promotes our unity and joy : All social bliss receiving and requiting , Peace and affection our hours employ , Thus then combining , hand and heart joining , Long may continue our unity and joy . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . WOODEOED , Grand Chaplain , there amidst the most profound silence delivered the following : —
OEATIOH . Most AVorshipful Grand Master and Grand Wardens , inaccordance with the Avonted order of our ceremonies , proper on such occasions as the present , it becomes my high priA'ilege to address you to-day . AVe are met , as has been most wisely arranged , on our annual festival to lay the foundation ™ stone of that new building for Masonic purposes , which the great increase of our Order has rendered necessaryand
, the ^ exi gencies of our lodge assemblies have for some time imperatively demanded . Eighty-nine years have passed aAvay , since our Masonic forefathers were gathered together , as we are this clay , to lay the foundation-stone of that older Masonic Hall , with Avhich is bound up so much of the past history of Freemasonry in this country , and which must be associated in all our minds with so leasant and happy memories . And when ,
many p , to-day , we are assembled in ] such unusual numbers , to begin this neAV and most important undertaking , it is impossible hut that our thoughts must gratefully revert , Most AVorsliiplul Grand Master , to that wondrous prosperity , which , by Goct ' s blessing , the Craft has enjoyed during the last twenty years under your
wise and able rule . The voice of controversy has long since been hushed , opposing interests have been happily reconciled ,, and our Order , united in the bonds of fraternal union and concord , hails Avith simultaneous gladness , this seasonableopportunity of avowing its unchanged and unchanging fealty to its Grand Master , wh o , representing the vast body of Freemasons ; under the English Constitution , lays this foundation-stone , withfitting to the honour of God Almihty and the
ceremony , g welfare of our ancient Craft . It might , perhaps , he expected that on an occcasion like the present , so interesting in itself , and so important as regards the future Avelfare and interest of our brethren , that I should briefly remind you , both of the dignity we claim for our Order , and of the principles we professas Freemasons . It would , indeed , be impossible for me to enter to-day into a detailed history of Freemasonryto unfold the
, long roll of Masonic antiquity , or to open out the arcana of our time-honoured traditions . Even if time allowed me , Avhich ifc . does not , the task would be rendered more difficult , from the Avell-knoAvn fact that while of late years our attention has _ been Avisely directed to the long-neglected study of Masonic history and archceology , three opposing systems are to be found , amongst Masonic writers , or rather three explanations have been